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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    Wrestlemania XXI Press Conference

    I agree about putting the Rock to good use at WMXXI though they are going to have to be carefu that he faces someone who won't turn the crowd against him (unless Rock comes back as the heel). I could just imagine The Rock vs John Cena with the entire audience booing The Rock and Michael Cole responding with "the crowd is torn."
  2. SamoaRowe

    Pearl Jam on Letterman

    I can support that claim, I've heard people say similar things. "They haven't been good since VS" is another one.
  3. SamoaRowe

    On muthafucking T-A-P-E

    Or he could stop sleeping with his groupies. That would be too much to ask
  4. SamoaRowe

    Pearl Jam on Letterman

    Yeah...they just dont record songs like 'Jeremy' anymore, I'm sure they apologize for any inconvenience caused by moving on. Their newer stuff is pretty good too, so people have been missing out.
  5. SamoaRowe

    Kurt Angle Interview

    ^^ No kidding. Booker T has been a genuine superstar longer than Kurt Angle has even been in the WWE.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's first ever video review.

    I just felt like I needed to bring this back. If i ever get around to buying the Summerslam DVD, I'll write a review on that.
  7. SamoaRowe

    How would you have killed Kane's child?

    The difference is that this storyline has been building for months. The Katie Vick angle came completely out of NO WHERE! I may be in partial mark mode, but right now I'm looking forward to see what happens when Kane gets his hands on Gene Snisky. That's a big difference from the Katie Vick angle. When I saw that segment with Triple H wearing a Kane mask and similating sex with a corpse, I didn't watch Raw for weeks after it aired and it took years for me to have any ounce of respect for Triple H again. This? This isn't too bad to me. It's not a good storyline, but at least it's given Kane something to do other than just lose every pay-per-view match and then squash The Hurricane the next night in a one minute match to remind everyone what a monster he really is.
  8. SamoaRowe

    Favorite Suvivor Series

    I actually haven't seen many Survivor Series events. I didn't like 1999 or 2000 much, but 2001 was surprisingly awesome. 2002 and 2003 were both pretty good too, but every match on the 2001 clicked, even the ones that really shouldn't have.
  9. SamoaRowe

    How would you have killed Kane's child?

