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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    A New Era In The WWE

    Nice show. I'm going to start pushing Kash just because you are Nah, I'm just kidding. Though I really should do something with Kid Kash in my diary.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Is Smackdown catching up with Raw?

    Compare the Great American Bash's buyrate to Vengeance.
  3. SamoaRowe

    Is Smackdown catching up with Raw?

    Actually, Smackdown had some exciting shows right before WrestleMania XX and in the week or so before the draft lottery. I'm thinking back to the days of Eddie's WWE title run (before Bradshaw became JBL) and his title defenses against Rey Mysterio, Big Show, and Chavo Guerrero.
  4. SamoaRowe

    New album from Weezer

    In my humble, star-rating opinions... Blue Album: **** Pinkerton: ****1/2 Green Album: ***1/4 Maladroit: ** Needless to say I was let down by their last effort, but three good/great albums out of four isn't bad. I won't pass judgment on the new album until, you know, I actually hear it.
  5. SamoaRowe

    New WWE Books

    Looks as if I'll have something new to read at Borders.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Is Smackdown catching up with Raw?

    But then again, Raw was pretty generic this week too.
  7. SamoaRowe

    Which brand do you like better right now?

    Can you really blame them, Raw just spent endless months on the Diva Search, the Lita pregnancy and miscarraige, Triple H hogging the show during Benoit's title reign, Randy Orton as a four week World Champion, Taboo Tuesday looks like it's going to be a mess, and Triple H getting the big gold belt back. Meanwhile on Smackdown, London/Kidman are being pushed, JBL and 'Taker are being entertaining (I haven't seen Summerslam yet, but everything else I've seen from them has been amusing), Cena vs Booker turned into a legitimate feud, Big Show and Angle returned, and for once a pay-per-view has been properly built up (No Mercy).
  8. SamoaRowe

    Is Smackdown catching up with Raw?

    I'd buy two! And no... Raw becoming stale and Triple H winning the World title about the same time is far from a coincidence
  9. SamoaRowe

    Is Smackdown catching up with Raw?

