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Posts posted by tommytomlin

  1. 1)Ravishing Rick Rude vs Mr. Perfect


    Rude was awesome, but I didn't see enough of his work in WCW. Perfect is brilliant, and his run in 02 showed that.


    2)Arn Anderson vs Bobby Eaton


    Double A for sure. I only knew Eaton as a solid jobber. Arn is a legend and one of the best promo men ever. Everything always seemed real when Arn was in the ring or on the mic.


    3)Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior


    Up until the age of about 13, it was Warrior all the way. He was definitely my favourite as a kid, but Hogan is eternal. His run as Hollywood was awesome, and his nostalgia run now always makes me mark out. Hogan was a dick, but Warrior is a bigger dick. Hogan wins.


    4)Dusty Rhodes vs Sting


    Speaking of favourite wrestlers. Crow Sting in 1997 was the best character of the hottest period for any promotion ever. It was screwed up in the end, but that had nothing to do with Sting and everything to do with the idiots on top. Sting always brought his game. Dusty never really did it for me.


    5)Shawn Michaels vs Marty Jannetty


    I'm digging Jannetty's run now, but HBK has been consistently entertaining for over a decade. Not a contest.


    6)Rip Rogers vs Haku aka Meng




    7)Macho Man vs Ricky Steamboat


    Steamboat is one of the greatest ever, but Macho had longevity and was more entertaining. I loved his run from 96-98.


    8)Honkey Tonk Man vs Jerry Lawler


    Both average, HTM was just annoying.


    10)Benoit vs Dynamite Kid


    Dynamite was brilliant for his day, but Benoit has been a top 5 wrestler since 1997.


    16)Edge vs Randy Orton


    I dig Orton more than most, and would have chosen him over Edge before Edge re-invented himself as the Rated R Superstar. Orton is a good talent, but he needs something extra.


    17)Andre the Giant vs the Big Show


    If Big Show was pushed like Andre was, it would be no contest. But he wasn't, and Andre is an immortal.


    21)Barry Whindam vs Terry Funk


    Windham was another solid wrestler, and Funk is embarrasing these days, but he was far more entertaining.


    22)Kurt Angle vs Dean Malenko


    I loved Dean, but Angle is brilliant. He's the whole package, whereas Malenko was somewhat... limited outside the ring.


    24)Bret Hart vs The Rock


    Never been a Hart fan aside from a quiet respect for his in-ring skills. The Rock is the most entertaining superstar of the current era.


    27)Scott Steiner vs JBL


    Like most people, I'm enjoying JBL now he's out of the main event, but he had nothing on Steiner. If Steiner wasn't so juiced (and wasn't so injured), he would have been a superstar. I loved him in the final days of WCW.

  2. I think a way to salvage RAW's main event, at least, would be to replicate the Wrestlemania X World Title scenario. Have Edge fight Mick Foley at the start of the show, then Cena/Triple H with the winner of that match facing Edge in the main event. It would add a bit of unpredictability to the card at least.


    Obviously, it won't happen, because Edge is not allowed to win.

  3. Val Venis definitely. He was the total package, but once the Porn Star gimmick got stale (1999), he got screwed by creative.


    Sean O'Haire also, he was in line for a big push if Bischoff bought WCW and only got a month in the WWE before he was axed. That guy was money.


    This is going to sound ridiculous - but Randy Orton. Yeah he's been pushed down our throats, but until his recent entertaining heel run on Smackdown, he's been misused. His RNN gimmick that was starting to get him over was forgotten about. His face turn, which never should have happened in the first place was botched, and his title run was a failure.


    Another one - Hogan. His match with Rock was awesome. His title run was horrible. His tag team with Edge was weird. His program with McMahon, aside from their WM match, was woeful. Aside from the Rock, the only time Hogan has been used well was in the program with HBK. I find it absolutely baffling that Hogan, of all the dream matches he could have had, got lumped in a feud with The Undertaker and Triple H.


    Hogan should have been used for big money matches (Austin, HBK, Goldberg II, Rock II, Austin II) from 2002-2004. Instead, they wasted him in tag team feuds with Lance Storm, Christian and a program with Zach Gowan and Vince McMahon. A criminal misuse.

  4. I think the Duggan/Team Canada turn actually made sense. Duggan was pissed at the American fans for disrespecting him, so he turned. I think it was a good way to utilise a one-note worker in a fun way. He wasn't exactly main-eventing or anything.


    And it has nothing on the most non-sensical turn of all. KANYON turning on DDP in 2000 after Kanyon was thrown off the triple decker cage by Mike Awesome.




    He turned on the guy who DIDN'T throw him fifteen feet to the ground. Nothing tops that.

  5. Alex is Rousseau's (the French chick) daughter, who was taken from her by 'The Others' as a baby.


    I doubt they would kill her off without Rousseau being a part of it. It's not very dramatic for Ana Lucia (hereby known as Anal) to tell Roussea 'by the way, I killed a girl, it may or may not have been your daughter. Don't ask me where the body is.'

  6. I'm unspoilered, Lost spoilers are the devil. I hope it's Shannon who dies, her character isn't really serving a purpose now that we've all gotten over Boone's death.


    I'm more interested in how the character dies. An Other? Lostzilla? Another accident? SUICIDE?


    I could see Shannon jumping off a cliff.

  7. And considering the lengths the hillbillies on the boat went to in order to find Walt, and the reason they want him, why would they make their golden child with the magic powers walk barefoot through the jungle?
