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Everything posted by SamoaRowe
As of now I'm going to watch it with a friend, but I don't know if I'm really in the mood for torture.
Ah ha! While watching Raw, I could have sworn I'd seen a swastika in the audience, but I wasn't sure. Now I am.
In regards to casual fans not caring about frequent turns, just let me say that it was just that, which made me want to change from mark to smark back in the day. If the storylines are too inconsistent and not enjoyable to follow, the only thing left was to start enjoying the product for other reasons. Some marks might not be like me, and just stop watching.
Ooooh, I think I like Takashi! Should be interesting to see her debut.
Wow, sounds like an eventful episode of Heat thus far. If I order the show, I have to watch it in another room, so I wouldn't be able to crack jokes with the rest of you. Is the webcast worth ordering?
Anyone dare me to order the show tonight? I'm seriously tempted, I'm in need of a good laugh
LoL. It's all good. I just feel silly about the Sean O'Haire getting so over on his own, because he's almost as popular as Paul London (94 overness).
If I'd been here for the thread, this would've gone at least eight pages . But I figured that would just annoy people. Amazingly, I didn't hate the show tonight. I didn't like it either, but it wasn't as depressing as some other offerings Smackdown has given us lately.
Yeah, just find some sarcastic friends to watch the show with and insult EVERYTHING. Drink while you're doing it. It'll be fun. I just might have to do that. On a side note, if Judgment Day turns out to be a good show (by some miracle) I will never ever question the WWE again. Unfortunately, this is not going to happen.
I don't know, the all around awfulness of this show has my curiosity. It sounds like it will be bad to a humorous degree. I'd pay to watch it if I had friends around to throw stuff at the tv with me.
That would be horrible, because Vince would think he's a massively over heel, that the push worked, and he'd put the belt on Bradshaw. Maybe it would be more effective if the crowd chanted "boring" and got out of their seats and left early. But then I'd feel bad for Eddie.
Yeah, I was planning the Kendrick involvement from the beginning, but the Cade involvement sort of just snapped into my head. The bad news is that the day after Raw in the game, he came down with an injury and is out for six months (which sucks, because he had just come back from an eye injury too). So we'll see how that plays out on the next Raw... And Sean O'Haire is in line for a major push on Smackdown. I just sort of woke up and noticed how incredibly over he is (93) and without even pushing him at that.
WWF Raw August 28, 2006 The pyro explodes and Raw begins! Mike Tenay and Al Snow welcome us to the show and beam about the mini-tournament for the World Heavyweight Championship. The eight man tourney starts tonight, and the first round will include: Christian vs Lance Storm Frank Shamrock vs Ozzy Benton Test vs CM Punk Steve Corino vs Billy Kidman The two commentators also mention that Shawn Michaels suffered a serious injury to his back after last week’s attack from Adam Hastey and Austin Lee. He will be joining us via satellite, to make some announcements. But first, the tournament is going to kick off! Christian Makes a Promise Christian’s theme song plays, and out comes Christian, Test, and Jeff Jarrett. The trio makes their way to the ring and pose for the audience in every direction. Christian gets a microphone. Christian: This tournament is a joke! The number one Contendership should just be handed right over to me, considering I am destined to win. I am the best looking guy on the roster, not to mention the best looking guy in this building. Lance Storm is a joke! Shawn Michaels is a joke. And each and every fan in this arena is a joke! And I’m not laughing. However, the biggest joke of all is that CM Punk was given a spot in this tournament. Punk, you had your time as Champion, and you were a terrible champion. (Tenay argues about Punk’s three lengthy title reigns). You had your shots glory and now it’s time for someone with class to take the throne. I will not be held down anymore! I will be facing Chris Benoit at Unforgiven, you might just as well start printing the programs now! Christian vs Lance Storm. Match Background: This is the first match in the #1 Contendership tournament. The Match: Storm drives a HARD forearm into the chest of Christian. Lance Storm snap suplexes Christian. Christian takes a back suplex. Hooks the leg for a two count. Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by Storm. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. There's a two count on the pin. Christian pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Back suplex on Storm. There's a two count on the pin. Tiger bomb by Christian, which is nowhere near as cool as a botched Pedigree but gets the job done. Lance Storm fights out of a grapple. As Storm tries to get himself together, Christian yells at Test and Jarrett to interfere. Both refuse, fearing the wrath of Michaels. Tiger suplex on Christian. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Christian is in trouble. Here it comes - Super Kick. 1....2...3, it's finished. Lance Storm climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory My Opinion: Ohh, looky. A **3/4 match! Snow: Test and Jarrett refused to interfere in the match! Tenay: They are well aware that Randy Orton and Triple H are on Shawn Michael’s bad side right now over interfering in matches, and they just didn’t want to join them. Snow: Oh well, at least Christian isn’t advancing in the tournament! Winner at 5:31: Lance Storm The GM Speaks After a commercial break, Al Snow takes a microphone and asks all the fans to welcome Raw General Manager, Shawn Michaels. Suddenly, Austin Lee and Adam Hastey run in from the audience and beat up Al Snow with baseball bats in a similar fashion to their beat-down of HBK the previous week. The duo gleefully destroys Snow. Tenay: DAMMIT, no! Those two degenerates have gone too far! Snow is all bloodied up, when suddenly Triple H’s music plays. Hastey and Lee look puzzled as Triple H makes his way to the ring. The duo stands there looking confused, when suddenly Triple H raises their arms as if they just won a match. HHH grabs a mic. Triple H: You know something, there was a time when Evolution meant something. Evolution was the change of our business before your very eyes. In the beginning, there as the past in Ric Flair. There was the present, in me. And there was the future in Randy Orton. Then, things changed. Flair retired and Orton betrayed me. That was okay, my vision continued, as I aligned myself with Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond. We were a dominant force, but the image of Evolution changed from what it was originally meant to be. That ends now. Stevie Richards and Victoria have been failures, and I am no longer affiliated with them. Shamrock and Diamond turned into selfish traitors as well. However, Adam Hastey and Austin Lee, you two are the future of this business, and I am the very best that there ever has been. Add the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit, to the equation and we have the strongest force in all of wrestling. It’s time to show the world what Evolution is really all about, and Al Snow is the very first victim. Suddenly, HBK’s image graces us from the titantron. The satellite feed is being broadcast from HBK’s own home, and he is sitting in a wheel-chair on his porch. HBK: Very cute, Hunter. You have two new errand boys, but I’m afraid this new generation of Evolution is not going to last. Last week I promised that I would take action for your interference in the World title match at Summerslam, and I also promised that Randy Orton would have to pay as well. I said I was going to make examples of both of you, and I was serious. At Unforgiven, you two are going to square off… one on one… in a Loser Leaves Town match! (Triple H gets mad). When I say that I don’t want interference in matches, I mean it! To interfere in a match, is to put your own job on the line. HHH: You think you’re so smart, Shawn? Well, you’ve just given me my chance to gain the ultimate revenge on Randy Orton, for all the spite he’s given me over the years! At Unforgiven, I will destroy Randy Orton, and he will be a forgotten part of history within minutes! (Hastey and Lee nod agreeingly). HBK: Oh, and Adam, Austin? Don’t think I’ve forgotten you! I am in no shape to wrestle, let alone walk just right now. But because I cannot fight, does not mean that I am helpless. Raw has been graced by two former protégés of mine. You will be facing them in tag-team action at Unforgiven. Suddenly, HBK’s music plays, and Brian Kendrick and Garrison Cade appear on the stage. Evolution points and yells, when Randy Orton joins Kendrick and Cade. The three rush into the ring, and a brawl kicks off. Orton clears HHH out of the ring, while Hastey and Lee more or less run away from Cade and Kendrick. HBK: You