    Hm, let me put it this way. Last week Smackdown held my attention for an entire two hours. After an hour of Raw this past monday night, I had enough.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Smackdown! November 9th 2006 The crowd roars as the pyro explodes, and another exciting episode of Smackdown! is about to begin! Already announced for tonight is an exciting tag team main event, putting Chad Collyer and Paul London against the team of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. Tonight, we will also see United States Champion Rodney Mack put his belt on the line against none other than Orlando Jordan! JC Ice and Scoot Andrews vs Frankie Kazarian and Johnny Stamboli (with Erik Watts) Match Background: JC Ice and Scoot Andrews have both become servants in the Acid Cult, after being abducted by Sean O’Haire. Trent Acid has somehow managed to manipulate these superstars into doing his bidding. Kazarian and Stamboli have been close to being abducted by O’Haire in the past. The Match: Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Johnny Stamboli ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Fallaway slam by Johnny Stamboli puts down Scoot Andrews. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Johnny Stamboli and Frankie Kazarian. Johnny Stamboli scoops up Scoot. Kazarian bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Scoot blocks a punch. Scoot crushes Kazarian with a running senton. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Scoot Andrews and JC Ice. JC Ice crushes Kazarian with a sweet running senton. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! JC Ice hits a rolling kick on Kazarian. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Kazarian reverses a waistlock. Kazarian uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Kazarian tags out to Johnny Stamboli. JC Ice gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Tag to Scoot Andrews. BIG clothesline on Scoot. Jamie Noble comes running down the aisle with a chair! Stamboli whips Scoot Andrews into the ropes. Noble jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Noble, Scoot, and the chair! Scoot Andrews staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over! JC Ice \ Scoot are left down and out in the ring thanks to the attack of Kazarian, Stamboli and Noble. My Opinion: The psychology was sound, the work was crisp, but a few awkward moments drag it down to about ****1\2. Tazz: What the hell was Jamie Noble doing out here? Cole: The Acid Cult interfered in several of his matches, not to mention he’s their opponent at Survivor Series! I normally cough on outside interference, but I think Jamie Noble has just reasons to be angry. Winners at 15:01: Johnny Stamboli and Frankie Kazarian The World’s Greatest Tag Team Haas and Benjamin are arriving at the arena, and they bump into Paul London. Benjamin: Look what we have here. It’s one of those wimps who is always crying “That mean old Rhyno won’t give me a title shot whenever I want, waaaa!” London: It’s not like that and you know it. Come on, Shelton. You’re a former WWF Champion. Wouldn’t you want… Benjamin: What I wanted when I was champion was to not defend the belt unless it meant something. Rhyno wants the fans to be charged to see his title defenses on pay-per-views. What the hell is wrong with that? London: It’s an old way of thinking. It worked wonders in the past, but our fans want more in this day and age. They want to see fighting champions, who don’t use old school ways of thinking to hide the fact they are cowards! Haas: Rhyno, is not a coward. The only coward I can think of is you, London. We’ll see you in the ring tonight. United States Championship: Rodney Mack © vs Orlando Jordan Match Background: This match is for the WWF United States title. Rodney Mack has been WWF United States champion since 14 September 2006. Rodney has also been left out of Team Rhyno at Survivor Series under the idea that he’ll be given a singles match at the show. The Match: Mack slams Orlando Jordan. Jordan powers out of a headlock. Back suplex on Mack. Rodney Mack charges, Jordan moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Front legsweep slam aka The Stroke by Orlando Jordan. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Mack reverses a waistlock. BAAACK Body drop by Jordan gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Spear by Rodney Mack. There's a two count on the pin. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Rodney Mack connects and Orlando Jordan is down! Pin, but Jordan is out just before the three count. Jordan blocks a kick from Rodney Mack. Mack takes a quick lariat. Pin, but Mack is out just before the three count. Rodney Mack reverses a hip toss. Orlando Jordan gets whipped into the corner by Mack, and flips all the way over to the outside! Jordan stays down on the outside, hurt. The referee reaches a ten count, and this one is over. My Opinion: Almost got a **** match, but was lacking in certain areas, so i'm knocking off a quarter of a star. Yes, there is such a thing as a quarter star. ***3/4. Cole: That was a damn shame to see the match end that way, but what the hell? Nunzio and Tracy Smothers come running out with a stretcher. They load Jordan onto the stretcher and strap him down. Jordan comes to a bit and realizes what is going on! They wheel the stretcher up to the top of the ramp, onto the stage (yes, Smackdown has a stage in 2006). Tazz: Are they going to do what I think they’re going to do? Cole: Someone needs to stop this! Tazz’s fears are justified, as the FBI gets a running start and sends Jordan’s stretcher flying off the stage like a torpedo. The stretcher lands on it’s side among a bunch of numerous tables and boxes. Cole: I cannot believe this! How is Orlando Jordan going to be ready for Survivor Series now! Real EMT’s come running out to Jordan’s aide, while Nunzio and Smothers quickly exit. Winner by Count-out at 7:21 and STILL United States Champion: Rodney Mack More Handicapped Fun Don Callis, AJ Styles, and Low Ki are sitting in their locker-room, going over some strategies when Rhyno and Mike Sanders come in. Callis and Sanders shake hands. Sanders: On behalf of SARS, I’d like to thank you again for your help in the ten-man tag at Survivor Series. Callis: Think nothing of it. My clients here are always in the mood for beating on Chad Collyer and Paul London. Styles: Especially Paul London. Low Ki: Yes, both London and Collyer lack honor! Rhyno: Yeah, well… wait, what’s that racket? (The room is overfilling with loud techno music being played in another locker-room. The group gets up and goes to investigate. They find in the next room, Jimmy Rave and the Blue Meanie are dancing to the music with a few girls that the Meanie must have brought with him. Nova is sitting in an easy chair, reading. Rhyno: TURN THAT NOISE DOWN! (Blue Meanie just flips Rhyno the bird). Rhyno gores the Meanie into a locker! The girls all scream and go running out. Meanwhile Low Ki takes the stereo and smashes it into the ground. Rave: Dammit, man! That was my brand new stereo! I hadn’t even bought the warranty on it! Rhyno: Want to fight about it! Rave: Yes, I want to fight about it! It’s one thing to hurt the Blue Meanie, but my stereo is another story! Meanie: Hey… Nova: Why don’t you all just leave and let’s call this even. Sanders: I have a better idea. My team needs to get ready for Survivor Series, so why don’t they get a chance to work as a team. Rave, Nova, you two have a special handicap match tonight It will be against Rhyno, Low Ki, and AJ Styles! Good luck with that, you morons! Cole: Another handicap match? That’s three in two weeks! Doug and Danny Basham vs Reno and Chuck Palumbo (with Bill DeMott) Match Background: Basham Brothers are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. Reno, Palumbo, and DeMott are no longer a part of SARS, but are continuing to work together anyway. The Bashams are hungry for another shot at the WWF Tag Team titles. The Match: Reno slams Doug Basham down and motions to the crowd. Basham walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Chuck Palumbo. Palumbo \ Reno whip Basham into the corner. Chuck Palumbo whips Reno in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Running knee lift from Chuck Palumbo. Hooks the leg for a two count. Basham is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Doug Basham once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Doug