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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    SWF Company Softball team

    Who are Belcourt and Hannon? I don't recognise their names from the fed or from Family Guy.
  2. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 5-23-05!

    Well, *boip* sounds like Julius Smokes. The rest doesn't though, although it seems vaguely familiar.
  3. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 5-23-05!

    'Please' isn't hardcore.
  4. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 5-23-05!

    Just been talking to Mike. I think Judge might be taken off the marker's panel, at least for now or until his computer is DEFINITELY fixed.
  5. Toxxic

    PROMO: "Reinventing Your Exit"

    Me likey. I'd say that it looks like I have someone else gunning for me, but i did anyway. So I've definitely got Spike and Ejiro, and possibly Landon too. Man, I love being popular. But yeah, great promo Spike. Now let's see where it goes...
  6. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    Congrats to Ejiro. I haven't had time to read anything except the fact that I lost, but to be honest I was expecting it. The momentum was behind him storyline-wise, and I wasn't happy with my match anyway, particularly after I read his promo. I'd just like to make a public apology for clogging up the top of the card for the last 8 months or so, most of which time I have spent holding other people down. Won't happen again RUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!
  7. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 5-23-05!

    I thought not. You just do this by a lottery, don't you?
  8. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 5-23-05!

    I recognise that it's nearly show time, but has anyone told the booking committee that Manson and Griffon didn't win TLC?
  9. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    But is that really consistent? I mean, I love a good heel as much as anyone else but I find the whole fan-friendly/arsehole swerve to be a bit far-fetched. A wrestler who is a hero when a face and a cowardly, snivelling scumbag as a heel (see Hogan, Hulk) may excel in the roles but there's no believability to it. What brings about these drastic personality changes? Especially over a career of several years, where they might turn face and heel several times? I mean, I can understand someone undergoing a major change in their lives that might completely shake their whole outlook up, but several times? I suppose what I'm coming down to is this; Landon as a face works because he's essentially very similar to Landon as a heel - he just does heelish things to heels, so the fans like him. The entire reason Landon turned was because he was screwed with by Uber-Heel the Suicide King, and therefore aligned himself with Uber-face Mark Stevens. Raynor as a heel worked in a very similar way to Raynor as a face - or so I understand, as in he still didn't cheat - he was just gunning for the Uber-face Edwin MacPhisto. The methodology didn't change much, but they opposed themselves to someone more over than them (for lack of a better term) and therefore were 'assigned' the opposite role. Toxxic was debuted as a face, and was meant to remain such for quite a while. I turned heel because Z was desperate for heels on the roster than weren't the Unnamed... and we turned him heel by putting him in direct opposition to Mark Stevens. Toxxic thought he was wronged and turned on Stevens, so he was immediately classed as a heel. This meant that he no longer received any sort of respect from fans or wrestlers, so he basically went 'well, screw you' and carried on doing his own thing. He still believes that everything he did (well, mostly everything) was right and justified. He's not REALLY a heel (an odd thing to say in his position i suppose), he's more of a face that went wrong. I realise this doesn't make him any easier to write against, but perhaps it shows that I'm not just trying to be difficult?
  10. A Hotel room in Tokyo Sometime Thursday morning A funky, honky-tonk piano, accompanied by handclaps, disturbs the peace and quiet inside the small, minimal white room. The source of the noise quickly becomes obvious as ‘Rock The Kasbah’ by The Clash, currently the ringtone of choice on Toxxic’s mobile phone. After a few seconds a black-nailed hand reaches out and grabs the offending communication device, and a moment later the rest of the battered former World Champion emerges from under the covers. “Mmmph?” the Straight-Edge Sensation grunts into the handset, wincing at the pain in his index finger. “Mike?” “Whu…?” Toxxic mumbles, then a few neurones kick in and he recognises Jet’s voice. “Ohhh, hey up love, how you doin’?” “I’m Ok. But I called to check how you were.” “Well, Ejiro did a number on me,” Toxxic admits, struggling to sit up in bed before deciding that it really isn’t worth the bother. “So basically; I’m bloody sore. Apart from that… eh, I’m alright.” “C’mon Mike, this is me you’re talking to. You’re never ‘alright’ after you’ve just lost a match. Especially not for the World Title.” “No, seriously,” Toxxic grins at the concern in the Philly Madgirl’s voice, “I’m alright. I’d cross my heart, if I had one.” “Very funny,” Jet laughs, “you don’t fool me with that ‘Evil’ bullshit, Mike. But seriously… you’re OK? No sudden desires