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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    ShopZone sales statistic

    That doesn't even look worth the 98 cents.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Rank the last 20 WWE PPVs

    Holy crap... I just stopped and realized that I've seen all of those since Summerslam 02 except for the second half of No Mercy 2002. Well then... 1) Summerslam 2002 2) Wrestlemania XX 3) Wrestlemania XIX 4) Vengeance 2003 5) Unforgiven 2002 6) Survivor Series 2003 7) Royal Rumble 2003 8) Survivor Series 2002 9) Royal Rumble 2004 10) Summerslam 2003 From there it gets too hard.
  3. SamoaRowe

    ShopZone sales statistic

    I actually own this shirt, the main reason not because I like Kevin Nash (which I don't like him btw) but because it has my initials on the front. Kind of a dorky reason to buy a shirt, but oh well. I just bought that shirt (and four others) due to it being so marked down. I also got Rey Mysterio, Los Guerreros, Brock Lesnar, and Shawn Michaels because they were cheap and I needed shirts.
  4. SamoaRowe

    Grand Master Sexay returns to WWE

    Yeah, cuz Lawler is Heavyweight Championship material. The WWE would be foolish to not push him.
  5. SamoaRowe

    Grand Master Sexay returns to WWE

    Which is why Ms. Kitty was fired in 2001.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Judgment Day

    I'd order this show if.... 1) Paul London makes the card. 2) I get a lobotomy.
  7. SamoaRowe

    Grand Master Sexay returns to WWE

    and what a surprise it was. Well, it wasn't an earth=shattering event or anything... just something that no one was expecting. Thats the best point. Usually I'd be like "eh...I don't want so-and-so to return" when I read about it weeks ahead. This was just a "WTF" shock sinc eI thought he burned his bridges with WWF/E. Yeah, I suppose this mean he's cleaned himself up. I hope so anyway.
  8. SamoaRowe

    OAO Raw Analysis Thread

    How was it awful? I mean... the crowd was chanting "Y2J" at volumes not heard since 2001. I guess everyone in the arena thought it was awful too. The slut references got old in 2001, and I feel like I'm listening to them all over again when it comes to face Jericho. But then again, it hasn't been used in three years. It built up some nice heat, so I'm not going to complain about it, especially now that the crowd is all over Trish.
  9. SamoaRowe

    OAO Raw Analysis Thread

    How was it awful? I mean... the crowd was chanting "Y2J" at volumes not heard since 2001. I guess everyone in the arena thought it was awful too.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Grand Master Sexay returns to WWE

    and what a surprise it was. Well, it wasn't an earth=shattering event or anything... just something that no one was expecting.
  11. SamoaRowe

    Grand Master Sexay returns to WWE

    I just thought it was neat that Grandmaster came back with no rumors circling the internet. It was refreshening to be genuinely surprised for once.
  12. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Yeah, I noticed that. They gave Coach and Johnny Nitro some nice heat and popped for Eugene.
  13. SamoaRowe

    ECWA Super 8 2003

    I have it, but I'm clingy too it
  14. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

  15. SamoaRowe

    Top 100 Songs Of All Time

    This list sucks. There, I said it.
  16. SamoaRowe

    Bad Workers Best Matches

    Whether Christ appeared to both in visions beforehand or there was some cosmic disturbance in the air, something clicked and made Steiner/Goldberg one awesome fucking match. Stiff as all hell and just a good, old fashioned, tough brawl. Great, great stuff. UYI Hehe, I enjoyed that match and I felt ashamed of myself.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Judgment Day

    Good reports about Bradshaw vs Eddie matches from house shows. But so far, their house show encounters have received little to no acclaim.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Mom prostitutes daughter for crack

    This story deeply saddens me
  19. SamoaRowe

    Best Triple H match post quad tear?

    That match was considered because it was so refreshing to see HHH put over someone like that. It was a pretty solid match as well, and one of the better matches I've seen in 2004 thus far.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Top 4 Best PPV theme songs

    1) "Price to Play" by Staind for Vengeance 2003. It fit the show perfectly and created a hype video that sends chills down my spine. 2) "Enemy" by Sevendust. Good theme for a bad show. 3) "Falling Apart" and "Downfall" by Trust Company for Vengeance 02 and Royal Rumble 03. These two songs were just too perfect. 4) "Headstrong" by Trapt. It was a good song for an early summer PPV (Bad Blood) that makes me think back.
  21. SamoaRowe

    Wrestlers who turn heel to face

    Kevin Nash in 2000. Seriously, he jumped back and forth so many times it was disgusting.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Best KOTR tournament

    I kind of enjoyed 2001 more than most. I liked the finals of the tourney, despite the Shane McMahon interference.
  23. SamoaRowe

    Lazarush update - X-Cup 3

    I agree with your philosophy of negative star ratings. I think they are truly rediculous, and I hate it when I see other critics handing out ratings like "-****." To me, it really takes away credibility. As for the X Cup itself, this was the worst one thus far. However, I didn't fully hate it and something about TNA brings out my inner mark, so I tend to be easier on the shows. I hated the first two singles matches, but I thought the second two were decent. I enjoyed both tag matches and I thought the 8-man elimination match had a good ending. As for the tag title matches, I guess I enjoyed it more than most people did (I didn't think Dallas was too bad at all), and I would have given it an additional star. Good review this week though!!
  24. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Just to let you all know, I've been extremely busy this week (been hardly posting at TSM at all, let alone updating this) but I have been thinking about the diary and I do have some angles set up in my mind and the card to Backlash figured out. The Smackdown side isn't quite figured out yet, but Unforgiven will likely be good from a creative stand-point (though some of the matches will likely be work-rate disasters).