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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    Another Wrestling Promotion On TV

    Jordan/Heidenreich at Judgment Day last year was fairly unoffensive, so this may work.
  2. The show sounds like it was pure and utter shit. I'm glad Edge retained though.
  3. WWE Title, "Championship changes hands on a DQ" Match Edge (with Lita) .VS. John Cena. Winner: John Cena. World Heavyweight Title Match King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) .VS. Batista. Winner: Batista by DQ ECW World Heavyweight Title Match The Big Show .VS. Sabu. Winner: The Big Show. "Legend .VS. Legend Killer" Match Hulk Hogan .VS. Randy Orton. Winner: Randy Orton Tag Team Match DX .VS. Vince & Shane McMahon. Winners: DX. "I Quit" Match Mick Foley .VS. Ric Flair. Winner: Mick Foley. Singles Match Rey Mysterio .VS. Chavo Guerrero. Winner: Chavo Guerrero
  4. I agree with Taker/Flair. I think people have forgotten Evolution vs. Rock and Sock from WMXX. As far as pure fun goes, there is few greater than that match, especially the Rock/Flair spots. I also really enjoyed Benoit/JBL from this year's Wrestlemania. It wasn't a classic or anything, but I felt like it went unappreciated.
  5. SamoaRowe

    AWA Superclash 8/12/06 Results

    I never get depressed when I hear an indy show had a good turnout, regardless of the card and circumstances.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Plans for Edge vs. Cena, Trish and Lita; news on HBK and MNM

    The scientology gimmick would've made sense for MNM, since they were perceived as being pals with celebrities, and scientology seems to be all the rage in Hollywood. It could've been fun, especially to see who it offended.
  7. SamoaRowe

    Jeff Hardy re-signed by WWE

    Oh yes. I was there live for that match, and I was shocked at how many of the marks in attendance thought Hardy might actually win. It was quite the spectacle.
  8. I went to an ECW house show on Saturday and there was absolutely no Raw or Smackdown merchandise for sale. I picked up a pretty sweet Tommy Dreamer shirt though.
  9. SamoaRowe

    WWECW Report Fitchburg, MA

    This sounds almost exactly like the show I went to in Durham, NH. Only that show had Balls Mahoney squashing some Carlito-esque heel jobber, and a couple of no names beating the FBI. Other than that, sounds like the exact same show. Oh, and there were only about 300 fans at this one too.
  10. SamoaRowe

    TNA to run a show in WWE's backyard

    TNA should do a show at the Whittemore Center at the University of NH. It's a small arena that would be more appropriate for the type of business they'd be expecting. That and it's forty minutes from my home.
  11. SamoaRowe

    TNA to run a show in WWE's backyard

    Nice! I live in NH and may be able to drive to that.
  12. I haven't heard of a WWE live event drawing under 1000 in a few years now. In fact, lately I've heard that live attendance has been on the (gradual) rise again.
  13. SamoaRowe

    What is TNAs Financial Situation?

    I'm not a big Jarrett supporter, but when he has been positioned as a main eventer for the past seven years (in WCW and then later in TNA) he is no longer a career midcarder.
  14. SamoaRowe

    Someone hates K-fed.....

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he said!
  15. SamoaRowe

    ROH WM Weekend Night 2

    Every ROH show from WrestleMania weekend sound like must-own DVDs. I just hope my wallet can handle it.
  16. Stephanie McMahon is the most obvious choice. The shows started sucking when she took over the creative team and she went off and married Triple H. Fuck Stephanie.
  17. I'm actually kind of excited to think that the Kenzo/Dupree team may be reformed. I thought they had some good formula together and had some good little matches over on Smackdown. Of course, watching Kenzo wrestle in single matches is always painful.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Never pee on a frozen lake

    Yeah, I had a good chuckle at this too.
  19. SamoaRowe

    Dates/Locations for '06 WWE PPV's

    I'll probably get to go to Summerslam in Boston, since I only live a couple of hours away. It will depend on whether or not I can afford it.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Unstoppable: The Best of Samoa Joe

    I won't be picking up this Joe dvd, only because I already have most of those matches on video, dvd, computer, etc. TNA needs to stop using the same matches on multiple dvd releases. That Joe/Sabin match is already available on "Best of the X Division" vol. 1 and I can promise that if they do a volume 2, a bunch of these will be on it as well.
  21. SamoaRowe

    March Jukebox

    Any free promotional codes this month?
  22. This is great news, since everybody wins! TNA gets a great worker who they can build up as the star. Joe (in theory) gets the money he wanted and a secure job. We get Joe every week on national cable WWE doesn't get to ruin him!
  23. SamoaRowe

    Can the WWE win back the casual fan?

    Wrestling fans are too fickle these days. There really aren't any collective "wants" because the fanbase is too diverse. They would be doing themselves a big favor if they turned up the diversity in the programs so that there would be something for everyone. They already sort of do this to an extent in that Raw has bimbo divas for the perverted fans, Smackdown has lengthy Benoit matches on a weekly basis for smark fans, and they have guys like Cena and Eugene for the dumb marks. If they were to take things to the next step and improve on continuity in storylines, treat their fans with respect, and maybe treat the cruiserweight division better, I say things would improve. At press time, WWE is enjoying a slight upswing, so they are doing something right. They have been enjoying better ratings and attendance (for Raw at least).
  24. SamoaRowe

    ** 2006 WWE Televised Win-Loss Standings **

    I like how most of the champions are in the top ten. Isn't that how it's supposed to be Poor Nunzio. What did he do to deserve a 0-8 record? Despite this, he still gets Cruiserweight title shots... that's not how it's supposed to be.
  25. Good thing they didn't call it "Heroes of Wrestling 2." Hopefully half the card won't fall into the negative star territory.