Basham scores with a standing spinebuster. Tag to Danny Basham. Danny Basham with a spinning neckbreaker on Palumbo. Full nelson slam on Palumbo. Palumbo powers out of a headlock. Palumbo tags out to Reno. Massive backbreaker on Danny and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. High Angle DDT by Reno just SPIKES Danny Basham down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! STIFF~! chop lights up Danny who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Danny counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Spear by Danny Basham. Reno is in big trouble...Double DDT!! 1....2....3! My Opinion: Ohh, looky. A **3/4 match! Cole: The Basham Brothers pick up a good victory! Tazz: It’s obvious to me, Cole, that these two want those tag titles back, and in a bad way! Winners at 4:19: Doug and Danny Basham In the back… Josh Matthews is standing by with Chad Collyer. Josh: Chad, what are your thoughts on your big tag match tonight against Haas and Benjamin? Collyer: It’s going to be quite the challenge, but I think Paul and I are up for it. We’ve been through a lot of battles the past couple of months, thanks to Rhyno and SARS, but at Survivor Series our struggle will come to a climatic end! Josh: Have you and Paul found any new team-mates for Survivor Series. Collyer: Actually, we have. I cannot wait to see the look on Rhyno’s face when he finds out who it is. Jimmy Rave and Nova bust in. Rave: Hey, Chad-man. Low Ki just broke my stereo and I want revenge. Nova: Well, Rhyno also gored the Blue Meanie and forced us into an unfair handicap match tonight, but sure, just think of the stereo. Rave: Yeah! We want to be on your team at Survivor Series! Collyer: I’ll have to discuss this with London first, but I don’t think he’ll mind. Rave: Yeah! Collyer: Good luck with the handicap match, guys. I’ve been in your shoes, I know it’s tough. Just remember, Rhyno is obsessive about holding onto his WWF title. Now he’s going to consider you two to be a greater threat. Use his desperation against him! Nova: Gotcha. Okay, Jimmy, let’s go meet our destiny. 3 on 2 Handicap match: Rhyno, AJ Styles, and Low Ki vs Jimmy Rave and Nova Match Background: This will be a 3 on 2 handicap bout. Rhyno is the reigning WWF World champion, and has been since 16 July 2006. Rave and Nova are now a part of Team Collyer (assuming Paul London agrees, which the chances are good). The Match: Rave takes a headbutt from Rhyno. Jimmy Rave charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Tag between Rhyno and Low Ki. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Pin, but Low Ki is out just before the three count. Nova hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Low Ki counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Low Ki tags out to Rhyno. Nova charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Tag between Rhyno and AJ Styles. Styles \ Rhyno whip Nova into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Styles bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Styles uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be Nova kicks AJ Styles in the gut to reverse the momentum. Nova tags out to Jimmy Rave. Rave crushes Styles with a running senton. Tag to Low Ki. Second rope flying axe handle, Low Ki goes down. One day, Rave might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Lightning kick by Rave on Low Ki. Tag between Low Ki and Rhyno.Rhyno flips out of a Jimmy Rave bodyslam attempt. Rhyno scores with a NASTY spinebuster. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Jimmy Rave powers out of a Rhyno headlock. Tag to Nova. Flying elbow from Nova connects. Nova crushes Rhyno with a huge legdrop. Tag to Jimmy Rave. Jimmy Rave and Nova whip Rhyno into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Rhyno powers out of a headlock. Jimmy Rave is in trouble. Gore! 1....2....3. My Opinion: They definitely need to hook up again, I don't care what anyone says. ***1\2 Cole: Rave and Nova fought valiantly, but they just could not overcome the numbers game! Tazz: Still, now Rhyno has picked up some experience teaming with Styles and Low Ki. I think momentum has seriously shifted towards Team Rhyno going into Survivor Series. Winners at 9:14: Rhyno, AJ Styles, and Low Ki The WWF’s very own cult! In the back, the Acid Cult has completely darkened one of the locker-rooms. Scoot Andrews, JC Ice, and Sean O’Haire are sitting around Trent Acid, who is reading out of a book. Acid: The master is angered by recent events. Your loss earlier tonight, and your failures to bring him Kazarian and The Bull. Our master is kind though, as he will give you all a chance for redemption. At Survivor Series, he demands a victory. If that happens, he will bestow his great power onto each of us, and we will become unstoppable! The light-switch gets turned on and Mike Sanders enters. Sanders: What the hell are you weirdos doing now! I want some explanations! I want… Acid: Brother O’Haire, please silence the good GM. O’Haire gets into Sander’s face. Sanders is anticipating a blow, but O’Haire just raises his finger up to his mouth and makes the “shhh” gesture. Acid: We are good people, Mr. Sanders. We have our own agenda just like you have yours. Sanders: Well, it’s getting on my nerves. Remember what I said to you though, no more abductions! If that happens again, you are all fired. Chad Collyer and Paul London vs Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas Match Background: Haas and Benjamin are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. These four men will be a part of the main event at Survivor Series, with Rhyno’s inactivity on the line. Haas and Benjamin earned the chance to be in Team Rhyno by defeating Paul London in a handicap match last week. The Match: Standing leg lariat by Chad Collyer on Shelton. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Hooks the leg for a two count. Collyer tags out to Paul London. Collyer and London whip Shelton into the corner. Chad Collyer whips Paul London in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. There's a two count on the pin. Second rope flying axe handle, Shelton goes down. One day, London might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. London goes for a splash but Shelton puts the knees up. Doctor Bomb and London is hurt. Covers for a quick two count. Shelton tags out to Charlie Haas. Haas crushes London with a huge legdrop. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Paul London charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Paul London once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. London hits a dropkick on Charlie Haas and gets right back up. Tag between Paul London and Chad Collyer. Chad Collyer connects with a back heel kick on Haas and gets back up quickly. Tag between Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. Spin kick by Chad Collyer to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Shelton Benjamin slides out and grabs a chair! Collyer goes to climb out of the ring...and takes a chair to the head! The referee has no hesitation in calling for the bell! Disqualification. Cole: Damn that Shelton Benjamin! That was uncalled for, and wait… what’s that music? I would know that music from anywhere! Kurt Angle just came out of nowhere with a chair! Shelton Benjamin turns...and gets planted with a big shot to the head! Charlie Haas runs over...but also gets dropped with a vicious chair shot! Kurt Angle has put Haas and Benjamin down by himself! Tazz: It’s KURT ANGLE! What the hell, it’s Kurt Angle back in the WWF! Cole: We haven’t see Kurt Angle in over two years! He must be the team-mate that Chad Collyer was hinting towards earlier! Tazz: Collyer was right, I would love to see the look on Rhyno’s face right now! In the ring, Angle has the ankle-lock in place on Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin is tapping out. Meanwhile, Collyer and London send Haas outside to the floor. Angle lets go of Benjamin and embraces with Collyer and London. Rave and Nova also limp their way to the ring and join in. Kurt Angle spins around and looks overjoyed to be back! My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****! Winners by DQ at 17:55: Chad Collyer and Paul London In the back, we see Mike Sanders, Rhyno, Don Callis, AJ Styles, Low Ki, and Rodney Mack watching the monitor. Rhyno looks as if he’s seen a ghost.
  11. SamoaRowe

