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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    OaO Smackdown Thread

    Well, they'll probably get an untelevised Undertaker segment to keep them happy. But yeah... I agree.
  2. SamoaRowe

    OaO Smackdown Thread

    Kurt Angle: "You're the St. Louis Cardinals and I'm the Boston Red Sox!"
  3. SamoaRowe

    OaO Smackdown Thread

    This is great, I forgot the spoilers already. Hopefully the UFC guy fights Kurt.
  4. SamoaRowe

    OaO Smackdown Thread

    I meant "thread." Someone fix this?
  5. SamoaRowe

    3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

    Like I said, TNA could make a totally brand new show, like Heat or Velocity, using only the ten guys that have been released in the past few days. Hell, TNA could just replace their entire roster (saving the few who already are effectively used).
  6. SamoaRowe

    3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

    Once again I wonder if I'm the only one here who doesn't mind Holly
  7. SamoaRowe

    WWE releases Rico

    WHAT?!? That fucking sucks! So much for the Haas/Rico team, it's such a good thing they have so many other tag teams up for use!
  8. SamoaRowe

    3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

    Not Stamboli I should give him the WWF title in my EWR diary.
  9. SamoaRowe

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    Am I the only one who kind of likes having Hardcore Holly around?
  10. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Velocity Spoilers AJ Styles and Low Ki def Alex Arion and Blue Meanie Great match, history between Low Ki and Arion factored in here and the Blue Meanie was carried nicely. *** Doug Basham def Reno About what you'd expect, lots of brawling. Danny Basham got into a fight with Bill DeMott at ringside. *1/2 Rodney Mack def Funaki Not a squash, but meant to put over Rodney Mack as the challenger for the WWF title in a few weeks. **
  11. SamoaRowe

