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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    And the best PPV theme song for 2004 was...?

    "Step Up" was by far the best PPV theme of the year. It has a great energy that made the show seem that much more exciting.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Favorite Underused WWE Wrestler?

    Yet I see that in your sig, the title is being contested by two guys not named Rhyno... I'm sorry, I should clarify that Rhyno is Smackdown's World Champion in the diary and that the Danielson/Benoit match is for a Raw ppv.
  3. SamoaRowe

    Favorite Underused WWE Wrestler?

    He's the fucking World Champion in my EWR game, and he absolutely rules in the position. Luther is awesome, I'm pissed that he's been saddled with Mark Jindrak. Still in search of a push. I'm terribly anxious to see how London is used when he returns.
  4. SamoaRowe

    Death of WCW book

    I couldn't put down the Wrestlecrap book once I started reading it, it's that entertaining.
  5. SamoaRowe

    The JBL Topic

    I'm past being angry about JBL as champ and am just trying to make the most out of it while he holds the belt. He's had some good matches and some great interviews, so it hasn't been all that bad. I'm looking forward for after he loses the title because then I think JBL will become really valuable to Smackdown. He won't be the champion anymore, but since he had a long reign he'll be all the more credible and his future feuds will be all that much better for it.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Note about WWE hiring new talent

    This is just another act of WWE focusing on areas that aren't going to help them any while ignoring the huge problems of the company (creative).
  7. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Raw November 27th 2006 A video recap of last week’s brawl between Chris Benoit, Bryan Danielson, and Steve Corino opens the show. The pyro explodes and Mike Tenay and Al Snow welcome us to another exciting episode of Monday Night Raw! Al Snow cannot wait for the #1 Contendership match for the World Heavyweight Championship tonight, as Bryan Danielson, J.R. Ryder, and Brian Kendrick will meet in a triple threat match! The first bout of the night is ready to begin as Matt Hardy and the Intercontinental Champion, Matt Stryker, are in the ring ready for a match. The Gathering’s music plays, and out comes CM Punk, Julio Dinero, and Alexis Laree! CM Punk and Julio Dinero (with Alexis Laree) vs Mattitude 2.0 Match Background: Matt Stryker is the reigning WWF Intercontinental champion, and has been since 30 October 2006. Mattitude 2.0 and the Gathering have crossed paths several times in the past several months, most notably dominating them during a 10-man elimination tag match at Survivor Series. The Match: CM Punk and Matt Stryker start off, with a series of grappling and counters. Tenay puts Stryker over for being able to keep up with CM Punk. Finally, Punk gains the advantage and suplexes Stryker. The IC Champ makes a tag to Matt Hardy, and Hardy charges Punk and takes him down with a clothesline. Hardy chooses to punch and kick away at Punk until Julio tags himself into the match. Punk isn’t too happy at this, but takes it. Julio returns the punch and kick offense to Matt Hardy and Hardy is unable to get any offense in for a few minutes. After several minutes of this, Punk tags himself in, only more aggressively than Dinero had earlier. Punk begins to clear house and takes Hardy down with a series of vicious clotheslines. He locks Hardy into the Devil’s Lock, but Matt Stryker breaks it up. Julio enters the ring and throws Stryker over the ropes, but while the referee is trying to get Julio out of the ring, Hardy lowblows Punk and rolls him up. The referee turns around and 1…2….3, Hardy pins CM Punk! Tenay: Matt Hardy just stole a victory over CM Punk! Snow: That was a classic act of cheating we just witnessed, Mike. Punk is outraged. Alexis tries to tend to him, but he shoves her away and leaves. Julio and Alexis are left standing in the ring, and share their confusion with one another. Tenay: CM Punk took that loss pretty severely. Snow: Well, he’s embarrassed. Remember, he does not consider Matt Hardy to be on his level, nor does he consider Stryker to be a fit Intercontinental Champion! My Opinion: Hardy was his usual unmotivated self and brought this match down with his half-hearted ring work. **3/4. Winners at 7:42: Mattitude 2.0 Something Isn’t Right After the break, the music of Steve Corino hits the speakers and the crowd unleashes a barrage of heat onto him. Corino just soaks it up and marches his way into the ring. He takes a microphone. Corino: Something is not right here on Raw. Tonight, three superstars will get the chance to become the number one contender for Chris Benoit’s World Title. Something is wrong though, because I am not one of them! It does not end there either! Let’s take a look at who these three men are. Bryan Danielson? He’s Shawn Michael’s little bitch boy who Michaels signed to Raw just to help him establish his power! Brian Kendrick? He’s another HBK protégé who continues to suck up to him. And J.R. Ryder? Ryder does not even BELONG here on Raw, he is a Smackdown superstar who is only here because Shawn Michaels needs him! This is a conspiracy and everyone knows it! This is … (cut off by HBK’s music). Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring and dances around for a bit. As he faces Corino, his expression becomes serious. He yanks Corino’s microphone out of his hand. HBK: Steve, I’m detecting some jealousy from you tonight. I am also detecting some lack of judgment. Is it true that the three superstars competing tonight for the title shot at Vengeance are friends of mine? Yes. Are they receiving this chance because they are my friends? No. They are being given this chance because over the past several months on Raw, they have picked up victory after victory and have proven to me that they are championship material. You, Steve Corino, have not. If you want a title shot, you need to earn it. You can start by showing me that you are a capable team player. Tonight I’ve scheduled you to compete in a tag match against a couple of guys who I really want to learn to get along. They are Randy Orton and John Jeter. Your tag partner tonight will be none other than Chris Benoit! Corino is outraged by this announcement. He starts shouting at HBK. HBK: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it there, Steve! You didn’t let me finish! If you and Benoit can coexist in your tag match, then next week you will face the winner of tonight’s triple threat match. If you win next week, then you will get a place in the main event at Vengeance and will compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. Corino: Hold it now, what’s to stop Benoit from starting crap with me just so I’ll attack him and give up my chance! HBK: Who’s to say he won’t? I’m not testing Benoit tonight, I’m testing you. Regardless of how Benoit treats you tonight, you must not use physical force against him, even if he’s chopping the hell out of you. If you lay a hand on him, walk away from him, or avoid a tag from him, you will lose your shot next week. Understood. Corino: (Reluctantly) You’re on! Tenay: Steve Corino is beside himself! He thought he could just demand a title shot, but our GM is going to make him earn it! Snow: For his sake, let’s hope Benoit has cooled down since last week! Hardcore Championship: Justin Credible © vs Tommy Dreamer Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WWF Hardcore title. Justin Credible has been WWF Hardcore champion since 16 October 2006. The Match: Dreamer immediately lays into Credible and the brawl spills onto the outside floor within seconds. Dreamer has brought out a shopping cart full of weapons, so he leaves Credible long enough to grab his kendo stick. While he does this, Credible pulls a fire extinguisher out from under the ring. As Dreamer charges, Credible turns it on and it gets all over Dreamer. With Dreamer in a stupor, Credible goes for a super-kick and it hits Dreamer with a sickening force. He goes for a cover when Lance Storm jumps over the guard rail and breaks up the cover. Storm lands some punches on Credible and as he stands up, nails Credible with a super-kick of his own. Tenay is upset because Storm is breaking up HBK’s rule of no interference, but then Storm does something surprising. He puts Credible’s arm over Dreamer and the referee counts the pinfall. Justin Credible retains the Hardcore title! Tenay: What the hell did Lance Storm just do? Snow: I think he is trying to avoid consequences from Shawn Michaels, so he is making it so his interference did not matter. Justin Credible still wins the match, only he is in much more pain than he might have been. Tenay: Well, I don’t think Tommy Dreamer is going to be too happy with either man when he wakes up. My Opinion: That was hardly a match, 1/4*. Winner at 2:03 and STILL Hardcore Champion: Justin Credible A Champion in Crossroads In the back, Todd Grisham is standing by with the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit. Todd: Chris, recent events have… Benoit: Save it, Todd. Don’t even try and spin what’s been happening here on Raw in your own words, it just makes you sound pathetic! I know I have a lot of obstacles ahead of me, and guess what, it does not matter! Bryan Danielson making me tap out sucked, but it did not kill me. Evolution being forced to disband also sucked, but I will survive? I didn’t need back-up any way! And now, Shawn Michaels has given me a marvelous present in Steve Corino. He cannot lay a hand on me or he’ll lose a chance to face me for this title. It must be my birthday. I am in no trouble, Todd. I am the World Heavyweight Champion, and I am getting stronger with each passing week. Taylor Matheny vs Jazz Match Background: Taylor returned to Raw last week by attacking Women’s Champion Victoria. Jazz has not been seen in a while. The Match: The crowd gives Taylor some massive face heat, but Jazz gets very little reaction. Taylor and Jazz have a typical popcorn