    Heat results

    What's really sad isn't that Benoit isn't on Sunday Night Heat, it's that he isn't even on the MAIN EVENT of Sunday Night Heat! My money says Benoit jobs to Batista at WrestleMania.
  12. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Hehe, you're welcome. I didn't hire all the popular independents at once In fact, I made sure that when I did hire them that I integrated them into the game as realistically as I could. I'll admit, when I started the game I picked up CM Punk, Raven, and AJ Styles, but I didn't throw them into main event programs. Raven did sooner than later because he got over so fast, and CM Punk got over after a while too and became a main eventer as a result. I made AJ Styles win the Cruiserweight title first, and then he spent most of the next year as United States champion. Low Ki actually just arrived on Smackdown earlier in 2006, and Bryan Danielson just debuted last month in my game. By now, the WWF has become a place where it's not unrealistic to see these types of talent. So yes, many of them have become main eventers/upper mid-carders, but as you said, I ran out of options. And nope, I don't have TEW. I tried the trial version, and even though it was really neat, I still stuck with my EWR (and I didn't want to pay for TEW either). Thanks for reading
  13. SamoaRowe

    Mohammed Hassan..

    Why don't they just bring back Lo Down, complete with Tiger Ali?
  14. SamoaRowe

    Which brand do you like better right now?

