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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    I feel sorry for those who will still be at the Supermarket to get fed to the locusts. It's one thing to go Xmas shopping on Black Friday for stuff that you don't really need, but when you try going grocery shopping for essentials, the crowds just become all the more infuriating. I went Xmas shopping on Black Friday two years ago just because it was the first Xmas where I was driving. I didn't really care much, I just wanted to see the spectacle and make fun of people. This year I shall keep a straight face while at my register, but I'll be secretly wishing a blizzard the entire time.
  2. SamoaRowe

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    Wow, I guess the holidays bring SOME good things. My friday is pretty much working from 5 am until 2 pm. I'm a cashier and the expected line is going to circle around the entire store 2-3 times. Fortunately, there are going to be seven cashiers at all times, but it is still going to suck. Anyone else praying for snow this weekend?
  3. SamoaRowe

    Fred Durst Gets His Face Busted Open

    Maybe that person just wanted to see Korn perform.
  4. SamoaRowe

    The Dames Appreciation Thread

    Dames, This board has filled that empty void in my life. I thank you.
  5. SamoaRowe

    TNA From The Inside

    Haha, wouldn't it be great if Dave O'Neil was one of those fans with a strap? I could picture him flying over to Nashville just to get his hands on Jarrett
  6. SamoaRowe

    WWE controversy, Trish on OTR and Flair overseas

    I don't know what the feminists are so upset about. Nothing the women have done as of late have been all that offensive or anything. It would be hard to make an argument about Vince raping Sable too. Maybe they are still upset about the time Vince made Trish bark like a dog and disrobe in the ring. If so, get over it... that was over two years ago.
  7. SamoaRowe

    Super News About TNA

    Most of those who report that morale is so low everywhere really have credibility. Whenever they give uncredited quotes, I get the impression that the newswriter wrote the quote himself. If these newslists were covering any other subject besides wrestling, they would be a laughing stock.
  8. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Paul "Triple H" Levesque Hate Thread

    Whoa, whoa whoa! There is already an anti-Triple H thread up, so why is this necessary? I've already gotten my disliking of him off my chest. Further more, most of my reasons for disliking the guy are old reasons. My hate is pretty low at this period in time, so I don't really have anything more to contribute here.
  9. SamoaRowe

    WHY does HHH suck?

    Steiner kinda buried himself. I mean, the No Way Out match was 30% Hunter's fault, 70% Steiner. Yeah, that's pretty accurate. I just wanted another name to add to the list so I could make my case
  10. SamoaRowe

    Super News About TNA

    Oh, they are? Thanks for the head's up. I don't think I'll mind that too much seeing as they are insanely easy in SYM.
  11. SamoaRowe

    WHY does HHH suck?

    Yeah, this is an old topic that never seems to go away. It will be a really scary day when anti-Triple H threads stop appearing.
  12. SamoaRowe

    The "Penis Suplex"

    LoL! Yeah, there are many interesting stories I'll have waiting for my grandkids. I already tell that one to younger wrestling fans just to see their reactions. It's priceless.
  13. SamoaRowe

    WHY does HHH suck?

    Since coming back from his quad injury he has been successful in burying Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley (during his singles push) among others. Other than that, his matches have been less than spectacular.
  14. SamoaRowe

    Who is smark-proof?

    How about Droz? Nobody really says anything bad about him due to the circumstances of his current condition. Then again, no one seems to hold that against D'Lo Brown either.
  15. SamoaRowe

    3 TNA stars going to England for XWrestling

    All I remember of Bigelow now is his last months in WCW where he jobbed to Shawn Stasiak. haha!
  16. SamoaRowe

    Super News About TNA

    LoL! Well, when I eventually get HCTP, I'll probably do the same if the basic matches can become that violent. In the meantime I still enjoy the simple joys of beating an idiot over the head with a ladder
  17. SamoaRowe

    Who is smark-proof?

    I fucking hate him. Okay, that answers my question... ... I would hate him too, it's just that he's way too talented
  18. SamoaRowe

    Super News About TNA

    Haha, that sounds like a good time. I used to create wrestlers based on people I didn't like on my No Mercy game for the N64. I'd come home after a bad day and challenge them to ladder matches.
  19. SamoaRowe

    WHY do you enjoy Nwa Tna ???

