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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    THE (kinda) *NEW* SWF!

    I think to say something like 'all titles will be defended every show' is automatically booking ourselves into a corner. At the moment the World Title is defended what, once a month at most? ie a PPV shot and a midterm shot. So if we're aiming for two shows a month we're going to cycle through challengers VERY quickly. We've got a fair few belts with not that large a roster. We don't want to exhaust ourselves. That said, allowing for writers being unavailable and so on, I wouldn't want any title to go more than two shows without being defended. So I think every third show at the outside, once a month if circumstances are reasonable. I wouldn't want to tie a champion to only ever having championship matches and preventing him (or her) from having a storyline or feud-based match that is non-title. We COULD do KotR in advance, it's an idea I've thought about before. A one-show Cold Front Classic! (well, the battle royale the previous show and then the elimination bouts in one night) I think we'd need to see who actually had the commitment to write two or three matches in one sitting first though.
  2. Toxxic

    Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

  3. Toxxic

    THE (kinda) *NEW* SWF!

    Apart from Landon not being able to tell the difference between four belts and five (due to a recent edit, I suspect), I heartily endorse this message. I had previously been against losing the 'one show a week' schedule, but recently I've come to realise that I wouldn't have been staying past Genesis if that was the still the case (yes, even I burn out eventually) so I'm actually backing him on this one. One thing he hasn't asked about is markers. If Landon and I are taking over booking duties but still also writing actively, that's one potential conflict of interests right there (and I know that not everyone views us in the same light as stalwarts like Raynor and Tom, who've both managed it previously), so for us to be marking as well is potentially even more problems. Three questions: -who is willing to mark matches for the new system? -what do people think of us booking and writing? (I think I can guarantee that gratuitous title shots will not be awarded, but I want to address any concerns) -what do people think of the potential of us marking and writing? (obviously, we would not mark any matches that directly affect us. So if I beat Johnny and become World Champion, I won't be marking any #1 Contenders matches for the World Title. Even so, I can see that some people might not be happy). Speak now, please.
  4. Toxxic


    Muzz - this should hopefully not be the last ever show. MANSON - I believe you are right on the 'O Fortuna' front, and I move to continue this tradition.
  5. Toxxic


    The thing about Cena there was that he was new. He started, he nearly beat Angle, he then was a jobber for a while before starting to work his way up. It's when someone goes high, then drops back down that damage is done because (some) people (presumably) think "ah well, it was a fluke he did that well". The Cena thing is more "well he wasn't good at first, but he stuck at it and kept trying and look where he is now!" If we're talking kayfabe, that is.
  6. Toxxic


    Here's hoping.
  7. Toxxic

    Past tense match writing-larity

    I haven't had a chance to look at it in detail, but the tense of it looked fine to me.
  8. Toxxic


    Also, if a Jericho return makes money they're more likely to push him harder, for longer. Leading to more entertainment.
  9. Toxxic


    Damn unfortunate, since their meetings were usually excellent. I'm thinking the Ladder match at Summerslam 2000, for starters. Walls of Jericho on the ladder. Brutal.
  10. Toxxic


    Exactly - if crowd reactions were everything then the Godfather would be headlining Wrestlemania and it would be fine! Edit to add: Jericho was never booked as being one of the very top players, so to bring him back in that position just doesn't sit very easy. I beg to differ. Sure, HHH is around and he's always main event, but who else is there? Cena was big when Jericho went, but he hadn't settled into being the franchise player he is today. Orton was a lackluster former champion. Jericho was higher-placed when he went than the vast majority of today's Raw roster was then, but it's not been so long that people will have forgotten him. In effect you have the ability to bring him back with people still remembering him as being more established than people who have now established themselves.
  11. Toxxic

    Genesis is Under Construction

    Does anyone know what happened to Muzz? Only it'd be kind of useful to know if I'm going into my match with Johnny with my head held high and manageable injuries, or in a funk due to being beaten by a freaking bodyguard and maybe with DDP-style taped ribs~!
  12. Toxxic