    Aside from a few months earlier this year, I have always preferred Smackdown over Raw since the brands split apart. Right now I'm enjoying the rediculous antics on Smackdown over the stale and just flat-out dull Raw nonsense.
  15. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Raw November 6th 2006 The pyro explodes and Mike Tenay and Al Snow welcome us to another exciting episode of Monday Night Raw! The crowd is hot tonight, and there is much excitement when a graphic is played on the titantron, announcing that tonight’s main event is Austin Lee and Adam Hastey vs the World Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick and J.R. Ryder in a non-title match. Take Me Out to the Ball Game... Music plays, and Bubba Ray Dudley and Johnny C. are making their way down the ramp for a match. As they reach the bottom, Evolution comes running in from behind them! Adam Hastey and Austin Lee both have baseball bats and Chris Benoit is carrying a chair with him. Hastey and Lee take turns hitting Johnny with the bats while Bubba Ray takes two stiff chair shots from the World Heavyweight Champion! This prompts out Bryan Danielson, J.R. Ryder, and Brian Kendrick! Danielson starts brawling with Benoit, while the R&S Connection goes after Hastey and Lee. The Degenerates lose their bats, and Evolution regroup and the trio makes it into the ring. Danielson, Kendrick, and Ryder pick up their weapons and start circling the ring. After a few seconds of tense silence, HBK’s music plays and Raw GM Shawn Michaels makes his entrance. HBK: That was the final straw, Benoit! You three have really pissed me off this time! Now is not a good time to do so either, because one of my favorite pay-per-views of the year, Survivor Series, is coming up in just a couple short weeks! I’ve been thinking about what Raw should contribute to this legendary pay-per-view, and I’ve sort of been short of ideas. However, now I know what I want. I want Evolution gone from Raw! So at Survivor Series, I want a classic eight man elimination tag match to take place. The three of you are going to team up with Steve Corino (Benoit looks disgusted at this point). Your opponents will be the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, Brian Kendrick, J.R. Ryder… and me! (Hastey and Lee both look nervous when HBK announces himself in the match, Benoit grabs a mic). Benoit: So what’s this? Another attempt by you to get rid of Evolution? Did we not just go through this after Unforgiven? And Steve Corino? This is far from fair, Michaels, and you damn well know it. However, I’m going to accept these terms. I will accept having to team up with Corino, who is my enemy, and I will accept the thought of losing the Evolution heritage… but under one condition! At Survivor Series, this will be the last time you EVER put our existence on the line. After Evolution wins that survivor match, you can NEVER take any means to break us up! HBK: You know what, Benoit, I accept those terms! I have enough faith in my team of protégés, and I have faith in myself! If we lose at Survivor Series, I’ll leave Evolution alone. In the meantime, I reserve the right to revoke this cause should any of you go and attack superstars at random like you just did. Tenay: Yes! Shawn Michaels is taking Evolution into his own hands! At Survivor Series, we will witness Michael’s first in-ring performance since WrestleMania! Snow: I’m just glad to see that Evolution is getting what’s coming to them! When I saw them take down Johnny C. and Bubba Ray Dudley just now, it reminded me of what they did to me, Shane Helms, and Shannon Moore! Too many superstars have been put out of action because of Evolution and their baseball bats! Intercontinental Championship: Matt Stryker © vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Match Background: This match is for the WWF Intercontinental title. Matt Stryker has been WWF Intercontinental champion since 30 October 2006. Stryker promised Hardy that if he won the IC title last week, Hardy would be the first to receive a title shot. The Match: Standing leg lariat by Matt Stryker on Hardy. Hardy flips out of a Matt Stryker bodyslam attempt. Back suplex on Stryker. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Delayed BRAINBUSTAH~! by Hardy who held onto that one for ages. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Stryker counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Spin kick by Matt Stryker to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Superkick by Matt Stryker practically knocks out all of Matt Hardy Version 1.0's teeth! Covers for a quick two count. Springboard dropkick from Matt Stryker. Nicely done. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Matt Hardy Version 1.0 pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Stryker walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Stryker blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 floors Stryker, then signals for the Twist Of Fate. Meanwhile, Matt Stryker has something in his hands. Hardy comes over...and gets nailed with a set of brass knuckles! The referee wakes up to see the pinfall: 1....2....3! It's over. Tommy Dreamer has grabbed a chair. Hardy walks over...and gets floored with a hard shot. Stryker also takes a hard shot. Dreamer has laid everybody out! My Opinion: Nothing offensive, but nothing too special either. **1\2 rating. Tenay: Matt Stryker just cheated to win over his best friend, Matt Hardy! Snow: But an irate Tommy Dreamer came and did what he does best! Tenay: You mean lay waste to Mattitude 2.0? Snow: Exactly! Winner at 5:01 and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Matt Stryker Hardy Har Har After the break, we see Matt Hardy thrashing around in the backstage area. Stryker is trying to calm him down. Hardy: You jerk! You no-good, rotten, little weasel! Since when do you carry about brass knucks! Stryker: Give me a break, man! I just won this belt, you think I’m ready to hand it over just now! Hardy: Dammit, I’m your best friend, how could you… (Stops when he sees CM Punk and Julio crossing by). What the hell are you two looking at? Punk: You two are both ridiculous. You’re fighting over that belt the same way two little boys would fight over a toy truck. Hardy: Well, I think you should watch yourself, Punk. Punk: From you two? Why should I. Since you’ve arrived on Raw, you have been unorganized, unprepared, and all around worthless. I’m amazed your little pal had enough in him to win that Intercontinental title. As far as I’m concerned, you are both worthless. The two teams start brawling in the hallway. Referees have to run in and break them up. Trish Stratus vs Gail Kim Match Background: Trish has been sort of targeted out amongst the struggling Raw talent as of late. The Match: Trish hits a right hand. Gail Kim comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Kim hits a right hand. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Spear! Trish is down! Cover, but there's no one to count for Gail Kim! Trish blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Bodyslam by Trish. Trish Stratus hits a bulldog off the ropes. Covers for a quick two count. Spear! Kim is down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Kim counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Big piledriver on Trish. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Gail Kim misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Test comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Gail Kim turns around. Test spins Trish around. Test hits the Running Big Boot! My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me. Tenay: What the hell was that?!? Test just interfered in that match, and for NO REASON! Snow: He took Trish down with that awful big boot! The music of John Jeter hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. Test bails from the ring, and is joined by Christian. Tenay: I’m receiving word over my headset that Shawn Michaels has ordered Test to wrestle John Jeter after the commercial break, as part of his punishment for interfering in the match! Snow: Test must have forgotten about the New Rule! Jeter vs Test is next! Winner at 4:13: Trish Stratus John Jeter vs Test (with Christian) Match Background: Jeter just saved Trish Stratus from an attack by Test. The Match: John Jeter hits a rolling kick on Test. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Lightning kick by Jeter on Test. There's a two count on the pin. John Jeter misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Test hits a right hand. BIG clothesline on Jeter. Hooks the leg for a two count. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Jeter! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. BAAACK Body drop by Jeter gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Jeter counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Test is down! There's a two count on the pin. Tor-NADO DDT from John Jeter, Test got planted! Pin, but Test is out just before the three count. John Jeter hits a rolling kick on Test. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. John Jeter connects with a back heel kick on Test and gets back up quickly. Test pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Flying shoulder tackle by Test sends Jeter CRASHING to the mat. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Test just KILLS John Jeter! Tenay: Someone is running down the aisle?!? Who is that!! Snow: Wait a second, that’s CHRIS CHETTI! Chris Chetti comes running down the aisle and into the ring! John Jeter turns around. Chris Chetti spins Jeter around. Chris Chetti hits the Amityville Horror! Chetti leaves the ring, the damage done! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Test pins Jeter. Chris Chetti pushes the referee aside, then continues to assault Jeter! Right hands rain down on John Jeter, pounding him into the canvas. Satisfied with his work, Chris Chetti turns and leaves the ring, the damage done. My Opinion: Good bout. In my estimation, it's about ***3/4. Tenay: Wait, does this mean that Chris Chetti is a new member of the Beautiful People? Snow: Sure as hell looks that way to me! I bet Shawn Michaels must be furious over outside interference in two straight matches! Winner at 13:01: Test Another New Match HBK enters a locker-room, where Tommy Dreamer is practicing his kendo stick moves. He stops and greets HBK. HBK: Tommy, my man. You know, it’s remarkable that you held the Intercontinental Championship for eight months! That is the longest IC title reign in probably a decade! And I agree with you about Matt Hardy and Matt Stryker. They are pains in the ass, and something should be done about them. But I can’t approve of you attacking them from behind every ten minutes the same way I can’t tolerate Evolution’s base-ball attacks. Dreamer: I understand. HBK: However, I want to give you an opportunity for a fight. Since you are a popular guy in the back, and Hardy and Stryker are not, why don’t I make the three of you opponents in a ten-man elimination tag match at Survivor Series. I know it won’t be hard for you to find four team-mates, but I’m going to enjoy watching Hardy and Stryker squirm. Dreamer: As will I. Thank you, Shawn. The two shake hands. Bryan Danielson vs Steve Corino Match Background: These two will be fighting on opposite teams at Survivor Series. Corino has been placed on Evolution’s team, despite not being a part of the group. The Match: Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Bryan Danielson by Corino. Remember when that was a legit finish? Spear by Steve Corino. Covers for a quick two count. Steve Corino misses a clothesline. Bryan Danielson kicks the leg, knocks Corino down, and goes to work on it. Spin kick by Bryan Danielson to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Danielson walks into a drop toe hold. Full nelson slam on Danielson. Steve Corino hits some punches. How generic. Bryan Danielson powers out of a Steve Corino headlock. THERE IT IS! Wait! Corino has pulled something out of his tights. Bryan Danielson walks over...and gets floored by a punch! No, the referee saw the brass knuckles! We have DQ decision! Tenay: Danielson wins by a