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Everything posted by tommytomlin

  1. tommytomlin

    Why isn't Larry Zybysko commentating?

    And how he always talked about 'dissent in the ranks of the New World ODOR'
  2. tommytomlin

    Why isn't Larry Zybysko commentating?

    Zbysko never commentated with TNA, he had a brief feud with AJ Styles and a scuffle with Kid Kash, and that's about it. He hasn't commentated since WCW in 2000, I think. As for why they don't get him to commentate, it's because West is probably cheaper and gives them a different feel. Having Tenay and Zbysko would just sound like WCW Thunder.
  3. tommytomlin

    Fuck Jimmy Fallon

    I would just like to say that 'Morning Latte' with Will Ferrel and Cheri O'Teri is one of the funniest series of sketches I have ever seen.
  4. tommytomlin

    Read the Diatribe...

    Bigger than Lance Storm's penis?
  5. tommytomlin

    So...why didn't Sting come in during Styles' reign

    The whole 'STING HATES WRESTLING~@' thing is so exaggerated. It was even a STORYLINE during 2000 when Sting feuded with Jarrett. If Sting hated wrestling as much as we've been lead to believe by the internet, why did he come to TNA? Or the WWA? I'm pretty sure they're not paying him WCW money, and he's already a rich guy. As for him not wanting to put over Styles, I've neither seen, heard nor read anything about that, and Sting has a good track record of putting over guys young and old, so I don't think it's that. I think it's 5, just because anything else is just speculation.
  6. tommytomlin

    Does anyone know about the DVD's?

    I don't know for sure, but probably not. TNA might rock, but they're not exactly known for top quality merchandise. I think you might need to get a multi-region DVD player.
  7. tommytomlin

    Some funny shit

    ROFL Didn't the Dames mention you in one of his Diatribes? Maybe the guy uses that to make his roster.
  8. tommytomlin

    Read the Diatribe...

    I pretty much agreed with everything except the Dusty Rhodes thing. Dusty mightn't be a 'good' wrestler anymore, but he's got a connection with the crowd that nobody on TNA has. I know he's not everybody's cup of tea but to me, Dusty is still one of the most entertaining guys in wrestling, whether he's in the ring or cutting a promo.
  9. tommytomlin

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    I missed the first half hour but saw the rest, and I liked it. It seems everyone is shitting on it because Hacksaw and Steiner were the surprises, but I thought it was a good ending.
  10. tommytomlin

    Dutch Mantell SUCKS

    How come we always hear about how Russo only had three months to turn WCW around and how unfair that was, but people are writing off Mantel after TWO weeks? Two weeks, that IMHO, have been pretty good?
  11. tommytomlin

    Has WWE beat WCW

    WWE easily. WCW at its worst (1999/2000) did not have the talent roster that the WWE has now, hence the need for them to push guys like The Dog, and Fit Finlay, and the Harris Brothers. Yeah, they still had bad booking, but the fact that WWE's shows are just as worse as WCW's at their worst combined with the fact that the WWE has the single greatest roster in professional wrestling history in terms of experience, star power and ability makes WWE the winner easily. And WCW had to deal with a few dozen regime changes every few months, WWE has had the same people running it for the past two decades. There's just no excuse for the crap they're feeding us now.
  12. tommytomlin

    FCC Rules "F" Word ok for primetime

    American's are a bunch of prudes.
  13. tommytomlin

    Interesting Reads

    So then what does a post about a post in General Wrestling have to do with the WWE?
  14. tommytomlin


    Although I agree with the rest of your points, the deal with EA was a rumour by IGN that was shot down by TNA and EA a few days later. Mike Tenay said that there were numerous parties interested in the game but he did say that it probably wouldn't be made by EA. That was about two weeks ago on his column on NWATNA.com. So yeah, a video game deal is pretty much guaranteed, but nothing has been signed (that we know of) yet.
  15. tommytomlin


    Desperate? What makes you think they're 'desperate'? Because they signed the biggest free agent (and the biggest name in wrestling history) in Hulk Hogan to a contract? How is that desperate?
  16. I dunno if you guys will have heard about this, and it's front-page news here in Australia so why not. Hehe When Senators ATTACK Although I think the Howard Government's position as America's lapdog makes me feel ashamed to be Australian, these Senators were out of line. Funny, but out of line. If you want to hear the heckling, go to http://www.news.com.au
  17. tommytomlin

    Bush heckled by Australian Parliament

    Wasn't the dude in the tube the Prime Minister?
  18. tommytomlin

    One and Only NWA:TNA Week ? Thread

    I'm going to put ten bucks on Meng being the mystery opponent.
  19. tommytomlin

    One and Only NWA:TNA Week ? Thread

    I thought AJ looked excellent in the match. He kicked out of a top rope facebuster and a chairshot to the face.
  20. tommytomlin

    TNA bits from the Observer

    He turned on Larry Zbysko and joined the nWo in 1998, remember!
  21. tommytomlin

    The Da Vinci Code

    I HATE Matthew Reilly's books@#$@# 'Oh, yeah, don't mind those caged wild animals and murderous prisoners, they couldn't POSSSIBLY escape. Now let us forget that I mentioned them until they escape at the worst moment possible' said Michael, as he RAN DOWN THE STAIRS PAST A TORRENTIAL RAIN OF BULLETS FIRED BY A MURDEROUS PRISONER AND A GIANT CAGED GRIZZLY BEAR IN AN ABANDONED MILITARY BASE WHILE TRYING TO SAVE THE PRESIDENT!@w!@# ITALLICS!!
  22. tommytomlin

    U.N. Passes Resolution To Support U.S. in Iraq

    I still don't see how the U.N wanting a few more months for weapons inspections to try and find a peaceful solution to the conflict makes THEM the ignorant bad guys, when it was the United States who propped up Saddam with money, weapons and the ability to MAKE the dreaded WMD's in the first place. I don't see how you can say the United Nations isn't doing its job when YOUR country was the one who made Saddam so powerful to BEGIN with. France, Germany and Russia may have been in bed with Saddam, but so was America, and they left a mint on his pillow the morning after. The fact of the matter is, you may oppose the U.N on security issues, but there is more to the United Nations than the Security Council, or the fact that Libya is the chair for Human Rights Abuses (strange how people only complain about that when they need some ammunition for U.N bashing, and not when it was chosen) U.N's humanitarian aid groups are the best in the world, and provide running water, food, shelter and hope for millions of people. You claim to support freeing millions of Iraqi's from tyranny, yet you also want the United States and its billions of dollars of funding to say 'screw you' to the United Nations, putting even MORE people at risk of starvation and death?
  23. tommytomlin

    Matchs for next week

    Ooooh OK. I thought you were one of those study-all-the-time-and-then-have-a-nervous-breakdown-by-the-end-of-the-exams wackos
  24. tommytomlin

    TNA bits from the Observer

    Dusty Rhodes heel turns never work