    I wouldn't have changed a thing. The angle went down as well as it could realistically could have. And on a side note, this has a long way to go before it enters Katie Vick badness.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Raw October 30th 2006 Before the theme music and pyro, we see an earlier recorded clip of Evolution arriving at the arena. Benoit: I’m not happy about this. Hastey: Neither am I. This sucks. Lee: Come on, you two. So Shawn Michaels is teaming us up with Steve Corino tonight. What’s the big deal? Benoit: The big deal is that we cannot trust Steve Corino. I swear, Michaels did this on purpose. Since I’m defending my title tonight, he knew he could play this game with us. Lee: Well, we have to work with Corino whether we want to or not. I say let’s just get this over with. We’re facing that rat-bastard Randy Orton, girly Shannon Moore, and Shane “I need speech lessons” Helms. Hastey: We’ve beaten them before, we can do it again. The Raw theme plays, the pyro explodes, and Mike Tenay and Al Snow welcome us to another exciting episode of Raw. Snow: Those Evolution cry-babies don’t want to learn to play nice with others, tough luck for them! Tenay: What a great match that is going to be, but don’t forget folks, tonight we see Chris Benoit defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Lance Storm! Steve Corino, Adam Hastey, and Austin Lee vs Randy Orton, Shane Helms, and Shannon Moore Match Background: Steve Corino made an enemy out of Evolution leader, Chris Benoit. This match has seemingly been forced onto everyone. The Match: Corino takes a headbutt from Randy Orton. Bodyslam by Orton. Tag between Randy Orton and Shannon Moore. Shannon uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Flying reverse elbow by Shannon Moore. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Shane Helms. Shannon Moore scoops up Corino. Helms bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Hard back suplex on Corino. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Steve Corino powers out of a Shane Helms headlock. Corino slams Shane Helms down and motions to the crowd. Tag to Adam Hastey. Flying elbow from Adam Hastey connects. SHINING WIZARD~! on Helms by Hastey! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Flying elbow from Adam Hastey connects. Hastey tags out to Austin Lee. Standing leg lariat by Austin Lee on Helms. Austin Lee hits a rolling kick on Helms. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Helms counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Tag between Shane Helms and Randy Orton. Flying shoulder tackle by Orton sends Lee CRASHING to the mat. Tag between Austin Lee and Steve Corino. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Steve Corino ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Spear by Steve Corino. Steve Corino moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Old School Expulsion. 1....2...3, it's finished. My Opinion: Solid bout, but they could do a lot better. *** Snow: Oh boy, Evolution wins AGAIN! This is starting to get real old, Mike. Tenay: But look at Evolution and Corino! In the ring, Hastey and Lee are all excited and celebrating with Corino. There appears to be no tension whatsoever. Tenay: Is this going to sit well with Chris Benoit? Winners at 10:34: Steve Corino, Adam Hastey, and Austin Lee Love is Hard Jonathan Coachman is standing by with John Jeter. Coach: So, John, my man. I’ve been hearing a lot about you and Trish Stratus and I… Jeter: Just shut up, Coach. I heard those things you said about Trish and me while you were doing commentary. Let me begin by putting an end to any rumors. Trish Stratus is a fine woman, who I respect. There is nothing more. Coach: Wow, I never thought I’d see someone become offended by being viewed as the lover of Trish Stratus. Jeter: Because it’s not the truth, Coach. However, I’m not about to stand back and watch Trish be disrespected. But since I’ve befriended her, that is all I see. Stevie Richards has disrespected Trish by forcing a kiss on her. You, Coach, disrespect her by gawking and making rumors about her on the air. And last week? Christian and Test disrespected Trish. Is chivalry dead? It would appear so! Tonight, I face Stevie Richards, but not just for myself. Tonight I fight for the honor of Trish Stratus! Coach: That is by far the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Jeter: Oh yeah? We’ll see if you’re still laughing when you see what is left of Richards when I’m done with him. Tenay: Wow, I’ve really grown to respect John Jeter. We work in an industry where women are all too frequently abused. Stevie Richards (with Victoria) vs John Jeter Match Background: These two have built up a bit of a rivalry stemming from an inter-gender match weeks ago on Heat. Since then, Jeter and Trish Stratus have become somewhat close, and during this time Richards has forced a kiss on Trish and attacked her. The Match: Jeter just WAFFLES Stevie with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Stevie kicks John Jeter in the gut to reverse the momentum. Jeter is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Spear! Jeter is down! Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! John Jeter pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Implant DDT by John Jeter! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Lightning kick by Jeter on Stevie. Covers for a quick two count. Power drive elbow by John Jeter. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Jeter charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Spear by Stevie Richards. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! John Jeter powers out of a Stevie Richards headlock. Stevie Richards gets knocked to the ground by Jeter, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Flying Spin Kick!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. My Opinion: I can be generous sometimes. Well, depends on your definition of generous. **1/4. Tenay: Jeter followed up on his promise and picked up an upset victory over Stevie Richards! Winner at 6:30: John Jeter. Hardcore Renewal Todd Grisham is standing by with Raven. Todd: Raven, tonight you get a chance to win back the Hardcore championship in a match with current champion Justin Credible and Frank Shamrock. What are you thoughts on the upcoming match? Raven: It is always a pleasure to bleed alongside Frank Shamrock. Tonight it will be my pleasure to bleed against him. As for Justin Credible, he thought he was real bad-ass for pinning me for the Hardcore title. Tonight, I burst his bubble. Quote the Raven… never more. Hardcore Championship: Justin Credible © vs Raven vs Frank Shamrock Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WWF Hardcore title. Justin Credible has been WWF Hardcore champion since 16 October 2006. The Match: Raven takes a right hand to the temple from Credible. I bet those hurt more than Sgt. Slaughter's Noogies. Singapore cane shot by Frank staggers the opponent. Raven once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Raven DDTs Frank, but it just looked terrible. Weak bodyslam by Raven. Covers for a quick two count. BURNING HAMMER~! from Frank Shamrock is executed with perfect brutally! Pin, but Raven is out just before the three count. Raven reverses a Frank Shamrock hammerlock. Frying pan shot by Raven. Flapjack from Credible on Raven. Raven slugs Justin Credible, sending him down into the corner. While Raven fires up the crowd, Credible is removing the turnbuckle pad! Raven comes over...but Credible grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Raven face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Justin Credible rolls up the stunned Raven, and even puts his feet on the second rope to add insult to injury! 1....2...3! What a display of cheating from Justin Credible. My Opinion: This match gets two stars from me. Nothing more, nothing less. ** Snow: You know, I never thought it was even possible to cheat in the Hardcore division until Justin Credible came around. Tenay: He pinned Raven for a second time! I can’t believe this. Winner at 5:12 and STILL Hardcore Champion: Justin Credible Friends? Matt Hardy is getting ready for his match against CM Punk. Matt Stryker is sitting next to him with a pleased look on his face. Hardy: I don’t understand why I have to go fight CM Punk, but YOU get an Intercontinental title shot! I’m a former WWF Champion for crying out loud! What have you done lately? Stryker: That’s just the way the cookie crumbles, man. Don’t worry about it, if I win the title tonight, I’ll let you challenge me for it. Hardy: For real? Stryker: Sure, after all, we are friends, right? Hardy: Yes… yes, we are. CM Punk vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Match Background: Punk has lost to Hardy in tag matches prior to this match. Hardy wants to prove himself as a force on Raw. This match means a lot to both men. The Match: STIFF high kick on Hardy by CM Punk. Big forearm by CM Punk makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Hardy is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Covers for a quick two count. Fallaway slam by CM Punk puts down Matt Hardy Version 1.0. There's a two count on the pin. Hardy kicks CM Punk in the gut to reverse the momentum. Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Punk goes down. There's a two count on the pin. Tiger bomb by Matt Hardy Version 1.0, which is nowhere near as cool as a botched Pedigree but gets the job done. Punk blocks a kick from Matt Hardy Version 1.0. High Angle DDT by CM Punk just SPIKES Matt Hardy Version 1.0 down! CM Punk floors Matt Hardy Version 1.0. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gets locked in the Devil Lock! Submission victory! CM Punk remains in the ring, celebrating the victory. My Opinion: A **** rating is well deserved for the competitors in this match. Tenay: CM Punk cleanly beats Matt Hardy! Snow: I bet Matt Hardy wishes he was still on Smackdown! Winner at 15: 10: CM Punk In the back… Brian Kendrick and J.R. Ryder have been watching the match on a monitor. Kendrick: That was awesome. Ryder: Yeah, Punk is the freaking man. I always wondered what it would be like to work with him while I was on Smackdown. Kendrick: Speaking of Smackdown, I was wondering… do you ever find yourself missing it? Ryder: Yeah, quite a lot actually. It’s been a blast here on Raw, working with you and Shawn Michaels, but I think Smackdown really is where I belong. Plus, I hear Mike Sanders is real pissed that I’ve remained on Raw this long so when I go back I’m going to have a great time dealing with him. Kendrick: You’re total disrespect for authority amuses me. Ryder: Heh, not all authority, my friend, just stupid authority. That would be the Mike Sanders category. Kendrick: It’s been a great time having you here on Raw, man. I just hope we can hang onto our Tag titles for a good long while. I’m going to hate to see you go. The two men shake hands. Intercontinental Championship: Tommy Dreamer © vs Matt Stryker Match Background: This match is for the WWF Intercontinental title. Tommy Dreamer has been WWF Intercontinental champion since 20 February 2006. The Match: Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Matt Stryker by Dreamer. Remember when that was a legit finish? Massive backbreaker on Stryker and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Hooks the leg for a two count. Stryker flips out of a Tommy Dreamer bodyslam attempt. Stryker just WAFFLES Dreamer with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Covers for a quick two count. Springboard dropkick from Matt Stryker. Nicely done. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Stryker hits a dropkick on Tommy Dreamer and gets right back up. Dreamer kicks Matt Stryker in the gut to reverse the momentum. Tommy Dreamer hits a bulldog off the ropes. Covers for a quick two count. High Angle DDT by Tommy Dreamer just SPIKES Matt Stryker down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Flying shoulder tackle by Dreamer sends Stryker CRASHING to the mat. Stryker is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Stryker counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Hard back suplex on Dreamer. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Dreamer walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? Tommy Dreamer is in trouble. Here it comes - Stryker Driver. 1....2...3, it's finished. Tommy Dreamer has a temper tantrum, kicking the ropes and punching the turnbuckles. My Opinion: I'll give it a ***1\2 rating, but that's because I didn't mark out once...but nothing was too bad. Snow: Holy crap! Matt Stryker just ended Tommy Dreamer’s eight month reign as Intercontinental Champion! Tenay: I cannot believe it, and neither can Tommy Dreamer! Stryker is acting like he just won a World title. He’s even crying a bit. Winner at 18:39 and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Matt Stryker World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Benoit © vs Lance Storm Match Background: This match is for the World Heavyweight title. Chris Benoit has been World Heavyweight champion since 27 June 2006. These two already met for the title at Unforgiven in September. In that match, Benoit won due to Justin Credible screwing Storm out of the win. This time it’s just one on one. The Match: Benoit slams Lance Storm. Chris Benoit snap suplexes Storm. Lance Storm takes a butterfly suplex from Benoit. Flying shoulder tackle by Benoit sends Storm CRASHING to the mat. Storm blocks a punch. Lance Storm hits a rolling kick on Benoit. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Super kick by Lance Storm. Covers for a quick two count. Benoit ducks a wild right hand. BRAINBUSTAH~! by Chris Benoit! There's a two count on the pin. Spear! Storm is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Chris Benoit misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Benoit walks into a high dropkick from Lance Storm, almost losing several teeth in the process. Benoit reverses a Lance Storm hammerlock. Chris Benoit snap suplexes Storm HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Benoit is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! The two competitors end up fighting to the outside of the ring. The referee tells them to bring it back in, but neither of them are listening. The ref tries again, and again they keep brawling. The referee completes a ten count, ending the match in a double count out! Bryan Danielson comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Bryan Danielson drops Benoit to the canvas. Bryan Danielson quickly locks on the Cattle Mutilation! Chris Benoit passes out to the pain. My Opinion: Almost got a **** match, but was lacking in certain areas, so i'm knocking off a quarter of a star. Yes, there is such a thing as a quarter star. ***3/4. Tenay: I can’t believe it! Bryan Danielson has left Chris Benoit out cold! Snow: Shawn Michael’s merry men were missed tonight, but I think I see what their plan was now. Evolution must have been sitting in a false seat of comfort. Lee and Hastey run in to make the save, Danielson bails from the ring. Threats are exchanged and Raw goes off the air. Winner at 13:59 and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit
  11. SamoaRowe