to hurt people?” “Honest to whatever deity you want,” Toxxic replies. “Am I hurting? Hell yeah. Am I bit down that I lost the title? Yup. But quite frankly, beyond that I don’t give a damn. You win some, you lose some. I still win more than I lose, so what the hell? Let people chase Ejiro for a little while.” The straight-edger cautiously places his unhurt hand behind his head and leans back on the pillow, grateful that at least one part of his body isn’t in pain. “Don’t worry, the days of me taking out midcarders in a fit of pique has gone. Come to think of it,” Toxxic continues, “what the hell is pique anyway? Some kind of sushi?” “So you’re not worried about what Ejiro said? Y’know, after the match?” “I know he shouted something about it not being over,” Toxxic grunts, “but my thoughts were kinda elsewhere at that point. Having your shoulder and head ripped off tends to reduce your appreciation of the finer points of semantics.” The Brit wipes his left hand over his eyes. “Bloody hell, did I just use the word ‘semantics’ three minutes after waking up? I’m turning into bloody Pretzler.” “That whole anti-intellectual act doesn’t work with me either,” Jet tells him, mock-sternly. “I don’t believe that you don’t know what ‘pique’ is, either.” “Busted,” Toxxic admits ruefully. “So, what’s up with you? Card working you hard?” “Yeah, he says I’m doing great. In fact, he says that he’d be prepared to let me into the ring saying I’m his student before too long.” “Bloody hell, that’s high praise from him,” Toxxic laughs. “Tell you what, I’ll race you to the World Title!” “…Mike?” “What?” “Have you seen the rest of the show? Like, all of it? The interviews and everything?” “No,” Toxxic says slowly. The note of concern in Jet’s voice is vaguely worrying. “Why? What’s up?” “Ejiro had an interview when he came down to the ring. You were probably getting ready for your match. He said that when you took his sister out, you took away everything nice about him.” “No argument there,” Toxxic mutters. “Mike, I’m serious and so was he. But he also… he also basically said he was going to do the same thing to you. He said he was going to take everything away and see what sort of man you really are.” There are a few moments of silence in the hotel room in Tokyo as Toxxic’s eyes stare unseeing at the ceiling for a moment. Whatever is going through the Straight-Edge Sensation’s thoughts, it isn’t the mural above his bed. “…did he…?” The grey eyes narrow slightly. “…that’s interesting.” “Mike, you need to watch it for yourself to see what I mean. But I want to ask you something.” “Fire away.” “You’ll be careful, right? And I don’t just mean with Ejiro,” Jet adds before Toxxic can speak, “I mean for yourself. I know what sort of man you think you are. Remember those days after From The Fire. Jeez Mike, I don’t want to go through that again, especially not when I’m in another damn country!” There is another pause for a couple of seconds. Then: “Point taken,” Toxxic says, then looks across at the clock beside his bed. “Look, I gotta get going - they don’t serve breakfast for much longer and I’m not exactly quick on my feet after last night.” The Straight-Edge Sensation sits up with considerable effort, then swings his legs over the side of the bed with a wince. “But listen, cheers for calling, right? Means a lot to me.” “OK. You take care, y’hear?” “Will do,” Toxxic grins as he wobbles unsteadily to his feet, “you too.” “Laters.” “Laters.” *click* Toxxic chucks the phone onto his bed, then limps purposefully off towards the bathroom. He’s going to get washed, dressed, and then go in search of food. After that… well, he knows the production crew well enough to know that someone will be able to furnish him with a DVD of last night’s footage. There’s an interview he could do with catching.
  11. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    I never had a title match...you bastard. Hey, not my fault Spike. I asked CC for a match with you and they never even let us go at it non-title, let alone give you a title shot. And all you had to do was beat Mak in the final match of your series and we'd have faced each other at Battleground. And Tom - I remember Danny reposting that match. The one where he hulked up at the end TO LIFT AND SLAM THE WHOLE 219lbs OF TOM FLESHER! UNBELIEVABLE!!
  12. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    You have a point Tom, but it doesn't really matter. I did very much feel that having taken out Ejiro's sister (remind me - why did I agree to that again? ) I should be losing the match, but I'd had a second good run as champ so it didn't bother me. Besides, this was the first time that someone has had a REALLY strong storyline coming into a title match to take the belt from me (Mike's would have been good, but that was entirely set up so I could retire him, so it doesn't count!). As for the match - I re-read it when I was done and didn't like it at all. It seemed flat and without life. BUT I didn't have time to redo it when I finished. I also never really got across what I intended to very well, as Ejiro didn't keep control of himself for very long anyway, and the difference between Ejiro in check and Ejiro letting rip wasn't big enough. Finally... I WAS handicapped by the word limit, but only because my original match that I wrote a plan for would have checked in at well over 8k!
  13. Toxxic