like that, Hunter? Doesn’t matter, because I have a good idea for tonight’s main event. It’s going to be Triple H, Adam Hastey, and Austin Lee taking on the team of Randy Orton, Brian Kendrick, and Garrison Cade! This will be my last action as GM for the next couple of weeks, as I work to recover from the injuries I suffered last week. I just want to warn you Hastey and Lee, when I return I’m going to clean up whatever is left of you after Kendrick and Cade are through. The time for games is over! The good guys in the ring nod approvingly. Frank Shamrock vs Ozzy Benton. Match Background: Frank Shamrock is the reigning WWF Hardcore champion, and has been since 27 June 2006. This is a first round match in the #1 Contender tournament. The Match: Double arm suplex by Frank Shamrock connects as Benton hits hard. Ozzy Benton takes a butterfly suplex from Frank. A sit out full nelson slam on Benton. Delayed BRAINBUSTAH~! Frank really drove that one down big time. Frank Shamrock has Ozzy Benton down on the canvas. Ozzy Benton gets locked in the Guillotine Choke! Submission victory! My Opinion: More or less a complete squash. *3/4 Tenay: A decisive victory by Frank Shamrock! I’m still waiting for news on the condition of my broadcast partner, Al Snow. Oh, wait… Jonathan Coachman joins Tenay at the booth. Coach: Heeey, man! You seemed lonely out here by yourself so I thought I’d join you. Tenay: I was doing fine, have you heard anything about Al Snow? Coach: Al Snow, Smal Snow. Who cares how he’s doing, just as long as I get broadcast time on Raw! Tenay: That’s disgusting. Winner at 2:34: Frank Shamrock Down but Kicking Jeff Jarrett and Christian are sitting in their locker-room. Christian: Oh, thanks SO MUCH for helping me in my match tonight. Jarrett: Will you shut up, do you think I’m going to go pissing off the authority here on Raw so shortly after making my return? Christian: Michaels is in a damn wheelchair, what the hell are you afraid of! Jarrett: What am I afraid of? I’m afraid of being sent home from this company before I can get my hands on Raven! When we were wrestling for the NWA, he attacked me first! He started this hatred, and I’m going to end it. I’ve got a tag team match tonight against Raven and Julio Dinero, so are you going to be my partner or not? Christian: Are you kidding? I already wrestled once tonight, I’m at my limit! At that moment, a surprise face showed up. Chris Benoit: Hello, Jeff. Jarrett: Chris, good to see you, man. What’s up? Benoit: To tell you the truth, not a whole lot. This tournament Shawn Michaels is running, means I have a good down period until Unforgiven. I can’t defend my title until there is a number one contender, but last week put me in a special mood. There is something thrilling about kicking Raven’s ass, it’s a thrill that is practically unmatched. I’m sure you know what I mean. Jarrett: Loud and clear. Benoit: So basically, I’m putting in this offer. How would you like to team up with the World Heavyweight Champion tonight? Jarrett: You’re on! Meanwhile… Randy Orton is walking down the hallway when he hears a scream. He runs over and finds Trish Stratus standing over Garrison Cade and Brian Kendrick. Orton: What the hell happened? Trish: I don’t know, I was just talking with Ivory, when I stumbled onto these two! They’re out cold! Orton: Argh, it looks like someone beat them up with baseball bats. Trish: You don’t think… Orton: Oh, I DO think. I also think I need to go find myself some new tag team partners! CM Punk vs Test. Match Background: This is another first round match in the tournament. CM Punk has some tension with Test’s friend, Christian. The Match: Test with a spinning neckbreaker on Punk. Test hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. CM Punk comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Test just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Punk. Running knee lift from CM Punk. Covers for a quick two count. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Test! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Test takes a butterfly suplex from Punk. Punk goes for a splash but Test puts the knees up. Punk walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Covers for a quick two count. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. BAAACK Body drop by Punk gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Test hits some punches. How generic. CM Punk elbows Test in the face to break a hammerlock. Implant DDT by CM Punk! I will always and forever mark out for that move. CM Punk scores with a big spinebuster. CM Punk has Test down on the canvas. Test gets locked in the Devil Lock! Submission victory! Christian comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Christian spins Punk around. Christian hits the Unprettier! CM Punk has been left down on the canvas. My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get. Tenay: Punk advances in the tournament, but a bitter Christian had the last laugh! Coach: That’s wicked funny! You could say that Christian just punked the Punkster! Tenay: That’s the most ridiculous line I’ve ever heard! Coach: That’s because you’re too used to listening to Old Man Al week after week. Winner at 9:22: CM Punk Jeff Jarrett and Chris Benoit vs Raven and Julio. Match Background: Raven and Julio used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. Chris Benoit is the reigning World Heavyweight champion, and has been since 27 June 2006. Jarrett recently returned to WWF to continue his rivalry with Raven. The Match: Flying shoulder tackle by Dinero sends Jarrett CRASHING to the mat. Flying cross body off the top rope! Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Julio Dinero and Raven. Raven and Julio whip Jarrett into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Jarrett gets splashed in the corner. Covers for a quick two count. Raven strikes Jeff Jarrett. Raven gets taken down out of nowhere! Death valley driver by Jeff Jarrett! No one executes that move properly anymore. Tag to Chris Benoit. Flying shoulder tackle by Benoit sends Raven CRASHING to the mat. Raven takes a quick lariat. Benoit drops an elbow...but Raven moves out of the way. Tag between Raven and Julio Dinero. Spinebuster by Julio Dinero. Spear! Benoit is down! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Dinero scoops and slams Chris Benoit. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Benoit blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Doctor Bomb connects and Dinero landed hard. Chris Benoit has Julio Dinero down on the canvas. Crippler Crossface!!! Julio Dinero taps out! Jarrett \ Benoit remain in the ring, celebrating their victory. My Opinion: I'll give it a *1\2 rating. Consider getting more stars to be the adventure of a lifetime. Get started. Tenay: I don’t think the issue between Raven and Jarrett came even close to being resolved tonight! Coach: But Benoit picked up another great victory over that slimy Julio Dinero. Tenay: Oh stop it! Winner at 3:46: Chris Benoit and Jeff Jarrett Steve Corino vs Billy Kidman. Match Background: This is the last first round match in the tournament. The Match: Steve Corino hits some punches. How generic. Corino hits a right hand. Steve Corino with a spinning neckbreaker on Kidman. BIG clothesline on Kidman. Kidman reverses a waistlock. Billy Kidman hits a rolling kick on Corino. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Corino takes a NICE hurrancarana from Billy Kidman. Hooks the leg for a two count. Steve Corino pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Steve Corino hits a bulldog off the ropes. Covers for a quick two count. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Steve Corino connects and Billy Kidman is down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Billy Kidman once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Kidman hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Steve Corino fights out of a grapple. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Billy Kidman by Corino. Remember when that was a legit finish? Billy Kidman slugs Steve Corino, sending him down into the corner. While Kidman fires up the crowd, Corino is removing the turnbuckle pad! Billy Kidman comes over...but Corino grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Billy Kidman face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Steve Corino rolls up the stunned Billy Kidman, and even puts his feet on the second rope to add insult to injury! 