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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    Mainstream Leak of Brock

    It's actually a good thing that they do. I can imagine a lot of casual fans who stopped watching during 2001 heard these headlines and said "Who's Brock Lesnar? What else have I missed!"
  2. SamoaRowe

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Oooh, oooh, tribute to Nathan Jones!!!
  3. SamoaRowe

    Last week's velocity

    Actually, it was one of the better WWE tv matches in some time. I was in a really good mood after the match, which is an unusual thing.
  4. Oh, dont' worry. Vince will pay in the long run for his selfishness.
  5. SamoaRowe

    2 more "fights" breaks out backstage

    Except TNA. God there is nothing worthwhile on that show anymore. ROH has taken the #2 spot...although... But I'll go with the Hyatte approach: !!OMG IFYOUWATCHROH YOULIKELITTLEBOYS DAMNPEDOPHILES!! FAUXNEWZ2004 LOLROTMFL M/21/MAIMI!! Oh yeah, at least in TNA there's no worry about backstage poli...*gets guitared by Jeff Jarrett who celebrates to his theme music* -Patrick At least TNA is holding what is sure to be an excellent X Cup on pay-per-view tonight that will likely feature more quality wrestling in two hours than your average WWE ppv in three hours.
  6. WWE needs the brand extension right now. It is the ONLY thing that is keeping them alive, IMO. Without the brand extension, we'd have Triple H terrorizing two shows a week. That, and remember how awful WWE shows were becoming in the final few months before the split? It was possible to go for weeks on end without seeing some of the lower card guys at all.
  7. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

  8. SamoaRowe

    P. Diddy Says Next Album Will Be His Last

    I was a mark for Bad Boy growing up so I bought the Ten Year disc. Ooh the memories. Puff Daddy is one funny guy, I'm curious to see how this plays out.
  9. SamoaRowe

    Worst Lyrics

    "Candy" is terrible, but "Milkshake" is pretty good. Nah, they are both awful. Kelis is garbage, and Moore is sort of cute, she she gets by. Neither can match Britney in terms of being horrid though.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Worst Lyrics

    Billy Corgan is one of my Gods. I worship him. Bad lyrics? Let's do some finger pointing at the team of 50something year old Swedish men who write all of Britney Spears' material.
  11. SamoaRowe

    Guerrero Being Praised Backstage

    I like these rumors, they make me happy. Awww, poor Brock!
  12. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

