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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    Why all the Orton hate?

    I saw that match. Was bizarre. Heel Undertaker (yes, HEEL Undertaker) took the time to compliment the city and Randy Orton before the match, shook his hand and proceeded to play real nice. He never 'snapped' either, never started being a sadistic dickhead when Orton gave him problems. He just turned Respectful Face for one night, then went back to being Heel Badass next show. Very odd.
  2. Toxxic

    Hey, look what I made!

    Drea is goddamn awesome.
  3. Toxxic

    Taxi Driver WM Promo.

    Has ANYONE got a way to save this thing to your harddrive? If you can do it from WWE.com I can't find a way
  4. Toxxic

    SWF Minis!

    Ooh... I never knew I could find that by right-clicking. See how computer-illiterate I am! Ta Pretz.
  5. Toxxic

    SWF Minis!

    Ignore. Drea rocks.
  6. Toxxic

    SWF Minis!

  7. Toxxic

    SWF Minis!

    Fucking AWESOME. Now can someone host mine so I can use it please?
  8. Toxxic

    X-Net Icon

    Yeah, but like Johnny said, if that involves script-style and masses of dialogue then fuck it. Unless I'm doing one of my tedious-but-necessary ring promos, this is how I prefer to write. We shall see.
  9. Toxxic

    X-Net Icon

    Take a look at this: Sharpie thinks i suck
  10. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Predictions

    MAIN EVENT NON-TITLE MATCH Toxxic (SWF World Heavyweight Champion) v. Wildchild ~The longest-reigning Hardcore Champion OF ALL TIME in a MATCH WITH NO RULES! I LIKE it! But WC still LOSES! Maybe... Why the CAPITAL letters? I DON'T KNOW! SWF BELT TOURNAMENT SEMIFINALS SWF INTERCONTINENTAL-TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix (SWF Intercontinental-Television Champion) v. Johnny Dangerous ~Tricky. Johnny is hungry like a wolf that's been fed on dry bread and crackers for a month, and Landon's computer is on the blink so much it might as well be called Mr Magoo. The only winner here is the ICTV Title that gets to go home with a gorgeouz chunk of manflesh! Er... what? SWF BELT TOURNAMENT SEMIFINALS SWF UNITED STATES-JUNIOR LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP Austin Sly (SWF United States-Junior League Champion) v. Jay Hawke ~HAWKE! HOUSE RULES MATCH SPACE BASE BRAWL SWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP Insane Luchadore (SWF Hardcore Champion) v. Arch Griffon ~Gooooooooooo IL! Gooooooooooooo Griffon! Dare I predict a DNS? NO~! OPENING MATCH Manson v. "The Tigris Express" Mohammed Koran ~ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO MANSONOSITY
  11. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card, 3-25-05!

    A little from column A and a little from column B. But mainly A. In which case, I look forward to seeing you in the finals of Xnet Icon, where you can pick the situation for the final roleplay, no-show, and I will job you to a haiku. ...sunshine.
  12. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card, 3-25-05!

    ...so. Is this a good-natured mocking of my tendency to win matches and the fact that my character is obsessed with winning, or a not-so-subtle accusation that I ruin your fun by writing to win the majority of the time? I can't see your face or hear your tone of voice so I can't judge, and I don't want to respond before I know.
  13. Toxxic

    London/Chavo match unlikely at WM21

    It certainly wasn't, given that he's of Korean ancestry. Now I admit that the WWE doesn't know that, but hey. Really? Sorry, I just remembered in Japan (And all the time I believe) that they announced him from Tokyo, Japan I believe, so yea, figure he was japanese for real. Nope, afraid not. Made his name there maybe, but as far as I'm aware he's from Georgia and his parents are Korean. But he has yellowish skin and slanty eyes, so he's Japanese as far as the WWE are concerned. Just listen to Matthews on Velocity, going on about how Akio is Korea's best movie star in movies like 'Enter The Yang'. He's ripping on his own company's stupidity because he knows no-one in management is listening.
  14. Toxxic

