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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    The "what did you vote for" thread...

    I voted for: Chris Benoit Rodney Mack Bischoff must wear a dress. The divas must dress like nurses. The Diva Search girls in an evening gown match. Lead pipe. Submission match for Flair/Orton. And that's it, isn't it? Wow, WWE gave us so much to look forward to.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Raw rating

    OUCH! Now look at them blaming the Sox/Yankees game on this. Hey Vince, if you want some competition, don't look toward other wrestling promotions, look to other shows in GENERAL!
  3. SamoaRowe

    Vote for Stevie for Taboo Tuesday

    I have now voted for Taboo Tuesday 10 times... and Rodney Mack got 10 votes from me... hope the voting isn't close :-D
  4. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    Someones lazy. I would go to it if I were that close because I would have a freaking blast heckling this show in person. I would be way too amused. However, I have 35 dollars that I would rather spend on other things... like food... and No Mercy on dvd whenever it gets released...
  5. SamoaRowe

    The "what did you vote for" thread...

    I totally want to see the loser of the Eugene/Bischoff match wear a dress for a month. That would never get old.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Vote for Stevie for Taboo Tuesday

    Now I feel bad for voting for Rodney Mack five times.
  7. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    All I can say is that I have voted five times already in my school's computer lab.
  8. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

  9. SamoaRowe

    Modern day slang

    There is this girl on my friends list in LiveJournal who writes the most obnoxious entries imaginable. I used to think she was a smart girl until I started seeing the crap in her LJ. "wat" "hott" "thugz" Among other things, every entry from her makes my head want to explode.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    I'll probably buy this compulsively, but there is a lot of crap on that cd. The Evolution theme and Long's theme will be worthy purchases. I suppose I'll enjoy the Undertaker's as well. But Victoria's theme just being on it makes the whole thing seem crappier. It's like I almost don't watn to buy it just because it's there. I could own it but never listen to that track and I would still feel hatred.
  11. SamoaRowe

    Best Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five songs....

    "Jackson Cannery" "Philosophy" "Underground" "Fair" "Brick" "Battle of Who Could Care Less" "Evaporated" "Emaline" "Narcolepsy" "Army" "Jane" "Lulaby" "Hiro's Song" "Still Fighting It" "Gone" "Not the Same" "One Down" "The Luckiest" I could go on and on and on. I worship the ground Ben Folds walks on
  12. SamoaRowe

    The Ultimo Insult?