    Yeah, 2000 was a much better year as far as quality goes than any year since. Let us compare PPVs. Royal Rumble 2000 vs Royal Rumble 2003 2000 had Foley/HHH in what's considered to be a hardcore classic. 2003 had Angle/Benoit in what's considered to be an all-time classic. Winner: 2003 No Way Out 2000 vs No Way Out 2003 2000 had Big Show upsetting The Rock and HHH retiring Mick Foley in a good HIAC match. 2003 had The Rock beating Hulk Hogan and Triple H beating Scott Steiner in two somewhat watchable matches. Winner: 2000 WrestleMania 2000 vs WrestleMania X9 2000 had a good triangle ladder match between three hot tag teams (Edge/Christian, Hardyz, Dudleyz), an outstanding triple threat with three "future main eventers" (Jericho, Benoit, Angle) and a fatal four way that boasted "A McMahon in every corner!" (Rock/HHH/Big Show/Foley). X9 had a final battle between The Rock and Stone Cold, an awesome HBK/Y2J battle, two 50 year old men punching each other (McMahon/Hogan) and one of the most dramatic world title matches ever (Lesnar/Angle). Winner: 2003 Backlash 2000 vs Backlash 2003 2000 had a great HHH/Rock main event. It also featured an awesome Jericho/Benoit match and a rare treat in Essa Rios vs Eddie Guerrero. 2003 had a great Los Guerreros vs Team Angle match... and that's about it. Oh yeah, Goldberg got booed out of the building in his debut match against The Rock. Winner: 2000 Judgement Day 2000 vs Judgement Day 2003 2000 had an Iron Man match between The Rock and Triple H, who were in the midst of an awesome rivalry. There was another Jericho/Benoit match that continued a feud where both guys were getting over. 2003 had a stretcher match between The Big Show and Brock Lesnar and Raw's main event was Kevin Nash returning to a main event position against Triple H. There was a critically acclaimed Team Angle vs Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri ladder match, but that couldn't save an aweful card. Winner: 2000 King of The Ring 2000 vs Badd Blood 2003 2000: One of the lesser PPVs from 2000. Fun main event with The Rock, Undertaker, and Kane taking on Triple H, Shane McMahon, and Vince McMahon. Kurt Angle wins the KOTR tournament by beating Rikishi in the finals. Badd Blood: Watchable HIAC between Kevin Nash and Triple H. Fun HBK/Ric Flair bout and another watchable Goldberg vs Chris Jericho match. Winner: 2000 Fully Loaded 2000 vs Vengeance 2003 2000: Awesome Rock vs Benoit and Jericho vs Triple H matches! Both were **** classics! Other good matches included Saturn vs Guerrero and Undertaker vs Kurt Angle. Great heat all around! 2003: Another winner! Awesome Guerrero vs Benoit, WGTT vs Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman, John Cena vs Undertaker, and Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar and the Big Show. July is typically a good month for WWE ppvs. Winner: 2003 (barely) Summerslam 2000 vs Summerslam 2003 2000: First ever TLC match becomes **** classic. Also a good triple threat between The Rock, Triple H, and Kurt Angle main eventing his first ppv. 2003: Elimination chamber match featuring Triple H, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and Shawn Michaels. Horrible finish with Triple H getting one bit of offense (sledgehammer shot) in on Goldberg and winning. Winner: 2000 Unforgiven 2000 vs Unforgiven 2003 2000: The Rock retains WWF title against Chris Benoit, Undertaker, and Kane. Triple H pins Kurt Angle earlier on the show as well. 2003: Goldberg ends Triple H's reign of terror and becomes World Champion. Kane also gets a fluke victory over Shane McMahon. Winner: 2000 No Mercy 2000 vs No Mercy 2003 2000: Kurt Angle beats The Rock for his first WWF Championship. Triple H also beats Chris Benoit. Stone Cold also makes his in ring return to completely destroy Rikishi. 2003: Brock Lesnar retains WWE Championship against Undertaker in a biker chain match. Vince McMahon also defeats his daughter to send her off tv for a while. Kurt Angle goes over John Cena and Big Show beats Eddie Guerrero for U.S. title. Winner: 2000 Survivor Series 2000 vs Survivor Series 2003 2000: Stone Cold drops a car with Triple H inside from about 30 feet in the air, which sends Triple H away from tv for a few weeks. Worst ending ever. Meanwhile, Kurt Angle retains WWF title against Undertaker, with help from Eric Angle posing as a double. The Rock also defeats Rikishi. 2003: Eric Bischoff's team defeats Stone Cold's team, which sends Austin off of tv. Vince McMahon beats Undertaker in a buried alive match and Goldberg retains his World title against Triple H. In the Smackdown elimination match, John Cena gives The Big Show an FU and Chris Benoit makes Brock Lesnar tap out. Winner: 2003 That gives 2003 four victories in my book. Let's see if Armegeddon this year can top 2000's Six man HIAC and Jericho/Kane last man standing match.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Super News About TNA

    That would be a hilarious storyline for TNA to use... Irish assasin comes in to kill Jarrett for "burying" Raven. I'd pay to see that!
  21. SamoaRowe

    Super News About TNA

    I can understand why people don't like Jeff Jarrett. I didn't even realize that I liked the guy until the past few months. Anyway, I have mixed feelings about Dutch Mantell. As much as I like consistency in my wrestling shows, I also don't like paying ten bucks to see buildup to something cool that is going to happen on a later date. And I've had enough of Michael Shane as X Champ. Off topic, maybe, but he's had that damn title long enough. -Hail Sabin.
  22. SamoaRowe

    WHY do you enjoy Nwa Tna ???

    2003 has definitly been better all around than 2002. Then again, 2002 was only good from about July until November.
  23. SamoaRowe

    Who is smark-proof?

    When was the last time someone bashed AJ Styles?
  24. SamoaRowe

    Super News About TNA

    Yeah, last night i was watching an old TNA episode I taped, and it featured Jeff Jarrett and Bruce vs Herbie Sadler and BG James. It wasn't even close to being the main event and Sadler pinned Bruce in the match. I have nothing against Jeff Jarrett. He is entertaining and he's been a good champion.
  25. SamoaRowe

    WHY do you enjoy Nwa Tna ???

    Raw was extremely entertaining throughout 2000. A lot of new stars emerged, but didn't quite get to the top (Benoit, Guerrero, Tazz) and every show had me anticipating the next one. I waited on the edge of my seat all day because I could not wait to watch wrestling at night! Nowadays, I frequently forget that Smackdown is even on.