  13. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    WWF Raw! July 31, 2006 The pyro goes off and Jim Ross and Al Snow welcome us to another exciting episode of Raw. They announce that Raven and Christian have been given the week off, the office wants them to have a cooling off period. They do hype a match for Sunday Night Heat pitting Christian against Lance Storm. Brian Kendrick, Shannon Moore, and Shane Helms vs Lodi, Ozzy Benton, and Johnny C. Match Background: Helms and Moore are the reigning World Tag Team champions, and have been since 27 June 2006. This match is meant to be a hot opener and to pop the crowd. Johnny C has dropped the "Bad John" gimmick and is just going to work on getting over based on his in ring work. The Match: Benton strikes away at Shannon Moore, not doing much damage at all. Ozzy Benton strikes Shannon Moore with a hard blow. Tag between Ozzy Benton and Lodi. Flying elbow from Lodi, grazing the target slightly. Flying elbow off the top rope by Lodi, getting as close to zero air as possible. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Johnny C.. Lodi \ Johnny whip Shannon into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Johnny slams Shannon Moore down and motions to the crowd. Shannon Moore reverses a hip toss. Shannon uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Tag between Shannon Moore and Brian Kendrick. Johnny takes a flying neckbreaker from Brian Kendrick. Power drive elbow by Brian Kendrick. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Johnny takes a flying neckbreaker from Brian Kendrick. Tag to Shane Helms. Shane Helms connects with a back heel kick on Johnny and gets back up quickly. Flying elbow from Shane Helms connects. Johnny reverses a waistlock. Tag to Ozzy Benton. Helms takes a vertical suplex, but pops right back up. Helms tags out to Shannon Moore. Shannon Moore connects with a back heel kick on Benton and gets back up quickly. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Benton is down! Shannon Moore moves in for the kill. Bottom's Up! 1....2....3. My Opinion: Ohh, looky. A **3/4 match! Lodi lifts up Ozzy Benton and bawls as he hugs him. Snow: Look at Lodi trying to console Ozzy Benton for the loss. Benton gets a disgusted on his face and slams Lodi to the floor. Ross: Something tells me Benton doesn't appreciate Lodi's sympathy. Winners: Brian Kendrick, Shannon Moore, and Shane Helms Simon Says Simon Diamond makes his way to the ring, he does not have any fellow Evolution members with him. He takes a mic. Simon: Last week's Raw was about the biggest travesty I have ever witnessed. The unfair treatment Evolution receieved at the hands of Shawn Michaels and his "New Rule" are disgusting. Who does he think he is? In one swift night, he brought back that traitorous bastard, Randy Orton, and suspended my tag team partner! Well, none of this is going to stand! We have worked too hard and have come too far to just have everything fall apart now! Just what am I supposed to do! Suddenly HBK's music plays and out comes the new G.M. He has a mic and stays on the ramp. HBK: Wah, wah, wah. Poor Simon! You act as if it's my fault that Ken Shamrock is suspended! I made it perfectly clear that interference in matches would no longer be tolerated and I did not force Shamrock to become involved in someone else's match. Simon: Yeah, but you tricked us! How were we supposed to know you would bring out Randy freaking Orton! HBK: Upset are we? Tell you what, Simon. I admire you. You are an arrogant asshole and you entertain me. Simon: Thanks... I think. But flattery isn't going to make this better! HBK: Now I try to be a fair GM, and you have a just complaint. You have lost your tag partner indefinitly due to suspension. Tell you what, I will drop the suspension on August 21, the day after Summerslam. Simon: What?!? That long? What the hell am I supposed to do in the mean time? HBK: Rise to the occasion, that's what. I have made a little match for you tonight. We are going to see Simon Diamond face Randy Orton in that very ring! And the winner will go on to face the World Heavyweight Champion at Summerslam! Simon (shocked): Whoa... well, you're on! Ross: My gawd! A number one contender's match tonight? Snow: You know what this means if Simon wins tonight? We get two members of Evolution battling each other at Summerslam! Ross: Don't count Orton out though! This is a huge development! Hardcore Championship: Frank Shamrock © vs Austin Lee Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WWF Hardcore title. Frank Shamrock has been WWF Hardcore champion since 27 June 2006. The Match: Lee takes a back suplex. Lee reverses a waistlock. Spinning back kick from Austin Lee. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Back heel kick off the second rope and Frank goes flying! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Frank backdrops Austin Lee out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Frank Shamrock. Lee gets nailed with an old school NES to the head! There's better uses for that thing! Lee walks into a stiff sit-out jaw breaker. Covers for a quick two count. BURNING HAMMER~! from Frank Shamrock is executed with perfect brutally! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Lee counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Nasty looking superplex by Austin Lee on Frank through a table. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Frank reverses a waistlock. Frank Shamrock has Austin Lee down on the canvas. Cross Armlock!!! Austin Lee taps out! Austin Lee goes nuts, attacking the referee! DDT! The referee is out! My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on trucking...you'll get there. Snow: That was a bloody mess! Ross: Who could have expected such a blood-bath on Raw? Now that is hardcore! Snow: Once again, Austin Lee is taking his frustration out on the referee! Ross: That kid may be talented, but he's a no good degenerate! Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Frank Shamrock Shawn Makes Another Match! HBK is walking through the backstage area when Chris Benoit bumps into him. The two stare each other down, not forgetting their Wrestlemania encounter just yet. Benoit: You have a problem? HBK: You tell me. Benoit: I hear CM Punk couldn't be here tonight. HBK: I ordered him to take the week off. You gave him quite a beating last week. Benoit: Yes, it was fun. Not quite as much fun as the beating I gave you at Wrestlemania though. HBK: Oh, I see how it is. I know you must still be sore after last week. CM Punk got some good licks in on you as well. Benoit: Not really. HBK: Oh good. In that case, why don't you defend your title again this week? Against CM Punk's good friend, Julio Dinero! Benoit: It will be my pleasure. HBK: Good... and be sure to remind your Evolution buddies what happens if they get involved in your match. Benoit: What, they get to face Randy Orton? Ha, some punishment. HBK: Laugh now... but he could very well take that title off your shoulders at Summerslam, should he play his cards right. Benoit is silent for a moment. HBK: Yeah, that's what I though. Intercontinental Championship: Tommy Dreamer © vs Steve Corino Match Background: This will be a submission bout. This match is for the WWF Intercontinental title. Tommy Dreamer has been WWF Intercontinental champion since 20 February 2006. Two weeks ago, Tommy Dreamer and Steve Corino got themselves disqualifed in a fight for the title. Last week, Dreamer got the win over Corino in a hardcore match. Corino demanded this match after he claimed the match stipulations to be unfair. The Match: Corino takes a headbutt from Tommy Dreamer. Fallaway slam by Tommy Dreamer puts down Steve Corino. Running knee lift from Tommy Dreamer. Corino reverses a Tommy Dreamer hammerlock. Corino hits a piledriver on Tommy Dreamer. That used to end matches, you know. Dreamer backdrops Steve Corino out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Tommy Dreamer. Spear by Tommy Dreamer. Powerbomb on Corino. Corino blocks a punch. STIFF~! chop lights up Dreamer who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Dreamer powers out of a headlock. BAAACK Body drop by Corino gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Dreamer floors Steve Corino and locks in a STF! Corino submits to the pain! Steve Corino has a temper tantrum, kicking the ropes and punching the turnbuckles. My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me. Ross: Look at that! Dreamer beat Corino at his own proposed match! Snow: And look at Corino! He's livid! Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Tommy Dreamer Evolution carries on. The Coach is with Stevie Richards, Triple H, and Victoria. Coach: With the New Rule and new GM in tow, what does this mean for Evolution? HHH: It means nothing, Coach. Outside interference is not that big a deal, we are good enough to not need it. Shawn Michaels would be wise to watch his step though, we are not taking the temporary loss of Ken Shamrock too lightly. Coach: How do you feel about the number one's contender match announced for tonight? HHH: Simon Diamond will easily beat Randy Orton's punk ass tonight, and then I'm sure he will go on to have a very civil, sporty match with Chris Benoit at Summerslam for fun. Either way, the World Heavyweight Championship stays in Evolution. Make no mistake though, that championship will one day be around my waist once again. In the meantime, I'm going to make sure that son of a bitch, Randy Orton, stays out of my business. Stevie: And one more thing. Shawn Michaels, when Victoria and I beat the hell out of Trish Stratus and Bubba Ray Dudley in tonight's mixed tag, you will grant Victoria her Women's Championship match at Summerslam! It is the right thing to do, and you damn well know it! Victoria: YEAH! Otherwise, I will make you pay. Coach: Are you sure threatening the new GM is the best way to go about this? HHH gets in his face: Do YOU have any better ideas. (Coach is silent). That's right. Bubba Ray Dudley and Trish Stratus vs Stevie Richards and Victoria Match Background: Trish Stratus is the reigning WWF Womens champion, and has been since 27 June 2006. The Match: BIG clothesline on Stevie. Spear by Trish Stratus. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba \ Trish whip Stevie into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Running knee lift from Bubba Ray Dudley. Covers for a quick two count. Stevie gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Stevie ducks a wild right hand. Spear! Bubba is down! Tag to Victoria. Victoria with a spinning neckbreaker on Bubba. Nice piledriver on Bubba. Bubba Ray Dudley once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Tag to Trish Stratus. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and Victoria hits hard. Spear! Victoria is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Trish scoops and slams Victoria. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Victoria elbows Trish Stratus in the face to break a hammerlock. Victoria hits a bulldog off the ropes. Trish Stratus slugs Victoria, sending her down into the corner. While Trish fires up the crowd, Victoria is removing the turnbuckle pad! Trish Stratus comes over...but Victoria grabs her by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Trish Stratus face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Victoria rolls up the stunned Trish Stratus: 1....2...3! How did the referee not see that? Victoria \ Stevie signal to each other...and they attack Trish \ Bubba! After an swift brawl, Trish and Bubba are left down in the ring. My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me. Ross: By gawd, this is sickening. Evolution may be following the New Rule, but these post match beat downs are becoming rediculous. Snow: Does this mean that Victoria is getting her Women's title match? Ross: I'm getting word in my headset, that she is. Apparently Shawn Michaels wants Trish to have her chance for revenge. Winners: Stevie Richards and Victoria #1 Contendership: Randy Orton vs Simon Diamond Match Background: HBK made this match earlier. Last week, Simon Diamond's tag partner was suspended after losing a match to Randy Orton. The Match: Orton gets caught with a short powerbomb from Diamond. BRAINBUSTAH~! by Simon Diamond! Hooks the leg for a two count. Randy Orton reverses a hip toss. Diamond is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Randy Orton with a spinning neckbreaker on Diamond. Hooks the leg for a two count. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Simon Diamond charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Orton walks into a drop toe hold. Reverse DDT on Orton. There's a two count on the pin. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Simon Diamond, is executed so well, it hurt MY back. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Simon Diamond snap suplexes Orton HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Diamond is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Simon Diamond gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Diamond. Randy Orton reverses a hip toss. Simon Diamond charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Diamond! The referee watches as the two wrestlers go to the outside and start brawling around ringside. He completes a ten count, and they are still outside, having ignored the count. This match is over via double count out. I don't think the fight has finished. Randy Orton and Diamond have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view. My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get. Snow: They have both been counted out? What does this mean? Ross: We're going to have to wait and here what Shawn Michaels has to say about this. Winner: No contest by double count-out. Austin Lee is pissed! The camera goes backstage where Austin Lee is yelling and throwing chairs and tables around! He is screaming that the entire lockerrom is out to get him. A bunch of referees run over to stop him, but he just lays them all out. Shawn Michaels runs in and delivers a fierce Sweet Chin Music to Lee. Ross: It's about time someone did something about Austin Lee's violence streak. Snow: That was a hell of a super kick! Makes me wonder how Lee is going to take this once he wakes up. World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Benoit © vs Julio Dinero Match Background: This match is for the World Heavyweight title. Chris Benoit has been World Heavyweight champion since 27 June 2006. Chris Benoit successfully defended his title last week against Julio's best friend, CM Punk. The Match: Benoit slams Julio Dinero. Dinero kicks Chris Benoit in the gut to reverse the momentum. Julio Dinero connects with rights and lefts and Chris Benoit is down! Julio Dinero misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Powerbomb on Benoit. Cover, but there's no one to count for Julio Dinero! Dinero goes for a splash but Benoit puts the knees up. Running knee lift from Chris Benoit. Massive backbreaker on Dinero and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Hooks the leg for a two count. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Chris Benoit, is executed so well, it hurt MY back. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Julio Dinero pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Spear by Julio Dinero. Pin, but Benoit is out just before the three count. Dinero charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Chris Benoit has Julio Dinero down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Off the top - Swandive Headbutt, forget about it. 1....2...3! My Opinion: Good bout. In my estimation, it's about ***3/4. Ross: Benoit does it again. Snow: Yes, a very impressive title defense. You can't take anything away from Julio Dinero though, he wrestled a good match himself, especially with the very little warning he had. Randy Orton appears on the ramp. He and Chris Benoit make eye contact as Benoit is celebrating in the ring. Benoit puts down his title and locks the Crossface onto Julio Dinero, who was still down on the map. Orton, looking concerned, makes his way down the ramp, when Simon Diamond runs in with a chair and floors Orton with it. Benoit then releases the hold, rolls out of the ring, and raises Diamond's arm in victory. Ross: DAMN EVOLUTION! I hope their black souls burn in hell for what they have done tonight! Snow: Doesn't seem there has been any love loss between Simon Diamond and Chris Benoit, but I guess they haven't heard what is coming through our headsets. Ross: That's right, folks. Shawn Michaels has made a decision regarding the World Heavyweight Championship at Summerslam. It's going to be Chris Benoit defending against Simon Diamond and Randy Orton, in a triple threat match! Meanwhile Benoit and Diamond are acting all buddy as they go up the ramp. Snow: I wonder how much longer these good feelings between Benoit and Diamond last once they get the big news. Ross: We'll be sure to find out next week! Winner and STILL Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit
  14. SamoaRowe