match, with Taylor dishing out most of the offense. She goes to the top rope for her signature flying cross-body, but Jazz moves out of the way. Jazz goes for a cover but only gets a 2-count. Jazz locks on a sloppy STF, and puts the pressure on. Taylor fights her way out of the hold and locks on her own version of the STF. Jazz has no choice but to tap out! Tenay: Taylor Matheny just made Jazz tap out with her own submission hold! Snow: Taylor clearly hasn’t missed a beat while she’s been gone! I can’t say I’m surprised though, she was trained by me afterall! My Opinion: Taylor brought the good, but Jazz brought the suck. *1/2 Winner at 4:23: Taylor Matheny Troubled Partners Randy Orton is sitting in his dressing room, taping up his wrists for his match. John Jeter enters. Jeter: Randy, I need to know, are you and I going to be cool in our match tonight? Orton: Why wouldn’t we be? Jeter: Well, there is that instance of last week when I was being beat down by the Beautiful People and you stood by and watched. Orton: Oh, that. What are you going to do about it. Jeter: I was going to kick your ass, until Trish talked me out of it. Orton: Ha, do you always do what Trish tells you to? Jeter: … No. Orton: Whatever, it does not matter, John. I would say that after last week, you and I are even. Let’s just go out there and win a match. Jeter: Sounds good to me. Randy Orton and John Jeter (with Trish Stratus) vs Chris Benoit and Steve Corino Match Background: Chris Benoit is the reigning World Heavyweight champion, and has been since 27 June 2006. HBK made this match because both pairs of partners have had trouble getting along. At Survivor Series, Jeter left Orton hanging while he tried to save Trish Stratus from an attack, which caused Orton to be pinned. Last week, Orton stood by and did nothing while the Beautiful People beat up Jeter. Meanwhile, Corino cost Benoit a match at that same show, only intentionally. As a result, Evolution was forced to disband due to prior announced stipulations. The Match: There is heavy tension all around. Orton and Jeter are clearly at least pretending to get along, but Benoit and Corino make no attempt to disguise their hatred of each other. Benoit reminds Corino of what happens if he hits him, which makes Corino even angrier. Finally Jeter and Orton jump Benoit and Corino, and the ref calls for the bell, with Jeter and Benoit being the legal men. Benoit totally dominates Jeter in the early going, including landing his triple German Suplex spot in early. Benoit, feeling confident, goes to his corner and chops Corino across the chest as a way of tagging him in. Corino, looking angrier by the minute, responds by saying “Live it up now, Champ, I’m taking your belt away at Vengeance.” Corino lifts Jeter off the mat and applies a headlock. Jeter is fading quickly, and Trish Stratus is heard at ringside cheering him on to snap out of it. Jeter starts elbowing Corino in the kidney area and he escapes. Orton is tagged in and he clotheslines Corino to the floor. Corino slides his leg around and knocks Orton over. Corino locks on a choke hold onto Orton, which the referee counts to 4 before Corino releases him. The two men begin to brawl, until Orton gets a clear advantage. Orton goes for the RKO and hits it dead on! He goes for a cover, but CORINO KICKS OUT! No one in the arena can believe that Steve Corino just kicked out of an RKO, especially Orton! Orton is disgusted and he ups and leaves the ring. Jeter runs after him, pleading to go back. Orton just turns around and slaps the taste out of Jeter’s mouth. Jeter doesn’t take this too kindly and begins to lay a series of punches in on Orton. Meanwhile, the referee has counted Orton and Jeter out, thus giving the match to Chris Benoit and Steve Corino. Tenay: What chaos! The sparks are flying all over the place! The brawl between Orton and Jeter becomes bloody as they start ramming each other’s heads into the stage area. Finally, Orton lifts up Jeter and throws him off the stage onto a table. Trish is pleading with him, but Orton just looks at her coldly and leaves. Meanwhile, in the ring, Corino is still trying to recover from the RKO, but Chris Benoit jumps him and locks on the Crippler Crossface! He holds the move onto Corino until he passes out. Benoit then grabs his title and poses over the body of Steve Corino. Snow: I have never seen anything like what just happened! John Jeter just got thrown off the stage, EMT’s are rushing over to care for him, and now Steve Corino has passed out in the middle of the ring! Tenay: Corino kept to his word though, he never showed aggression towards Benoit! This means that Corino will get his #1 Contender’s match next week! My Opinion: *** rating for an above average match! Winners by count-out at 8:31: Chris Benoit and Steve Corino Bubba Ray Dudley vs Adam Hastey Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. The winner of this match will face Justin Credible next week for the Hardcore Championship. Right before Survivor Series, Hastey participated in destroying Dudley with a baseball bat. Last week