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    Fire: Tyson Tomko is really the only one who comes directly to mind. Hire: Gangrel (biased opinion), Frankie Kazarian, and Chad Collyer (also biased opinion).
  12. WTF is up with firing Gail Kim?!?!? Bah! That's it, she's getting a push in my EWR diary. And Nidia? Bah, who cares. She stopped being entertaining once she was broken away from Jamie Noble. And Chuck Palumbo? I thought they were going to actually push him, based on him taking Benoit to the limit on Sunday Night Heat! I should give him a push too.
  13. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Smackdown! November 23rd 2006 The pyro explodes and the crowd pops just like they always do. Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to the program and Cole displays his unhappiness over Team Rhyno winning at Survivor Series. Tazz is indifferent, but looking forward to hearing from the WWF Champion. A Happy Champion Rhyno, Mike Sanders, and Rodney Mack make their way to the ring. Rhyno appears to be overwhelmed by happiness, Sanders looks smug, and Rodney is more or less just dragging his feet. Sanders grabs a microphone. Sanders: All I can say is “what a Survivor Series!” You know something, I was afraid for a little while there, but how could I have been so foolish. Rhyno displayed a champion’s strength and beat Chad Collyer, again, after forty minutes of grueling action! All of you stupid fans who doubt that Rhyno is the greatest WWF Champion in history can shove it! Rhyno: Damn straight, Mike. Now that things are back on MY TERMS, I am DONE defending my title for November. I will CHOOSE my opponent next month and I can PROMISE that it will NOT be anyone from TEAM COLLYER! Rodney: Hold on now, Champ. You are the “greatest WWF Champion ever.” Why don’t you defend against someone from Team Collyer? You already beat them all on Sunday anyways, what do you have to fear? Rhyno: They don’t deserve it. Besides, Collyer and London had their shots and I beat both of them! Rave and Nova? Don’t make me laugh! And Kurt Angle? What has he done to deserve a shot? He disappears for three years and just shows up and acts like he never left? Rodney, your thoughts are not HELPFUL, so STAY OUT OF THIS! Sanders: Hey, now! You two calm down. I agree with Rhyno on this one. No one on Team Collyer deserves another shot at the WWF Championship. However, I can think of someone who does. This person has done a lot of good here on Smackdown. That person is… Rodney Mack. Rhyno and Rodney: What?? Sanders: That’s right, in three weeks, in this very ring, you two will compete for the WWF title. This is the SARS way of saying “thank you” Rodney. Rhyno doesn’t like this one bit, but Tazz and Cole find this match-up intriguing. Mark and Jay Briscoe vs Sean O'Haire and Trent Acid Match Background: The Acid Cult are coming off of a big win at Survivor Series. The Briscoe Boys were last seen coming up short in a #1 Contenders match for the WWF Tag titles. The Match: Really intense spot wrestling by Jay Briscoe and Trent Acid to start things off. The Briscoes do a good job of keeping Acid from tagging in O’Haire for a while, making frequent tags themselves. Finally, JC Ice runs to ringside and jumps onto the apron, distracting the referee. O’Haire enters the ring illegally and destroys both Briscoes. Acid covers Mark Briscoe, and JC Ice jumps down. 1-2-3, Acid and O’Haire win! Cole: The Acid Cult continues their reign of terror on Smackdown. Tazz: C’mon, Cole! This is not the first time a team has cheated to win. My Opinion: Both teams clicked really well and put on a good match, considering the time given. ***1/4 Winners at 16:36: Sean O’Haire and Trent Acid Starting Over Orlando Jordan is walking through the back, when he comes into Chad Collyer and Paul London discussing their match strategy by a water cooler. Jordan: Hey, guys. Did you hear what Mike Sanders announced earlier? London: You mean the part about “no one from Team Collyer challenging for the WWF title anymore?” Jordan: Yeah, that part. Collyer: It’s complete crap. Sanders knows that any of us are capable of taking the belt off of Rhyno. Jordan: I know you guys can. London: Yeah, I can’t believe I actually want Rodney Mack to win a match and beat Rhyno in three weeks. Jordan: Yeah… so, what are you guys going to do in the meantime? Collyer: We’ve decided to focus our attention on the Royal Rumble. Sanders cannot stop us there. London: And to prepare for that, we’re going after the WWF Tag titles. Jordan: That’s awesome. Collyer: Oh yeah. So now that you’ve got Nunzio out of your skin, any big plans? Jordan: Well, Rhyno is going to need a challenger for the Royal Rumble. I figured why not me? Rhyno and I were the final two in last year’s Rumble match, so that’s my goal. London: (Half-sarcastic) Wow, good luck with that. Sanders has built a force field of sorts around Rhyno, totally protecting him. Survivor Series was a disaster for our cause. Jordan: Don’t worry guys. One of you is going to win the Rumble and meet me at Wrestlemania. I have a good feeling about it. Non-title match: Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond vs Chad Collyer and Paul London Match Background: Shamrock and Diamond are the reigning WWF Tag Team champions, and have been since 26 October 2006. Paul London is the reigning WWF United States champion, and has been since 16 November 2006. The Match: A slow start, with Shamrock and London in the ring. It builds up a bit and Diamond gets tagged in. We break for a commercial and come back to see Diamond and Collyer battling it out. Collyer tries to lock on the Texas Cloverleaf, but Shamrock breaks it up. Collyer tags London in and he tries to out-wrestle Shamrock. This results in Shamrock locking on an ankle lock, but London makes it to the ropes. The action continues for another few minutes with neither team picking up any advantage or disadvantage. Collyer keeps almost making pinfalls on Diamond, but Shamrock keeps breaking it up, so London goes over to his corner and pulls him off the apron. This leaves Collyer able to lock on the Texas Cloverleaf for real and Diamond taps! Cole: Collyer and London officially enter the tag team division and immediately defeat the champions! Tazz: Not a bad debut at all. Cole: Hey wait... it's that mystery guy again! The man dressed as Simon Diamond enters the ring and attacks Collyer from behind. London enters to try and make the save, but Shamrock trips him from outside. The newcomer lays a series of punches onto Collyer. Shamrock and Diamond make it to their feet and raise their arms up with this newcomer. Diamond takes