    Worst Lyrics

    All Fefe Dobson lyrics. Totally uncreative.
  15. SamoaRowe

    Word Life

    I noticed the Cena dvd at work today and paused to look it over. The extras look to be the best part of this one, but I still don't think I want it.
  16. I left out the two tag title matches, but if you are most excited about those matches, I'd be scared. Me? I guess I'm most looking forward to Angle vs Guerrero. It has the potential to be an all-time Wrestlemania classic.
  17. SamoaRowe

    WrestleMania XX

    I did actually book it in my EWR game. The funny thing is that in my game, the main event was still Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle, and Brock Lesnar really did leave immediatly after the big event due to low morale. I would have put Triple H in a midcard match, that's what I would have done.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Best WM Build...

    I was in mark mode for Wrestlemania 2000, so I ate everything up (though a part of me felt like some things weren't going right).
  19. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    This week I will totally understand if JHawk tears this show a new ass. And people wonder why I'm less than excited for WM XX.
  20. SamoaRowe

    So how are you going to see WM20?

    Sunday is the only day this week I can see my girlfriend, and I can guarentee you that if I tried taking her to Hooters or something to watch a five hour wreslting show, it would not reflect very well on me. Though she is very accepting of my wrestling interest, at least in comparison to a few of my previous girlfriends...
  21. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Yeah, I think I'll tape the highlights tonight... for memories.
  22. SamoaRowe

    So how are you going to see WM20?

    Exactly. This is Wrestlemania X8 all over again: most of the matches sound okay.
  23. SamoaRowe

    So how are you going to see WM20?

    It's the biggest match of all time meaning there has been a lot of effort put into hyping the event. With the exception of a few matches, this looks like a really bloated, average card. And Wrestlemania XIX was just as cool to me when I bought it in June. My enjoyment of it was not affected one bit.
  24. SamoaRowe

    So how are you going to see WM20?

    That would be nice, but I don't think I'll be home to watch it either way.
  25. SamoaRowe

    John Cena

    If only Cena had waited until 'Mania to F-U the Big Show for the first time. I marked out at Survivor Series. Somehow, I was worrying that Cena would botch any tricky spot he'd attempt at 'Mania, and this doesn't add to my fear. I hope I haven't jinxed him.