1....2...3! What a display of cheating from Steve Corino. My Opinion: Ohh, looky. A **3/4 match! Tenay: After coming up short of the Intercontinental Championship so many times, Corino steals a win, getting him a step closer to the World Heavyweight title! Coach: Speaking of which, where is Tommy Dreamer tonight? Tenay: Dreamer’s family suffered a loss over the weekend, so he is attending to that. Coach: That man needs to get his priorities in line. Winner at 6:11: Steve Corino Main Event Mayhem! Triple H, Adam Hastey, and Austin Lee make their entrance and wait in the ring. Randy Orton then appears on stage. It’s quiet for a minute and then the music of the World Tag Team Champions plays! Tenay: Orton found back-up! Coach: This isn’t fair, how was Evolution to plan for this match! Tenay: They should’ve thought about that when they beat up Kendrick and Cade! Coach: There is no proof that it was them! Randy Orton, Shane Helms, and Shannon Moore vs Adam Hastey, Austin Lee, and Triple H. Match Background: Helms and Moore are the reigning World Tag Team champions, and have been since 27 June 2006. The Match: Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Randy Orton ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Flying shoulder tackle by Orton sends HHH CRASHING to the mat. Tag between Randy Orton and Shannon Moore. Flying elbow from Shannon Moore connects. Lightning kick by Shannon on HHH. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Shannon Moore and Shane Helms. Shannon Moore scoops up HHH. Helms bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Bodyslam by Helms. HHH reverses a waistlock. Helms gets splashed in the corner. Tag between Triple H and Adam Hastey. Second rope flying axe handle, Helms goes down. One day, Hastey might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. SHINING WIZARD~! on Helms by Hastey! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Adam Hastey hits a rolling kick on Helms. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Tag between Adam Hastey and Austin Lee. Austin Lee kicks the leg, knocks Helms down, and goes to work on it. Hard back suplex on Helms. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Shane Helms powers out of a Austin Lee headlock. Helms tags out to Randy Orton. Fallaway slam by Randy Orton puts down Austin Lee. Lee tags out to Triple H. Triple H strikes Randy Orton. Weak bodyslam by HHH. Triple H moves in for the kill. Pedigree!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! My Opinion: Good bout. In my estimation, it's about ***3/4. Tenay: Triple H has just given us a serious reminder of how effective he can be when his best interests are at stake! Coach: And what better interests than his own employment! Winners at 18:55: Triple H, Austin Lee, and Adam Hastey. The show ends with Evolution posing in the ring.
I also liked that idea someone had about Eugene getting an operation like in the movie Charly (or book Flowers for Algernon), and becomes a normal functioning human being. He could become a dick as a normal person and then if he wanted to turn face again and morph into lovable Eugene, the effects could just wear off. Or knowing WWE, he'd just either get hit really hard on the head (a'la Saturn) or electrocuted (see Goldust).
So does The Undertaker. That's a very good point. You never know what will catch on, I guess. Does this mean there is hope for Mordecai
I thought so Yeah, especially that ultra shitty cage match. Just absolutely no effort.
Yeah, no one should feel stupid for not liking the Eugene idea at first. On paper, it sounds rediculous.
Yes, I thought the gimmick was going to be full-blown unredeemable shit, but can you really blame me? The entire concept sounded idiotic, and I thought so up until the point that they stuck Eugene with William Regal. Their interactions caught my attention, and I saw some hope. With each passing week, Eugene has grown on me, and the Regal/Eugene training segment was one of my all-time favorites. WWE might do some stupid things, but Eugene is not one of them. I give the Raw creative team, not to mention Regal and Dinsmore, full credit for proving me wrong on this one.
Not only that, but another REMATCH from Smackdown not too recently. The Bashams get an abnormal amount of PPV time for a H and H team. Yeah, pretty much. They made the Survivor Series and Wrestlemania cards, which was unexpected. They've been on all three Smackdown pay-per-views too. It's a good thing I kind of like them
Not only that, but another REMATCH from Smackdown not too recently.
The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)
SamoaRowe replied to ChrisMWaters's topic in The WWE Folder
I can't wait for Raw tonight! It's going to be interesting all around, and will hopefully continue the momentum that Raw has picked up. -
I'm glad you guys are all enjoying this as much as you are! It's really motivating. Right now I'm in the process of setting up the next edition of Raw in my mind, it should be a good one! Expect it by Tuesday!
It is disgusting. Very few of those matches were worth watching either.
Yoda. Yoda vs Eugene.
What an upsetting week... two of my personal favorite stars (Lance Storm and Tommy Dreamer) are retiring.