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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    No Way Out

    That could quite possibly be the greatest WWE PPV poster.... ever.
  2. Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore botched a similar double team spot to Orton's missed RKO at a Smackdown taping I went to and I got over that.
  3. SamoaRowe

    Matt Morgan injured at Smackdown house show...

    Yeah, it's not as if Holly is ultra stiff or anything... and always careful with TE kids....
  4. SamoaRowe

    Mega XPW Merchandise Blowout Sale

    Kaos vs Doring is one of my best friend's favorite match of all time.
  5. SamoaRowe

    Anybody in the New England area been to...

    I haven't been in such a long time, and that's rediculous seeing as it's only about half an hour away from me. I bought "Follow The Leader" from Korn there back in the day.
  6. SamoaRowe

    DVD Releases

    Thirteen looks devastating. Ooh, Dilbert
  7. SamoaRowe

    Favourite Animation Show

    Lots to choose from but when I was younger, I was most passionate about the X-Men.
  8. SamoaRowe

    Undertaker's Return

    It was nice of Undertaker to make Kane look so menacing in that package he must have edited himself.
  9. SamoaRowe

    For once I am excited about the...

    The last time I was truly excited about a Raw was the night after Vengeance 2001, when it was to be Jericho's first night as Undisputed Champ. Needless to say, I was devastated.
  10. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Royal Rumble Results/Match Ratings Thread

    One theory I've seen (maybe on this board, maybe another) is that they did that so that Lesnar wouldn't get face pops for beating the hell out of Holly. Heh, my favorite part of the match was HOlly's Alabama Slam to Brock Lesnar.
  11. SamoaRowe

    The OAO Royal Rumble Results/Match Ratings Thread

    Victoria vs Molly: * 1/2 Batista/Flair vs Dudleyz: * Mysterio vs Noble: ** Chavo vs Eddie: ** Holly vs Lesnar: * 1/2 HHH vs HBK: *** Royal Rumble: ****
  12. SamoaRowe

    Anyone hear the crowd pop

    John Cena got an awesome pop, imo.
  13. SamoaRowe

    Album of Albums

    Yes, missing a few albums, but there were only room for 10 picks. I'm a bit torn on a few of them, but I really love Wish You Were Here above all. Just a perfect album all around (but that goes for a couple others too). So... hope this poll hasn't already been done... what do you think?
  14. SamoaRowe

    The one and only RR webcast thread

    Yeah, even I am ordering it.
  15. SamoaRowe

    Royal Rumble

    My predictions: HBK/HHH: **** Royal Rumble: **** Holly/Lesnar: *** Batista and Flair/Dudleyz: **1/2 Mysterio/Noble: ***1/2 Eddie/Chavo: ***1/2 Sounds like an awesome show to me
  16. SamoaRowe

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak is up

    I liked Smackdown this week. This is the second straight week where I haven't had any real complaints about the show. The audience definitly seems to be enjoying it more and most things are clicking, which is a real improvement. Smackdown has a long way to go to live out it's full potential, but I'm liking the steps that have been taken. Unfortunately, whenever WWE has a streak of good shows like this, something usually happens to ruin it and they go back to where they were. With Wrestlemania in the near future, I'm afraid that Smackdown may once again be contaminated with the presence of Hulk Hogan.
  17. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    I don't like that either. Hmm maybe working with Benoit will help Morgan out....
  18. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    Damn, I hate Matt Morgan. What a generic hoss heel. I'm enjoying Lesnar tonight though.
  19. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    Yay, it's Shannon Moore. Too bad he's about to lose to a slightly more easy on the eyes version of A-Train.
  20. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    No big surprise. Raw will always be the more popular show regardless of quality.
  21. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    I agree. hehe, this Brock/Big Show segment is funny.
  22. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    A song must either have good songs or be bad to a point where it's funny. Either way, it's a nice addition to my collection of random WWE shit.
  23. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    Believe it or not, it's a pretty worthy purchase What good songs on it? TAJIRI~! It doesn't need good songs to be entertaining. That, and many of the songs sound worlds better than I would have expected them too. Trish Stratus sounds like a convincing pop star and the Dudley Boyz sounded half-good.
  24. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    KIDMAN !!! Long time no see, too bad he probably won't win.
  25. SamoaRowe

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    Believe it or not, it's a pretty worthy purchase