    WWE Diary

    Interesting that you've kept both the IC and U.S. titles. Look forward to seeing an actual show
  12. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Smackdown! October 26th 2006 A video package highlights No Mercy, and Tazz and Michael Cole welcome us to another exciting edition of Thursday Night Smackdown! They inform us that Rhyno did indeed suffer a concussion during the “I Quit” match at No Mercy, so he won’t be in action tonight. Cole also announces that tonight’s main event will have the United States Champion, Rodney Mack, defending his belt against none other than Johnny Stamboli! Who’s Next? Chad Collyer’s music plays, and he enters to a massive pop from the crowd. He is all bandaged up from the “I Quit” match, but he makes a point to wave to the crowd. He makes it to the ring and takes a microphone. Collyer: Last Sunday, at No Mercy, I was in the fight of my life. I endured over half an hour of hell with Rhyno, trying as hard as I could to make him quit. In the end, I fulfilled my promise, and I never quit. Yet, I’m still not the WWF Champion. Rhyno will defend his title once in November, and I want to make sure it is me getting the shot, because I never quit. (The music of Paul London plays, and London makes his way to the ring with another microphone). London: Chad, you wrestled an unbelievable match at No Mercy and it’s a damn shame that you didn’t win the title. However, Rhyno’s title defenses are few and far between. I took myself to the limit at No Mercy, and WON my match against AJ Styles. I think it’s quite obvious that the next person to get a shot at Rhyno’s title should be me! Collyer: You know something, Paul. You’re right. You do deserve a shot at Rhyno! But so do I! Before we get carried away and start getting angry at each other, let’s just stop and remember who is being a coward. Rhyno would rather die than be a fighting champion. I saw the desperation in his eyes at No Mercy, he would have suffered ten concussions if it meant saving his title. (Mike Sanders music plays, cutting off Collyer. Sanders has Reno and Bill DeMott with him and stays on the stage). Sanders: I think the both of you should shut up this instant! Rhyno is a coward? How so? Are you aware that in the golden years of professional wrestling, the champion would defend his belt once a month, if that! Rhyno is doing nothing but going back to an old tradition, bringing honor and prestige back to the WWF Championship. So you’re right, only one person can challenge for the belt, but that makes it worth that much more! Collyer: You’d have a more convincing argument if you hadn’t let Rhyno chosen his opponent in September. He was well on his way to letting an announcer or a fan get a shot at the belt. That doesn’t sound like “bring honor and prestige” to me! Sanders: Well, maybe YOUR argument would be more convincing if you hadn’t just wasted your shot at No Mercy (Reno and Bill start laughing). And as far as you two wanting a title shot, you can forget about it. Rhyno has beaten both of you already and I will hand-pick a challenger for Rhyno to face next week on Smackdown. As far as you two go, why don’t you have a little match later on tonight against Reno and Bill DeMott. You better get used to this too, because Rhyno is never going to lose the WWF title and you two will never get another shot as long as he’s the champion! And believe me, I intend on seeing that Rhyno reigns longer than Bruno Sammartino did! Cole: This isn’t fair! Collyer and London are the best Smackdown has to offer and they aren’t allowed to challenge for the WWF title anymore! Tazz: Hey, they had their shots. Sanders is right, Rhyno did beat them both. WWF Tag Team Championship: Doug and Danny Basham © vs Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond Match Background: Basham Brothers are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This match is for the WWF Tag Team titles. Basham Brothers have been WWF Tag Team champions since 20 August 2006. Shamrock and Diamond won a four-way tag match at No Mercy to earn this title shot. The Match: Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Ken Shamrock by Danny. Remember when that was a legit finish? Big piledriver on Shamrock. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Doug Basham. Basham Brothers whip Shamrock into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. BAAACK Body drop by Shamrock gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Covers for a quick two count. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Doug Basham ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Ken Shamrock pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Belly to belly off the top rope! Shamrock tags out to Simon Diamond. Simon Diamond snap suplexes Basham HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Diamond is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! BRAINBUSTAH~! by Simon Diamond! Doug Basham reverses a hip toss. Tag between Doug Basham and Danny Basham. Full nelson slam on Diamond. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Diamond! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Diamond is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Danny Basham misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Danny takes a quick lariat. Simon Diamond gets whipped into the corner. Danny charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Diamond uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Shamrock and Diamond climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory. My Opinion: A badly blown spot prevents me from giving out more snowflakes. ***3/4 Cole: These two former Evolution members cheated to win the match! Tazz: Whatever. The greatest team in Raw’s history is now on their way to becoming the greatest team in Smackdown’s history! Cole: Hey, look at the stage! It’s Jimmy Rave and Nova! Tazz: What are they doing out here? Cole: It just looks like they are getting a good view at the new champs. Tazz: Shamrock and Diamond don’t look too pleased to see them. Winners at 9:01 and NEW WWF Tag Team Champions: Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond The Hunt for Gold Josh Matthews is standing by with Erik Watts and Johnny Stamboli. Josh: Johnny, at No Mercy you pulled off a huge win over Sean O’Haire. Johnny: That’s right, Stacey. Just when people were starting to think O’Haire was unbeatable, I went and proved them wrong. Josh: Are you at all afraid of repercussions from the win? Trent Acid has been having a most unusual influence on O’Haire. Johnny: If they are still steaming about losing to me, they know where to find me. I’ve seen how they like to abduct other wrestlers, but if they try that crap on me, I will destroy them all. Josh: And tonight you will be challenging for the United States Championship against Rodney Mack. Any thoughts? Johnny: Rodney Mack is a better United States Champion than Rhyno is WWF Champion. Even still, he supports a mad-man and I will take the U.S. belt from him. Josh: Okay, good luck! JC Ice vs Frankie Kazarian Match Background: None. The Match: Implant DDT by Frankie Kazarian! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Super kick by Frankie Kazarian. There's a two count on the pin. JC Ice counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Kazarian walks into a high dropkick from JC Ice, almost losing several teeth in the process. Flying elbow from JC Ice connects. There's a two count on the pin. Kazarian walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Flying elbow from JC Ice connects. Frankie Kazarian once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Spinning bulldog in the corner and JC Ice is down! Covers for a quick two count. JC Ice walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Frankie Kazarian kicks the leg, knocks JC Ice down, and goes to work on it. Frankie Kazarian misses a clothesline. JC Ice hits a rolling kick on Kazarian. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Vicious chokeslam by JC Ice! I'd compare it to Akira Taue, but then that would start another argument on the TSM Forums. Sean O'Haire just slid into the ring out of nowhere! Frankie Kazarian gets grabbed, and they start brawling. JC Ice takes some shots at Kazarian as well. The referee, seeing the chaos, calls for a no contest ruling. Sean O'Haire has grabbed a chair. JC Ice walks over...and gets floored with a hard shot. Kazarian also takes a hard shot. O'Haire has laid everybody out! My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay! Cole: What the hell is O’Haire doing?!? Trent Acid is now at ringside and is yelling “Grab them!” Tazz: Uh oh, looks like O’Haire is about to make another abduction! O’Haire lifts up JC Ice and puts him over his shoulder. When he goes to get Kazarian, Kazarian fights out of it, and O’Haire can’t really do much since he already has JC Ice. Kazarian escapes into the audience. Trent Acid is now screaming “You lost him! Our master is going to be pissed!” Cole: Their “master?” You don’t suppose it’s that demon Trent Acid keeps going on about? Tazz: I don’t know, Cole! I just wish someone would put a stop to this! No contest at 7:15. Masters of Kissing Ass Mike Sanders is making his way through the backstage area, when he comes into Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. Shelton: Hey, Mr. GM. We just wanted to let you know that we think you’re right on about Rhyno and the WWF Championship. Charlie: Yeah, Rhyno is doing an unbelievable job of restoring prestige to the title. Shelton: Yeah, and if there is anything we can do to help, just let us know. Sanders: You know what, guys? You might actually be able to. I’ll get back to you soon. Cole: Oh give me a break! What a couple of suck-ups Haas and Benjamin are! Tazz: What are you talking about, Cole! That was a great act of selflessness! Cole: I don’t buy that for a second! I can assure you that they want a shot at Rhyno’s title as badly as anyone else! Low Ki vs Alex Arion Match Background: These two competed in a triple threat match at No Mercy, both losing to Rodney Mack. Low Ki has attacked Arion in the past, not believing he was worthy of the opportunities he was getting. The Match: Low Ki walks into a high dropkick from Alex Arion, almost losing several teeth in the process. Low Ki flips out of a Alex Arion bodyslam attempt. Arion takes a back suplex. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Emerald Fusion by Low Ki on Arion! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Alex Arion pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Low Ki takes a flying neckbreaker from Alex Arion. Arion crushes Low Ki with a running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tor-NADO DDT from Alex Arion, Low Ki got planted! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Low Ki counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Reverse DDT into a backbreaker by Low Ki. That was interesting. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Arion blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Low Ki grabs Alex Arion from behind and shoves him into the ropes, then scores with a roll-up...but Arion rolls through with the move! 1....2...3!! My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get. Cole: What a huge upset! Alex Arion just pinned Low Ki! Tazz: And look at Low Ki’s face! Low Ki grabs the referee, then nails him with a right hand! With the referee down, Low Ki starts repeatedly kicking the ref in the back of the head. Dozens of people hit the ring to stop any further incident. Cole: What the hell is Low Ki’s problem! He lost the match fair and square! For someone who is always talking about how honorable he is, Low Ki never, and I mean NEVER shows any signs of honor himself! Winner at 5:13: Alex Arion Chad Collyer and Paul London vs Reno and Bill DeMott Match Background: Mike Sanders made this match earlier, out of annoyance of Collyer and London. The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and DeMott goes down. Second rope flying axe handle, DeMott goes down. One day, Collyer might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Back heel kick off the second rope, DeMott goes down. DeMott tags out to Reno. Collyer takes a headbutt from Reno. Reno charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Spinning back kick from Chad Collyer. Collyer tags out to Paul London. Collyer \ London hook up Reno, then hit a double suplex. Flying cross body off the top rope! Power drive elbow by Paul London. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Tag to Chad Collyer. Chad Collyer moves in for the kill. Spinning DVD! 1....2....3. Collyer \ London climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory. My Opinion: Nothing offensive, but nothing too special either. **1\2 rating. Cole: What a decisive win by Collyer and London! Tazz: Hey, look, Mike Sanders is coming out again and he has a microphone. Sanders: Reno! DeMott! You two have failed me for the very last time! I’m firing the both of you from Sanders Administration for Rhyno’s Success! Feel fortunate that I’m not firing both of your worthless asses from Smackdown! Winners at 4:17: Chad Collyer and Paul London A Surprise Guest After the break, the music of Shane McMahon plays and out comes the Boy Wonder. Shane gets into the ring and is handed a microphone. Shane: Every week I watch Smackdown from the comfort of my own living room, but I couldn’t sit back any longer. There are a few things about this show that have been bothering me. First off, Mike Sanders, you are an impartial GM who’s biases could not be any more obvious! But yet, you can keep your job. Without villains, there wouldn’t be heroes, and that’s what Smackdown needs. However, what I cannot stand is Rhyno only defending the belt once a month. I don’t know if you ever watch Raw, but last week World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit defended his title. Next week, Benoit will defend the title again! It makes for exciting television! I know Sanders believes that Rhyno is bringing back an old-school mentality, but guess what. Smackdown isn’t supposed to be old-school! Smackdown is all about being new-school and innovating the wrestling industry! But I don’t want to undermine the authority of Mike Sanders, so I’m making a match for Survivor Series. It’s going to be a classic survivor style elimination match! Rhyno must find himself four tag team partners to face Chad Collyer and Paul London, with three other tag partners of their choice. The stipulation is this: if Rhyno’s team wins, Rhyno can continue to defend the WWF Championship once a month as he pleases. If Collyer and London’s team wins, Rhyno must become a fighting champion, and be willing to defend the belt more often than just Pay-per-views and against challengers of his choice. Cole: That match is going to be huge! Finally, Shane McMahon arrives to deliver some justice! Tazz: This isn’t fair! Why should Mike Sanders listen to Shane McMahon? Cole: Because Shane is Mike Sander’s boss, that’s why! Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Nunzio and Tracy Smothers Match Background: Haas and Benjamin are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This is a heel vs heel match. Nunzio has been feuding with Orlando Jordan. The Match: Back suplex on Nunzio. Big dropkick by Shelton Benjamin, who got a ton of air on the move. There's a two count on the pin. Shelton tags out to Charlie Haas. Haas and Benjamin hook up Nunzio, then hit a double suplex. Hooks the leg for a two count. Haas hits a dropkick on Nunzio and gets right back up. Charlie Haas gets taken down out of nowhere! Nunzio almost belly-to-belly suplexes Charlie Haas through the mat. What? It's possible. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Tracy Smothers. Haas walks into a jaw breaker. Pin, but Haas is out just before the three count. Tracy Smothers snap suplexes Haas HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Smothers is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Haas powers out of a headlock. Smothers gets caught with a short powerbomb from Haas. Tag between Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. Shelton Benjamin gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Shelton. Smothers tags out to Nunzio. Big dropkick by Shelton Benjamin, who got a ton of air on the move. Orlando Jordan comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Nunzio turns around. Orlando Jordan slams Nunzio down. Orlando Jordan climbs to the top rope and hits the Moonsault! Jordan leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Shelton Benjamin, Nunzio got pinned. My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on trucking...you'll get there. Cole: Orlando Jordan cost the FBI the match! That’s probably for what Nunzio and Smothers did to him at No Mercy! Winners at 20:13: Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas Another Survivor Series match is named! Sanders is sitting in his office with his head in his hands when Orlando Jordan crashes in. Before he can say anything, Sanders cuts him off. Sanders: Stop, just stop! I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to say “That mean old Nunzio wouldn’t wrestle me fairly at No Mercy and I’m pissed.” And then you’re going to say “I want mean old Nunzio again, but I want assurance I’ll get the match I want.” So why don’t I just make Orlando Jordan vs Nunzio in an INFERNO match at Survivor Series! Will that make you happy!?! Jordan: Actually, yes. Sanders: Good, now get the hell out of my office! Tazz: An inferno match?!? We haven’t had one of those in years! United States Championship: Rodney Mack © vs Johnny Stamboli (with Erik Watts) Match Background: This match is for the WWF United States title. Rodney Mack has been WWF United States champion since 14 September 2006. The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Stamboli who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Stamboli counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Johnny Stamboli ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Rodney Mack charges, Stamboli moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Brutal spinning powerbomb on Mack! Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Rodney Mack comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Johnny Stamboli by Mack. Remember when that was a legit finish? Mack hits a piledriver on Johnny Stamboli. That used to end matches, you know. There's a two count on the pin. Spear! Stamboli is down! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Stamboli flips out of a Rodney Mack bodyslam attempt. Arn Anderson-like Spinebuster by Johnny Stamboli, executed to perfection. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Rodney Mack comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Sean O'Haire comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Stamboli turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by O'Haire! Sean O'Haire has left Stamboli in big trouble. Rodney Mack floors Johnny Stamboli. Here it comes...Blackout! Johnny Stamboli taps! Sean O'Haire has a chair. Johnny Stamboli stands up...and gets floored by a shot to the head. Another two shots smack down across his back, leaving him unmoving on the canvas. Watts tries to make a save, but Trent Acid and Scoot Andrews run in through the crowd and jump him. O'Haire sets the chair up, then picks up Johnny Stamboli. He gets whipped into the ropes...and then drop toe holded, sending him face first into the chair! Sean O'Haire has left Stamboli down and bloodied in the ring after a brutal assault! My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get. Cole: What a vicious assault! Trent Acid is beating the hell out of Erik Watts as well! Tazz: Scoot Andrews is giving O’Haire a microphone! O’Haire: So, Johnny. What was that you said earlier? I could not abduct you?!? Well, if I wanted to right now I think I damn well could! Fortunately for you, my master has no desire for you. He does not think you’d be of use. Unfortunately for you, this also makes you expendable. No one screws with Sean O’Haire and gets away with it. You are no exception to that rule, Johnny. (Spits on Stamboli). Cole: This is sickening! Trent Acid’s entire group of wannabe demons has gone too far! Winner at 14:53 and STILL United States Champion: Rodney Mack
  13. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Raw October 23rd 2006 Mike Tenay and Al Snow welcome us to Monday Night Raw! The pyro explodes, and the commentators hype that Shawn Michaels is going to give details on the group he had seemingly united at the end of last week’s program. Mike Tenay also announces that tonight’s main event will be a #1 Contendership match for the World Heavyweight Championship, with Lance Storm facing Steve Corino. But first, we have a match! Billy Kidman and John Jeter (with Trish Stratus) vs Johnny C. and Stevie Richards (with Victoria) Match Background: Last week, Stevie Richards attacked Trish and forced a kiss on her. There is a blossoming relationship going on between Jeter and Stratus, so Jeter took great offense to it. Jeter is also no longer going by “Johnny” as he thinks it sounds too childish. The Match: Implant DDT by John Jeter! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Jeter crushes Johnny with a huge legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between John Jeter and Billy Kidman. Kidman \ Jeter whip Johnny into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Spin kick by Billy Kidman to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Covers for a quick two count. Standing leg lariat by Billy Kidman on Johnny. Johnny blocks a kick from Billy Kidman. Impaler DDT by Johnny C. just SPIKES Billy Kidman down! Johnny tags out to Stevie Richards. Flying shoulder tackle by Stevie sends Kidman CRASHING to the mat. Stevie Richards hits a bulldog off the ropes. Kidman reverses a waistlock. Tag between Billy Kidman and John Jeter. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Stevie is down! Tor-NADO DDT from John Jeter, Stevie got planted! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Jeter hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Stevie counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Nice piledriver on Jeter. Stevie Richards ducks a Jeter clothesline and does a quick roll up. Stevie has a handful of tights! