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Everything posted by tommytomlin

  1. tommytomlin

    Matches you love

    The Kidman/Eddie match from Starrcade 1998, directly after the Rey/Juvi/Kidman bout. Kidman winning two matches in a row, the background of the lWo feud and a hot crowd made it. Overshadowed due to the overall crappiness of Starrcade '98.
  2. tommytomlin

    Hi, my name is Rudo, and....

    I was heavy into the WWF as a kid, living in Australia my only contact with the Whiff was through their monthly magazines and tapes of PPVs, but it was my #1 obsession. When we got cable TV, I started watching WCW Nitro each week and liked that even more. RAW eventually hit cable, but I never got into the WWF as much as I did WCW. The Attitude Era was great, and I'd watch RAW every week, but I'd never miss Nitro. Even in the darkest days of WCW, I could watch three hours of Russo's Nitro with that god-awful tag team tournament with PG-13 and David Flair and Crowbar and Steiner joining the nWo at the end and enjoy it more than two hours of RAW at its hottest period. When WCW died, I was stuck with the WWE. I enjoyed it, in 2001 I ordered pretty much every PPV. From 2002-2004, I got the Big 5. But I noticed that while I read the RAW and Smackdown results and every piece of wrestling news or opinion I could, I never really sat down and watched the shows. We get the shows on a delay, so I would just read the results and watch bits that interested me. I don't think I've watched a full RAW since 2001. And since Wrestlemania of this year, I haven't ordered a PPV. Not one. I've got tickets to RAW at the Sydney Superdome at the end of this month, but I wouldn't say I'm psyched for it. I don't know if I've outgrown wrestling (I'm only 21), I'd watch TNA and ROH if it was readily available, but I'm just bored of WWE. I'm bored that they haven't re-invented themselves for 5 years. The WWF of 1995 would not have worked in 2000, so why do they think the WWF of 2000 will work in 2005?
  3. tommytomlin

    How hot is it right now....

    82.4 degrees in your freaky deaky fahrenheit here in Sydney.
  4. tommytomlin

    Superman is born!

    Why would you have to kidnap the kids to find out their names? Couldn't you just... ask them?
  5. tommytomlin


    Are you sure? The only joke I remember Hurley making regarding snow is when they were building the raft and he thought Jin's hand signals meant he wanted to make snowballs. Do you remember the context of his freeze joke? Also, found an interesting theory on another forum. Here's my shameless rip-off: The origin of the numbers is the I Ching Chinese Classical text The DHARMA logo The standard I Ching template Grab the I Ching chart, draw the DHARMA serpent/swan/whatever that is logo on it in relation to the symbols on the logo and what do you cross over? 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 I have absolutely no idea what this means in a practical, solve the mystery sense, but it's pretty freaking sweet that the creators went to this much trouble to give a back story to a logo.
  6. tommytomlin


    Maybe Desmond talking to Locke is from when Locke first entered the Hatch to rescue Kate? As in, maybe the episode will begin with a flashback to Locke entering the hatch, seeing as how we never saw that last week.
  7. tommytomlin

    Has Lex Luger always been this bad?

    That promo was more entertaining than anything on RAW in the past year.
  8. tommytomlin


    It's a CG error, a ghost of one of the pieces of the fuselage.
  9. tommytomlin

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    126. Conan saying his real name is Chip Wheatley when people say 'Hey, you're the guy from Late Night with Conan O'Brien'
  10. tommytomlin

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    15. His re-occuring anecdote about being in the tabloid press with a story about how CONAN O'BRIEN DOESN'T WASH HIS HANDS!
  11. tommytomlin

    Hurricane Katrina

    How did the weatherman flip out?
  12. tommytomlin

    Campaign 2008

    I feel like a little boy who's lost his first tooth, put it under his pillow, waiting for the tooth fairy to come. Only two evil burglars have crept in my window, and snatched it, before she could get here... Wait a second, do you understand the CON-CEPT of the tooth-fairy? Explain it to them... Wait. She takes the god damned thing, and gives you a quarter. They've got my tooth. I want it back.
  13. tommytomlin

    Test markets...

