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Everything posted by tommytomlin

  1. tommytomlin

    Jerry Lynn's TNA Future Not Looking Bright

    I thought it was funny on 411wrestling.com, they posted this week-old newsbit about Lynn right above their 411 TNA Report, which recapped his return to TNA.
  2. tommytomlin

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    Fear of communism in 1960's and 1980's - Justified (mainly because of the whole 'Nuclear War' thing) Fear of communism in the year 2004 - Retarded.
  3. tommytomlin

    Journalists giving money to political campaigns

    All of these journalists have political biases, so what's wrong with donating money to the parties or people they see fit? Outlawing donations from journalists won't remove bias, so I don't think it matters that much. You're biased BEFORE you donate, not BECAUSE you donate.
  4. tommytomlin

    Heat and Velocity

    But they didn't have Smackdown until the very end of Russo's tenure. It meant they could make Heat less of a throwaway show, because they didn't have another 2 hours of prime time programming to worry about. Adding storylines to Heat is still a good idea, but I'm just trying to give the WWE's rationale for not doing it anymore. I really don't see why they couldn't have storylines with guys like Storm, Venis, Dreamer and co on Heat, with the occassional RAW cross-over.
  5. tommytomlin

    TNA Lazarush on TSM

    Eddie Guerrero and Shit Guerrero Jr?
  6. tommytomlin

    Diamond Dallas Page added to LOW:SHOWDOWN!

    I think it looks awesome. The first LOW was crap, but I enjoyed the second. This one seems to have simplified the controls, according to Gamespot anyway, and the graphics are less cartoony but still over-the-top, which is a nice change. Plus it has the WARRIOR!
  7. tommytomlin

    Favorite Rumble?

    '92 is great, and I really enjoy the ones from the last three years. Previous Rumbles normally had a cool start and a cool ending, but nothing of note in the middle (except for the Hogan/Warrior confrontation in 1990, and Jake clearing the ring every few years with Damien). The ones from 2000 on seem to have more little things, like Hurricane's attempted double chokeslam on Triple H and Austin, or Kaientai's kamikaze mission in 2000. I don't think I've ever seen a 'bad' Rumble, although I didn't really enjoy 1999. 1998 was a bit blah too, mainly because Austin winning was an absolute forgone conclusion, and the final four didn't do anything to change that. This year's Royal Rumble should be awesome, mainly because it's REALLY hard to pick the winner. The net says Benoit, but there's still a few other contenders (Cena, Goldberg) who would be a logical winner too. Best ending was '92 easily.
  8. tommytomlin

    New WWE DVD's

    Haha "12" and "15" are classifications, like PG-13 and R-17 in America. It's got nothing to do with what number the DVD set is.
  9. tommytomlin

    Review of 1/7/04

    Good review, but can we make the whole review in Grey text like the analysis at the bottom instead of red? I think my eyes are about to explode
  10. tommytomlin

    U.S. Airports Now Fingerprint Foreigners

    If France is exempted and Australia isn't there is going to be some serious baby-dangling infront of crocodiles going on.
  11. tommytomlin

    Did the Big Bang Theory Go Boom?

    No man-made object can cut through the leathery hide of Paul Hogan's neck.
  12. tommytomlin

    Monday Night Wars DVD Trailer

    I think if I had to work through the shit that was the "Magnificent 7" storyline, then I'd wish for the company to die too.
  13. tommytomlin

    "Croc Hunter" Steve Irwin Avoids Charges

    How quickly we forget about Antarctica... Antarctica is the whore of the planet. Every two-bit country has 'territory' there. And yeah, Britain hasn't had a say in Australian affairs ever since we took our troops back during World War 2 and got America to be our big brother instead. Even the Queen's ceremonial duties (such as opening sporting events, or going to war memorials etc etc) have been taken over by the Prime Minister. The Queen's representative in Australia, the Governor-General, has the power to dissolve governments and basically turn Australia into a dictatorship if he so pleased, but the last time the G-G actually used his power in the 1970's, we had a constitutional crisis. Most Australians don't even know the current Governor-General's name, which shows how little influence he, and his boss the Queen, have on the nation. Infact, had it not been for the shitty and unpopular republican model that was put forward in the 1999 Australian Republic Referendum, we would be a republic by now.
  14. tommytomlin

    Sean Hannity

    He's a horrible debator for one thing. If he's losing a debate, he'll use some cheap angle like 'You really hate America, don't you Senator?' to make himself look like the winner. He's a pompous, smug son of a bitch who deserves to be stuck hosting the Graveyard shift on some public radio station on an oil rig somewhere.
  15. tommytomlin

    Rumble and Mania plans

  16. tommytomlin

    "Croc Hunter" Steve Irwin Avoids Charges

    I never thought of saying I'm from 'the continent of Australia'. It does sound cooler. It's not like anyone else has their own continent, they all have roommates and stuff. We'd be like the cool kid in high school who lived away from his parents!
  17. tommytomlin

    Mizark's favor

    What exactly about WWE booking in the last two years makes you think that they'd put subtle hints in an episode of Heat to advance a mid-card storyline?
  18. tommytomlin

    Which wrestlers will die in 2004 ?

    No, that was about 2 years before Hennig's death.
  19. tommytomlin

    This week in Raw/SD!/Nitro/Thunder history

    Which would have been ok, had it not taken place after the screwiest, most disappointing ending in wrestling history at Starrcade '97. So it was a big 'fuck you' to WCW fans on 2 consecutive nights.
  20. tommytomlin

    Oliver Stone's JFK

    JFK supported the coup that removed Diem from power but was very much opposed to his murder. General Maxwell Taylor said that when JFK learned of Diem's death he leapt to his feet and rushed from the room, and a Senator whose name I can't recall said JFK was so angry he wanted to strip CIA of it's power to commit such acts. So yeah, he shagged Marilyn Monroe but he didn't approve of Diem's assassination.
  21. What a stupid statement. You seem to be trying to say that defending a country's right to look after its own interests while at the same time criticising it for what equates to religious bigotry is somehow hypocritical of liberals? Where do you draw that parallel? Just because people opposed to the war had no problem with France and Russia looking after number one doesn't mean they have to blindly support the policies of those countries.
  22. tommytomlin

    2003 - A year of accomplishment

    How can it be biased when it's just copy/pasting bits from other media sources, Senate Committees and White House Spokesperson? They're not editing the quotes, there's no "...." anywhere to indicate the quotes have been taken apart. Hell, most of the quotes in that are from either the Government or Republican Senators. Do they have a liberal bias?
  23. tommytomlin

    Funny WWE Headlines

    I'm still pissed thatr they used my name in one of their crappy jokes. We don't have to make up LOLFAKEHEADLINEZ of our own to earn the right to call yours unfunny. They just ARE. You're posting on a public forum, so don't have a hissy fit when people think you're less entertaining than a Carrot Top/Garrison Cade team-up show.
  24. tommytomlin

    Funny WWE Headlines

    These are all horrible.