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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Me too. If you want to do a Jet vs Megan match Landon, I'd be up for that.
  2. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card 3-16-05

    The funny thing? I actually had a sequence in the match where I did that to him, and this was written the night before I fell. *does Twilight Zone theme* *makes mental note never to break anyone's neck in a match again*
  3. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card 3-16-05

    You heal up soon, y'hear? *quickly PMs Pretzler and tells him to hit multiple atomic drops* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  4. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card 3-16-05

    Shit, hope you feel better soon Zack.
  5. Toxxic

    PROMO: ...And Introducing, Archibald Griffon!

    Some background, a bit of character... it's all good. The next questions that need answering are why he kept doing this if his dad forced him into it, and why the steroids?
  6. Toxxic

    THE SWF.COM V.2.0

    *hands Dub-Cee a bigger whip* Here, yours is taking some serious wear and tear.
  7. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    *marks for an Ejiro sighting*
  8. Toxxic

    Shelton Benjamin

    The smile is good, though. Watch the TitanTron video - that's not a 'smile at the fans' smile, that's a 'you're about to get fucked up' smile. Shelton has a GREAT psycho heel smile, and it at least gives his face persona some edge.
  9. Toxxic

    THE SWF.COM V.2.0

    Probably your wrestler can't be designated as champion unless he or she 'exists' on the site. That being said I was about third to put my stats up and last time I looked I wasn't World Champ. Damn Johnny, holding me down... Johnny, seriously, I don't care.
  10. Toxxic

    Top 5 Promoers

    On it.
  11. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    *practically suggested this idea a couple of months ago and was unanimously shouted down* I say call it the Abbreviation Belt. That was you can have the ICTVUSJL in one easy-to-swallow mouthful. In other news, Landon's promo rocked. Mainly because it featured me, but it rocked
  12. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    The truth is revealed - Thoth IS a Scooby-Doo villain!
  13. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    I stand by my statement that you suck ass. I refer you to any edition of Calvin and Hobbes where they play Calvinball. Did Calvin refuse to follow the rules laid down by Hobbes for the Pernicious Poem Place where Susie dumped cold water over him? No. Did Calvin obey the Babysitter Flag when Rosie touched him with it? Yes. You have to obey the rules - it's just that you can make those rules up as you go along.
  14. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card 3-16-05

    Don't forget IL announcing that he is in an Opposite Blood Alcohol Zone by not announcing it. You do not fuck with the meister of Calvin and Hobbes! But yeah - cool card, and I for one am digging Cortez/Pretzler.
  15. Toxxic

    Cortez, Landon, Johnny

    Hit me up with your email addresses. I have an idea, but I can't be arsed to cut and paste the same thing multiple times to PM different people. Yeah I'm lazy, sue me.
  16. Toxxic

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    Happy Birthday to the absent David Cross!
  17. Toxxic

    From the Fire Comments

    Woo-hoo, go me. I should comment I know, but dammit, this Calvinball writing is hard (and I really mean that - I'm having fun, but it's like nothing I've written before)! And I'm busy sorting out to go away for the weekend (note to CC - I AM NOT BOOKABLE FOR THE NEXT SHOW) and organising my DJ night next Friday... I suck, I know. Congrats to everyone who wrote, big up to Maddix for a couple of bang-on promos, thankee to WC for resisiting the temptation to take Pretzler's CW title away from him.
  18. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card, 3-11-05!