disqualification! But what the hell, here comes Benoit! Snow: What’s Benoit doing out here? I thought he hated Corino? Tenay: He must hate Danielson even more! Chris Benoit comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Chris Benoit drops Danielson to the canvas. Chris Benoit quickly locks on the Crippler Crossface! Bryan Danielson has been left down on the canvas. My Opinion: This match gets two stars from me. Nothing more, nothing less. ** Tenay: There is still tension between Benoit and Corino. You can see it in their eyes. Winner at 3:19 by DQ: Bryan Danielson CM Punk and Julio Dinero (with Raven) vs The New Rainbow Express (with Ozzy Benton) vs Frank Shamrock and Lance Storm Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. The New Rainbow Express used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. Shamrock and Storm are teaming up for the first time tonight, whether or not this leads to them being a regular team has yet to be seen. The Match: A kick from Lodi is delivered to the leg. Lodi hits a spinning back kick. All those spinning kicks look alike, don't they. Lodi tags out to Lance Storm. Big dropkick by Lance Storm, who got a ton of air on the move. Hooks the leg for a two count. Punk counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Tag to Julio Dinero. Punk and Dinero whip Storm into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Tenay: Ozzy Benton just jumped onto the apron, and Raven pulled him off! Snow: It just supports my theory that everyone hates Ozzy Benton. Tag between Lance Storm and Frank Shamrock. Frank Shamrock connects with a HARD right hand, sending the opponent down to the mat again. Frank almost belly-to-belly suplexes Julio Dinero through the mat. What? It's possible. Tag between Julio Dinero and Rico. Rico gets caught with a short powerbomb from Frank. Frank goes for a splash but Ozzy Benton pulls Rico out of the way. Frank Shamrock is in trouble. Spinning Leg Lariat! 1....2....3. My Opinion: *** rating for an above average match. Tenay: Did you see what Ozzy Benton just did! He just helped Rico and Lodi win the match! Snow: And everyone knows it! Ozzy rolls into the ring and starts celebrating with Rico and Lodi. The trio is overjoyed to have a victory, and they don’t notice that CM Punk, Julio, Raven, Lance Storm, and Frank Shamrock are standing all around them, looking really pissed off. Ozzy is the first to notice and he literally yelps! He tries to run, but Raven nails an evenflow DDT on poor Ozzy. Likewise, Julio helps CM Punk set Lodi up for a Pepsi Plunge, and Shamrock and Storm double team Rico. The Rainbow Express and Ozzy Benton are layed out. Snow: It would appear that no one was too amused with Ozzy’s antics tonight. Winners (?) at 8:32: The New Rainbow Express Enemies? Steve Corino is sitting in his locker-room, already changed from his match earlier. Chris Benoit comes in and the two of them lock eyes. Benoit: Steve. I just want to lay everyone down and talk to you straight. I don’t like you. I don’t trust you. But at Survivor Series, we have to work together. My colleagues, Adam and Austin, have informed me that they most enjoyed teaming with you last week. If you’re good enough for them, then I suppose you are good enough for me too. Corino: Look, Chris. I’m going to be straight with you too. I don’t like you either. I don’t trust you either. But I’ll be a team player at Survivor Series. Under one condition. Benoit: What’s that? Corino: After we win the match, you let me become a part of Evolution. Benoit: (cringing)… fine! The two share a reluctant (not to mention tense) hand-shake. Benoit exits, and the main event is after the next break! Non-title Match: R & S Connection vs Adam Hastey and Austin Lee Match Background: R & S Connection are the reigning World Tag Team champions, and have been since 25 September 2006. The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Kendrick goes down. Kendrick takes a flying neckbreaker from Adam Hastey. There's a two count on the pin. Hastey tags out to Austin Lee. Hastey and Lee whip Kendrick into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. There's a two count on the pin. Implant DDT by Austin Lee! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Brian Kendrick pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Flying reverse elbow by Brian Kendrick. There's a two count on the pin. Kendrick tags out to J.R. Ryder. Lee takes a NICE hurrancarana from J.R. Ryder. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Ryder uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Austin Lee is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Implant DDT by Austin Lee! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Tag between Austin Lee and Adam Hastey. Adam Hastey kicks the leg, knocks Ryder down, and goes to work on it. Tag to Brian Kendrick. Spin kick by Adam Hastey to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Adam Hastey ducks a Kendrick clothesline and does a quick roll up. Hastey has a handful of tights! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Hastey and Lee nod at each other...and they attack R & S Connection! The element of surprise works in their favour, and they have soon left R & S Connection down and out on the canvas. My Opinion: A badly blown spot prevents me from giving out more snowflakes. ***3/4 Tenay: This doesn’t bode well for Shawn Michael’s plans! The World Tag Team Champions have been laid to waste by the Degenerates! Snow: I hate those two so much! Tenay: Well, this is not going to sit well with Shawn Michaels. Next week is the last stop on the road to Survivor Series! Be here next week to find out what HBK does in response to his never-ending madness by Evolution! Winners at 22:01: Adam Hastey and Austin Lee
  16. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Other competitors! Ring of Honor (National). They just fell to National after spending a month as Global. Needless to say, there was much rejoice within the WWF. Much like WCW, ROH picked up quite a bit of momentum from former WWF superstars, who were not getting along with head booker Ernie Rowe. Top Five Stars: Steve Austin Eddie Guerrero Christopher Daniels John Cena Edge Burning Hammer of The Wrestling Gods (National) A surprise success, considering the roster. BHOTWG has yet to pick up any television deals, but does well promoting much-talked about shows across the country. They run family-orientated shows as well, so parents have little conern exposing their children to this federation. Top Five Stars: Rosey Jeff Jarrett Donovan Morgan Johnny Smith Chris Candido Xtreme Pro Wrestling (National!) Yes, XPW is alive and well in 2006. Rob Black's business deals turned out to be a success, and XPW plays to an adult audience. Recently they acquired a retired Rob Van Dam as commisioner of the federation. Top Five Stars: Rob Van Dam Ikuta Hidaka Gedo Johnny Smith Chris Candido Where are They Now? Several big names in the WWF left within the first year and a half of Ernie Rowe's days as WWF booker. Let's take a moment and reflect on where they are now. The Rock: Continued to have a very successful Hollywood career. He occasionally tours in Japan, due to his love of wrestling, but has not appeared in a WWF ring since Backlash 2003. Undertaker: 'Taker hated Rowe from the minute they started doing business together. Rowe wanted to phase 'Taker out of the main event scene, which didn't sit well. As a result, 'Taker decided it was best to retire, and in the fall of 2003 he hung up his boots and now just resides with his wife and child in comfort. Kurt Angle: It's well documented how Kurt Angle left the WWF in 2004, jobbing his WWF title to Shelton Benjamin. Since then, Angle became a big factor in the rise of Ring of Honor and has worked for numerous independent companies. Chris Jericho: Y2J refused to re-sign with the WWF and became an angry and bitter employee. Rowe released him from his contract a few months early in 2005, after WrestleMania XXI. Since then, Jericho has been a regular in Japan and works Indy dates on the side. Big Show: See "Undertaker." Kane: See "Big Show" and "Undertaker." Batista: Dave Batista was released from his contract in late 2003. From there, he became a huge star in Ring of Honor. When his contract was up, Rowe brought Batista back for a short run in late 2005, early 2006. Batista was just used for star power and enjoyed a run as IC Champion. Now Batista is back to working the independent feds and hasn't returned to Ring of Honor as of yet. Eddie Guerrero: Once again, Eddie became burnt out from the WWF schedule and was not happy with his role most of the time. Basically, when Eddie was holding the WWF Championship on Smackdown or the World Championship on Raw, he was happy. Whenever he wasn't, he was angry. Guerrero was released in 2005, and became a full-time Ring of Honor star. John Cena: Cena was on the verge of breaking out in 2003, but Rowe was reluctant to push him further, based on his average in-ring work. Cena achieved immense popularity, but was never turned face. He spent about eight months holding the tag titles on Raw with Rhyno, as well as three Intercontinental Championships. Despite some attempts to push Cena and make him happy, Cena just became more miserable. In the summer of 2005, Cena lost his IC and Tag titles within weeks of each other and was given his release. He now tours in Japan, and is said to be learning a lot. Brock Lesnar: Same scenario as in real life, more or less. WrestleMania XX was Lesnar's last night in the WWF, but he didn't quit voluntarily. During his match with Chris Benoit on the show, Lesnar half-assed the entire match and no-sold several of Benoit's offense. What could of been a five-star masterpiece turned into a train wreck, and Benoit did all he could to hold it together. Lesnar was fired immediately after the match, and has gone on to work in Japan since. Chris Benoit: Benoit left the WWF in 2004 as well. He wasn't happy backstage and he just wanted time to get his passion back. Benoit worked for Ring of Honor for a little over a year, but returned to the WWF in early 2006. Now he's the reigning World Heavyweight Champion on Raw.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    And now the Smackdown roster! Smackdown! WWF Champion: Rhyno United States Champion: Rodney Mack WWF Tag Team Champions: Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble Main Eventers: AJ Styles Chad Collyer Upper Mid-carders: Johnny Stamboli Low Ki Paul London Sean O'Haire Mid-carders: Chuck Palumbo Blue Meanie Charlie Haas Danny Basham Doug Basham Frankie Kazarian Funaki JC Ice Jimmy Rave Kid Kash Mark Briscoe Men's Teioh Nova Nunzio Orlando Jordan Scoot Andrews Shelton Benjamin Sonjay Dutt Tracy Smothers Ultimo Dragon Lower Mid-carders: Alex Arion Jay Briscoe Reno Opener: Shashka Corbett Injured/Rehab: Rey Mysterio
  18. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Thanks for reading Since you asked, I think I'll take this opportunity to post an updated roster and some info on other feds. Raw World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit Intercontinental Champion: Matt Stryker World Tag Team Champions: Brian Kendrick and J.R. Ryder Women's Champion: Victoria Hardcore Champion: Justin Credible Main Eventers: CM Punk Matt Hardy Raven Steve Corino Upper Mid-carders: Bryan Danielson Christian Lance Storm Randy Orton Tommy Dreamer Mid-carders: Adam Hastey Austin Lee Billy Kidman Bubba Ray Dudley Chris Chetti Frank Shamrock John Jeter Julio Dinero Rico Lodi Shane Helms Shannon Moore Test Lower Mid-carders: Johnny C. Ozzy Benton Rob Conway (has not yet debuted) Women Roster: Alexis Laree Erica Porter Gail Kim Jazz Lita Molly Holly Trish Stratus Victoria Injured/Rehab Garrison Cade Seven Taylor Matheny Kid Romeo Lucy Carter Eric Bischoff
  19. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Thanks, I'm enjoying seeing it get played out. I so totally wish that I had another Smackdown pay-per-view coming after Survivor Series. I do have some Armageddon match ideas floating through my head though. It should be an interesting show to say the very least.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Whose the bigger star?