    Shame he's getting on now, really. If he'd been pushed hard instead of as the upper-midcard rent-a-heel/token babyface he ended up as he could have probably been a REAL star from debut onwards. I mean, watching the debut video on YouTube again... that much of a pop for a debuting heel interrupting the freaking ROCK? And his promo skills, in all honesty, got better from then on. But healthy as he always seemed, there's probably not THAT many years left in a Y2J tank for wrestling like he does/used to. It's not that he was a spot-tastic bump machine, but it's also not like he's Hogan, who can keep doing (badly) what he always did (badly) only slightly slower and sloppier year after year.
  13. Toxxic


    Check the conspiracy theorist. Even as a guitarist, I hadn't considered tablature.
  14. Toxxic

    Genesis is Under Construction

    The Rose Bowl? You mean you want to make it an EXACT copy of last time I handed you your arse at Genesis?
  15. Toxxic

    PROMO: On the Road to the White House

    I'm amused. Did Leon Sharpe ever wrestle in the SWF, or was he just SJL? If he was just SJL, I vote he gets put into the New Blood division (hey, remember that?). If he has wrestled in the SWF, I vote he pays Flesher a handsome bribe to let him be put in the New Blood division, so that the voting populace associate 'Sharpe' with 'New Blood'.
  16. Toxxic

    So what do you think about The Undertaker?

    Well, you never actually BEAT Taker. You just put off losing to him for a while. Even if someone beats him once, he always wins the money match. From what I recall since I started watching again in 2000, anyway. No-one ever beats him, and that's the end of story and they both move on to different feuds with the other guy being elevated.
  17. Toxxic

    So what do you think about The Undertaker?

    I've never been sure what the point of the eyeliner is, either. Jeff Hardy, sure. CM Punk, fine. It just looks mildly alarming on someone like Taker. In terms of my opinion of him, I think it's fair to say that Undertaker can work well when he wants to, but put him in a match with a big guy and his offence is mainly limited to punches and headbutts, and even when he's not he sometimes relies too much on his character to tell the story of the match. And the only surprising finish I've seen to a match of his recently (i.e. since the Deadman return) was when Khali beat him by kicking him in the face. Otherwise you know that either the heel will win to set up the Undertaker's vengeance, or the heel is dead, and you know which before the match starts. Which isn't his fault, that's the booking committee.
  18. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 9-26-2007

    As long as it's to the ELK, it's all good.
  19. Toxxic

    2007: Most disastrous year in WWE history?

    I haven't been keeping up with ROH, but a friend of mine is intent on showing me more SHIMMER. Which I can't complain about, except that it's made me start up a women-only fed in EWR when I thought I'd rehabbed myself of that bloody game.
  20. Toxxic

    2007: Most disastrous year in WWE history?

    I guess you watch absolutely nothing from Japan then. Shit, I'm not even one of those indy fanboys, but there's still plenty of good stuff going on there, too. I'd rather watch SHIMMER than John Cena, personally. Not only are a fair few of them good-looking, but the wrestling's better than most WWE these days. Plus you get Amazing Kong. When you have someone weighing in at 'none of your damn business', that's a sense of humour I like.
  21. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 9-19-2007

    WC FTW. Wasn't sure if I was going to get online tonight, so cranked it out early and sent it to Raynor. I figure if I do it often enough he'll assign markers earlier to make it easy on himself. Incidentally WC, if I'm not needed for anything else (which I may be, but no-one's discussed it with me) I'd be happy to face off against Bruner next show if you're still up for that. I haven't faced a superheavyweight with Toxxic for ages (since Carnage, I think), it'd be a laugh.
  22. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 9-19-2007

    My match is with Raynor.
  23. Toxxic

    9/6 Storm Comments

    Thou shalt not disparage thyself, unless thy wants a slapping.
  24. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 9/12/2007

    Woeful, possibly. Still, should be a good show, if a little light on the ground.