    I read somewhere else that Asai is going to come back as a heel based on being pissed off over how he was treated during his initial WWE run. I don't know if Vince and company have the brains to do such a thing, but we'll wait and see.
  13. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Note: I did this Raw without EWR due to a mistake with the game. I hope it came out okay, the next Smackdown will be EWR-made. I guess this is just a time of experimentation for me Raw November 20th 2006 There are explosions galore as the pyro sets off across the arena! There is a good sized crowd tonight, many of whom have brought signs declaring their happiness that Evolution has finally broken up! The reign of terror is over! Mike Tenay and Al Snow welcome us to the show and recap the events of the previous night's pay-per-view, particularly where Bryan Danielson made Chris Benoit tap out during the main event. The Lonely Champion The music of Chris Benoit plays and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion. He is no longer allowed to be associated with Adam Hastey or Austin Lee. He makes his way to the ring and takes a microphone. Benoit: After three years of dominance on Raw, Evolution is no more. Two months into my reign as undisputed leader of Evolution and we are forced to disband! That is crap! That is unacceptable crap! (The crowd is chanting "you tapped out.") I know you all think the reason Evolution is done for is because Danielson picked up a fluke submission victory over me at Survivor Series, but you are all wrong. Evolution is done for because we made the mistake of trusting Steve Corino! Yes, I have serious issues with Danielson, but he can wait. Right now I want Corino in this ring, right now! After a few moments, the music of Steve Corino plays and out comes the man who betrayed Benoit at Survivor Series. Corino gets some applause from the audience, but he ignores it. He takes a microphone. Benoit: Before you say a damn word, I just want to remind you of our conversation before Survivor Series. I told you that I was going to be straight with you and you agreed to be straight with me. What the hell, Steve! Corino: Yeah, I agreed to play fair at Survivor Series, but I stopped and thought about it for a while. Why the hell should I? Why would I want Evolution to stick around any more than Shawn Michaels did? Because I'd be allowed to join? Ha! That would be great, I could spend my career acting as an errand boy to a worthless champion like you, who holds a title that belongs around MY waist! You three gave me no choice, so I made the decision to back out at the last moment. I gotta tell you, Chris, the look on your face when I jumped down from the ring was priceless! Watching you tap out was just the icing on the cake! Benoit has had enough and he lays a right hand on Corino. Corino responds with force, and the two begin to brawl. As the situation heats up, Bryan Danielson runs down the apron and into the ring. He catches Benoit and delivers an overhead belly to belly suplex! Corino is laughing and acting like he should be buddies with Danielson. Benoit slides out of the ring while Danielson turns to Corino and delivers another over-head. Corino takes the time to roll out as well, leaving Danielson alone in the ring, playing to the crowd. Tenay: As happy as I am that Evolution is no more, it's obvious that Corino only had selfish intentions by turning on the group! Snow: Danielson just took it to both men! You have to believe that there will be consequences for this! Women's Championship Five Pack Match: Victoria © vs Erica Porter vs Ivory vs Gail Kim vs Trish Stratus Match Background: HBK made this match featuring the most active members of the diva roster. The other members haven't been heard from much in recent months. The Match: Total chaos would best describe this match (along with a few botched spots by Erica Porter). Trish goes after Victoria while Porter and Ivory try and double-team Gail Kim. Mike Tenay informs us that this match-up is sudden death, so the champion does not have to be pinned to lose the title. During the chaos, Ivory and Trish accidently collide, and the two start going at it. With Victoria free from Stratus, she sneaks over to where Gail Kim and Porter are trading kicks. Victoria throws Porter over the top rope and rolls up Gail for the 1...2...3! Rating: Decent little women's brawl. Very little psychology, but it was good to see more than two divas on Raw at a time for once. ** Tenay: Victoria continues to demonstrate why she's a long-lasting Women's Champ. She calculated that pinfall perfectly! Snow: She just fought off five challengers... hey, wait! Snow has noticed that Taylor Matheny has come out of nowhere! Victoria turns around and Taylor lifts Victoria over her shoulders. She drops Victoria onto the turnbuckle and Victoria walks into an impressive snap suplex. Victoria is down, with Taylor standing over her. Tenay: We haven't seen Taylor Matheny in months! Snow: Well, she's back, and it looks as if she's after the Women's title! Winner at 6:42 and STILL Women's Champion: Victoria A Beautiful Offer Randy Orton is sitting in his locker-room, reading the newest issue of Raw Magazine (with Brian Kendrick and J.R. Ryder on the cover) when Christian, Test, and Chris Chetti enter the room. Orton becomes all defensive. Christian: Whoa, hold it, man! We just wanted to talk. Orton: I have nothing to say to you guys. Chetti: Hear us out, man. Orton: You have 60 seconds before I start dishing out RKO's left and right. Christian: We just want you to rethink our offer for you to join us! Randy, you are too good looking of a man to not be a card-carrying member of the Beautiful People! Orton: You three are despicable, (looks at Test and Chetti) and you two shouldn't even be employed anymore! Christian: Hey, it's not our fault that you're partner ditched you last night at Survivor Series. Orton: Jeter was watching Trish's back. I would have done the same. Christian: Is that