    Cena, hands down. He got over all by himself in 2003, while Randy Orton was begging for heat on Raw.
  21. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Smackdown! November 2nd 2006 Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to Smackdown as the music plays and the crowd goes wild. They announce that tonight we will see the new WWF Tag Team Champions Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond in action, as they defend their titles against none other than Jimmy Rave and Nova! But first, Rhyno’s theme music plays, and out comes the WWF Champion himself, along with Mike Sanders, Chuck Palumbo, and U.S. Champion Rodney Mack. The Evil GM Sanders: Last week I made a decision in the favor of the continued success of Rhyno, and that was to end our relationship with Bill DeMott and Reno. Let’s face it, they just never contributed and were dead weight. Rhyno: Yeah, Reno was a crappy fisher-man to boot. Sanders: Anyways, I must say I’m quite disturbed at what Shane McMahon announced last week. A ten man survivor match at Survivor Series? If Rhyno’s team wins, then Rhyno can keep doing what he has done since July, and restore prestige to the WWF Championship by defending it so very rarely. If Chad Collyer and Paul London’s selfish team wins, then Rhyno must defend his belt against undeserving opponents week in and week out. This isn’t fair and Shane McMahon knows this! Now you might all be thinking that Team Rhyno will consist of members of SARS. Well, that’s just not necessarily true. After I came to realize the truth about Reno and Bill last week (turning to Rodney and Palumbo) I’m not sure I have as much faith in the both of you either. That’s why you two are going to face Chad Collyer tonight in a 2 on 1 handicap match. If you win, you will be a part of Team Rhyno at Survivor Series. However, should Collyer win the match, the person he pins will be kicked out of SARS. Cole: Mike Sanders is on a power streak! Tazz: And why shouldn’t he be? He’s the Smackdown General Manager! Sanders: Also, last week on Smackdown I promised that Rhyno would defend his belt in this very ring tonight. (Turns to Rhyno). How’s your head feeling? Rhyno: I’ve fully recovered, Mike. I’m ready to GORE somebody’s sorry ass! Sanders: Excellent. I looked long and hard, but I found you an opponent. Your WWF title defense for the month of November will be against none other than, THE BLUE MEANIE! Cole: What the hell!?? Tazz: My thoughts exactly! Cole: The Blue Meanie is back in the WWF?!? And he’s getting a title shot?!? Mike Sanders is out of his mind! WWF Championship: Rhyno © vs Blue Meanie Match Background: Meanie is making his debut at this show. This match is for the WWF World title. Rhyno has been WWF World champion since 16 July 2006. The Match: Rhyno hits a right hand. Blue Meanie pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Rhyno is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Covers for a quick two count. Brutal spinning powerbomb on Meanie! Pin, but Meanie is out just before the three count. Meanie reverses a waistlock. Spear by Blue Meanie. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Rhyno comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Blue Meanie is in trouble. Here it comes - Gore. 1....2...3, it's finished. Blue Meanie leaves and walks back down the aisle. Wait...Rhyno comes running as well, and Meanie gets dropped with a clothesline, followed by a load of stomps. He is left lying in the aisle. My Opinion: I'll give it a *3/4 rating. If you think of it like currency, it's a 1.75. You can't even take the subway with that anymore here. Work harder man. Cole: “Restoring prestige to the title” my ass! This is sickening, there are so many talented superstars on the Smackdown roster who would have deserved this title shot over a former star making his return tonight! Tazz: Another successful title defense by Rhyno. First he beat Paul London, then Alex Arion, followed by Chad Collyer, and now the Blue Meanie. That’s an impressive list if you ask me. Winner at 3:34 and STILL WWF Champion: Rhyno Here Comes the Good Guys! In the back, we see Paul London and Chad Collyer arriving at the arena. They head into a locker-room where they see Jimmy Rave dancing around to some techno music, with Nova sitting nearby, reading a book. Collyer: What’s he so excited about? Nova: Jimmy just gets happy whenever there is a chance we’ll win the tag team gold. I think we have a real shot tonight. London: I’ll say. Best of luck to you both. Nova: Thanks, man. London and Collyer, turn around as Josh Matthews comes running up. Josh: Chad Collyer! Since you’re just arriving now, I doubt you heard the news? Collyer: Uh oh, what did Mike Sanders do now? Josh: He made a handicap match for you, against Chuck Palumbo and Rodney Mack! Collyer: Oh, isn’t that great. Josh: Yeah, and it’s after the next commercial break. Collyer: Even greater! I guess I’ll be wrestling in my jeans tonight! London: Don’t worry, I’ll have your back. Collyer: I know. Let’s do this! Chad Collyer (with Paul London) vs Chuck Palumbo and Rodney Mack Match Background: This will be a 2 on 1 handicap bout. Rodney Mack is the reigning WWF United States champion, and has been since 14 September 2006. The Match: Palumbo walks into a high dropkick from Chad Collyer, almost losing several teeth in the process. Collyer hits a dropkick on Rodney Mack and gets right back up. GORGEOUS Spinning bulldog in the corner and Mack is down. Covers for a quick two count. Implant DDT by Chad Collyer! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Palumbo ducks a wild right hand. Palumbo \ Mack whip Collyer into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. BAAACK Body drop by Collyer gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Spinebuster by Chuck Palumbo. Mack \ Palumbo whip Collyer into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Collyer! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Chad Collyer connects with a back heel kick on Palumbo and gets back up quickly. Chad Collyer charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Mack \ Palumbo whip Collyer into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. There's a two count on the pin. Palumbo scoops and slams Chad Collyer. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Collyer counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Mack walks into a drop toe hold. Tiger suplex on Mack. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Chuck Palumbo can barely stand. Spinning DVD! 1....2....3. My Opinion: I'll give this a ***1\4 rating. If I left it up to you, you'd probably think it was the greatest match ever! Keep trying... Cole: Collyer won the match! Paul London didn’t even need outside help from London! Tazz: I guess this means that Palumbo is out of SARS! That’s three members Sanders will have fired within two weeks! Cole: This leaves Rhyno as the sole member of Team Rhyno, unless he thinks of something. Winner at 10:01: Chad Collyer More Handicapped Nonsense Shelton Benjamin is lifting weights in a training room, while Charlie Haas is coaching him. Mike Sanders enters. Sanders: Hello, gentlemen. Shelton: Can we help you. Sanders: You sure can. You see, I’ve lately found myself admiring both of your talents. I was wondering if you would like the chance to be a part of Team Rhyno at Survivor Series? Charlie: Wow, that would be an honor! What do we need to do. Sanders: I need you two to destroy Paul London. I’m making a second handicap match, this time as the main event. It will be the both of you taking on Paul London, and I’m banning Chad Collyer from ringside! Shelton: You have a deal, Mr. Sanders. I love what Rhyno has done for Smackdown, we will gladly fight by his side. Sanders: Just make sure that Paul London can’t leave the arena tonight on his own will, and you are definitely in. Cole: Another handicap match! Someone really needs to stop Mike Sanders! Tazz: No one can though, he’s the GM! He’s unstoppable! Low Ki vs Alex Arion Match Background: Arion defeat Low Ki in a huge upset last week on Smackdown. The Match: Low Ki slams Alex Arion. Low Ki drives a thrust kick into the chest of Arion. Hooks the leg for a two count. Alex Arion fights out of a grapple. Flying elbow from Alex Arion connects. Alex Arion connects with a back heel kick on Low Ki and gets back up quickly. Hard back suplex on Low Ki. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Low Ki pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Vicious snap suplex! Alex Arion got whipped over hard. Low Ki has Alex Arion down on the canvas. Alex Arion gets locked in the Dragon Clutch! Submission victory! Alex Arion leaves and walks back down the aisle. Wait...Low Ki comes running as well, and Arion gets dropped with a clothesline, followed by a load of stomps. He is left lying in the aisle. My Opinion: I'll give this a ***1\4 rating. If I left it up to you, you'd probably think it was the greatest match ever! Keep trying... Tazz: Well, it looks like Low Ki has recovered his honor and pride from that loss last week. Cole: You cannot take anything away from Alex Arion though. The past couple of months has been amazing for this young superstar. Winner at 6:17: Low Ki Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie Noble © vs Ultimo Dragon Match Background: This match is for the WWF Cruiserweight title. Jamie Noble has been WWF Cruiserweight champion since 28 September 2006. The Match: Standing leg lariat by Jamie Noble on Ultimo. Ultimo blocks a kick from Jamie Noble. Ultimo Dragon connects with a back heel kick on Noble and gets back up quickly. Jamie Noble charges, Ultimo moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Springboard dropkick from Ultimo Dragon. Nicely done. Cover, but there's no one to count for Ultimo Dragon! Noble flips out of a Ultimo Dragon bodyslam attempt. Jamie Noble hits a rolling kick on Ultimo. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Big piledriver on Ultimo. Hooks the leg for a two count. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Jamie Noble, is executed so well, it hurt MY back. