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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    Worst Show You've Ever Been To

    Skid Row in 2005. ::shudders::
  2. SamoaRowe

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Is Pillman/Liger from Superbrawl 92 in this thread somewhere? I feel like it was, and now a buddy online is freaking out at me for not having seen it .
  3. SamoaRowe

    Buying a New System -- Need Advice

    Xbox 360 isn't quite my cup of tea, and the hardware tends to be faulty, but the library of games available for the system is impressive. I love the Wii. Just all around fun and the game library is quite good too. There's not much appealing stuff on the PS3 that you couldn't get on the 360, so that one seems like the obvious loser.
  4. SamoaRowe

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    I'm on a classic punk kick right now.
  5. SamoaRowe

    No Way Out

    When has that logic ever been used by WWE? The most unimportant matches on cards usually are placed between the important matches to let the crowd cool off. It's sad that this is what the ECW title has come to.
  6. SamoaRowe

    The Game Your Most Looking Froward To

    Mario Kart Wii, hand's down.
  7. SamoaRowe

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    That's how I felt a month or so ago during a Kelly/Layla match, where they were botching spots left and right and Styles was making a big deal over how "impressive" Kelly was when she was grabbing Layla by the hair and knocking her head into the mat repeatedly. You know, the same spot that every diva search reject can do? It was depressingly funny to me.
  8. SamoaRowe

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    That's really disappointing to hear. From my understandings, he's been a high point of the current developmental crop. I'm sure his dad can afford the bail. Oh come on like I wasn't the only one lame enough to come up with that. Nope, but I wish I had.
  9. SamoaRowe

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Not is it the best Cena shirt in a while, but best WWE shirt in general for a long time. I think I need this!
  10. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, he does. They should star in a sitcom together, as themselves.
  11. SamoaRowe

    PlayStation 3

    My PS2 that I've had since 2002 is about to die. I'm thinking I want to just replace it with a slim PS2, though a part of me feels like it might be smarter just to get a PS3 instead. The two things holding me back from that is 1) it's expensive and 2) only the 40g (no backwards compatibility) is available right now.
  12. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Who wouldn't want to conserve, besides most of these "true conservatives," who see no need to conserve anything (energy, green space, animals, the constitution)? I'm glad that Marvin has finally heard the call that so many oppressed white males in this country receive when they're in their early to mid-20s and decide that they're tired of being held back and told what dismissive terms for minorities they can use, how fuel-efficient their cars have to be, and that they have to wear helmets on motorcycles in case their pointy heads get stuck in the pavement. They cook up great catchphrases like "nanny state," "liberal media," and my personal favorite, "homicide bomber." It's a shame that everyone's dumping on you for fervently supporting a man with such impressive political credentials as having his own radio and television shows. Still, Mr. Beck is a man who stands up for the things that we, as real Americans, want. Americans are TIRED(!) of a non-torture policy that dates back to the Revolution. Americans are SICK(!) of people hopping across OUR BORDER with another country to take jobs that most Americans deem unfit for themselves. Americans are FED UP(!) with the notion that campaign finances have to be transparent and subject to increased oversight. I don't know about you, or the guy next to you, but Americans are NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE. All Marvin wants is genuine political leadership that speaks to the sensibilities of our time. We're at war, there's no time for whiny liberalism. This is a time for regular guys to stand up and say "I AM THE MASTER OF THE WOMB!" How dare these radical, pseudo-terrorist nutjobs take our country from us. I'll bet they'd enjoy watching Osama bin Laden rape your wife while you attempt to defend your home with spitballs since the govermnent took away your assault rifle. After that, they'd let a Mexican go do their job for them while they receive a big, fat glazed ham from their local welfare office every day. Every single day, another ham that YOU have to pay for because you actually work for and pay taxes on your delicious pork-based dinner. And this McCain clown actually found fault with the '01 and '03 tax cuts. This must mean that he endorses your wallet being handed over to the IRS every day. Less taxes are good because we can always print more money to pay for things, and people get to keep more of their own! This would let them go out and stimulate the economy if only the Mexicans hadn't taken all of our jobs and Arabs hadn't blown up all of our buildings. This is about Americans versus a four-pronged assault from people with dark skin who want our jobs, dark-skinned people who want to blow us up, hippies who want us to respect the planet that GOD HIMSELF gave us, and icky poor people. This is the struggle of the 21st century, one that will last generations and generations, perhaps even into the 22nd century. The nonsense must end here. Picking on Marvin, I swear. You all ought to be ashamed. ****3/4 This thread just became about ten times more awesome. And that Jonah Goldberg guy came off as a major tool when he was on The Daily Show, plugging that book. He couldn't explain his ideas to save his life.
  13. SamoaRowe

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    That's really disappointing to hear. From my understandings, he's been a high point of the current developmental crop.
  14. SamoaRowe

    No Way Out

    Yeah, that's true. I was 100% sold on Triple H winning the EC until he missed the last two Raw's (due to family issues, I know) and then Hardy went over HBK cleanly and all. I must say, that's some solid booking on WWE's part (it feels good to be able to say that for once).
  15. SamoaRowe

    No Way Out

    Ah, I see. Even with that in mind, I believe that if Cena is winning the belt, it will go on last anyways, as that would be finalizing the 'Mania main event as well, wouldn't it? I wouldn't be shocked or opposed to the Raw EC main eventing though, I could go either way, I just think the planned results for the WWE title match should be a consideration to how WWE lays out the card.
  16. SamoaRowe

    No Way Out

    When was the last time Triple H main evented a pay-per-view anyway? No Mercy? And that was only because Cena got hurt.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Grab the nearest book

    Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett. It's my girlfriend's.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Who here hasn't changed their screen name?

    Same here. I use a different name at every other board I go to, I'm just too lazy to set up a change here.
  19. SamoaRowe

    No Way Out

    If Cena is going to win the title, that match should go on last. If Cena is going to get screwed or win by DQ, then the Raw EC should go on last.
  20. SamoaRowe

    What songs should be banned?

    I'd be happy never hearing "Lightning Crashes" again. I never want to hear "Old-Time Rock n Roll" at another wedding again. Or most traditional wedding songs for that matter. If I get married, I'm going to have a notebook full of songs that the DJ is outlawed from playing. I've also had enough of anything the Black Eyed Peas have ever done. Fergie's solo work is almost there too.
  21. SamoaRowe


    Also, as I discovered at work last night, Best Buy is actually taking preorders on Smash Bros. You have to ask a salesman in the department or find it on the shelf though, the cashiers won't be hounding you for them.
  22. SamoaRowe


    I promise you, if you go to Best Buy the day the games come out, you'll get it. I don't think my store has sold out of a big new release video game on the first day since Gears of War.
  23. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Yep, too bad. Right now the Daily Show is running a segment calling Romney a douche, and after some of the shit he said in that speech, I'm in strong agreement with them.
  24. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    "Both sides"? If you consider the two sides to be: 1. scientists 2. oil companies & right wing radio hosts Yeah, and one side is supported by scientific research and the other side just likes to disagree with any and all "liberal" concepts.