    Explain to me this 'thick Aero' business.
  14. tommytomlin

    Australian Rules Football

    Rugby League! AFL is too messy for me, same with Union. I like League because it's rigid, it's all about busting an inpenetrable line. Seeing two big forwards charge at each other, or Joey Johns kick a pinpoint cross-field bomb to his wingers is sporting magic. I appreciate the athleticism in AFL, but due to my Sydney upbringing I can't really get into it. And there are way too many cheap shots!
  15. tommytomlin

    Anybody else growing weary...

    Partly due to the scheduling of RAW and Smackdown on Australian cable TV (RAW screens 3:30pm the day after it airs in America, Smackdown at 3:30pm a few hours after it airs in America), I haven't watched a full episode of either program in ages. I catch the replays on the weekends, but by then I already know most of what happens. Parts of both shows definitely interest me (Hogan/HBK, Rey/Eddie, Matt Hardy) and so do lots of the stars, but everything is so formulaic. I used to be able to watch three hours of Nitro and two hours of RAW every week, now the only things I watch in full are the PPVs. I don't think I've grown out of wrestling (considering I spend most of my time on the internet reading about it), it's just wrestling hasn't changed much since 2001. Look at the massive differences between the WWF in 1999 and the WWF in 1995. Or WCW in 2000 and WCW in 1996. Huge changes in presentation, angles and characters. The difference between the WWE in 2005 and 2001, aside from some new faces? Zip. The formula hasn't changed. There hasn't been a big angle since the Invasion, and that was a flop. Five or so years of the same stuff doesn't do much to perk your interest.
  16. tommytomlin

    Terror Bombing in London

    http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200507/s1409463.htm These are all very early reports, first fatalities have been reported. This is horrible.
  17. tommytomlin

    I fell into a creek

    I haven't been this confused in all my life. Well, except for that time Randy Orton got his trunks pulled up
  18. tommytomlin

    Favorite Wrestlers

    Current Favourites 5. Flair 4. Carlito 3. Rey 2. Batista 1. Benoit All Time 5. Hogan 4. Taker 3. Sting 2. Rock 1. Flair Sting and Taker have always been two of my all-time favourites because of the awesomeness of their gimmicks (Crow Sting in 1997 was gimmick perfection), but I didn't really appreciate Hogan, Flair and Rock until well after everyone else and well after their primes. I only got the Hogan love when he came back in 2002 , only realised how brilliant The Rock was in 2003 when he had his final heel run, and Flair I loved ever since his magical return to Nitro where the Horsemen reformed.
  19. tommytomlin

    Amazing Race reruns on GSN

    Phil Keoghan has the strangest accent in the world. Sometimes he sounds New Zealand-ish, then Australian, then English, then American all in one sentence.
  20. tommytomlin

    Biggest Non-Surprises

    William Regal turning on Angle and joining the Alliance on the 'biggest RAW ever'.
  21. tommytomlin

    WCW in 1998

    Given Sting a definitive win over Hogan, taken Hogan off TV for two or three months then brought him back to feud with Kevin Nash, thereby beginning the nWo breakup. No Wolfpac, no Black and White, just Hogan/Steiner vs Hall/Nash. Meanwhile Sting could defend the World Title against guys like Savage and Bagwell, while Hart was kept strong with wins over Flair, Hennig and Benoit. Then a nice Sting vs Bret program, with Bret winning the World Title, leading to a Hogan vs Hart match at a big PPV (GAB maybe). All this time Goldberg has been undefeated, leading to Goldberg vs Hogan at Starrcade, Goldberg wins and WCW reigns forever on the back of the bald dude.
  22. tommytomlin

    Terror Bombing in London

    Today's also the first full day of the G8.
  23. tommytomlin

    War of the Worlds

    I don't think the Tripods being buried under the ground conflicts with the 'bacteria beats aliens' ending. The Tripods are machines, not aliens. The aliens enter the machines through the lightning strikes. The aliens themselves were not hiding under the Earth for a million years, just their rides.
  24. tommytomlin

    Movies you've seen WAY too many times

  25. tommytomlin

    Anyone had their Wisdom Teeth removed?

    Had all four out about three years ago. It was done at a hospital under general anaesthetic (they were pretty bad), and though my cheeks puffed up so I looked like an Ewok, it really wasn't that bad. The pain was only very slight (still noticeable) for about 2 or 3 days, but Panadeine Forte fixed that up. It's mainly being all swollen and not being able to eat decent food for a week that's the bad thing.