    *you knew it was coming* *GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORES Toxxic* *exits again* WOO-HOO! *pounce-huggles the Furry* Nyah, taste of yer own medicine! *runs off*
  19. I was thinking today, what has caused us all to be the people we are in the SWF? A better and more psychologically revealing question might be 'what has caused us to want to write imaginary wrestling matches', but let's leave the tough stuff for another day shall we? What I'm interested in is the stuff like: Why did you choose that name for your character? Why do they look the way they do? Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them? If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be? That sort of thing. I'll start, shall I? TOXXIC: I first came up with Toxxic's name a few years ago when I happened to think 'that'd be a cool name for a wrestler'. However, when at Uni I just happened to see an article in the student-run paper about the dangers of overdrinking (can't imagine why that was in a student paper...) and the fact that it could lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome. Immediately my brain went 'what a great name for a move done by a wrestler called Toxxic' (not really thinking about the angle that Flesher always focuses on, i.e. the relation to tampons). So when i came across the SWF and needed a wrestler, the name of the wrestler and the name of his finisher (as was) was already determined. Toxxic... well, he basically looks like me (no surprise). The bulky, cybery trousers, the New Rocks, the spiky black hair and the nail varnish - the only exception is that I don't wear the eyeliner except if I'm going to a big rock night or something, and I haven't even done that for a while. So yeah, the appearance is kind of unimaginative on my part. Toxxic's character: Well, the inferiority complex and most of his pre-SWF background is basically the life of a friend of mine (and yes, he trained at Dave Taylor's Bluebloods Academy where he met William Regal). I'm convinced my mate doesn't realise he has an inferiority complex, but given that he went from 6'0 ten-stone guy to a trainee wrestler closer to 200lbs and was obsessed with 'proving wrong' the people who called him 'skinny' in high school, I'd say it's a given. The straight-edge thing is BASICALLY me - I'm not straight-edge, but I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc so I figured I'd just call it straight-edge and have done. As for Toxxic's attitude, that's basically me in overdrive with the brakes off. I always will have an insult or a comeback (although I usually don't use them). However, Toxxic now as cocky, abrasive uber-heel was never meant to happen. The original plan, believe it or not, was to have Toxx as a sort of Jeff Hardy clone (hence the fact that he is and probably always will be 218lbs, Jeff's announced WWF/E weight even when it was clear he was far, far lighter) who held a relatively low regard for his personal safety and got over as a result. If I wasn't winning matches then he was eventually going to go darker and more violent (sort of how Jeff was starting to go just before they fired him), ending up in a run where he was so self-absorbed and violent that he just wanted to hurt ANYONE... and this paradoxically would help him start winning again. Of course, these things don't work out. Toxxic not only won, but the SWF was low on heels and Z was bemoaning it in chat. I offered to turn Toxxic right after his first title win, but since he'd been winning I couldn't use my original plan and so just went down the road of misunderstood, eventually going with an all-out ego trip. So yeah, if Zed hadn't wanted me turned then you could still be looking at bland face USJL Champ Toxxic - way to go, Z. If there is one thing I'd want Toxxic remembered for it'd be that hopefully, everything I do with him will always have a reason. I don't want any surprise swerves or stupid turns that come from nowhere - his turn after winning the HGC was sudden, but for a good reason (although Zed had to write Mark Stevens as criticising Toxxic for it to work), and everything since has (hopefully) made reasonable sense. Even his current mind games with Martial Law should be believable as he's not pretending that he has anyone's best interest at heart except his own. Well, that's me. Feel free to no-sell this topic.
  20. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card, 3-11-05!

    Oh, World Title shot is no problem. Trying to defend the belt in this match would be a nightmare, but I've got no worries with someone winning a shot. As long as that shot isn't for a strap match *kicks the memory of Z and Janus... but in a loving way*
  21. Toxxic

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    Happy Birthday to the High Priest of Horrorcore and My Personal Bitch *ducks* Dace! FUCKING! Niiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhhht!! Hope you had a good one mate!
  22. Toxxic

    THE SWF.COM V.2.0

    Riiiiiiight. OK, one more thing - how do i change my password from that collection of numbers to something I can actually remember?
  23. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card, 3-11-05!

    OK. Suddenly this match isn't as fun as I thought. I was just going to have a laugh, and now I have to make sure my match is damn good in case someone wants to take the title from me. Ah well, such is life.
  24. Toxxic

    THE SWF.COM V.2.0

    There's nothing for stable or tag teams in the first bit. Other than that, looking great Johnny!
  25. Crow should come back. That would kick arse.