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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    Help Chris Become A Better Person...

    Rise Against - The Sufferer And The Witness. If that fails, try Siren Song Of The Counter Culture - I don't think it's got anywhere near as much punch and is my least favourite album of theirs, but it might be closer to your taste. Bad Religion - avoid No Substance, The New America and Process Of Belief, but otherwise everyone's a winner. Recommendations would be 2004's The Empire Strikes First and wait until July 11th, then get New Maps Of Hell. I've heard it already, and it is the bomb. Strung Out - Twisted By Design. If you don't like this album, there's something wrong with you. And it's possible that you're JJ Johnson. If none of these appeal, go with Earth vs The Wildhearts by (surprise surprise) The Wildhearts, and if you don't like them I think it's fair to say nothing in my music collection can help you. Unless you fancy Much Against Everyone's Advice by Soulwax.
  2. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 7-5-2007

    We didn't all agree to it, but whatever. If you don't want it for the titles Johnny, just say so. All it'll involve at this stage is taking "and is for the the SWF Tag Team Championships" out of Funyon's spiel. The floor is yours, my friend.
  3. Toxxic


    Seconded. I had issues with him jobbing JJ to a chinlock in their submissions match, but we could always use a writer of his calibre.
  4. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 7-5-2007

    Hoss is a term for big wrestler. JR tend to use it. And really, you'd need to start over again since it's in a different place, with different rules, and against a different opponent.
  5. Toxxic

    Storm comments.

    ...you don't suppose Jay Hawke cut and pasted parts of an old International Title match against Johnny, do you? I mean, that's the only thing I can think of that'd make sense for why he had a belt at the beginning and LDP on commentary at the end.
  6. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 7-5-2007

    Well then, unless Johnny weighs in with a disagreement we'll take it as a title match then. In other news, I can't wait to see if Clark can beat Kibs for what, the third time?
  7. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 7-5-2007

    WC and Johnny - myself and the Sly One are undefeated as a team, having triumphed over Insane Luchador and JRR a few shows back... fancy putting those belts up for grabs? You know, to save us having to whip your asses twice... (but seriously, WC was saying just down the board that he doesn't see the point of booking you guys as a team unless it's for the titles, and we're obviously up for that. If you're not interested though, that's cool too).
  8. Toxxic


    In all seriousness, it would seem wrong for someone to have more days with the World Title than ELM.
  9. Toxxic

    State of the SWF, 2007

    For the official record: as of this time, Landon and I are intending to keep the fed running in some form, depending as always on people's input. However, the fed has picked up of late (in my opinion anyway).
  10. Toxxic


    I hope Muzz is pacified by the fact that I'm one day short of equalling ELM with total days with the World Title. I'm shocked I have longest reign though, I thought he was still beating me on that as well. But massive congratulations to Drea for having a fucking YEAR LONG TITLE REIGN. And also thanks to Landon for taking the time to trawl through stuff and update this again.
  11. Toxxic

