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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    How many old timers are still around?

    I've been posting here since the fall of 2003, but that was after many months of lurking. I actually found this site in the first place thanks to it being placed in Adam Ryland's Extreme Warfare Revenge.
  2. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Heh. It's going to take a lot more than 4 short years for America to get anywhere close to electing a black president, no matter how good of a speaker he is. Besides, NO WAY the Democrats EVER would vote for a black man to be President. The first black President will be a Republican. -=Mike Now THAT is golden.
  3. SamoaRowe

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    I felt that Primo had a good debut. Not everyone can have the luxury of being CM Punk and debuting in front of a smark crowd at the Hammerstein for instant heat. I remember Randy Orton's Raw debut against Stevie Richards, you could hear every little sneeze and cough in the crowd.
  4. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    That's funny, that's what I usually think when he's done speaking.
  5. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Nope, and I'm in favor of clubbing infants.
  6. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Oh my, that just made my day. So I just learned that not wanting to talk to Fox News = hating freedom of speech.
  7. SamoaRowe

    John Cena having major neck problems

    Well, that's absolutely shitty news. It's a good thing he's not in the middle of a title reign or major ongoing storyline.
  8. SamoaRowe

    Religion and Politics

    Ah, thank you for the clarification. And yes, McCain is all over the place on certain issues.
  9. SamoaRowe

    Religion and Politics

    Hold on... McCain let his 15 year old daughter have an abortion and now he's sitting there on television spewing "I'm happy to tell you, my friends, that I'm pro-life and will be a pro-life president" to thunderous applause and he let his own daughter have an abortion?!? Why is NO ONE calling him out on that!
  10. SamoaRowe

    Steel Cage Warare II

    Actually, the case gym has a lot of really nice GA seating, stadium style. I've been to the two Case Gym shows and I was really pleased with how comfortable the venue is.
  11. SamoaRowe

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    When finally paired up against Batista, Punk didn't look as small in comparison as I thought he would. But hell, I really enjoyed Punk's match with Batista at the Great American Bash, and Punk didn't look bad at all in that match until afterwards when he posed with the belt.
  12. SamoaRowe

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Personally, I wouldn't have booked Punk against Jericho last night, because neither guy should really be doing any big jobs right now, but I was satisfied in the finish that Punk had Jericho's number until Cade got involved.
  13. SamoaRowe

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Punk didn't look bad at all in those matches with Batista. He looked impressive for a guy who was just starting to tangle with the main eventers. And personally, I don't think the casual fans are sitting around thinking "Wow, Punk is so weak because he lost to Jericho." They are more likely thinking "That damn Jericho had Cade interfere and stole the victory!"
  14. SamoaRowe

    Lower the U.S. drinking age?

    The drinking age really should be 18. There is no sense in letting booze be a forbidden fruit for an extra three years, especially since myself and everyone I know can find ways to get their hands on it well before anyhow.
  15. SamoaRowe

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Cena didn't main event his first Summerslam as champion either. Hell, neither did Batista. They both took a backseat in 2005 to the Hogan/Michaels showdown.
  16. SamoaRowe

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I've got nosebleed seats for Survivor Series (I was late getting around to buying tix, damn WWE business doing well again). The seats will be fine, but I've been spoiled by ROH live events where the action is so intimate and right there in front of you.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Many guys released

    Yep, I remember her debut on the only episode of Raw (or was it Smackdown) that she ever appeared on.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Feds: Birth Control Equals Abortion

    I know quite a few people that are pro-life, but they use numerous forms of birth control to avoid being in that situation in the first place. This type of news is going to really turn them off.
  19. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Yes, we do have our reasons to be paranoid. I won't let my guard down and believe he's winning until he's being sworn into office.
  20. SamoaRowe

    WWE.com Legacy

    I'm not surprised, there is a weird portion of fans who actually like that match. I had a coworker find out that I liked wrestling and he immediately brought it up as "awesome." All by himself. The same guy still has a Hacksaw Jim Duggan shirt too, just to put things in perspective.
  21. SamoaRowe

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    And that's quite alright with me.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Wrestling related dreams

    I frequently dream that I'm a rookie pro wrestler who has barely had any training and I'm expected to wrestle in front of a crowd. I always go in not having any clue what I'm doing and worried about getting seriously hurt. It's similar to the other dream I keep having where I'm in community theater again and it's opening night and we haven't rehearsed once.
  23. SamoaRowe

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Hey, that Unforgiven poster changed from being Batista in the rain (with arms wide open) and turned into Shawn Michaels dropping an elbow.
  24. SamoaRowe

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    I don't get the love for last night's show........granted, that 2 on 1 handicap match that was moreless a triple threat match was a solid 10 minute bout, but that finish was ridiculous. Did that really help ANYONE? I was actually hoping for a three way at the ppv instead of JBL/Punk, but whatever......it just opens up Punk/Jericho after SummerSlam more than likely. I just don't see what doing JBL/Punk again accomplishes when Punk beat him HIS FIRST NIGHT AS CHAMP. I would have found it much more interesting to have done Jericho/JBL/Punk, or even throw in a Regal and/or Kane into that match to really stack the odds against Punk (who would eventually overcome those odds, of course). 1) Not every match needs to help someone. This needed to set up a pay-per-view bout without hurting any of the participants, which it did. 2) A Punk/JBL rematch feels worthwhile because even though Punk beat him once already, it was fluke-ish and not a clean finish. Since then JBL has been calling Punk a "paper champion." Punk has the challenge of proving JBL wrong, which he hopefully will at Summerslam.