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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    That's a little unfair comparison. Blazenwing whined about being held down in the SJL, then returned to the SWF and made no complaints at all. Sure, he sucked and hardly showed, but he did not have an attitude problem second time around. He even apologised for his previous behaviour. Frisco was, to be fair, very good at showing and promoing. These did however, suck ass. BUT Frisco was an up-himself whiner (such as Blazenwing Mark I) with an unhealthy fetish for small Japanese girls to the point where I would have LOVED to see Annie come back and tear him a new arsehole.
  2. Toxxic

    Genesis Predictions

    ... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Enjoy it while you can, folks. Apart from my squash match against Tokyo X, this is the ONLY time you will ever read anyone saying THIS. *picks himself up off the floor* Trust me Dustin. Wrestling sequences and pyshcology are NOT my strengths...
  3. Toxxic

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    Nice puppy Drea. But don't let it near Frisco, or he'll kill it in a promo.
  4. Toxxic

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    I PM'd him. I mentioned the site, gave the URl and mentioned his use of Kibagami. Here's his response, appropriately bolded.
  5. Toxxic

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    I'd like to add my voice to Drea's verbose and well-constructed argument. Frisco has blatantly ripped off the entire fed, its structure and its template, and has inserted it into his own cheap, two-bit abbhoration of an e-fed where he is the only registered wrestler AND IS THE MARKER. You STUPID FUCKING CUNTBAG, HOW CAN YOU BE IMPARTIAL IF YOU ARE WRITING AND THE ONLY MARKER? You have given no-one any credit, you have not made any signposting to "this is also a cool e-fed I am a part of", you have simply cut-and-pasted without even READING anything. The same spelling mistakes (Keebler?), you credited Nathaniel Kibagami EVEN THOUGH HE ISN'T REAL and it's even the same, slightly-out-of-date references. This sort of pathetic, moronic, ego-polishing shit-sucking effort is exactly what makes most e-feds beneath the notice of anyone with three working braincells. Either put the fucking effort in yourself, don't bother, or at least CREDIT someone with doing all the hard work for you. Go fuck yourself.
  6. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments

    OK, so I got Wilson wrong. But if Grand Slam's partner isn't Edwin, I'm going to eat my hands, thus saving me from ever having to type again. If it IS Edwin... I'll be pleased. Oh and Johnny... welcome to the Revolution
  7. Toxxic

    Uni Update

    You mean I can't tell the world that you're an eleven year-old pedeatrician who wears plimsoles, a tutu and a flamingo as a hat? Oh, and Muzz is a werewolf.
  8. Toxxic

    Uni Update

    ???? According to his profile, Dace is about four years younger than me... But you admitted in chat that, for whatever reason, that isn't your real birthday.
  9. Toxxic

    Uni Update

    Were you main event, WC?
  10. Toxxic


    If it helps any, me and Revolution Zero can come down and kick the crap out of both of you after you finish. Otherwise, feel free to come up with some natty ideas for how to propely set us up for Genesis. I won't be around much tonight or Saturday, but will probably back online by late sunday evening (my time).
  11. Toxxic

    scarface-Lockdown aftermath

    Heel. Evil heel, super evil sadistic heel. No. Manipulated girl, controlled by a dominating manager who forces her into difficult situations. Noooo. Newly-face Joshi wrestler, having been attacked by her former manager. No. Evil vengeful heel with a manager who actually wanted the best for her all along. *Presses Vince Russo reset button again* Seriously. Not a bad promo, and i can certainly see that the once-beautiful Candace WOULD become hideously vengeful after such an injury. But your character's kind of changed a LOT recently. Shouldn't she just settle down for a bit?
  12. Toxxic


    I'll write SOMETHING. I don't have time to write a match, but I can probably talk trash. Or annoy people. Or both.
  13. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments

    I did. And it lost. As for making you look like a million bucks... well, I kept hitting you and you kept getting up. I didn't give you much offence as i recall. Still, I'll remember that formula for when I next see you're marking one of my matches... Oh, and King's second promo? let me see, a BLAST from the past and someone called Chris? [DENNIS]'Hey, Mr Wiiiiiiiillllllsooooonn...'[/DENNIS]
  14. Toxxic

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIBZ! Have a good time doing whatever pretentious things it is you poets do
  15. Toxxic

    Tom Prichard Fired by WWE

    This has no relationship to the teacher's personal level of achievement, and your view that teachers are somehow people who "can't" is ridicules. Teaching requires a seperate set of skills that most people don't have. Those skills include being able to accurately dissect others mistakes and describe the process of doing something in steps they can understand. This can be particularly challenging since different people learn in different ways. There are many people who were good in their professions that sucked as teachers because they lacked these skills. I think he might be referring to a British, government-sponsored advert for teachers which had the tagline "those who can, teach". It doesn't make his argument any more effective, but that's just a bit of context for you.
  16. Toxxic

    Tom Prichard Fired by WWE

    Lance Storm has never struck me as a garbage wrestler. I thought he was more your technical mat worker, the sort that the current WWE 'style' would seem more catered for. It may be that simply because Storm and Dreamer came from WCW and ECW they weren't given a fair shot at things rather than because of a lack of talent or them not fitting with what the company wanted. But still, I don't see wrestlers they fitting well with what the office wants in the ring. What's more likely to happen is that the indies will pick up better workers from OVW's cast-offs.
  17. Toxxic

    Hi-Ho, it's off to University I go!

    Good on yer mate - hope it's fun, and drop back as soon as you can!
  18. Toxxic

    Tom Prichard Fired by WWE

    What in the blue hell makes any of you think that OVW workers trained by Dreamer and Storm will get onto WWE TV? Let's take a look at how Dreamer and Storm were used, shall we? ... ... ... ... ... Right. Now work out the likely use of people trained by them. EX-ACTLY.
  19. Uh... well, I'm probably not going to be able to write for Smarkdown, so if someone was planning on booking a sort of 'pre-PPV build-up' tag match featuring me or something, might be an idea to do it for Lockdown. Or I could face Landon, or Drazon, or any of the multitude of other people I've pissed off over the last few shows.
  20. Is this a title match? Well, Dustin's got the title shot and the match description speculates whether he wants to 'soften up' the champion, so i'm guessing not.
  21. You know, there are any amount of people I have issue with at the moment. Grand Slam. Suicide King. Maddix. Johnny Dangerous. Drazon. Any member of the Urban Empire. Instead, Spike and I team with Ace (huh?) against Manson, Dace and David Cross. My logic circuits are hurting. That being said, Spike and Ace, PM me and let's try and sort out what we're doing.
  22. Toxxic

    Lockdown booking thread

    SO that's like, 9 or 10 pm for me. So much of me free evening for writing goes down the crapper. Ah well.
  23. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - September 3rd!

    So... do we HAVE a card for the next show?
  24. Toxxic

    9/3 SWF Storm HOLT Report

    *waits for someone else to get more heat than him*
  25. Toxxic

    I am make a comic!!

    The mousetrap match? All bow before MR BUKKAKE!