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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    WWE plans "Escape the Rules" ad campaign

    I guess it's too early to tell if this is going to suck or not, but knowing the current trend with all things WWE, it's going to rot.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Wrestlers getting beat by their own signature

    I know Rock has, and I am sure Austin has had to at some point. I'm fairly certain Kurt Angle and Undertaker have too. Don't hold me to it though.
  3. SamoaRowe

    George Clinton Arrested for Cocaine

    It's what makes the picture unintentionally funny... No kidding. He looks as if he's having a grand old time. I could just picture him kidding around with the officers and signing autographs.
  4. SamoaRowe

    Rosa Parks to sue Outkast.

    Sounds pretty frivolous to me. It would be one thing if the song said stuff like "Rosa Parks was da ultimate bitch" or something of that nature... ... sheesh, she should be thanking Outkast for keeping her memory alive.
  5. SamoaRowe

    Whitney Houston Says Husband Struck Her

    Ha, I was just waiting for this report to show up someday. Ever since I heard their sickening duet, I thought to myself "ten bucks sez he hits her." Not that I'm saying domestic abuse is a good thing, it's just somewhat entertaining when it happens to celebrities as dumb as these people.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Ben Affleck Not Interested In Daredevil 2

    I liked the first movie and I liked Affleck as Daredevil. I can't believe his ego is so out of whack that he thinks he's above doing a sequel though. Daredevil made 100 million at the box office, while his other venture this year (Gigli) wasn't even seen by 100 people. And that new John Woo film doesn't look like a hit to me either.
  7. SamoaRowe

    Bryan Singer In Talks To Direct X-Men 3

    I would totally mark out for Dazzler! Yeah, didn't you love Colossus in X2? Why couldn't Wolverine have allowed him to help with the intruders! That would have been so awesome to see Wolverine and Colossus in action together on the big screen, and would have totally made up for my anger over the first X-Men film.
  8. SamoaRowe

    Best Songs You Have Seen Live

    Funny thing, when I saw Ra play live, the crowd was totally into them and they put on an awesome show. I was lucky enough to be in the front as well, they did great. The song of the night was definitly "Rectifier." Unloco is another good live band. Been fortunate enough to see Tool on two occasions, everything they play is gold. "Perfect Shade of Green" by Incubus set the Verizon Wireless on fire. Umm... Tomahawk sucked live.
  9. SamoaRowe

    George Clinton Arrested for Cocaine

    Well, if this isn't the shocker of the year...
  10. SamoaRowe

    Rosa Parks to sue Outkast.

    What's up with all of these suddne lawsuits over things that have been in place for a long time? That song came out quite a bit ago.
  11. SamoaRowe

    The best of 2003

    Didn't buy too many albums this year, but I heard several. Out of them, I liked the best were.... 1) Radiohead: Hail To The Theif 2) Cold- Year of the Spider 3) Korn- Take a Look In The Mirror 4) Trapt (the album is much better than the singles would imply) 5) Ben Folds- Speed Graphic and Sunny 16 (two E.P.s that absolutely ruled!)
  12. SamoaRowe

    Best Live Album

    I'm enjoying listening to the numerous Pearl Jam live cds on Rhapsody at any given time. It's scary how much fun it can be to compare how "Daughter" sounds on six different recordings.
  13. SamoaRowe

    Update On Status Of TNA Video Game

    Yeah, but that was different from a WWE game b/c it featured rappers fighting. This will be a wrestling game similar to the WWE ones, except it will feature mainly people who the general public does not know. I personally can't see it being successful. I don't care if it's successful or not, I just want a TNA game!!
  14. SamoaRowe

    Abercrombie & Fitch Problems

    Just for the record, one of my managers at Best Buy also works at Abercrombie and Fitch. She is 20, has blonde hair, blue eyes, and is in great shape. On further note, if this were to happen to any other company, I'd be telling people to stop whining. But this is Abercrombie and Fitch we're talking about, so they can burn in hell.
  15. SamoaRowe

    DVD Releases

    Me neither. I will laugh at any customer I have at Best Buy who tries buying it.
  16. SamoaRowe

    Weekend Boxoffice report

    A remake of a Patrick Dempsey movie going to be #1 that is one scarey thought. It shall be #3 if that high. Well, it seems like the type of annoying bad movie that will do really well for the sole reason of spiting me. That's why I believe it to be a good pick for number one next week.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Malice aka Gigantes found dead

    Well, this is rather depressing. It doesn't matter how many wrestlers die, it is still sad to me. R.I.P. Jerry
  18. SamoaRowe

    Bryan Singer In Talks To Direct X-Men 3

    As an X-Men fan since the age of seven years old, here's my two cents... 1) Storm is not required for the next movie. I hate how Storm was portrayed in the movies, Berry made her waaaay too sassy and cold. That's not the Storm I remember from the comics and/or the tv show. 2) Mardsen as Cyclops works fine for me. Call him wooden all you want, but that's just how Cyclops is in the comic. 3) Jackman as Wolverine works perfectly, yet if they can't get him back for X3, just write him out of the movie and bring in GAMBIT! He would be a perfect replacement as a lead tough guy and if they got him right, he could be a huge draw. 4) Stewart and McKellen NEED to stay. It's too late for them to back out now. 5) Ice Man and Rogue need to be full-fledged X-Men by the next one. Maybe we can even have a Ms. Marvel (or similar character) in the movie to give Rogue some flying and super strength abilities. 6) As far as villains go, I'd really be happy if more of them showed up. I'd be curious to see Mr. Sinister and Omega Red, specifically. I'll post more when I think of it.
  19. SamoaRowe

    Weekend Boxoffice report

    I'm going to be cynical and make a prediction: Next week... 1) Love Don't Cost A Thing 2) The Last Samuria 3) Something's Gotta Give 4) Stuck On You 5) Elf
  20. SamoaRowe

    Early Buyrate For WWE Survivor Series

    I'm impressed that it even did that well by this point.
  21. SamoaRowe

    41 more sued over music downloads

    what is the file size man? If its a lousy 3MB MP3 file, it's anything but CD quality. The MP3 compresses the audio so badly, it's disgusting Rhapsody does not involve you downloading the actual song, it just gives you access to listen to it whenever your little heart might so desire. And it's CD quality because I say it is. It means that when I listen to it, it sounds perfect, with no scratches, static, loops, or other quirks that come up in most mp3s on Kazaa.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Why does everyone hate Mario?

    I came in here hoping to see a debate over why so many people disliked a fat plumber who takes too much mushrooms.
  23. Breaking the Waves Philadelphia Umm.... that's about it...
  24. SamoaRowe

    How many of you...

    I am 19 and my college is twenty minutes from home, so I just commute. However, I buy much of my own food (except when my mom makes "family dinners") and I am saving up so I can be out of here potentially by next year. What makes me want to stay at home right now is that it is free, I have unlimited access to cable and internet, and I'm still close to most of my friends. I'm mostly content right now, so it's all good. In a year or two, I will be out of here though. I just want to be somewhat independent.
  25. SamoaRowe

    Grammy Nominees Announced

    Acoustic rock is good and all but when has Pink ever done that? Every song I have heard from her has been pop-rock or light hip hop. Ah well, a few years ago at the American Music Awards, the nominees for Best Rock Artist were Will Smith, Backstreet Boys, and some other non-rocker...