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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments

    Jesus, I'd have written for the Lumberjack match if I'd have realised that CLARK of all people wasn't showing. Ah well. Now how much longer do i have to wait for my friggin' title shot?
  2. Toxxic


    Come on landon, Cambridge must have a shopping centre of sorts, mustn't it? just extrapolate from there, make eveything bigger and more garish.
  3. Well I know Manson fired off a challenge weeks ago, so maybe not.
  4. Toxxic

    Lockdown Predictions~!

    Because you a) are doing everything you can to lose that belt bar actually jobbing it, and b) you asked for links to the other No Gravity matches so you could find one at or under the word limit to alter. Enrolling in Rev-0 means I can read your mind
  5. Toxxic

    Lockdown Predictions~!

    MAIN EVENT LUMBERJACK MATCH Sacred© vs Alan Clark (LUMBERJACKS: Mak Francis, Toxxic) ~Sacred. TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Wild and Dangerous© vs Royal Order ~With Johnny apparently gone, I'd speculate that WC won't have to time to pull this out alone. MALL BRAWL VI USJL TITLE BOUT Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix© vs Sean Davis vs Austin Sly vs Carnage vs Ebony ~If Maddix shows and writes to win, I'd say he takes this. As for the rest of the field, I think Carnage is the most reliable in terms of showing, but Davis and Sly are probably slightly better writers. So all in all, I don't know. NO GRAVITY MATCH CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Spike Jenkins© vs Manson ~Spike wins by cutting, pasting and altering the Cortez/Dangerous No Gravity match. HARDCORE TITLE MATCH "The Urban Legend" Todd Cortez© vs Danny Dagda ~Cortez, NO QUESTION SINGLES MATCH "The Critic" Scott Pretzler vs Kaine ~Scott Pretzler. Gaw' bless 'im.
  6. Toxxic


    *predicts that a retired Kaine will have a slightly higher success rate than an active one* So let me get this straight. I'm a lumberjack for a match with a guy I recently beat the shit out of for deserting my stable vs a member of a stable dedicated to destroying my stable, and the other lumberjack is a guy I beat the shit out of for... well I don't know, because I didn't like him I guess. This should be fun.
  7. Toxxic

    Resurrection Of Old Times

    Yeah... not quite sure about mine. The submissive thing is WAY overstated, and it's not like I have MASSES of bondage gear lying around...
  8. Toxxic

    Resurrection Of Old Times

    You prefer mostly females, but some males catch your interest. You tend to be submissive. This will impact the interpretation of your various sexual interests. You enjoy the feeling of being restrained during sex play ... being completely immobile and helpless is a turn on in a big way. You probably have quite a collection of bondage gear ready to use right now. You tend to enjoy sexual activities in groups, such as threesomes or orgies. What else can be said? You enjoy getting yourself off. Don't we all? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dominant (0 out of 5) Submissive (3 out of 5) Voyeurism (3 out of 6) Clothing (2 out of 5) Feet (1 out of 4) Spanking (2 out of 5) Bondage (2 out of 3) Humiliation (0 out of 7) Sensation (1 out of 8) Anal (0 out of 4) Exhibitionism (1 out of 5) Sleep (0 out of 7) Medical (0 out of 7) Training (0 out of 4) Food (0 out of 4) Bodyfluids (0 out of 7) Roleplaying (0 out of 6) Oral (1 out of 4) Objects (0 out of 5) Strangers (1 out of 4) Rape (0 out of 4) Groups (2 out of 3) Gagging (2 out of 4) Watersports (0 out of 5) Crushing (0 out of 5) Bestiality (0 out of 3) Fisting (0 out of 5) Finger sucking (0 out of 4) Toe sucking (0 out of 3) Masturbation (2 out of 3) Asphyxiation (1 out of 4)
  9. Toxxic

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    *Adds his Huzzah-ing to that of Sly*
  10. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Maybe Xstasy coming back as eXodus?
  11. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Ah. So it's Sean 'Spike' Atlas then, that's what you reckon?
  12. Toxxic

    SWF Sunday Night Frost

    Yeah, but just like him, you know it's only a matter of time Besides, even on the B-show I still dominate all the air time in a mildly sickening way. At least I can blame Dub-Cee for that though...
  13. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Stranger things have happened.
  14. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Well, Judge would be the obvious choice, given the Judgement thing. However, on a second reading it is much more of a heel promo which would not be concurrent with how Judge left. SO I think you could be right Mak (I also think you might know yourself!) What the fuck. The only thing I can think of that matched the whole 'plague long ago' thing would be the Clan, which given the sudden absence of Thoth from the booking committee might suggest Thoth. Unless it really is Wilson, back from the dead.
  15. Toxxic

    SWF Sunday Night Frost

    I am the Triple H of the SWF. *shudders*
  16. Toxxic

    SWF Rankings

    I say start new from each PPV. That way we know who the top wrestler is for each PPV cycle. Otherwise Scott Pretzel could come in and beat everyone this month, but despite being best performing wrestler with all wins, he wouldn't have as many point as the people on top.
  17. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card, 2-4-05!

