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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    This has been a good little match so far. It's technically better than the opener, but for some reason I was more fascinated by the concept of Mark Henry having a good match so this one interests me less.
  2. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Orton gave a generic promo. I agree, RVD doesn't give a fuck about this match or that title.
  3. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    I am seriously getting the feeling that this is going to lead to Randy Orton vs Mick Foley at Wrestlemania.
  4. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Why is Stacey happy to have Stone Cold back? Didn't Austin stun her for not liking beer?
  5. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    I like that move assuming the victim doesn't make it overly obvious that he's standing in position for it. Sometimes they really look limp and hurt but other times they look too into it.
  6. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    You know I am! I am one of the few who enjoys Jericho so much more when he's a face.
  7. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    This was one of those matches that all of us are going to like initially, but everyone will somehow be trashing it later this week. Kind of like Undertaker/Brock at No Mercy?
  8. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Not at all. At least **.
  9. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Don't worry, Booker T went over.
  10. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    I'm not disliking this match. It's not great or anything, but it has been watchable thus far.
  11. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    The crowd WANTS to be into this match, but they are sort of forcing it. I would have put Matt Hardy vs Maven first.
  12. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Didn't he last year as well, in that tag title match? Yep,it was the best match on the card as well. Well, THAT's not going to be the same this year. Or at least we HOPE that's not the case this year.
  13. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Is Mark Henry even capable of going any longer than that?
  14. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    The best part about Mark Henry is his entrance music.
  15. SamoaRowe


    The webcast opened with a threatening message to unauthorized users. Think they are catching on that people share passwords?
  16. SamoaRowe

    What will Triple H be wearing tonight at the PPV?

    He should come out wearing the retro DX jersey
  17. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    No, beg for the webcast or wait to rent it later on. Or just sit here and read everyone's hilarious feedback.
  18. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    lol! I totally called that Ivory/Molly match!
  19. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    run in during the guys vs girls match. Yeah, that makes sense... just doesn't seem good enough. At least he's not jobbing to OLM anymore.
  20. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    So... any sign that Matt Hardy will be involved in this PPV at all? Sheesh
  21. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    At least they're giving poor Stevie a break... You would've thought they would have put a women's match in there, just so the title got defended. Yeah, that's why I called a potential Ivory vs Molly match up. I figured that since Lita and Trish are too busy with their tag match, Ivory would be the next in line... does Jacquelyn even still work for WWE?
  22. SamoaRowe


    I already posted about this earlier, but I am serious. Be careful about the screen name and password when trying to view the webcast. This process got screwed up for No Mercy AND Survivor Series and most of us had to go without watching the show.
  23. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    I agree with him, actually. I look at it this way: if Orton has the title, WWE might actually care about it and treat it like it's pretigious. If RVD has it, that won't happen. That's one way of looking at it. I figured as long as Orton is IC Champ, it technically means he won't be getting a main event push for a while longer too. You and CC are making sense, very good. Also if RVD looses it he'll be able to go to the main even, really...I'm serious. Uh huh. HA! I've given up on that dream for a while now. I had that dream once too. I still remember how it all got flushed away at Unforgiven 2002. ::sigh:: It might happen again, WWE seems rather intent on keeping RVD under contract and he is being rather picky with the negotiations...
  24. SamoaRowe

    Question about Explicit Contet stickers

    Yeah, it definitly is just a joke. I have never seen that on any other album I've had with a "Parental Advisory." I hate it when there is a little note next to the PA that says "Edited Version Also Available." Now THAT really ruins the cover for me.
  25. SamoaRowe

    Bands you recentley discovered....

    I've known of this band for a while but I didn't really get into them until lately. They are Senses Fail, they have an excellent E.P. out that I just bought today for five bucks.