    Jannetty Gets a Contract

    For the record, if I thought there was a reasonable chance that Hurricane would BEAT Triple H (or whoever else was World Champion at that time) I would gladly pay the £14.99 needed to get a Pay-Per-View. I'm not talking Holly/Lesnar 10-year blowjob gratuitous title match where the challenger has no chance (or a Triple H/Jericho Wrestlemania match where the challenger's victory is a foregone conclusion either, I'm not asking that much). I'm talking something with a chance. Hurricane is seen to have a chance of winning. Now ideally it wouldn't be Hurricane, it'd be Sugar Shane Helms of some variation thereof. But I would GLADLY watch a Hurricane/HHH feud if - and here's the biggy - IF I thought there was a chance that Hurricane wouldn't get crushed and dropped back to the midcard. Have his as an arrogant prick heel that despite his small size somehow manages to sneak wins over bigger wrestlers. Have him as a plucky small underdog who can actually WRESTLE (as in NOT the old, face Spike Dudley) who stands up the big bullies like Trips and makes their lives difficult. Watch Hurricane chokeslam Tajiri on Smackdown back in the day - you know, when he'd tried it on Show and Kane and it hadn't worked - listen to that pop and tell me he was never over. Listen to the pop when he went for it on Angle and Triple H (separate matches - I know he hit it on one and didn't on the other and I can't remember which, but the crowd still popped like fuck). And Regal rules. It's not that wrestlers can't adapt to his style, it's that WWE wrestler can't adapt to his style. Shove him in ROH with Danielson, Williams, McGuinness, Shelley etc and watch the goodness flow.
  15. Toxxic

    London/Chavo match unlikely at WM21

    It certainly wasn't, given that he's of Korean ancestry. Now I admit that the WWE doesn't know that, but hey.
  16. Toxxic

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    And Happy Birthday to 'Justice' William Heartford III!
  17. Toxxic

    The SWF Archiving Project

    I've thrown my oar in. Mike, if you want me to leave this to you then let me know.
  18. Don't make me lightning bolt you. And no, I don't know why I can hurl lightning bolts now (apart from IL being 'the lightning rod of hate'), but I ain't complaining. *SIZZLE!*
  19. To be fair though, I'd have had no problem dragging YOUR skinny carcass around the ring, unlike Janus. Although if you'd made a it a strap match and then posted about no-showing I'd have ignored whatever I'd written and jobbed you to a Fingerpoke of Doom before dancing around the ring playing drum solos on the turnbuckle pads. *fries IL with a lightning bolt* Why? BECAUSE I CAN!
  20. Toxxic

    3/19 SWF Lockdown HOLT Report

    Excuse me? Opening promo where I tear Maddix a new one and I don't even get TOP FIVE heat? I'm the biggest damn heel in this company! I can get #3 heat by blowing my nose!! Nice one again WC. Unlike Johnny I don't know where this one is going, but I'll look forward to finding out.
  21. You're crusin' for a bruisin', sunshine.
  22. For the record, I'm easy. Erm, let me rephrase that. As long as I haven't requested the show off, I'm happy to defend the World Title whenever. Even if that means *GASP* more than one defence between PPVs. So if anyone's scheme involves various challengers, that's all good. As long as they're not strap matches. If they're strap matches I nuke you all.
  23. Oh come on Johnny. I mean, Landon beat ME, and it's not like YOU'VE ever beaten... Ok, wait, hold the sauce on that.
  24. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments 3-16-05

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have Toxxic's new catchphrase.
  25. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments 3-16-05

    Nonsense. Sean Davis is NOT Silent's twin. Rev-0 merely has access to a time machine. Oh, and Landon - for future reference I didn't give you the Dangerlust at From The Fire, I gave you the Demonstar Driver. Hence the 'OMG SILENT NO I'M NOT!'...thing.