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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    NWA:TNA Video On Demand

    My God! You're right! AJ vs Abyss is just like watching AJ vs CM Punk! Or AJ vs Raven! They are all the same indeed, they are all GOOD.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Review of Flair's book

    Meh, I bet this just turns into Flair vs Foley at WM 21.
  3. SamoaRowe

    Who's the Worst WWE Champion Ever?

    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Kane yet. I didn't add him to the list, but I almost did. I figured Kane's one day reign and decent work-rate were enough that no one would pick him. And so far, it looks like I was right.
  4. SamoaRowe

    Scripts from Heat...

    That rocks hard! Let's hope Vince and co. aren't too unhappy about losing it
  5. SamoaRowe

    Who's the Worst WWE Champion Ever?

    Not to mention that the majority of Big Show's first reign was that awful feud with the Bossman. Remember Armegeddon '99 when Big Show defended the belt against Bossman in a 3 (or so) minute match that earned a "boring" chant from the crowd? And we complain that the belt is worthless now
  6. SamoaRowe

    Who's the Worst WWE Champion Ever?

    That's right, Vince had won the Royal Rumble earlier that year
  7. SamoaRowe

    Best North American Match Tournament

    (1) Steve Austin vs The Rock, WrestleMania 17 vs. (4) Bret Hart vs Steve Austin, WrestleMania 13 -AND- (3) Rey Misterio Jr. vs Eddy Guerrero, Halloween Havoc 1997 vs. (2) Bret Hart vs Steve Austin, Survivor Series 1996
  8. SamoaRowe

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    If JBL could win it, why not anyone?
  9. SamoaRowe

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    "WWE Champion Bradshaw vs Spike Dudley" Who would have ever guessed these two would face each other in a singles match for the WWE title?
  10. SamoaRowe

    Various wrestler music videos

    That's some cool stuff. Loved the Styles won, but wish the Raven one was longer.
  11. SamoaRowe

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    That Godzilla impression from Cena was embarassing.
  12. SamoaRowe

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    It's official: Kenzo is my new least favorite wrestler.
  13. SamoaRowe

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    The Dudleyz gave Spike that same crap speech when he got a title shot at Steve Austin in 2001 as well.
  14. SamoaRowe

    Batman TAS: Volume 1 Box Set

    This dvd set... will be mine! I loved that show so much back in the day, the nostalgia is going to kill me.
  15. SamoaRowe

    The Great American Bash Thread

    So far so decently. I actually made it through the first three and a half matches until I had to go do other stuff. Then I went to watch it again last night, but my bedroom VCR didn't agree with the tape... So far Hak vs Brian Knobbs was a harmless hardcore affair. Van Hammer vs Mikey Whipwreck was a boring squash with a few innovative spots. and Disco Inferno vs Buff Bagwell actually had some good energy and a hot crowd, so it was an enjoyable match.
  16. SamoaRowe

    Vengeance Card

    You know, I completely forgot Rhyno was on Raw. Huh. I think Vengeance looks pretty OK, obviously better than Smackdowns stuff. Has potential for WWE show of the year, but it'll depend on what they do. For all the talk about Raw's "great booking", they are a 10 days from the PPV and have 3 matches announced. The difference is that at least on Raw you can see storylines that will likely result in PPV matches. On smackdown, we had no clue what Judgment Day or the Great American Bash would look like until the very last week.
  17. SamoaRowe

    The Great American Bash Thread

    I just rented the 99 Great American Bash (with Nash vs Savage) just because I heard lots of complaints about it on sunday. I'm going to go watch it now, wish me luck
  18. SamoaRowe


    Despite the fact that the word every is not in those titles, but merely part of a compound word found in the title. You know what I mean! It's just so very generic to use that word in any form in any song title, regardless of whether or not its part of a compound word.
  19. SamoaRowe

    Paul Bearer Comments On His Death

    Yeah, that wasn't attempted murder or anything bad like that. Edit: I got beaten. Do'h.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    I ran it through EWR already. I'll probably have it up by tomorrow or Wednesday.
  21. I love how this thread is already longer than the Great American Bash thread was at all last night... and Bradshaw even won the title to create endless bitching.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

  23. It's giving us all something to talk about? ... I've got nothing. Rey retains CW title? Umm... Mordecai looks cool? I'm out.
  24. 1992-2004 Brother Love was still managing Taker at the Royal Rumble. Undertaker should kill Brother Love on Smackdown this week. Randy Orton is the legend killer, so why not make Undertaker the "former-manager killer?"
  25. ::cough Vince McMahon cough::