how it is? Well, just remember, it cost you. You were in the main event at Unforgiven, defeating one of the biggest names in our sport, and last night you were losing a tag match. You are not a loser, Randy. We know you are a winner. But John Jeter, he made you a loser. Orton: You're 60 seconds are up. Christian: We'll be in touch (The Beautiful People leave). Orton stands there, actually looking somewhat torn. Bubba Ray Dudley vs Adam Hastey Match Background: Hastey is no longer allowed to team up with Austin Lee. Before Survivor Series, Hastey participated in beating down Bubba Ray with a baseball bat. The Match: Bubba Ray totally dominates the beginning. It's a good couple of minutes before Hastey can even land anything resembling offense. It's clear that Bubba's pride has been severely hurt. At about the 5 minute mark, the referee pleads with Bubba Ray to calm down on the brutality, but Bubba pushes him down, earning a DQ. He lands a Bubba-Bomb on Hastey and then looks up at sky and yells "Bubba! Get the table!" The crowd pops since he hasn't done this in a long time. Bubba sets the table up in the ring and spreads Hastey across it. He climbs to the top rope and is about to dive off onto the table when Austin Lee comes running down with a baseball bat. He nails Bubba Ray across his back, and Bubba slumps over. Lee sets Bubba up on the table and climbs to the top rope himself. Austin Lee then moonsaults Bubba Ray through the table! Rating: A surprise squash from Bubba Ray until he went too far. Nice storytelling, but really took Adam Hastey down a couple of notches. *3/4 Tenay: Wait a damn moment! Lee and Hastey are not supposed to be working together in any way! Snow: But we cannot prove that this was planned in advance. Hastey and Lee could not have known that Bubba Ray Dudley was going to lose his mind! Winner by DQ at 7:15: Adam Hastey Too Soon for a Reunion? After the commercial, Hastey and Lee are in the back. Hastey is grateful for the save, when Shawn Michaels storms in on them. HBK: What the hell! Are you two completely stupid?!? Did you already forget that you lost at Survivor Series last night? You two can no longer be associated! Lee: Mr. HBK, you merely stated that Evolution had to disband! You never said anything about our tag team! HBK is silent. Hastey: Well? HBK: Okay, guys. You got me! I should’ve been more specific. You two can continue to team up. Except there is one small problem. Austin Lee, you are indefinitely suspended! Lee: What! HBK: You heard me! Pack your bags and go home! And don’t you come back until I call you! Lee: This is bull! Hastey: You’re going to pay for this, Michaels! HBK: No, you are! Next week you and Bubba Ray Dudley are going to have a little rematch! This time in a #1 Contenders match for the Hardcore Championship! You know what that means? Hastey: Hardcore rules? HBK: Bingo! Good luck, Adam. I think you’re going to find Raw to be a very lonely place from this day forward. John Jeter vs Chris Chetti Match Background: Last night at Survivor Series, the Beautiful People picked up a win over the team of Jeter and Randy Orton by distracting Jeter. They were pursuing Jeter’s “friend” Trish Stratus. Match: Jeter and Chetti are both relative rookies to Raw. They tie up and have a good, little, competitive match. Test and Christian come out to ring side after a few minutes, but refrain from interfering. Tenay and Snow also point out that Randy Orton has appeared on the stage and is watching the match very attentively. After a series of near-falls, Chetti pins Jeter, with his feet on the ropes. Test and Christian flood the ring and a 3 on 1 attack begins. Rating: Both men showed a lot of potential here. Given some more time, Jeter and Chetti could probably deliver a classic. **3/4. Tenay: The Beautiful People are beating down John Jeter! Snow: And why isn’t Randy Orton doing anything about it! Orton watches as Chetti holds Jeter still while Test and Christian take turns punching him in the face. Trish Stratus runs out and pleads with Orton to do something. Orton just coldly looks at her, and then heads backstage! Tenay: This is unlike Randy Orton! He couldn’t have possibly been listening to what Christian had to say earlier! Winner at 8:31: Chris Chetti Interview with the Dragon Todd Grisham is backstage with Bryan Danielson. They are seated and Grisham has some notes with him. Todd: First off, Bryan, I’d like to thank you for agreeing to this interview. Since you have debuted on Raw in September, we’ve seen you speak with your actions, but we have not really heard you speak. Bryan: No problem, Todd. I like to think I’m a man of few words. I go out to that ring, and I have one clear thought in mind: beat my opponent at all costs. Todd: It’s my understanding that you are a protégé of Shawn Michaels? Did that play a factor in you being brought in to Raw. Bryan: If you’re asking me if my past relationship with Shawn was the reason I’m here, then I would have to say no. I’ve been working and training for years to become the very best wrestler on Earth. I have studied the art of technical wrestling and I have wrestled all over the world to pick up experience and learn new ways of punishing my opponents. I feel just as comfortable applying the Cattle Mutilation as I do kicking a man in the face and knocking out his teeth. It’s a shame that Chris Benoit does not have any more teeth to knock out. Todd: Speaking of whom, you attacked Chris Benoit on your very first night on Raw. What made you want to single out the top star on Raw from the get-go? Bryan: Why not? It’s a shame that more superstars arriving in the WWF don’t do the same thing. What better way is there than to prove you mean business than by attacking a brand’s World Champion? I have only been here for a handful of months and not only have I punked the World Champion, but I have also made him tap out during a sanctioned wrestling match. I started a fight, and I’ve proven that I can carry myself during that fight. This is