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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    What was the better RVD / Eddie PPV match?

    I haven't seen either of them They took place in a brief time of my life where I almost stopped caring about wrestling.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Anything important happen on Raw?

    Funny thing, mine does the exact same thing! I thought my tv was malfunctioning during the WM XX build because I could have sworn I heard people cheering him and I saw peoplestanding up when he entered or won!
  3. What about D'Lo? EDIT: And on a more serious note, Davey Boy Smith... Test made a good European champ as well, regardless of how much the smarks hate him.
  4. SamoaRowe

    The Eddy Guerrero Miracle

    I predict the ppv buyrate will suck no matter what, but oh well. I could imagine the match getting *** if they can protect Bradshaw well enough, and I think Eddie could do it. However, i wouldn't be surprised if Bradshaw were to get the Steiner or Goldberg treatment, and just have the fans lose all interest in the match despite how hard Eddie might be working.
  5. SamoaRowe

    Are gimmicks good for the WWE?

    Oh, I love gimmicks. However, I like GOOD gimmicks! The new Bradshaw character is an example of a good gimmick. The new Nick Dinsmore gimmick is an example of WrestleCrap. Learn the difference! My money says Dinsmore drops the gimmick by Summer.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Way for Nick Dinsmore to evolve his character

    It's great. Kane should do it....maybe. I alays liked Gangrel, because he always smiled to the ring. What wrestler smiles to the ring? When Gangrel smiled, it made me believe he enjoyed doing what he did. He had a great time. We need more wrestlers like Gangrel. My thoughts exactly! And Gangrel even said in a shoot interview that the smile was a result of his enjoyment of it, but Vince told him to knock it off.
  7. SamoaRowe

    ROH DVD from TakedownMasters

    I paid 5.97 for my copy (with my best buy discount) so hell yes, it was worth it!
  8. SamoaRowe

    Holy SHIT

    That was fake, but not a bad fantasy.
  9. SamoaRowe


    I like the way your shows are set up, as far as structure and how matches are written out. If I had more time, I would like to do the same with my diary, but in the meantime I'm stuck copying and pasting EWR match results
  10. SamoaRowe

    SD House show results for 4/4

    I went to a pretty good house show the night after Wrestlemania. It had: Eddie vs Big Show in a understandbly lackluster match considering it was a mere 24 hours since Guerrero's big match with Angle and Show's physical condition. Guerrero wins after a belt shot and two frog splashes. Chavo vs Rey Mysterio vs Jamie Noble vs Ultimo Dragon: I marked like a bitch for this one. To make things better, it was an elimination match! Noble was eliminated first due to his injury, with Dragon lasting quite a while before his elimination. Chavo beats Mysterio to retain his title, but Mysterio got to 619 both generations of Chavos afterwards. Torrie vs Nidia: Or my introduction to Nidia's new breasts. I shuddered the entire time. I forget who won, probably Torrie. APA vs Akio/Sakoda: Wasn't too terrible, Akio pissed Bradshaw off early in the match so Bradshaw spent the rest of it specifically trying to destroy him. APA wins of course. Rhyno vs John Cena: Cena did his shtick with Paul Heyman and Dawn Marie before the match, which was great. Rhyno runs in and gores Cena to massive heat (though I marked). The match was about two minutes long, with Cena winning. Tajiri def Shannon Moore. The crowd was quiet, yet polite for this match. Tajiri won, of course. It was pretty good, though even I wasn't all that into it, which was weird considering I like both guys. Rikishi and Scotty vs Bashams vs WGTT: Benjamin and Haas cut some good promos before the match, one section of the audience spent the entire time cheering for Shelton. Bashams debuted their new green tights and Benjamin stated they looked like "Robin Hood and Peter Pan." This was a pretty good match, with 2 Cool retaining their titles. Billy Gunn, Billy Kidman, and Paul London beat the FBI in my favorite match of the night! I marked out hard for London, and there were a few random smark cheers for London during the match. Crowd was very into Gunn, which was disturbing. Hardcore Holly vs A-Train was the opener. Wow, this match sucked. The crowd was totally oblivious to this fact and marked the entire time. Holly had a huge face pop and A-Train was practically booed from the building (not many Shave Your Back chants either). All in all, it was really just another show. I enjoyed it quite a bit, as always, but it's sad when WWE shows are starting to feel routine. I kind of want Raw to come back, because I miss the feeling of being there and knowing that it's being broadcasted live while I'm there.
  11. SamoaRowe