    I'm bagging opening promo, although I'm willing to share with Landon/Sacred/Mak as necessary. Oh and Landon? I think you're forgetting who's Number One Contender here. I'll be facing Sacred before you... ...sunshine
  18. Toxxic

    PROMO: Trouble In Paradise

    Yeah, you had to make it even harder for Rev-0 to stay together by having Sean eliminate Spike, didn't you? No, but seriously, nice promo Landon. Very good dynamic going on here.
  19. Toxxic

    Complaints here

    How about this formula? You have a 5% leeway on any word limit (so ABSOLUTE max for a 6k match is 6300), but the only way a match in the 'leeway' zone can beat a match at or below the word limit is if it is MUCH better. Anything ABOVE the 'leeway' zone is autojobbed. This means that if you really, REALLY can't make your match conform to the word limit you have a target you can aim for that will at least make sure it is considered and will beat 6k of closed-fist punches. Edit to add: This would have made the 'Fuck upper limit 15750, so Landon's (I think) would have just crept in.
  20. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Yeah, we're sorry we didn't get to inform you about it (I say we because Mak and I co-wrote for the most part) but I tred to keep Rev0's presence as quick and painful as possible, and answer the question of course. No worries. A decent swerve and well done.
  21. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck Comments

    No problem man, was good to have you back even for a while. Just return to markerman land and enjoy jobbing me
  22. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck Comments

    I'd just like to point out what SHOULD have happened in the Dace/Toxxic match, as it may come in useful for character development later on. The 'overtime' was meant to be agreed to by BOTH wrestlers, as Toxxic for once was going to acceed to a situation that wouldn't benefit him as he knew Dace would beat him, but was damned if he was going to back down from the crowd and Dace demanding five more minutes. Unfortunately I know Dace was having REAL trouble both with motivation and with finding the time to finish it, and although I'd helped out by doing most of the commentary I was also a bit pressed for time (and Dace said that he wanted to write the end where he finally kicks my arse himself). As a result it may have come over a bit rushed. As for the 'Fuck - big congrats to Landon, from what I remember of Grappler's winning match last year this compared very well. Some excellent stories in there too, a decent amount of comedy and running jokes. You have my respect for managing to get in a decent 'Fuck in that word limit, I know I'd have struggled. Finally, Sacred - I haven't have a chance to read the match fully yet as I need to go out this evening, but I skipped to the end to find out who won and it was EXCELLENT. A brilliant plan to get Mak disqualified for beating your brains out, and even the final part where we nail you was very well done indeed. I'll see you soon Oh, and that JUDGEMENT thing: anyone think Judge might be coming back? And gunning for moi, maybe? I don't know, but I can't wait to find out...
  23. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card, 2-4-05!

    Spike to defeat Todd is not an upset, and it's not just stable pride speaking here - both are good writers, but there's no reason why Spike shouldn't get the W. I was confused by Carnage's absence from the 'Fuck, but put it down to him being unavailable, little realising that Mike is in fact a tool. I'm guessing that Zed has read no matches, and want a cookie.
  24. I want Lesnar back, and I want him in one of two ways. Either as the monster heel he was when debuting, or the monster face he became afterwards. The chickenshit Lesnar heel was BOLLOCKS. And although face lesnar SHOULDN'T work, I think it did for the simple reason that it meant he could pull out his incredibly hard-looking moves AT THE RIGHT SPEED. Face Lesnar was like an unstoppable juggernaut that threw people around like dolls. Remember the standing belly-to-bellys on Shelton Benjamin? Or the time that Benjamin came back out of the corner from an Irish whip to attack the charging Lesnar and Brock just shoved him back in? Yeah, I hated seeing one guy go over the Tag Champions but it looked AMAZING. Shit heel Lesnar did his moves, but really slowly and boringly because he had to be a dominant arse instead of an arse-kicker. Bring him back, shove him in the main event and watch the viewing figures go up. Not a lot, but probably a bit. I'd watch SD again for Lesnar, and that's saying something.
  25. Toxxic

    PROMO: ‘Happy Birthday’

    I'd just like to distance myself from this. The reason Rev-0 haven't commented is because I wrote it, Spike posted it and Sarah is nowhere to be seen, and Muzz hasn't exactly been Mr. Chatty since he (apparently, we're still not even sure) left our stable. Muzz just seems to be picking fights at the minute, so I'm going to ignore anything he says until he starts posting sense again, I advise everyone else to do the same unless you all actually like getting embroiled in this sort of name-calling.