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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Well, I think it's fair to say that the OVW *system* isn't working that well, whether you count that as the type of person they have there, the training or Vince & co. ignoring Cornette on who's ready and who isn't. So sending people back to OVW *could* work if it was a case of early callup, but then again Nathan Jones went through twice and look what happened to him... In other news, I agree about Masters. I don't remember hardly anyone reacting JUST TO HIM. When Triple H comes out people boo like fuck. When Angle comes out he gets the 'You Suck' chants. Masters, unless he's doing something heelish to a face, gets very little. People don't react to his PRESENCE and his presence alone, at least not as far as I can see on my TV.
  2. Toxxic

    WWEShop Goes Insane

    Well, at least we know what happened to Fifi.
  3. Toxxic

    "Do Androids dream of wrestling again?"

    Why does Danny always leave after losing the World Title? It sucks! It sucks big time! Not to mention the fact that this puts us down even further on the 'top faces' front. I mean, do we even HAVE a top face now? Regardless of all this: VERY sad to see you go (again) Danny, for all the fact that I can't understand why you write half of what you write, and it was good to have you even on a one-show-in-three basis. Hope you drop back in before too long!
  4. Toxxic

    PROMO: What You Didn't See At Genesis

    For it's worth, he finishes fast.
  5. So Deacon Batista had a bad gimmick, which meant that his physique and look wasn't enough to get him over. It took until he got a better gimmick that allowed more expression in the ring and on the mic to get him over. I'll agree Masters didn't injure anyone except Stevie. He did do it twice though.
  6. I didn't say 'great'. I meant 'better'. But no, i don't think it's about his look and physique. That's a part of it, for sure, but he only started to get over when he took on a more pronounced character, first of the possibly-disloyal lackey and then of the uber-cool but still prone-to-violence face. And part of that was him expressing himself in the ring better. His look hasn't changed. His in-ring work has, to some extent. His mic work has to an ENORMOUS extent. As for everything else, see the extensive edit to my post above.
  7. Batista first appeared as Deacon Batista on Smackdown, and no-one gave a shit about his spinebusters/clotheslines/powerbombs etc, or his look. Give him a couple of years of actually learning how to work a huge crowd, of how and when to do the moves, of how and when the face should get beaten down and then make his comeback, of developing a character that isn't just 'HULK SMASH!'... THEN he gets over. Likewise, Chris Masters. He's a fairly impressive physical specimen, but he's getting X-Pac heat, 'fuck off my tv/out of the ring that I've paid to see' heat. He's not a 'hate me' heel, he's a 'please god not this guy again' waste of space. Plus, not only can he not get over despite never losing a singles match before Michaels (so not even good... well, strong booking, probably not good) help him, but he's not just green in the ring, he injures other workers. EDITED TO ADD: Basically, I think guys aren't going to get over if they expose the business. Brock Lesnar had a fucking awesome look, but also knew his way around the ring. Even if he hadn't been able to throw half the roster around like rag dolls, he could participate in a decent wrestling match because he had good timing, his moves looked realistic, his selling (such as he was called on to do, he was a monster after all) was good, the psychology was fairly decent... that sort of thing. This is why women's matches are generally such duds for the live crowd. Sure, the males may want to get into Trish's pants, but if she's got people like Ashley and Torrie in there with her who can't even do/take an Irish whip correctly, it becomes impossible to suspend disbelief and the focus turns to how bad they are at pretending to wrestle. The same with guys like Masters (to a lesser degree, I'll admit). You stop remembering that you're meant to hate him because he's arrogant and instead concentrate on the fact that he's shit at his job.
  8. Toxxic

    No More Hassan

    I could stand him in the ring and on the mic (and I said 'stand', not 'like'), but I hated his character. Of course, as far as we know that wasn't his choice, so overall I think he's got kind of a rough deal given that the writers made him so godawful that their network banned him.
  9. Toxxic

    Genesis Comments

    Bruce Blank vs J3 - Comedy Moment fo the Year for next years awards.
  10. Toxxic


    When is Nigeria NOT pissed, if we're honest? The SWF: Making light of the international political sensation since we got bored waiting for GVI
  11. Toxxic


    Because we love you. *moves to other side of pitfall trap* Now come here. Ghana is still hungry.
  12. Toxxic


    Only in kayfabe, sir. The real Janus weighs about as much as my left leg. He's still furry though. And it sticks in yer teeth *spits*
  13. Toxxic


    When he falls into the pitfall trap he becomes impaled on a stake. At which point I barbie him. Then, after I've finished giving him a blonde wig, makeup and a 36-24-38 figure, I barbeque him.
  14. Toxxic


    *digs pitfall trap for Janus and stands on the other side making bunny noises* Mmm... fresh Aussie...
  15. Toxxic


    That's just what she wants you to think.
  16. Toxxic


    *Takes picture* More blackmail material. Heh heh.
  17. Toxxic


    Wait! An unprovoked Giant Gonzales comment! *looks around for Drea* *slaps J3 silly with armour-plated trilby while I wait* Tally ho.
  18. Toxxic


    Not the fucking robot, Todd. We'll have Ghost Machine claiming gimmick infringement. *stabs you all with umbrella before donning trilby* What ho.
  19. Toxxic


    it's odd, though. I mean, Spike was online earlier today.
  20. Toxxic


    We'd still need the Spike/Tom match.
  21. That's what the ROH crowd chant. Definitely 'Hom-O-cide'. I laughed.
  22. Toxxic

    Kane's New "Biography"

    Oh shush. You might as well ask why he looks like he's hurt when people hit him with chairs. Stop trying to bring logic into it.
  23. Toxxic

    HBK is a little unhappy

    I thought everyone knew that the WWE only bothers to shift itself to come over here when North America is fed up with them, because we have very little wrestling and people will play extortionate prices to see shows where nothing of note will happen? I guess that piece of knowledge must have passed JoeJoe by.
  24. Toxxic

    PROMO: "The Night I Lost the Will To Fight"

    Easily, EASILY the best promo Spike has ever done. This WILL be marked and remembered to be nominated for next year's End-Of-Year Awards, because it is FUCKING AWESOME.
  25. Toxxic

    Genesis Word Count Thread!

    I'm probably going to be turning in a 6k PPV match. This is the first time a PPV match of mine has even been below 9k.