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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    The Mania of Wrestlemania

    It's an awful title but it sounds interesting.
  2. SamoaRowe

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    I love Billy Kidman and I'm not afraid to admit it
  3. SamoaRowe

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Didn't Eddie steal candy from a baby in 2002?
  4. SamoaRowe

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Hehe, it actually works out better for me if it's on later. But still, why would UPN want to preempt their top rated program for farm league baseball?
  5. SamoaRowe

    RAW Spoiler for next week

    I totally agree. I hate that segment with a passion and will never understand how it did such a hig rating when it was just a long, boring piece of mindless crap with The Rock insulting a bunch of people nobody gave a shit about? I mean, what was that segment supposed to achieve? The thing about the first "This is your life" segment that was so special that it was a testament to just how adored The Rock and Mankind were at that point in wrestling history. People tuned in because they wanted to see what would happen next. And yes, the segment was a pointless, comedy segment, but still...
  6. SamoaRowe

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    I hope so I wanted to see Lesnar mock Austin.
  7. SamoaRowe

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Why is my local UPN playing a fucking base ball game?
  8. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    I guess it does seem pretty weird at first. I wish I'd started a diary when I started the game, then you would have seen the rise of both of them. Chad Collyer, as of now, is a 2-time WWE Champion, winning his first title at Wrestlemania XXII (From AJ Styles). Paul London is just cracking the main event now. He's been Cruiserweight and United States champion, but I'd like to see what type of results he could produce in a program with Rhyno. Thanks for the feedback!
  9. SamoaRowe

    Teddy Hart vs. Homicide video clips

    Those clips looked sweet! Homicide is awesome and it's too bad that Hart has to be such an ass. The guy has amazing ability.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Cruiserweight Open participants

    Lords of Pain made a comment that Sakoda and Paul London could be added to this match after all. I'd post the report, but the site went down on my server
  11. SamoaRowe

    Rise and Fall of ECW

    In all seriousness though, this ECW dvd sounds like it could be excellent. WWE doesn't have the same hard feelings that it has with WCW, and since ECW was never a real threat to WWE, the dvd is more likely to glorify Heyman and company.
  12. SamoaRowe

    Rowe's WWE Diary

  13. SamoaRowe


    Why did I score so low? I mean... really? What's so wrong about Ernie Rowe?
  14. SamoaRowe

    Positivity Thread

    ^ Tonic fan!
  15. With genius lines like that, how can this movie NOT be a hit?
  16. SamoaRowe

    What current song would be good for a PPV theme?

    I never thought of that... surprisingly good choice. Also makes me long for when they used "Beautiful Day." Too bad they couldn't have saved that song for someone besides Triple H.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Who will win the WWE Title match at WM XX?

    That's a good theory, but then again WWE has never been one to always make the logical decision.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Least Deserving Wrestlemania Main Eventer?

    Like I said before, Hogan made the list because I know a lot of people here hate him. And yes, that Wrestlemania IX moment played a part in my decision as well.
  19. SamoaRowe

    Least Deserving Wrestlemania Main Eventer?

    He's on the list because of a deep smark hatred towards him and because he was main eventing Wrestlemania long after he shouldn't have.
  20. SamoaRowe

    Cruiserweight Open participants

    Watch him get pinned within the first minute
  21. SamoaRowe

    WWE media appearances before Wrestlemania

    I've never even heard of that show before... but i have a sick curiosity of it. When is it on and on what channel?
  22. SamoaRowe

    Cruiserweight Open participants

    No Paul London? No Matt Hardy? This match just lost ten points of overness with me
  23. SamoaRowe

    Bobby Heenan to commentate at WM20

    I agree. Actually, I think I could stand Jim Ross and Tazz as the only two commentators. Jerry Lawler is a moron who acts confused and intrigued by every stupid little predictable event on Raw. Michael Cole is a moron who has to say "Cruiserweight action exclusive to Smackdown!" ten times during a three minute CW match that has a minute of rest holds.
  24. SamoaRowe

    What current song would be good for a PPV theme?

    It's been too long since WWE used Disturbed. The "Believe" album had a few good choices on it.
  25. SamoaRowe

    Meltzer Ratings

    Hmm, interesting. He really liked the AAA vs TNA X-Cup, so I guess I wasn't the only one after all...