    Storm Predictions for June 27

    THE MAIN EVENT - FINAL INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH "The Dean of Professional Wrestling" Jay Hawke vs. Johnny Dangerous --> How fitting that the final International Championship Match will be fought between the two icons of the division - Johnny Dangerous, who originally created the title and established its reputation for quality, and Jay Hawke, whose mammoth title reign speaks for itself. The winner of this match will be the final holder of the coveted International Title, and will go on to Ground Zero, to the Unification match! Rules: Standard singles match. ~Johnny, by a nose. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Jimmy the Doom vs. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -->This never said Manson. Really! Raynor's just a little slower on the uptake than everyone else in existence. In the meantime, Landon's been busted down the card, but curiously doesn't seem to bothered by it. And really, what's the point of knocking him down if he doesn't get all pissy about it? Clearly this must be fixed, and what better way to fix it that to have his head asplode at the hands of our ever-dominant Hardcore Champion? Rules: HRADKOR, unless another stip is requested. ~Landon, methinks, to finally take the belt from Drea nearly a year after she won the damn thing. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tag Team Match of Randomness But Still Greatness Austin City Limits (Alan Clark and Austin Sly) vs. Raynor Skelter (Chris Raynor and MANSON) --> Austin Sly done good last show, and management thinks there are big things in his future... one of those good things could be a chance to team with the current World Champion! Although most of us would consider sharing a lockerroom with a guy who sings Hakuna Matata in the shower wouldn't really be a step up... MEANWHILE, on the other end of the universe, two souls desperately looking for love in all the wrong pla-... hang on, wrong card... two guys in need of something to do, with tag expertise to boot, pair up. That works. Rules: Standard tag. Tag ropes or die! ~Last show saw Sly show, and Clark tends to show. Last show saw MANSON not show, and Raynor use a fucking limerick. Hmm, so the limerick-user gets put into a match with the World Champion next show? And he booked it? Suspicious much? Hmmm... Austin City Limits ftw. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SINGLES MATCH Nathaniel Kibagami vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins Rules: Standard singles match. Whoever shows, really. Spike is at least getting some matches in, so on that basis, Spike. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IN THE HOUSE OF MARVELOUS: Michael Alexander! --> The other half of the winning New Bloods gets a chance to work the stick as Sir Marvelous plays host to the man who has a lot of nicknames that take a lot of space to type up, Michael Alexander! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- all the rest of your base belong to us SINGLES MATCH Saintly C. Killa vs. Ced Ordonez --> Enough about what didn't go down last show - let's talk about what did. Namely, Saint C. Killa took his first round match handily, and has a spot in the semifinals! While the other half play catch up, we need to keep him in tune, so tonight the Killa takes on the (DDR) Thrilla, Ced Ordonez! Rules: Singlezzz. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NEW BLOOD CHAMPIONSHIP INAUGURAL TOURNAMENT - FIRST ROUND MATCH Blue Leaf vs. Olaf Andersen --> Blue Leaf gets a lucky break into the tournament, snatching up the second vacated spot to take on Olaf Andersen! Rules: Standard singles match. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NEW BLOOD CHAMPIONSHIP INAUGURAL TOURNAMENT - FIRST ROUND MATCH Fulminatus! vs. Calvin Szechstein --> Adonis and JRR were held up by some incident involving rakes on a train, so we had to find a quick fill, and find we have! The second half of round one gets a do-over tonight, with Fulminatus taking Calvin Szechstein! Rules: Standard singles match.
  12. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    Godfish's match: The good points: Sound logical reasoning from the start - Alexander targets the leg anyway, and it’s a good thing to go for here because it will take away the School’s Out Superkick. A limping babyface is always good for crowd heat, and it sets the tone for the rest of the match with Malibu having to judge how much damage each offensive move is going to do to himself, as well as to Alexander. Also, Alexander is gratifyingly cocky and this allows Malibu to evade some offence, another good heel device. In the end Malibu is able to dodge one bullet but not the second, passing out in the Gordian Knot. I like the fact that you’ve put your submission finisher over twice in a row, because I do like submission finishers and I can’t remember the last time we had something feared, feared like the Crossface used to be before everyone started reversing it. The bad points: I’m all for selling, but I think Malibu oversold the leg - the hold early on would be painful but not so bad that he couldn’t run it off a little later, I think. In my opinion you needed to maybe let Malibu have a little more flashy opening offence, then about halfway through really nail the leg and make him struggle for the rest of the match. As it was you cranked it a bit, made him limp, but he still hit a load of moves that relied upon it. Splitting the match more distinctly into ‘mobile Malibu’ and ‘limping Malibu’ would have benefited it, I think. The only other thing is that some of your sentences strike me as a little choppy, you could probably run one into another and have a better flow, but that’s more a stylistic thing for me personally. All in all another good showing, and I’m looking forward to seeing more!
  13. Toxxic