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Jamie Noble gets taken down out of nowhere! Flying reverse elbow by Ultimo Dragon. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Noble counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Sean O'Haire just slid into the ring out of nowhere! Ultimo Dragon gets grabbed, and they start brawling. Noble takes some shots at Ultimo as well. The referee, seeing the chaos, calls for a no contest ruling. Sean O'Haire has grabbed a chair. Noble walks over...and gets floored with a hard shot. Ultimo also takes a hard shot. O'Haire has laid everybody out! My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay! Cole: Sean O’Haire has ruined yet another match! This time though, there is help on the way! Johnny Stamboli and Frankie Kazarian rush in to make the save. The two of them seemingly overtake O’Haire, until Trent Acid, Scoot Andrews, and JC Ice (sporting some new gothic-looking attire) jump Kazarian and Stamboli. A three on two beat-down begins, which isn’t helped anymore by O’Haire getting back to his feet. When the chaos settles down, it is Jamie Noble, Ultimo Dragon, Johnny Stamboli, and Frankie Kazarian all layed out on the mat. Cole: Yet another superstar has been sucked into this cult being run by Trent Acid! Tazz: Not only that, but another perfectly good cruiserweight match has been ruined! No Contest at 11:45. Managerial Concern Mike Sanders is sitting in his office, making conversation with Rhyno and Rodney Mack when Erik Watts storms in. Watts: Did you see what just happened out there!?! Sanders: You mean that whole nonsense involving Acid’s little cult activities? Yes, I did notice. Watts: And you’re not annoyed by them frequently interrupting matches and causing potential legal problems?!? Sanders: Actually, I am. I had the cops questioning me for days because I was supposedly legally responsible for the safely of Smackdown superstars while traveling and JC Ice was abducted! He seems happy enough now, but I’ve had enough! That is why I’m going to make my own survivor match at Survivor Series. It will be your client, Johnny Stamboli, teaming up with Jamie Noble, Ultimo Dragon, and Frankie Kazarian. Their opponents will be the team of Sean O’Haire, Trent Acid, Scoot Andrews, and JC Ice! And I’m also officially announcing that the next time the “abduct” someone, I’m firing them all! Cole: Gee, that was um, rather good thinking on the behalf of Sanders. Tazz: See, Cole, even you don’t totally hate Sanders. Aside from Rhyno, he’s actually pretty fair. Cole: I wouldn’t go that far, Tazz. You’d be forgetting that he’s made TWO handicap matches for tonight. WWF Tag Team Championship Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond © vs Jimmy Rave and Nova Match Background: This match is for the WWF Tag Team titles. Shamrock and Diamond have been WWF Tag Team champions since 26 October 2006. The Match: Diamond takes a flying neckbreaker from Jimmy Rave. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Diamond is down! Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Nova. Nova scoops up Diamond. Rave bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Nova uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Covers for a quick two count. Nova hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Nova misses a clothesline. TIGER DRIVER~! '91 nearly crushes the spine of Nova! Tag to Ken Shamrock. A Gut buster connects on Nova and hits hard. Ken Shamrock hits an ugly looking bulldog off the ropes. Nova reverses a waistlock. Tag between Nova and Jimmy Rave. Shamrock takes a NICE hurrancarana from Jimmy Rave. Vicious kick to the teeth from Jimmy Rave. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Shamrock walks into a high dropkick from Jimmy Rave, almost losing several teeth in the process. Shamrock blocks a kick from Jimmy Rave. Weak bodyslam by Shamrock. Jimmy Rave hooks up a suplex, but it is blocked. Shamrock scores with a low blow, then turns it into a small package! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Jimmy Rave got screwed out of the victory! Basham Brothers come running down the aisle and into the ring! Shamrock turns...and gets floored by a clothesline. Diamond walks into a vicious boot to the face. Basham Brothers set him up, and nail the Double DDT! Shamrock is grabbed...and he gets hit with the Double DDT as well! Basham Brothers have done a number on them! My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you. Cole: Rave and Nova got screwed out of the titles, but the Bashams are making a huge statement here! Tazz: They must not be too happy about having lost the titles to Shamrock and Diamond last week. Cole: It’s a shame, Jimmy Rave was in such a good mood earlier too! Winners at 8:01 and STILL WWF Tag Team Champions: Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond A Fiery Hatred Nunzio is seen walking through the backstage area, looking rather frightened. He runs into Stacy Keibler. Nunzio: Stacey, have you seen Orlando Jordan today? Stacy: Oh yes, I did! He was playing with a lighter earlier today and made some comments about “not wanting to wait until Survivor Series to set some miserable rat on fire.” I wonder who he could be talking about! Nunzio: Oh, that jerk! Where did you last see him? Stacy: Well, right now he’s right behind you  Jordan jumps Nunzio from behind. He attempts to light Nunzio’s sweater on fire with his lighter, when Tracy Smothers makes the save. Smothers: Maybe we didn’t get the message to you, when we bloodied you at No Mercy! You are no match for Nunzio! The FBI stomps away at Orlando Jordan, but suddenly… Stacy: Please stop hurting him! Nunzio: Huh? Stacy: I asked you to stop hurting him. Smothers: Why? Should we hurt you instead? Stacy: No… maybe you shouldn’t hurt anyone? Nunzio: (cornering her) But Stacy, someone has to get hurt. Otherwise, where I get my fun? (Makes a kissing motion). The FBI leaves and Stacy attends to Jordan on the ground. Paul London vs Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin Match Background: This will be a 2 on 1 handicap bout. Haas and Benjamin are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. If Haas and Benjamin win, they will be a part of Team Rhyno at Survivor Series. The Match: Shelton Benjamin gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Shelton. Spin kick by Charlie Haas to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Charlie Haas scoops up London. Shelton bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. NASTY Tiger Suplex by Shelton Benjamin on London. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Haas and Benjamin whip London into the corner. Shelton Benjamin whips Charlie Haas in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Shelton Benjamin comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Super kick by Paul London. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Shelton Benjamin reverses a hip toss. London gets caught with a short powerbomb from Shelton. Haas and Benjamin whip London into the corner. Shelton Benjamin whips Charlie Haas in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg for a two count. London reverses a waistlock. Tiger suplex on Haas. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Hooks the leg for a two count. Shelton Benjamin reverses a hip toss. Doctor Bomb and London is hurt. Flying reverse elbow by Charlie Haas. Paul London is on his way to winning this match, but then AJ Styles comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Paul London turns around. AJ Styles spins London around. AJ Styles hits the Styles Clash! Styles leaves the ring, the damage done! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Shelton Benjamin pins London. My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay! Cole: It’s AJ Styles! He’s back! Styles raises Shelton and Charlie’s arms in victory! The three then start stomping away at London, when Chad Collyer runs in to make the save. Collyer cleans house, throwing Shelton over the top-rope, slamming AJ into the turnbuckle and laying some stiff punches on Haas. However, Low Ki is next to make the save, and he hooks a dragon sleeper onto Collyer and he goes down. Cole: Hey, look! Sanders and Rhyno are back out. Sanders: Well, well, well. I wonder if Shane McMahon still thinks he is so smart! Just when everyone thought Rhyno would have no one to back him up, I go and prove everyone wrong. Look before you, as Team Rhyno stands in that very ring! Cole: No, this cannot be! Sanders has recruited AJ Styles and Low Ki to fight in Team Rhyno? Tazz: Makes sense, as Sanders is on good terms with their manager, Don Callis. Speaking of Callis, where is he? Cole: I don’t know, but Collyer and London are going to have to find some supporters fast! Winners at 18:41: Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas
  22. SamoaRowe

    Official Survivor Series Poster

    It's not the best drawn cover for a Pay-Per-View, but it's still pretty cool. I prefer this over the Taboo Tuesday poster with Triple H (though the Unforgiven poster with Kane was pretty cool). I think my favorite poster this year was still No Way Out '04.
  23. Two months ago, I created a poll asking you all to vote for whom you felt was the worst WWE Champion of all time. John Bradshaw Layfield, who was just weeks into his reign, received 33 votes. Now that it's almost September, and we've seen JBL defend his belt against Eddie Guerrero and the Undertaker, do those of you who voted for him still stand by your vote? And likewise, do others who defended him at that time now agree that he's the worst champion ever? Discuss Personally, I don't think he's the very worst, but his title defense at Summerslam hurt him greatly. His title defense at No Mercy is going to heavily affect my perception of JBL as champ.
  24. SamoaRowe

    rare or oop wwe/wwf dvds

    I fail to see how rare those are? By those same standards, I own the Great American Bash 2004 It's a new release, but it's rare to find a wrestling fan who owns it!
  25. SamoaRowe

    Bossman passes away

    R.I.P. Bossman