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Jeter \ Kidman look like they aren't done...and they attack Stevie \ Johnny! After an exchange of blows, Stevie and Johnny are laid out in the ring. My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me. Tenay: Richards just rolled up Jeter! That came out of no where! Snow: You’ve got to imagine how angry Jeter must be at Richards! While this is going on in the ring, Trish and Victoria have started brawling. This is no cat-fight, they are really taking it to one another. Referees break up the brawl, while Stevie and Johnny C. celebrate their victory. Winners at 5:59: Stevie Richards and Johnny C. Enough is Enough After the commercial break, Tenay and Snow announce that Raw GM Shawn Michaels will be joining us in a moment, when the Evolution theme song plays. Out comes the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit, as well as Adam Hastey and Austin Lee. Hastey and Lee are carrying base ball bats with them. Benoit: Last week I was in the battle of my life. I defended my World Heavyweight Championship against three other men, and I was able to prove once again that I am the greatest technical wrestler in the world! I made Steve Corino tap out to the Crossface, just as hundreds have done so before him. Lee: Cut to the chase, man! Yeah, you beat the bastard, good for you. What’s really bothering us is what happened after your match! Shawn Michaels, holding up the arms of three other men? Two of whom, J.R.Ryder and Brian Kendrick, took away the Tag titles from Evolution, and the other guy is some nobody, um, what’s his name? Hastey: You mean Bryan Danielson? Lee: That’s right! He’s that amateur who thought it was so cute to lay us all out! Benoit: If you two would shut up for a moment, I was about to address that! I want some answers! Evolution wants answers! So, Shawn Michaels, why don’t you bring out your group of merry men and tell us what’s going on! HBK’s music, and he comes out onto the stage. With him are his newly assembled group, consisting of Bryan Danielson, J.R. Ryder, and Brian Kendrick. HBK: It’s answers you want? I think the answers to your questions would be obvious, Benoit. For over three years, Raw has been dominated, plagued, and over-run by Evolution. The members have changed, but the group’s strangle-hold on Raw has not. When I became GM of Raw, I wanted to make some changes, and I have. However, my vision of Raw will not be complete until Evolution is finally broken up and put in the past. This is why I have this group standing with me. I have found three great wrestlers who I think can put an end to Evolution. I have what I believe to be the greatest tag team I’ve ever seen in Ryder and Kendrick. And for you, Benoit, I have brought in my prized student. This man, Bryan Danielson, I believe to be your superior when it comes to technical wrestling! Benoit: That’s impossible! I am the greatest technical wrestler in the world! If he would like to step in the ring with me, I’d prove it! HBK: That’s a great idea, Benoit. However, I have other plans for tonight. Both Evolution and my team here, will be competing in six-man tags tonight. Evolution, your match starts right after this commercial break! Randy Orton’s music plays, and he comes out with Shane Helms and Shannon Moore. Tenay: What a huge match! Six-man action after the break! Chris Benoit, Adam Hastey, and Austin Lee vs Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, and Randy Orton Match Background: Chris Benoit is the reigning World Heavyweight champion, and has been since 27 June 2006. HBK just surprised Evolution with this match, so the members of Evolution are still in their street clothes. The Match: Back suplex on Shannon. Shannon Moore takes a butterfly suplex from Benoit. Tag to Austin Lee. Flying elbow from Austin Lee connects. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Lee. Covers for a quick two count. Lee tags out to Adam Hastey. Hastey and Lee whip Shannon into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Adam Hastey hits a rolling kick on Shannon. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Shannon backdrops Adam Hastey out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Shannon Moore. Implant DDT by Shannon Moore! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Shannon tags out to Shane Helms. Shane Helms with a spinning neckbreaker on Hastey. Springboard dropkick from Shane Helms. Nicely done. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Hard back suplex on Hastey. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Tag between Shane Helms and Randy Orton. Hastey takes a headbutt from Randy Orton. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Adam Hastey by Orton. Remember when that was a legit finish? Hastey counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Tag to Chris Benoit. Benoit slams Randy Orton down and motions to the crowd. Tag to Shannon Moore. Shannon Moore kicks the leg, knocks Benoit down, and goes to work on it. Benoit blocks a kick from Shannon Moore. Chris Benoit has Shannon Moore down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Swandive Headbutt!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you. Tenay: Evolution pulled off yet another victory! Snow: It’s funny, Mike. Since Shawn Michaels took over Raw, he’s made it so Evolution has to try harder. That was actually a very impressive victory! Benoit, grabs a microphone. Benoit: Ha haha ha! You like that, Michaels?!? You think you can break Evolution! You want a war? Well, you can have a war! I’ve been wrestling for twenty years, Michaels, and I’m just getting started. You can bring on your “American Dragon” and you “best tag team ever” and it won’t matter! They are all going to tap to my Crossface before this is over! You just wait and see! Winners at 13:22: Chris Benoit, Adam Hastey, and Austin Lee CM Punk (with Raven) and Tommy Dreamer vs Mattitude 2.0. Match Background: Tommy Dreamer is the reigning WWF Intercontinental champion, and has been since 20 February 2006. Matt Hardy and Matt Stryker have been feuding with Tommy Dreamer for a while now. CM Punk was brought into this during a tag match a few weeks ago. The Match: Hardy gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Punk! Punk drives a thrust kick into the chest of Hardy. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer. Punk \ Dreamer whip Hardy into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. BIG clothesline on Hardy. Dreamer walks into a drop toe hold. Hardy hits a piledriver on Tommy Dreamer. That used to end matches, you know. Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and Matt Stryker. Springboard reverse elbow by Matt Stryker. Excellent move. Looks like Muta has giving out lessons. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Stryker hits a dropkick on Tommy Dreamer and gets right back up. Dreamer pushes out of a Matt Stryker hold. BIG clothesline on Stryker. Tag to CM Punk. Punk hits a right hand. Tag to Matt Hardy Version 1.0. Flying shoulder tackle by Punk sends Hardy CRASHING to the mat. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gets whipped into the turnbuckles by Punk. Pepsi Plunge, forget about it. 1....2...3! Mattitude 2.0 look like they aren't done...and they attack Punk \ Dreamer! After an exchange of blows, Punk and Dreamer are laid out in the ring. Raven enters the ring and tries to make the save, but Hardy catches him with a twist of fate! My Opinion: Ohh, looky. A **3/4 match! Tenay: Just when we think Hardy and Stryker have been put in their place, they go and launch another post match beat-down! Snow: I wish Shawn Michaels would do something about this. So far he’s been content to sit back and watch this happen. Tenay: That’s right, he didn’t do anything several weeks ago when Tommy Dreamer assaulted Hardy and Stryker right in front of him. Winners at 6:17: CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer Many Colors of the Rainbow. Rico is giving Lodi a back rub when Ozzy Benton runs into the locker-room all excited. Ozzy: Guys, guys, guess who we’re facing tonight! Lodi: Oooh, hopefully someone strong and muscular. Ozzy: Oh shut up already! It turns out we’re the guys facing Shawn Michael’s little group tonight! Our match is next! Rico: Oooh, sounds like a hoot and a holler! Ozzy: A hoot and a holler! Oh, knock it off already! Doesn’t this match mean anything to you guys!?! We’re facing the top superstars of Raw! This is our chance to get back on top! Lodi: Oh, Ozzy-baby, every night is your chance to get on top. Ozzy: STOP IT! I’m so sick and tired! This isn’t professional! Please, won’t you guys give me SOME SIGN that you give a damn about your wrestling careers! It seems like all you two want to do is have fun, well GUESS WHAT! Wrestling is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! We’re supposed to work hard and achieve glory! Argh! Rico: If I remember correctly, didn’t we establish that Lodi and I have creative control of our little partnership? Ozzy: Yes! Rico: Then just relax, baby. We’re going to fight a good match tonight and I feel like we can win. We don’t have to shout about it. Now that you’ve got yourself all worked up, why don’t you go clean up your face. We do have a match next, after-all. Ozzy: Argh! I hate this! Brian Kendrick, J.R. Ryder, and Bryan Danielson vs Rico, Lodi, and Ozzy Benton. Match Background: R & S Connection are the reigning World Tag Team champions, and have been since 25 September 2006. The Match: Bryan Danielson takes a right hand to the temple from Benton. I bet those hurt more than Sgt. Slaughter's Noogies. Weak bodyslam on Danielson by Benton sets up a legdrop. Benton tags out to Lodi. Lodi hits an arm drag on Danielson, follows it up with about 3 more and locks in an armbar for good measure. Lodi uses a running dropkick into the corner. That was just...ugh. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Lodi and Rico. The New Rainbow Express whip Danielson into the corner. Lodi whips Rico in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Running clothesline from Rico was actually MIGHTY sloppy. Rico misses a clothesline. Second rope flying axe handle, Rico goes down. One day, Danielson might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Tag to Brian Kendrick. Spin kick by Brian Kendrick to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Back heel kick off the second rope, Rico goes down. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Implant DDT by Brian Kendrick! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Kendrick tags out to J.R. Ryder. J.R. Ryder connects with a back heel kick on Rico and gets back up quickly. Rico takes a flying neckbreaker from J.R. Ryder. Rico backdrops J.R. Ryder out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Rico. Tag to Ozzy Benton. Benton slams J.R. Ryder down. Ryder is sure in trouble now. Tag between J.R. Ryder and Bryan Danielson. Standing leg lariat by Bryan Danielson on Benton. Flying cross body off the top rope! Bryan Danielson floors Ozzy Benton. Cattle Mutilation!!!! Ozzy Benton taps out! My Opinion: Nothing offensive, but nothing too special either. **1\2 rating. Snow: What a victory for Team HBK! Tenay: So that’s what we’re calling them now? Snow: I don’t know, I just wanted to call them something! Tenay: Well, either way, I want to point out that Danielson’s Cattle Mutilation submission hold is perhaps the most deadly submission move I’ve ever seen! Snow: Do you think it could hold up to Benoit’s crossface? Tenay: I don’t know, but I’d like to find out! Winners at 11:18: Bryan Danielson, J.R. Ryder, and Brian Kendrick Some Romantic Evening Trish Stratus is walking through the backstage area, when she bumps into Christian and Test. Christian: Whoa, look what we have here. How you doing, Trish. Trish: Um, fine. Could you two please get out of my way, I have to go check on John. Christian: John? Don’t you mean Johnny? It’s quite sad, Trish, seeing a beautiful woman like you messing around with that rookie. Wouldn’t you prefer a real man? Test: Yeah, Trish. Remember the good old days when you would walk me to the ring? We had fun back then, right? Trish: That was a long time ago, Test. Though it’s funny, your career hasn’t really gone anywhere since, has it? Test goes to strike Trish, when Christian stops him. Christian: Not now, Test. Trish, you need to learn some manners. We think your little Johnny boy needs to learn some manners too. We’re going to keep our eyes on you, so you better watch out. Tenay: Those two disgust me! Meanwhile… Jonathan Coachman is standing by with the new Hardcore Champion, Justin Credible. Coach: Congratulations on winning the Hardcore title, Justin. Knowing your history in ECW, this must be a tremendous honor! Justin: Oh, it is. But you know what was a greater honor? Making Lance Storm look foolish! That was, by far, the greatest thing I ever did in my career! First, by turning on him in the middle of match, and then when I screwed him out of the World Heavyweight title last month at Unforgiven. (HBK walks in). HBK: Hey Justin! I can’t believe what a role you are on! First you get your referee license and now you’re that Hardcore champion! I must say, you really are just incredible! Justin: Very cute, did you stay up all night thinking of that one? HBK: Oh, you know it! Anyways, I think you are so impressive that I think you should make good use of that ref license. I think you should ref Lance Storm’s #1 Contendership match that is coming up next! Justin: Oh, it will be a great honor! HBK: I’m sure it will be, but keep this in mind. This time you are going to be completely impartial. If you aren’t, I’m going to strip you of the Hardcore title and fire you tonight! Have fun! #1 Contendership: Steve Corino vs Lance Storm Match Background: This will be a special guest referee bout. Justin Credible will be the referee for this match. Both of these men challenged for the World title in a 4-way last week on Raw. They also met in the finals of a #1 Contendership tournament in September. The Match: Big forearm by Lance Storm makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Storm charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Storm is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Steve Corino scores with a big spinebuster. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Lance Storm once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Vertical suplex by Lance Storm. Steve Corino got absolutely creamed by a KILLER back suplex. There's a two count on the pin. Corkscrew BRAINBUSTAH~! Corino gets destroyed by it. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Corino ducks a wild right hand. Storm walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Pin, but Storm is out just before the three count. Storm blocks a punch. Steve Corino is in trouble. Super Kick!!! That shook the ring. Justin Credible counts the1....2....3, with a disgusted look on his face! My Opinion: Really good match, given a surprisingly long amount of time ***1/2. Tenay: Lance Storm did it! He’s the number one contender! Snow: Justin Credible had no choice but to do the 3-count! He must be beside himself. Storm gets up and Credible attempts to super-kick him. Storm dodges and when Credible turns around, gets nailed with Storm’s very own super-kick. Storm plays to the crowd and Raw goes off the air. Winner at 23:54: Lance Storm
  14. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Wow - 19 minutes for a Cruiser-Weight title match, 21 for a non-title match, and 35 minutes for the World title. Yep, No Mercy was sort of my dream Pay-Per-View. I also gave those matches a lot of time based on their excellent star ratings.
  15. SamoaRowe