why I would like to take this moment to send Chris Benoit a challenge. Next month, Raw is having a pay-per-view called Vengeance. At Vengeance, I want a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. No gimmicks, no special stipulations, just a straight-up wrestling match between two men who claim to be the very best in this business. Todd: Wow! I guess now we can only wait to hear from the champion. Thanks for your time, Bryan. Bryan: You’re welcome, Todd. CM Punk, Lance Storm, and Frank Shamrock vs Matt Hardy, Matt Stryker, and Justin Credible Match Background: Hardy and Stryker were humbled at Survivor Series when their team lost miserably to a group put together by Tommy Dreamer. Matt Stryker is the reigning Intercontinental Champion. Storm and Credible have some heat between them going back to September, where Credible turned on Storm and then cost him the World Heavyweight Championship at Unforgiven. Justin Credible is the reigning Hardcore Champion. The Match: Storm and Credible start the match off. Some good mat wrestling by Storm leads to some weak brawling tactics from Credible to try and fight off his opponent. Storm overpowers Credible, so Justin tags to Stryker. Storm and Stryker go toe to toe until Storm is slammed into his team’s corner. CM Punk makes a blind tag and goes after Stryker. Punk overwhelms Stryker with his precise brawling abilities. Hardy enters the ring to try and stop Punk, but gets DDTed for his trouble. Punk tags to Shamrock, who continues to destroy Stryker, who has been softened up by Punk. Hardy is desperate for a tag, but it never comes. Shamrock locks a fierce armbar onto Stryker and he taps out! Rating: Good tag match! Nice to see the bookers haven’t forgotten about the Storm/Credible situation after all! *** Threats are exchanged as the heels huddle up with each other and back their way up the ramp. Punk, Storm, and Shamrock remain in the ring, pointing and taunting. Tenay: The losing streak of Mattitude 2.0 continues! Snow: When will they learn? I wouldn’t exactly recommend they keep up any sort of alliance with Justin Credible either. Winners at 10:53: CM Punk, Lance Storm, and Frank Shamrock Life’s Not Fair In the back, the Coach is standing by with Steve Corino. Coach: Steve, earlier we heard Bryan Danielson challenge Chris Benoit for the World title at Vengeance. What is your reaction to this? Corino: I think that’s absolutely insane! Danielson thinks he’s a big man now because he beat Benoit at Survivor Series? Does he even realize that he would not have won that match if it had not been for me walking away! Had I stayed, we would’ve had ourselves a handicap match and he’d be seen as the loser he really is! Hell, if Danielson is being considered for a title shot, then that better not happen before I get MY chance! HBK enters. HBK: You know something, it’s great that you all are making calls on who should get a title shot, but you are forgetting something. Only one man on Raw gets to make those types of decisions. And that man is not you, Steve Corino. I have not yet reached a decision for Vengeance, but I do need a main event tonight. That is why I think our Tag Team Champions, J.R. Ryder and Brian Kendrick, should put their titles on the line against the team of Steve Corino… and Chris Benoit! Corino: You HAVE to be joking! That’s a load of crap! HBK: Go cry me a river, Steve. Oh, and that match is next! World Tag Team Championship: The R&S Connection © vs Chris Benoit and Steve Corino Match Background: Benoit and Corino are true enemies. Chris Benoit is the reigning World Heavyweight Champion. Reminder, J.R. Ryder needs to always retain his Tag Team Championship to remain on Raw. If the R&S Connection lose the titles, Ryder is being sent back to Smackdown! The Match: Corino and Benoit get up in each other’s face. They are too focused threatening each other to not notice Ryder and Kendrick jumping them. A brawl breaks out, and it deteriorates into Corino and Ryder being the two men in the ring. Tenay mentions how much he enjoyed the Ryder vs Corino parts of the eight-man tag at Survivor Series and puts over the talents of both men. Corino overpowers Ryder, and walks over to Benoit, who is asking for a tag. Corino chops Benoit across the chest, and the ref counts it as a tag. Benoit furiously enters the ring and tackles J.R. Ryder. Ryder keeps trying to tag in Brian Kendrick, but is stopped each time. Benoit hits his rolling German suplex spot on Ryder and delivers four Germans before he is done. Benoit goes back to his corner and lands a vicious chop on Corino, trying to out-do him. Corino gets back into the ring and goes back to work on Ryder. Kendrick is getting antsy, but Ryder is still unable to make the tag. Finally, Ryder reverses a suplex by Corino and lands a neck-breaker out of desperation. He makes the tag to Kendrick. Benoit rushes the ring, but Kendrick cleans house on both him and Corino! He goes for a pinfall on Corino, but Benoit breaks it up. Benoit then aggressively helps Corino to his feet. Benoit returns to the corner, and while Kendrick is down, Corino is so mad over what Benoit did, he charges Benoit and clotheslines him off the canvas! The referee counts that as a tag, but Kendrick misses that part and rolls up Corino! The ref cannot make the three-count, and Kendrick realizes what has happened. However, to his fortune, Benoit is now doing to Corino exactly what Corino did to Benoit at Survivor Series: he is walking away. The referee counts out Chris Benoit, who is the legal man, while Ryder and Kendrick double-team Corino. Benoit is laughing. Rating: Benoit and Corino did a good job performing as partners who hate each other. Solid stuff from Kendrick and Ryder make this a good match! ***1/2! Tenay: How appropriate! Benoit has given Corino a taste of his own medicine! Ryder and Kendrick pose with their titles as Raw goes off the air. Winners at 16:45 and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The R&S Connection
  14. SamoaRowe