a microphone. Simon: Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, it is my pleasure to introduce you all to the man Michael Cole has titled "Simon Diamond wannabe." Some of you might find such a concept to be rediculous, but who else is better for impersonation? Such gratitude has earned him the spot as our right-hand man, and future United States Champion, so watch out, London! His name is Rob Conway, and he is here to stay! Conway poses for the audience, and Michael Cole and Tazz flip out. My Opinion: Really good match. ***3/4 Winners at 10:31: Chad Collyer and Paul London Unhappy GM Josh Matthews is standing by with Johnny Stamboli and Erik Watts. Josh: Johnny Stamboli, at Survivor Series, a team captained by you was defeated by the Acid Cult. How do you feel about the loss? Stamboli: What do you mean “how do I feel?” It always sucks to lose a match, this time was no exception. My pride was on the line though, as I know I can beat O’Haire in singles competition… (Mike Sanders enters) Sanders: But you didn’t at Survivor Series! You need to know that the Acid Cult is driving me insane! They putting Smackdown at risk for legal troubles and are blatantly disrespecting my authority! I was counting on you to take them out at Survivor Series and you blew it. Watts: You were “counting on us?” Let’s get something straight, Mike, my client does not do your dirty work. If you have a problem with the Acid Cult, why don’t you get your pet WWF Champion to take care of it for you! Sanders: Rhyno is too important for that kind of crap. You know what, why don’t I book you for a match tonight, Erik. You can head out to the ring and face your client, Mr. Stamboli, right now. Stamboli: What? That’s not fair! Sanders: Deal with it. And the next time I am counting on you, you had better deliver. Johnny Stamboli vs Erik Watts Match Background: Sanders just made this match between wrestler and manager out of spite for Stamboli’s lack of obedience. The Match: Both men are reluctant to fight, but they shake hands to start off and begin to brawl. Hardly a wrestling move can be seen, as they just punch and kick each other. It’s important to point out that no cheap shots are made either. Match ends with Stamboli reversing a suplex by Watts and setting him up for a front face crusher. Stamboli makes the cover and 1-2-3, Stamboli wins. Afterwards, Stamboli helps Watts to his feet and they shake hands again. Cole: That wasn’t right, Tazz. Erik Watts and Johnny Stamboli should not have been made to fight each other. Tazz: They made the best of it though, not resorting to any cheap tricks or making it personal. My Opinion: Really boring brawl, but had a story to tell. *3/4 Winner at 5:54: Johnny Stamboli Frankie Kazarian vs JC Ice Before the match begins, Jamie Noble, with the Cruiserweight Championship around his waist, joins Michael Cole and Tazz at the commentator’s booth. Match Background: JC Ice is a member of the Acid Cult and pinned Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble in their Classic Survivor Match at the pay-per-view. The Match: Kazarian and JC Ice proceed to have a spot-filled match while Noble makes conversation with Cole and Tazz. Cole: So, what brings you out here tonight? Noble: I’m scouting my opposition, boy. One of these fellas is likely to be challenging me for this belt soon, so I gotta be ready. Tazz: Any particular favorite here? Noble: Frankie is a good ole’ boy! I’d gladly face him any day, but that JC Ice guy is a freaking weirdo! All this worshipping some “master” and following Trent Acid’s orders is might freaky. Meanwhile, Kazarian slows things down and traps JC Ice in a headlock. Noble: See, boys, this is why Frankie rules so much! He knows how to fly and wear down an opponent, which is why I like wrasslin’ him so freaking much! JC Ice breaks out of the headlock and bounces off the ropes. He flips over Kazarian and powerbombs him. He makes a cover for a 1-2-3! Cole: JC Ice just won the match, hey, where are you going? Jamie Noble makes his way into the ring and gets in JC Ice’s face. The two of them stare a whole through each other and Jamie Noble holds the Cruiserweight title up. The two of them get into a fighting stance, when Trent Acid appears on the stage. Acid: NO! Ice, I demand you to step down! Now is not the time for the fight! JC Ice bites his thumb at Noble and leaves the ring. Noble is puzzled. My Opinion: A total spot-fest, but a damn good one at that. Could have used without the rest-hold, but whatever. *** Winner at 8:11: JC Ice Kurt Angle vs Charlie Haas (with Shelton Benjamin) Match Background: Kurt Angle eliminated Charlie Haas from the main event at Survivor Series. There is a lot of heat between Angle and Haas’s partner, Benjamin, stemming back to Angle’s departure from the WWF in 2004. The Match: Angle and Haas start off slowly, trying to gain advantage. Finally, it explodes and Angle viciously suplexes Haas over his head. Emerald Fusion by Kurt Angle on Haas. For about five minutes, there is little else other than Angle squashing Haas, until Haas sneaks in a low blow without the ref seeing it. Angle goes down and Haas starts working on Angle’s knee as we go to a commercial. After the break, Haas has locked himself onto Angle’s knee and is twisting it ferociously. Angle is close to making it to the ropes, but Benjamin actually grabs the rope and pulls it back a couple inches, making it just out of Angle’s grasp. The ref puts a stop to it and Haas let’s go of the hold. The next five minutes are Haas squashing Angle, to even things out. Haas even manages to land a moonsault and goes for a cover, and only gets a two-count. Haas is relentless on Angle’s knee and continues to kick and elbow drop onto it. Angle unexpectedly rolls up Haas, but only gets a two count. Both men are now up, though Angle’s knee is clearly hurting him. This doesn’t stop Angle from delivering the Angle-Slam to a flustered Charlie Haas. 1….2….3! Angle wins! After the decision, Benjamin floods into the ring and knocks Angle down. He has a chair with him, and he nails Angle’s knee with it! He is about to go for another one when Jimmy Rave and Nova come running in for the save. Cole: Rave and Nova just saved Angle from a brutal beat-down from Shelton Benjamin! Tazz: Who’d of thunk it, Cole? I figured their teaming up at Survivor Series was a one-time deal! Cole: The winds of change are here, Tazz, even if Rhyno’s team did win on Sunday. Threats are exchanged as Smackdown goes off the air. My Opinion: Angle’s in-ring return to Smackdown disappoints no one and delivers with flying colors! **** Winner at 15:41: Kurt Angle
  14. SamoaRowe


