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Open the Muggy Gate

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Everything posted by Open the Muggy Gate

  1. Open the Muggy Gate

    OAO Sunday Night Heat Thread: 9/4/05

    Carlito did that at a house show Saturday against HBK.
  2. Open the Muggy Gate

    Katrina affects Heidenreich

    That really sucks for them. I hope for the best for Heidenreich, his father, and the victims of this storm.
  3. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    After seeing that GTA stuff, I bet ya Jack Thompson is gonna find SOMETHING here to relate to Grand Theft Auto.
  4. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    Well I guess we can all breath a sigh of relief and get back to our normal duties in life...
  5. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    I was lucky enough to find a 2.69 gas station. I loaded up on that shit. Some of these images are pretty hard to watch. It's tough to see these people standing around screaming at the cameras "Where's our damn bus? We've been here for 3 days. No food...etc...." Slowly, everyone is getting angrier and angrier...
  6. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    Just watching this looting and insanity on CNN... it's just truly unbelieveable. it's really hitting me now that we are witnessing something that will be talked for the longest of times to come. It's mob rule. Some are just going for essentials like clothes, food, etc. Others are going for guns, electronics and anything else they can find that ain't chained down. I just don't know what to say.....
  7. Open the Muggy Gate

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    I tried to see if I could do a Tree of Woe/Van Terminator on No Mercy. The only move I could reach the opponent with while they were in the Woe was the moonsault press. Looked pretty damn cool.
  8. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    The eye of the mighty Katrina at one time. Now that is pretty damn impressive.
  9. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    Has there ever been a time in the past...oh, 20 years or so that ANYWHERE in the US was deemed no man's land or something along those lines? Cause that sounds pretty extreme.
  10. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    I thought New Orleans had gotten spared a bit when it went a bit more right than it was originally thought to go... I was wrong by a long shot. This is really bad. How long will it take for all that water to go away?
  11. Open the Muggy Gate


  12. Open the Muggy Gate

    This week in baseball 8/29 - 9/5

    Kerry Wood out for the year and Czech hasn't run in here and blown up yet? Shocking.
  13. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Chris Masters just won in the main event on RAW and had his music playing at the end of the show... forget taking a drink... take the whole fucking keg.
  14. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    They need to rename Tyson Tomko "Headkicker" give him Dr. Demento's "Boot to the Head" (I think that's the name of it. I could be wrong) for his theme and rename his finisher the BIG FUCKING KICK TO THE HEAD. And whenever he speaks, he'll speak fast like "WhatthefuckI'llkickyourfuckingheadinmotherfucker". Fuck, that's what I'll do on EWR right now...
  15. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Up next... Chris Masters main events. You may go into the corner and cry now.
  16. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I'm kinda worried for Edge. That landing didn't look too good for his sake.
  17. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Lita's breasts have more heat than Matt Hardy right now.
  18. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    so far, we've had a Cabana, a Big Show squash, and divas.... WHAT A NIGHT IT'S GONNA BE FOLKS!
  19. Open the Muggy Gate

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I say Torrie's the submissive. Blonde's always seem more submissive.
  20. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    Aw shit, I didn't see that. Hope we get to see a video of it soon.
  21. Open the Muggy Gate

    Vader signs legends deal

    It's debateable to some... but I still think he was the greatest super heavyweight of all time. He was just absolutely DOMINANT for a great stretch until the almighty Hulk Hogan fucked that up.
  22. Open the Muggy Gate


    The jury is out on this one... I don't know... but I will say PICS. NOW.
  23. Open the Muggy Gate

    Hurricane Katrina

    And there is the most unpopular wrestler in the south right now... This thing looks to be quite the storm. We have a tropical storm watch where I live... I LIVE IN WEST TENNESSEE FOR GOD SAKES. And this thing doesn't look like it's gonna lose a lot of power fast. This looks to be the Andrew or Camile of our generation.
  24. Open the Muggy Gate

    Birchill called up? RAW worker w/ familiar role?

    Man he looks much different than he does in those Monster moment clips.
  25. Open the Muggy Gate

    Favorite Rock Moment

    Rock talking about Kane's face (when he had the mask at the time in 2000) Rock: It looks like an orangatang went ahead, took off Kane's mask, squatted, took a crap, lit that sumbitch on fire, and snuffed it out with football shoes. JR: That's kinda graphic, don't you think?