Hastey got himself disqualified during a match against him. The Match: Adam Hastey is clearly out of his element, as Bubba Ray dominates from the get go. Hastey has a baseball bat with him, but he does not get a chance to use it as Dudley is taking the fight to him too fast. Bubba gets a chair and whacks Hastey over the head and then a few more times when Hastey hits the mat. Bubba goes for a cover, but only gets two. Hastey reaches for his baseball bat and smashes it over Dudley’s head. Hastey goes for a cover but Bubba throws him off after a 2-count! Hastey lifts Bubba up and uses all of his force to powerbomb him. He goes for another cover but gets another two. This time, Bubba Ray Dudley lowblows Hastey, which is legal in this match. Hastey can hardly stand, but collapses in the corner, with his legs sticking out. Bubba exits the ring long enough to get a sports bag from under the ring. He has a bowling uniform in it and puts it and then pulls out an actual bowling ball! He rolls the ball into Hastey’s groin as Al Snow has a fit on commentary over Bubba Ray stealing his spot. “We are going to have words later” says Snow. Bubba Ray then looks up to the ceiling and shouts “Bubba, get the table!” He exits again and grabs a table from under the ring. He sets it up in the middle of the ring and puts Hastey on top of it. He then climbs to the top of a turnbuckle and dives off, landing right on Hastey. Dudley goes for a cover and 1…2....3! Bubba Ray faces Justin Credible next week! Tenay: Now this is what I call justice! Bubba Ray Dudley gets his payback on Adam Hastey and receives a chance to win the Hardcore title in the process! Snow: But that bastard stole my bowling ball spot! My Opinion: This was a total garbage match that lacked any sort of actual psychology. It was very entertaining, but still only gets a *3/4 Winner at 6:56: Bubba Ray Dudley After the break… The camera turns to Mike Tenay and Al Snow. Tenay: During the break, General Manager Shawn Michaels announced that at Vengeance, Randy Orton will face John Jeter in a match! Snow: That’s not all, he also signed two matches for next week. Tommy Dreamer will face Lance Storm next week in another #1 Contendership match for the Hardcore title! He was not happy about Storm’s interference earlier tonight, even if it did not chance the outcome of the match. Tenay: Not only that, but he officially signed Steve Corino to face whoever wins this next match! #1 Contendership: Bryan Danielson vs Brian Kendrick vs J.R. Ryder Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. R & S Connection are the reigning World Tag Team champions, and have been since 25 September 2006. All three men are allies and are friends with Shawn Michaels. The winner of this match will compete for the World Heavyweight title at Vengeance and will compete against Steve Corino next week on Raw. The Match: All three men shake hands before the match begins. There are no heels in this match, so there is little chance of two of them teaming up against another one. Rather, Kendrick, not wanting to fight his own tag partner, throws J.R. Ryder over the top rope and goes after Danielson. The two men put on a spectacle as Kendrick jumps and flies to avoid Danielson’s stiff offense. Ryder reenters the ring and attacks Danielson. For a few minutes, the R&S Connection double-team Danielson, including a double powerbomb that almost knocks him out. Ryder and Kendrick shake hands again and tie up. They go for a test of strength, which Kendrick dominates in the early going, but Ryder makes a comeback and suplexes him. With Kendrick down, Ryder goes to the top rope and delivers a fierce moonsault. Ryder goes for a cover, but Bryan Danielson breaks it up. With Kendrick still down, Danielson goes and locks on the Cattle Mutilation onto Ryder. Ryder almost gives up, but Kendrick breaks up the hold just in time. Kendrick and Danielson start going at it again, until Ryder regains himself. He comes up behind Danielson and dishes out a German suplex. As he stands up, Kendrick is ready for Ryder and Irish-Whips him into the corner. Kendrick sets up Ryder for a huge top rope suplex, but Danielson comes running up behind him. Danielson sets up a devastating moment, as he powerbombs Kendrick, who is suplexing Ryder. With both members of the R&S Connection down, Danielson covers Ryder (who got the worse of the fall) and gets the 1…2…3! Tenay: What an insane match! Bryan Danielson has triumphed! At Vengeance, we will see Bryan Danielson vs Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship! Snow: Don’t forget, Corino is getting a chance to join the match next week! If he beats Danielson, we might be seeing a far different main event! Tenay: Either way, it’s going to be tense! Chris Benoit’s greatest enemies are both coming after him for his World title! My Opinion: An awesome pure wrestling match, with sound psychology! **** Winner at 21:31 and #1 Contender: Bryan Danielson The show ends with Danielson helping up both Kendrick and Ryder, and all three of them shaking hands and congratulating Danielson.
  8. SamoaRowe

