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Everything posted by tommytomlin

  1. tommytomlin

    The Old School questions thread

    How did Randy Savage debut in WCW in 1994? I was curious about this the other day, but Google didn't have any specifics. Like, did he just show up on Saturday Night one week? Or run in? Did they hype his debut much?
  2. tommytomlin

    Soldier writes letter to Michael Moore

    Is it my site? No. All I was doing was posting a link to a webpage which I thought may have been of interest to those visiting the first link. I really don't care enough about Michael Moore or the tedious Liberal vs Conservatives crap that plagues this board enough to even take a position on his documentary or the guy himself. I thought it was entertaining, and I wanted to know more about the issues he raised. That's it. Leave me out of this.
  3. tommytomlin

    Big Boss Man and Haku

    Haku was released too. He works as a car salesman now. (No joke)
  4. tommytomlin

    Soldier writes letter to Michael Moore

    But of course, there's also the Truth About The Truth About Bowling For Columbine, a different site which exposes the fallacies and half-truths in the above website. The Truth About The Truth About Bowling For Columbine I think soon we can expect The Truth About The Truth About The Truth About Bowling For Columbine.
  5. tommytomlin

    Idea for Foley at WMXX

    I don't have a problem with it. Neither Rock nor Foley deserve a singles match because they're barely part-timers, and if it ruins the plans for Orton/HHH then thank the good lord. Rock and Sock reuniting would be sweet.
  6. tommytomlin

    I actually think the brand extension..

    The brand extension may have helped make a few new stars (Cena, Lesnar) and bump up a few others (Edge, Eddie), but who is to say a unified WWE wouldn't have done even more? The WWF didn't need a brand split in 1997-00 to make Austin, Rock, Foley, Kane and Triple H.
  7. tommytomlin

    New Years suggestions for TNA

    How can Jarrett compete for the X-Division title? He's not exactly a high-risk move kind of dude.
  8. tommytomlin

