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SWF Mods
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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Since I forgot to lock the original Clusterfuck card... well, I don't know what people will have to say here now. But say it here, now. Yeah, new matches etc.
  2. Toxxic

    Inside the Wrestlers Studio

    If there was any doubt that Michael Alexander is awesome, he also reads the Dresden files. I would take my hat off to you sir, if I could fit one over my mohawk.
  3. OK, who's about? i know WC isn't, I know Hawke isn't. I have received other communications as well. Anyone who has not specifically told me or Landon YES or NO to the next show, either post here or PM us if you feel like being secretive, ASAP, I thank YOU. We're looking at Thurs Feb 14th. Word limits will be kept low.
  4. We got no Fucks. NOTHING. Not a single Clusterfuck. Not even a 'Boom, explosion'. Seriously people, this shit is bad. We don't want to do a show with no Clusterfuck, that's the point of the show, that's the name of the show. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has until 7pm EST Sunday 27th to get something in. ANYTHING in. The door is wide open again, please please please write SOMETHING and get it to either me or Landon so we can at least pretend there are still people interested in this fed.
  5. I knew he was smart, but bio-engineering? Watch and learn
  6. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck emergency rescue thread

    I'd settle for 'Boom, explosion, everyone dies but Wes Davenport'. Fuck it, that'd win, hands down.
  7. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    Markers now up! ...oops.
  8. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    Duly noted.
  9. Toxxic

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    An update - From The Fire will NOT be the SWF's next show after the Clusterfuck. We're having a middle-of-February show, then From The Fire at the end of Feb. So the Clusterfuck winner will still get the shot at From The Fire, they'll just have one show inbetween to gloat/compete/be attacked by the current champion/attack the current champion/whatever.
  10. Toxxic

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Maybe it was a one off. It's worked since then. I'm so pissed off with not being able to store a finisher anymore, btw.
  11. Toxxic

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    No, you're not.
  12. Toxxic

    Final Resolution

    Well, on Impact they said Sharkboy requested the match against Tomko. However I think I lost my way, this was meant to be in the Comments Not Warranting...
  13. Toxxic

    Final Resolution

    One other thing - where the fuck is Hardcore Sharkboy going?
  14. Toxxic

    Final Resolution

    My problem with Black Reign is that Black Reign mysteriously takes over Dustin in time to do his makeup, put on his outfit and be ready at the top of the ramp in time for his music to hit. And always sticks around for long enough to finish the match, win or lose. Incidentally, has it ever been worked out whether Rellik is really Black Reign's deepest darkest nightmare? My mate is convinced that in TNA kayfabe he's actually meant to have been created by Black Reign's disturbed psyche, meaning that Dustin would not only have a personality disorder with a great sense of timing but which is also capable of bringing 250lb+ wrestlers into existence and getting them TV time.
  15. Toxxic

    Better Know A Writer!

    None of you have anything on Frisco.
  16. Toxxic

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Lovely bunch, aren't they?
  17. Toxxic

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Anyone else finding the whole Hardcore Rejuvenation thing doesn't work? My guy got bloodied by an opponent and did I get a full momentum meter? Did I jack.
  18. Toxxic

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Is it churlish of me to suggest that sometimes Meltzer gets it right, sometimes he gets it wrong, but that he is perhaps better informed than some?
  19. Toxxic

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Oh, and Gail Kim. You know, former WWE Women's Champion. TNA DEFINITELY have better women's wrestlers. They've got the best North American women's division bar SHIMMER that I know of.
  20. Toxxic

    Future WWE Main Eventers

    that would seriously rule. Right. If it now happens, I'm claiming royalties and you can back me up. *disappears to make T-shirts with the slogan "I'm crying about Kwik Killings"*
  21. Surely the crowd will turn on Austin now he's Stunnered Stacy for no good reason? Surely Booker T will beat Triple H at WM 19? Surely Jericho will beat Shawn Michaels at WM 19? Surely TNA will realise how utterly, thoroughly sick their fans are of Jeff Jarrett? Surely it's impossible to fuck up a Samoa Joe main event push? All you have to do is put him in the ring and let him hit people, and greatness ensues.
  22. Toxxic

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    Yes, but, different environment, and Brock was prepared for it. Despite knowing slightly less than Jack Shit about MMA (except that the African Assassin was totally out of his depth on 79, even I could see that), I'm willing to bet that you don't stand in the octagon going "well this guy's going to hit me in a second, I'd best brace for it". You try and AVOID getting hit. Also, Brock would have known that two chairshots and then he rolls out of the ring. It's a bit different to the factor of getting hit in the face and starting to stagger and realising that now you're off-balance you're going to get pounded into fertiliser until the referee calls a stop to it.
  23. Toxxic

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    That seems (seems) like a rather honest interview from Orton. Although I'm willing to bet some of that was heel persona shining through in a non-kayfabe situation.
  24. Toxxic

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Thank God there's no such thing as HD Playboy magazines, or lives may have been lost through the vehemence.
  25. Toxxic

    Future WWE Main Eventers

    Actually, my mistake. That's more like it.