    Rate songs on albums.

    Flaw- Through The Eyes 1) Only the Strong - 9 2) Payback - 7 3) My Letter - 8 4) Get up Again - 6.5 5) Whole - 6 6) Amendment - 9 7) Scheme - 9 8) What I have to Do - 9 9) Inner Strength -6.5 10) Best I Am - 7.5 11) Out of Whack - 8.5 12) Reliance - 8 13) One More Time - 7.5 Great album
  9. SamoaRowe

    Albums With Only One Good Song

    "Price to Play" was the only good song on the new Staind album.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Recent Purchases

    Today I bought "Want Two" by Rufus Wainright. I'm really excited to have it, it comes with a full-length concert dvd as well.
  11. SamoaRowe

    Batista instead of Orton

    ::Imagines a Triple H/Batista match being the battle of the Main Event Sleeper vs the Surfboard Stretch::
  12. SamoaRowe

    history of ECW DVD

    I just bought the ECW dvd at the Best Buy I work at, and the RVD figure is way cooler than I expected it to be. Plus, the lady who rang me out is more than used to me buying nerdy things at the store, so no commentary there. It was funny when I bought the Great American Bash dvd though, because the girl who rang me out was like "Ernie, there is a half-naked WOMAN on this cover!"
  13. SamoaRowe


    I miss the polls too. They were fun.
  14. Oh my... that is really disturbing. I'm glad Edge enjoyed it so much.
  15. SamoaRowe

    For the first time in almost 4 years

    I totally agree. Let's hear it for competition for Smackdown!
  16. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    Last I heard, he was going to work the match at Survivor Series, but in serious pain. He's going to need three months to recover from some surgery So I guess that means he'd need to drop the U.S. title as well, in a different match. Think we'll see a house show switch? Carlito's gonna miss Mania then, sadly. I think his wrestling sucks, but I'm starting to dig the character. Eh, I see Carlito as an average worker who delivers good matches. It's sad that he's going to miss 'Mania though, he had become one of the better parts of Smackdown. Let's hope Jesus doesn't just flounder about for three months.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    Last I heard, he was going to work the match at Survivor Series, but in serious pain. He's going to need three months to recover from some surgery So I guess that means he'd need to drop the U.S. title as well, in a different match.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    Good, it's time for my weekly mark-out for Luther Reigns. And here comes poor injured Carlito.
  19. SamoaRowe

    For the first time in almost 4 years

    Yep, I'm going to catch it at 11. I get four hours of wrestling tonight, .... yay.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    I still hate Eddie's current shirt.
  21. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    I can safely say that will be the segment of the night.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    I purposely waited until a couple of minutes ago to tune in thanks to those spoilers.
  23. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    Don't pick on "Ravishing" Bill Kidman like that! Yeah, call me a Kidman mark, but I'm digging his heel character and I'm liking this match.
  24. I am shocked at this shocking turn of events. SHOCKED, I tell you. Does anyone want this to happen? Anyone? McMahons don't count.