    Especially since this is the SECOND thread for this
  15. SamoaRowe

    Rate songs on albums.

    Tool - Aenima 1. Stinkfist - 9 2. Eulogy - 10 3. H. - 8 4. Useful Idiot - 5 5. Forty-Six & 2 - 9 6. Message To Harry Manback - 5 7. Hooker With A Penis - 9.5 8. Intermission - 5 9. Jimmy - 7.5 10. Die Eier Von Satan - 7 11. Pushit - 9.5 12. Cesaro Summability - 3 13. Enema - 8 14. Ions - 5 15. Third Eye - 9
  16. SamoaRowe

    R. Kelly sues Jay-Z for $75 million

    R. Kelly is a worthless waste of human life and I hope he disappears forever.
  17. SamoaRowe

    MTV2 is becoming a basic cable channel

    VH1 plays the Killers as well. I see their video for "Somebody Told Me" almost every morning while getting ready to leave.
  18. It's not working for me
  19. I ordered the Royal Rumble, because it looked like it was going to be an awesome show (though outside from the great Rumble itself, the rest of the card disappointed). I ordered Wrestlemania XX with some friends for the obvious reasons. I ordered Judgment Day because I had been watching the car wreck nature of Smackdown for two months at that point and I felt as if I'd be missing something if I didn't see this one. It wasn't all that bad, as it did entertain me in the very least. I ordered Bad Blood with a different group of friends, because we had ordered it last year and hated the show, so we wanted to see WWE do a better job this year. The HIAC main event was an absolute bore, but Orton/Benjamin and Benoit/Kane made me a happy wrestling fan. Finally, a friend and I ordered Vengeance, mostly because he wanted to see it so badly. I enjoyed the show, but I felt as if it was rather dull in general. I also bought No Way Out, Backlash, and the Great American Bash on DVD. I keep almost buying Summerslam, but I change my mind everytime. I'm probably going to buy No Mercy when it comes out next week.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Bands you miss

    Smashing Pumpkins Alice in Chains Ben Folds Five (even though Ben Folds as a solo act still rocks hard). Candlebox Tool (not broken up, just too long since Lateralus... I'm getting edgy) Other stuff too, I suppose. I can't think of any more at the moment.
  21. SamoaRowe

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Gasoline" by Seether.
  22. SamoaRowe

    I gotta get out of the house

    There could be worse stories to tell your grandkids, have some pride
  23. SamoaRowe

    The OAO What are you going as for Halloween thread

    I'm going to be an angry Best Buy employee.
  24. SamoaRowe

    Too much time on my hands?

    So says that guy with four times as many posts as me and nearly 3 posts a day. Yes, I'm the one wasting time... And to Vitamin - If you need some, I'll send you a couple of bands. Hey I was unemployed for a while, gimme a break. And this illness isn't helping. Eh fuck it, I lost, lol. But still, wasting time on the internet, you can at least learn something. Maybe. Once in a blue moon. What is the goddamned point of a rubber band ball? Yeah, if I was unemployed and out of school, I would definitly do very little other than post here. I post here enough as it is while putting off school work.