    Media post: Sean O'Haire Vs. Rikishi

    My star ratings to Backlash 2003 (or at least the matches I can remember...) Rock vs Goldberg: * HBK/Nash/Booker T vs HHH/Y2J/Flair: ** Lesnar vs Cena: **1/2 Team Angle vs Guerreros: ***1/2 Sean O'Haire vs Rikishi: * Trish vs Jazz: **3/4 Big Show vs Rey Mysterio 1/2* Dudleyz vs Kane and RVD: **3/4 So, all in all... not a great show by any means. I know my rating system is relatively generous.
  12. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    Yes, I know the Chad Collyer involvement is weird. Just keep in mind that this takes place in 2006, and in my EWR game I had Collyer in OVW for an extremely long time and he came out of it with awesome stats (including 91 charisma). I just had to push him Glad you like his character in this diary though!
  13. SamoaRowe

    SummerSlam in Florida?

    Too bad the Manchester they were referring to wasn't in regards to Manchester, NH The second biggest WWE pay-per-view of the year held at the Verizon Wireless?!? Ha! I don't think they have sunk that low yet, though it would make me happy because I live 25 minutes away.
  14. Stephanie McMahon. Hands down.
  15. SamoaRowe

    Who's Your Favorite WWE Wrestler?

    Right now, my favorite wrestlers is actually Eddie Guerrero. I know this is a common choice, but the guy is impossible not to love right now. His skills, charisma, entrance, and the fact that the fans love him so much and WWE noticed this and pushed him to be WWE Champion gives me hope for the future of wrestling! Also, I've seen him live on four occasions, and in a total of five matches overall, so I'm sort of stuck on him. Other faves... Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Paul London, Chavo Guerrero, Big Show, Shelton Benjamin, and Chris Jericho. Most of my favorite wrestlers work for other feds right now though.
  16. I haven't seen it since 2000, but I remember enjoying the match an awful lot back then. I'd like reviews for both
  17. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    I just want to thank you all for the feedback and to thank everyone who is reading this! I really do appreciate it! Raw will be up in the next few days, I'll probably do a preview for it! I have quite a bit of schoolwork to do (freshmen in college) but I'm going to try to make room for this!
  18. SamoaRowe

    Family Guy primed for a 2005 return

    I agree with both statements As do I. Fox is probably the most rediculous network on television. Wait, I forgot UPN.
  19. SamoaRowe

    50 Cent victim of drive-by shooting

    As did I. Good fun!
  20. SamoaRowe

    Best female vocalist...

    I don't know The Gathering, but I'm semi familiar with Lacuna Coil. However, I go with Amy Lee, because she has one of the best voices I've ever heard period, and I thought so from the first time i heard her voice while watching Daredevil in theaters. Lacuna Coil are a fine band themselves, but... I like Lee better Now if only VH1 didn't feel they needed to play "My Immortal" twice an hour...
  21. SamoaRowe

    Yay or Nay: Maroon 5

    For the time being, I think they are okay. However, I have a feeling by this time next year I will be cursing their existence.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Brock Lesnar goes Bananas!

    But then again, he hasn't worked for any other wrestling company than WWE so, I think it's justified. That, and he'll be back in two months
  23. SamoaRowe

    WWE Divas '04 cover chosen!

    Hey, I'm a young, horny guy and I thought Gail Kim looked better. I guess I'm just strange.
  24. SamoaRowe

    Lance Storm Released from WWE...

    Edit: Nevermind.