    Make a bold prediction

    TNA will go out of business. Johnny Jeter will be called up to Smackdown and become the new hottest star as a heel. He will be turned face and then lose his popularity.
  15. SamoaRowe

    The OAO CM Funk Tells you to Do Something Thread

    Heidenreich gave him the Michael Cole treatment.
  16. SamoaRowe


    I was still a little mark when Val Venis was paired up with Trish Stratus, and I thought he was freaking cool during that time (meaning he was over as a heel to me). I agree that Right to Censor probably killed him for good.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Thanks a lot, man! Brief update, new Raw won't likely be up until the weekend.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Patterson gives notice?

    Triple H has been killing RAW since 2002 and it seems the killing will never stop. Is it wrong for me to wish a second quad tear on Triple H?
  19. SamoaRowe


    I was just thinking along those lines, but I think it would be more awesome if Rodney Mack won. Palumbo is a good choice too
  20. SamoaRowe

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/11 Observer

    Smackdown doing better than RAW? Woah! Further evidence that people are sick of Triple H
  21. SamoaRowe

    Dave Meltzer's No Mercy Review

    Even if it was considered mediocre, I still want to own this dvd. I suppose it's because I'm biased towards Smackdown, but this show sounds like it did more to establish the current Smackdown roster than people give it credit for.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown SPOILERS Thread

    First, if the Page 3 girls aren't topless, then what's the point? Second, how many of them can you cram into a Mini? Third, I would've killed to see a modified Smart Car. With a bunch of topless Page 3 girls crammed in it. That's because Team Angle v2.0 doesn't have Dave, I suppose. Eh, doesn't matter, I'll still be watching Joey and The Apprentice... I suppose that Dave Batista is a sure draw. He gains over points every time he appears in a suit. Hm, wouldn't Batista vs Luther Reigns be a fun WM21 match?
  23. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown SPOILERS Thread

    That Smackdown sounded a lot better than the crap that was this monday's Raw. I suppose most people would just rather watch Evolution vs Random Top Face team pt. 931.
  24. SamoaRowe

    Smackdown SPOILERS Thread

    Sounds like a solid show. I only made it through 45 minutes of Raw last night, but it sounds like an overall enjoyable Smackdown.