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Everything posted by tommytomlin

  1. tommytomlin

    I guess this is more

    If the liberal media was so evil and liberal and Bush-hating, you'd think after 30 or so years, they would have made more Americans liberal then conservative. Or maybe, just maybe, audiences aren't passive schmucks who get brainwashed by the media they watch and read, and instead are active audiences who can make up their own minds about issues. In which case, it doesn't matter if the media is conservative or liberal.
  2. tommytomlin

    OAO Troy Thread

    I saw Pitt on Conan the other week, and I don't know if I agree with you saying he came off as an asshole. He just seemed a little...distant. He played along with Conan with the dress-up thing, and he was also interacting with the crowd and the band when Conan was talking about how much better looking he was compared to Pitt. I think he was just a different type of guest, he gave Conan less room to be silly.
  3. tommytomlin

    It SHOULD be noted...

    One video of dude getting beheaded = news for a week A few CD's full of prisoner abuse photos, along with some rumoured forthcoming videos = news for months It's not liberal bias, it's how the media industry works, and not just in America.
  4. tommytomlin

    OAO Troy Thread

    Found some pictures of Bana's sketch comedy days, just so the Americans don't think we're making this all up: That's him as some 60 year old guy that always complains about stuff he buys. There's him as either his yobbo character Poida, or Warwick Capper, the AFL player. And finally, Hector as Mike Willesee, an old current affairs show host. So there you have it, the many faces of Eric Bana.
  5. tommytomlin

    A question someone asked the other day

    Based on my thorough knowledge of this subject through Jack Bauer and "24", it's not a very good system.
  6. tommytomlin

    Blair and Government physhically attacked

    But that's the same for every act of terrorism. The loss of life is small compared to the hundreds of thousands of people who die from cancer, or AIDS, or car accidents every month, but terrorism has a hugely damaging effect on stock markets and tourism and consumer confidence and such. Tony Blair getting a condom-full of purple anthrax thrown at his face mightn't be a big deal compared to say, a family of four dieing when their Toyota crashes through the front door of a fireworks factory, but it would have a massive effect on Britain's economy.
  7. tommytomlin

    OK, we're WITH the UN for what reason?

    Gee, you guys are foreign policy GENIUSES!
  8. tommytomlin

    USA POW Beheaded

    How come everyone on the right gets outraged when MrZasz says this could have been avoided, but we have about four posts from people who want to blow up the Middle East, and they get a free pass?
  9. tommytomlin

    Van Hellsing: Thoughts, opinions, and criticism!

    I saw it last night. I thought it was a good, fun popcorn flick. Got a bit sick of people swinging on ropes to save people though. Who makes these ropes anyway? How do they get there? Why are they always the exact length the hero needs to swing to his destination?
  10. Maybe they can complain about the word count in the stories and how it indicates a liberal bias in favour of the U.N.
  11. This story made the Australian news last month, if that's any consolation.
  12. tommytomlin

    15 Hours to go

    Yes, the U.S is the best, we get that. But who exactly is the U.S defending Europe from in the year 2004? Is it Morocco?
  13. tommytomlin

    The draft returning?

    Wouldn't it make more sense to use the money they spend on creating, organising and debating the draft on improving pay and benefits for soldiers? That way you'd give young people more of an incentive to serve, and wouldn't be turning half the country against their representatives.
  14. tommytomlin

    15 Hours to go

    This story didn't get alot of attention but it might shine some light on your question. So Europe needs U.S protection from terrorism, even though the act you're referring to came about because a European country helped the U.S 'protect Europe' from terrorism? I mean, this argument makes sense in 1989. I can understand the argument that the Soviets were an expansionist power. But how exactly is the U.S protecting Europe, a decade and a bit after the Cold War?
  15. tommytomlin

    15 Hours to go

    Protect Europe from whom?
  16. tommytomlin

    Ted Koppel speaks out aganist the War

    'We thought about doing this on Memorial Day, but that’s a time when most media outlets do stories about the military, and they are generally lost in the holiday crush of picnics and all. We didn’t want this broadcast to get lost. ' Did you even read the first post?
  17. tommytomlin

    Australian PM "Pulls A Bush"

    Yes, that's exactly what will happen. What a comprehensively researched scenario based entirely in fact. I am astounded. You've been listening to Tony Abbott in Question Time too much.
  18. tommytomlin

    Australian PM "Pulls A Bush"

    You do know when John Howard was treasurer, Australia experienced some of its highest rates of unemployment and inflation in years? And you do know that the economic reform undertaken by the Hawke and Keating Labor Government was the most successful in Australian history? And that the high interest rates and the 'recession we had to have' were experienced in all of the other major economic regions during the 1990's? I get so sick of Liberal voters saying that Labor = economic incompetence, when it has consistently been Labor Governments that have reformed Australia's economy into what it is today. I don't discount the efforts of Howard and Costello, but they're not the magical architects of Australia's current economic condition that they claim to be. Just look at our current account deficit. And jokes about Bansai Howard aside, I thought it was a great thing that he visited the troops. It was a great gesture, but if you think for one second that it wasn't politically motivated, then you're a fool. If it was a completely noble act from the bottom of his heart, he wouldn't have invited the media. Simple as that.
  19. tommytomlin

    Australian PM "Pulls A Bush"

    So Latham uses some things from a Clinton speech and gets attacked by the Liberals, but then Howard goes and steals directly from Bush's playbook! And now he's trying to outlaw gay marriage! Like, what's he going to do next? Run campaign ads against John Kerry?
  20. tommytomlin

    New Fox shows this June..

    Well, if it happens on Neighbours, then it's got to be true.
  21. tommytomlin

    Bin Laden Offers Truce to Europe

    Since when does buying a book mean you agree with the views expressed in it? Maybe the book sold because it was controversial?
  22. tommytomlin

    Mark Jindrak

    'A lot think so'? Who have you been talking to, his family?
  23. tommytomlin

    TNA Has A Distribution Deal For DVDs!

    Hate to break it to you Mike, but WCW Thunder was the 13th best selling video game in the year 1999. Infact, according to this chart , it sold more than WWF Attitude. WCW's last few games didn't sell as well because, basically, they sucked. People who bought Thunder were pissed they bought such a crappy game, so they didn't even bother with Mayhem or Backstage Assault (which didn't even have a RING for christ sakes)". If the TNA game is fun to play, it will sell.
  24. tommytomlin

    The Questioning Begins

    Yeah, what a FRAUD!
  25. tommytomlin

    10 Contractors Being Held Hostage In Iraq

    What the fuck's wrong with living in Australia? Seriously, America has better cable television and snow. That's about it. You'd think fighting in like, every war ever, and giving you guys Paul Hogan would be enough to get some cred in this place.