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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

    I would not mind if Dreamer was not resigned. Why? Because I would mark out like a moron for his TNA debut! Ditto for RVD and Goldust.
  2. SamoaRowe

    The absence of the second half transitional champ

    Technically, he would be. Kane only held the WWE/F title, and even then it was only for 24 hours before Austin won it back from him. He's never held the World/WCW title... I refuse to consider the current Raw title the old WCW title. In my eyes, the only people who have held that "World Heaveyweight" title have been Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Goldberg.
  3. SamoaRowe

    WHY do you enjoy Nwa Tna ???

    Hmm... let me think... 1) It's an alternative to the WWE. You cannot argue that at all. 2) AJ Styles and Raven are my two current favorite faces. Regardless of what some people think, Jeff Jarrett is a great heel as well. The characters in TNA are well established and not made to look foolish (with exception of David Young). 3) There are no McMahons. 4) The matches are given more time. 5) The X Division 6) Abyss is the best hoss to come along in a long time. 7) Many independent stars are featured as being more than jobbers like they are on Velocity and Heat. 8) I don't usually get to order it every week (except for the past three weeks) so when I do get the show, it's sort of a special occasion. 9) The Asylum has an intimate (if not trashy) feel to it. 10) TNA makes me feel like a young wrestling fan all over again.
  4. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Big Show's about a hundred times better than Jones. True. And John Cena is 100 times better than half the people on this board give him credit for.
  5. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    This has been a tremendous match thus far, considering that the Big Show is involved.
  6. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    That could actually be entertaining, since most of the wrestlers in the game are better workers than in real life. Yeah, no kidding. Where else can Kevin Nash have a **** match?
  7. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    It would be a little awkward if they were still wearing their Team Angle attire though
  8. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    The crowd is happy to see Los Guerreros, at least. I expect they will be into the main event as well.
  9. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Kane needs to find himself a new mask so he'll stand out again. After seeing Bradshaw, A-Train, Nathan Jones, Brock Lesnar, Matt Morgan, and Big Show, Kane sort of looks like "just another hoss" now.
  10. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Hey, as long as we can at least pretend that Jones has heat, the segment improves.
  11. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    If Benoit can make this match good, then Benoit truly is the greatest wrestler in the world today.
  12. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    That wasn't the worst squash I've ever seen. That was better than the old Batista vs Spike/Justin Credible matches, not to mention superior to most of Rodney Mack's white boy challenges.
  13. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Wow... the WWE stopped at nothing to make Matt Morgan the most generic hoss of them all. His music, his look, his style... nothing original and/or special. I hope he can at least put on an entertaining squash.
  14. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Hehe, I think it's funny. Having Paul Heyman there with his reaction more than justified it
  15. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Haha, those crazy Bashams... Shaniqua actually looked hot there...
  16. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Yeah, no kidding. I missed it the first time cuz I was typing but I just saw the replay. That guy can sure bump.
  17. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    I'm glad to see that Yang is still a great worker and the WWE didn't dumb him down. I could see him being a big time player with some time.
  18. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Yeah but if they hadn't changed Bane and Seven we would have never had....FERTIG!!! Fertig... by Gawd, you're right! It's brilliant! Where can I get my Fertig t-shirt?!?!
  19. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Was "Yang" not a marketable name or something? I guess "Bane" and "Seven" would never have worked either...
  20. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Oooh... Rey vs Yang? I hope this gets some time.
  21. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    On a side note, Jeff Jarrett was portrayed perfectly tonight. He played the perfect heel, so there!
  22. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    I just finished watching the show. I was very impressed this week, far better than last week's snoozefest. I was interested in most of the matches and highly entertained. The show loses points for that atrocious ending to the Tag Title match. That "both shoulders down" angle has already been shot to shit.
  23. SamoaRowe

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    Damn, damn damn... you guys leave me no choice but to get the show this week out of sheer curiosity...
  24. It'll most likely be Carly Colon and someone esle that they pick up. They already passed on Juvy Yeah, Juvi doesn't exactly have the best reputation in the business. Anyone remember when he got fired from WCW by stripping himself naked in a hotel lobby while on an acid trip?
  25. SamoaRowe

    The Neutral President's Shit-List

    I didn't make the list... hmm, just means I need to try harder...