    Be polite to Mr Saddam

    That's about as easy to prove as me saying 'Batista has muscles'.
  9. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Pretty standard brawl in the main event, Jarrett interferes and throws some handcuffs in (I think, I wasn't paying attention to that bit), then AJ runs in to get Jarrett, then Sting, and meanwhile in the ring CM leaps off the top with a splash onto Abyss through a table, now Raven and Gathering use the handcuffs on Redshirts, Gathering do conchairtos on Redshirts, and then....HIT RAVEN WITH ONE TOO! Abyss makes the cover, and Raven's destiny has been crushed once more! Cool ending, but average show overall. 6/10
  10. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Nope, no notable matches IMHO. Still the 6-Man tag with Raven up though.
  11. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Hahah - Scott Hudson is acting black backstage! Ahahahaha! 'Bless your heart.' says BG. Hahaha. Hudson sounded really natural. Now 3LK are taking him back to 'check tire pressure'. O-kay.
  12. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Watts is out, announcing Ultimate X II with Sabin, Daniels, Ki and Shane!
  13. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    I wouldn't buy the replay Bob.
  14. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Shane/Ki is next, no point giving PBP because we all know Shane is going over. Alright match so far, one of Shane's better ones. Shane with a sweet elbow drop ala his cousin. Shane with a small package after a really anti-climatic missed twisting 450 thingy by Ki, he landed on his feet before he landed on Shane's knees, gets the 3. Ki floors Douglas, then Shane, then Tracy, then Shane, but Douglas stops him, now..... Elix Skipper is out? Fakes a heel turn but then floors Douglas! This segment is really really slow. Ok now Sabin is out, attacking Skipper. Now Daniels is out, hits Sabin.... Now Ki is attacking Daniels?! And now the Black Shirts are out. This is weird.
  15. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Low-Ki is giving a Laurence Fishburn promo backstage, now Skipper is trying to get Low-Ki to reform Triple X, but Ki shrugs him off.
  16. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Ok that last match killed my enthusiasm for PBP. D'Lo/AJ vs Simon/Swinger is in now, D'Lo is playing face in peril. D'Lo did a cool thing where he jumped off the apron onto Swinger after AJ had irish whipped him. I didn't explain that well. AJ/Diamond are in now. I just realised I forgot to put gel in my hair so it's all boofy. Cool splash/leg-drop double team by D'Lo/AJ. I think the winner of this match gets a title shot, World for AJ or D'Lo and Tag for Diamond/Swinger. Huge 'AJ' chant. AJ is face in peril now. His elbow pad has dropped down to his wrist and I don't think he notices. Hit s a bicycle kick and makes the hot tag. D'Lo with a forearm to Swinger, then a heel kick. D'Lo leg drop, gets a 2. This match is really slow. Woah! I think Diamond just collided with AJ, that was the loudest SLAP I've ever heard. D'Lo/AJ with a frog splash and AJ tried a springboard, but.... he went right instead of straight ahead because..... Jarrett interfered? Announcers say Jarrett pulled the ropes down, but... I think AJ was meant to see Jarrett interfering and jump on him instead of Diamond, but.... I think he missed. How odd.
  17. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Now the Red Shirts are out, handcuffing Harris to the ropes. Storm makes the save, but....out comes Jarrett. .... Red Shirts with a spike piledriver onto Storm, now jawing at Harris. Jarrett explodes the guitar onto Harris' head. That was cool.
  18. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    I'm not going to do in-depth PBP on this match because it's just punching so far. Double-team on Storm by the Disco Criminals. Wildcat with a sweet cross-body block. Spinebuster from the Master of the Spinebuster, and now Gilbertti ruins the momentum with a weak elbow drop. Storm superkicks a trash can into Young's face. Double trash can shots by AMW. Now AMW have a ladder. SLAM Young in the face with it after he ducks it once. Weak slingshot into the ladder by Storm onto Young. Gilbertti/Harris are brawling on the outside. Harris just hit Gilbertti with a chair, which should happen way more often on this show. HAHA Storm set the ladder up between Young's legs and then smacked it with a chair! There's a really fat kid dressed as Sting in the front row who keeps distracting me. Ok this match is getting boring. Harris sets up a table, Young drops Storm onto the ladder after a weak irish whip reversal. Young with a awkward moonsault onto Storm who is laying on the ladder. Harris hits a double clothesline on Disco/Young, but misses a spear and goes into the ladder head first. Kicks out at 2. God damn it just use the table already. Ok here goes. Young's on the table, but Gilbertti stops Storm from jumping off. Harris spears Gilbertti into the ladder and Storm jumps onto Young, putting him through the table! AMW win.
  19. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    This is a sad day in play-by-play Speaking of sad days, here comes Glen Gilbertti. Gilbertti/Young vs AMW is up next.
  20. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Jarrett's yelling at heels backstage, trying to get them pumped for their matches. David Young still looks like a criminal.
  21. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Daniels has a bandage around his head but it just looks like a Jane Fonda sweat band. Both trading chops and bunches, Daniels whips Sabin into the corner, hammers him with punches and knees. Sabin hits a springboard dropkick, follows it up with a cross-body to the outside onto Daniels. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Daniels, then throws Sabin out. They're doing a thing where Daniels rejected medical assistance backstage, and keeps grabbing his injured head. Must be the beginning of a face turn. Now Sabin has the advantage, trying to work on the head, but now Daniels is working on the back of Sabin with a spear to the spine. Follows it up with a backbreaker, then turns the backbreaker into a spinning sit-down powerbomb! Neat. Sabin jumps from the canvas to the top rope where Daniels is about to leap off, and over-head belly to belly suplexes him off the top Angle-style! Both guys are back up way too quickly though. Sabin with a vertical suplex, Daniels wriggles out of a samoan drop and does a urange. Daniels with the Best Moonsault Ever (BME), which looks pretty cool. Sabin reverses an Angels Wings, but Daniels reverses that and then Sabin reverses that into a pinning combo, Daniels kicks out at two and Sabin hits an enziguiri. Sabin slides under Daniel's feet, gets ready for a spring board move, and PRIME TIME ELIX SKIPPER TRIPS HIM! And now Daniels gets the win! Skipper is giving the 'X' logo, and Daniels is smiling! GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY KING WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!@
  22. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Me and Brocklock are broadcast collegues
  23. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Raven and Gathering are doing a Raven-esque promo, said something about WMD's, now he's talking about marionettes and the winds of fate, then he yelled at Jarrett a little, said he's knocking on the door and about to come in. How cool
  24. tommytomlin

    One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

    Sting/Jarrett was first up by order of Erik Watts, Sting wins after AJ Styles interference, hits Jarrett with a death drop and gets the 3 (Kid Kash and Red Shirts also interfered, but AMW took care of them). Post-match Jarrett pushed Tenay around and Tenay PUSHED BACK!~! TENAY/JARRETT AT BOUND FOR GLORY?!@#
  25. tommytomlin

    Get rid of Don West

    I love West. He brings a completely different dynamic to the show than a typical heel commentator would. Having Tenay as the expert and West as the easily-excited mark is an awesome combo.