    Quentin Tarantino

    I adore Kill Bill, but Pulp Fiction has already stood the test of time.
  16. SamoaRowe

    WWE News

    Viscera actually looked like he'd lost some weight last night. Besides, at this point wouldn't Viscera look good in the ring when compared to Nathan Jones, Tyson Tomko, Heidenreich, and Kenzo Suzuki?
  17. I assume you are talking about Goldberg here. If so what would be the point of him appearing on the Smackdown 5th anniversary show when he never even wrestled on Smackdown? That's okay, just give him enough time to squash the Cruiserweight division
  18. SamoaRowe

    WWE News

    Aww, Gangrel isn't staying
  19. SamoaRowe


    That website is rediculous and that guy is a moron. He goes and tells people to stop listening to music they enjoy soley because he says so. Apparently, most of the crowds he talks to don't take music as seriously as he does, so if they enjoy Linkin Park, Nickelback, etc, go ahead and let them. The site would be redeemable if this guy were clever, but he isn't. If you've watched one of those clips, you've seen them all. He repeats the same old crap and he doesn't make any good points. He should go back to his basemend and be as pretrentious as he wants to there.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Favorite WWE Euphemism

    I went with "rest holds = storytelling" because it is so true. They cannot convince me that a match with a five minute segment of the two guys laying on each other in the ring pretending to make one another submit is a compelling match. I think it sucks and the entire crowd knows it won't make a difference in who wins the match.
  21. SamoaRowe

    Favorite OAORaw Over-Used Joke

    I just love "KAAAAANE!" It has yet to get old with me yet. It's funny because of how cliche it has become and because after Survivor Series in 2003, Kane did not win a single Pay-Per-View match again until Summerslam last month. So not only is it cliche, but it's really not that bad of a punishment.
  22. Ah, I was thinking the reason between the fight was anger from Guerrero for Angle politcing to beat him all the time.