    SWF Company Softball team

    What bizarre language is this you speak?
  14. Toxxic

    Brand Split

    I still don't see Cena as much more charasmatic on the mic than Batista. Batista is NATURAL. Unlike virtually every other wrestler I've seen (except Ricky Steamboat) he sounds like what he's saying is what he's actually THINKING rather than words he has rehearsed. Even mic gods like Rock and Foley sound like they went out there knowing what they were going to say, even if they do it much better than anyone else. Batista just seems to react to the situation as it happens, and comes across as incredibly relaxed and natural as a result.
  15. Toxxic

    SWF Company Softball team

    Y'know what? Me, Sacred, Axis, Crowe, Janus, Va'aiga, Dace and Aecas are going to do a pitch invasion. Va'aiga hits a home run and goes around LARIATOOOO~ing the fielder on each base, while Aecas just uses his flick scythe to bat. Come on, it'd be unique.
  16. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    And the predicted timescale of them removing all those nasty slugs from Mr. Banks? Probably about as long as it's gonna take for Sean Davis' foot to heal, I reckon.
  17. Toxxic

    SWF Company Softball team

    Fuck that. Toxxic would nick their stumps to use as goalposts for the game of soccer he'd be playing with... ...hmm, Americans, Canadians and Australians... ...well, himself I guess.
  18. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    Or that Fuvolution isn't echoed in 'real' life, and me and Janus form a gay tag team.
  19. Toxxic

    Promo: "Resonsibility; What's That?"

    An excellent promo. ROID RAGE~!
  20. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 5-23-05!

  21. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    Hey! Ejiro had me announced from BIRMINGHAM! I claim a win by default! ...no, but seriously. An EXCELLENT match, and basically had all the fire that was missing from mine. The basic premise of mine was that Ejiro was trying to control himself from getting caught in a brawl, where Toxxic would have the advantage, whereas Ejiro had himself winning these fights. I also worked on the right arm for the Repeat To Fade, so he had to use the left hand for the chain shot (which occurred right after the ref had removed an illegal chair!) and it wasn't enough. He also couldn't hold the Cobra Crossface for quite long enough to do the job. Oh, one other thing - the headbutt was sold as devastating in mine - I used it once, and it set Ejiro up for the Inglorious for the win. Damn Japanese-Americans, no-selling my strikes...
  22. Toxxic

    Archiving the fed...

    Hey, if the markers haven't kept EVERY SINGLE ONE of my matches and the boards go down - I'm suing for loss of earnings. No, but seriously. I started trying to help out, but it was a chore. And besides, I couldn't find a link to those forums from the SWF site. Is there one?
  23. Toxxic


    I'm screwed. Totally. I mean, I knew Ejiro was meant to be intense in the match, but not THIS intense. Ladies and gentlemen, your new champion, Ejiro Fasaki. Nice promo though. (Y)
  24. Toxxic

    In the new Observer Newsletter

    Austin can fuck right off. I have no confidence that he'll do anything except bury people, drink beer and stun women.