    The OAO Slammiversary Thread

    Watching the King Of The Mountain match I was praying that anyone but Angle would win it. However, I knew from the start that my hopes were probably doomed. What purpose does he serve, exactly? He can no longer have good matches, he can't work the mic much and his character is confusing and pointless. He tries to come across as a badass crippler-type, when the company is still trying to market him as the American Hero Gold Medal winner. Joe is a legitimate badass, and because he lacks the overblown WWE-style to his promos he seems much more genuine. Plus he's far more entertaining to watch in the ring than Angle. Say what you like, Joe always has my full support. Throughout the KOTM, my wife was going "I hate being the smallest man in this match!" every time Styles took a nasty bump. She did it quite a bit. Then when he got backdropped onto Christian on the ladder it changed to "we hate being the two smallest men in this match! And the heels!"
  14. Bump, since we were on the topic.
  15. Well, as long as I'm providing entertainment, it's all good.
  16. If Kibagami wants to throw one up, I can do the same. We'd taken one win apiece and this was the decider, and the match that started Toxxic's tradition of always being involved in a Last Man Standing match at 13th Hour (whether he liked it or not). Please excuse the double tagging. -------------------------------------------------- The strains of ‘Lux Aeterna’ by Clint Mansell ring out over the PA system of the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre and the fans in attendance raise the volume accordingly. On the Smarktron two well-recognised figures appears with the clockface symbol of 13th Hour in the background; one muscular and tattooed, showing first his back with the words ‘No Salvation’ visible and then turning round so the camera can read the word ‘Silent’ that is inked over his breastbone; one slim but toned, with spiky black hair, eyeliner and black nail varnish. The words ‘Last Man Standing’ form underneath them, and the crowd lets out a mighty cheer for what might just be the sleeper match of the evening! “Well Citizens, I hope you’re all ready for our next match!” Cyclone Comet booms, his mask not concealing his excitement. “And what a match this is; it’s time for Nathaniel Kibagami to prove once and for all that he is better than Toxxic, the upstart rookie from the UK!” “Comet, they’re currently at one match apiece in singles, and Toxxic’s team beat Kibagami’s team on Smarkdown like the bitches they are in the six-man tag match,” Riley argues. “How can you possibly have any faith in Kibagami? Sure, he won the World Title-” “Which is more than the so-called Hot Commodity has managed,” Comet reminds his partner in commentary. “-but he lost it again, what? 10 days later?” Riley finishes contemptuously. “And he lost it to Danny Williams as well, the man that Janus will destroy later tonight!” “Be that as it may, Robert,” Comet answers, sounding thoroughly unconvinced, “tonight is no ordinary match between these two - it is a Last Man Standing match, and let me assure you that Citizen Kibagami is no stranger to Last Man Standing matches! But now, it’s time for the introductions...” The cameras cut to the plump figure of Funyon in the middle of the ring, a faint patina of sweat glistening on his brow as he stands under the lights. The fans are already cheering, and the noise increases as the ring announcer raises the mic to his lips. Being the showman that he is Funyon waits for a second... another second... takes a deep breath... and starts to speak. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!” he booms in the time-honoured opening. “The following contest is scheduled for one fall - and is a LAST... MAN... STANDING MATCH! The first man who is unable to answer the referee’s ten count will be declared... THE LOSER!” On cue, the Smarktron abruptly blacks out. The crunching guitars of Lostprophets’ ‘We Still Kill The Old Way’ ring out across the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre and jagged white letters flash up, spelling out the words ‘Prepare To Be Proved Wrong’. The shot cuts to Toxxic taking Mike Van Siclen off a balcony and through a table with the Toxxic Shock Syndrome, the devastating landing timed to coincide with the- ‘GO!’ *BOOOM!!* -explosion of red pyro that announces the arrival of the SWF’s premier Straight-Edger! The Smarktron briefly shows a clip of Toxxic’s lopsided grin, then cuts to clips of his matches - the All-Show Brawl with Insane Luchador, hitting the infamous Glass Jawbreaker on Aecas and, most tellingly of all for tonight, dropping Kibagami on his head with the Caffeine Bomb in their first meeting. The smoke starts to clear, and as the main riff hammers out through the speakers a familiar spiky-haired figure appears past the swinging pendulum, tonight wearing the white shirt of the England national soccer team with the letters “sXe” over a number ‘9’ on the back, in tribute to his home country’s valiant performance against France in the European Championship earlier in the day. “Introducing first;” Funyon continues, “accompanied to the ring by his girlfriend Jet; from Nottingham, England; weighing in tonight at 218lbs, he is ‘the Straight-Edge Sensation’... TOXX-IIIC!!” “TOXX-IC SUCKS!” “TOXX-IC SUCKS!” “TOXX-IC SUCKS!” The reception from the Illinois fans is hostile to say the least, but Toxxic pays no attention to them as he walks towards the ring with Jet trailing after him. The straight-edger’s grey eyes are fixed upon the squared circle, even when he stops at the base of the ramp to snap his head from side-to-side. He knows that tonight he has no room for error. Tonight, he has no room for distraction. “Robert, Toxxic’s rise through the ranks of the SWF has been nothing short of remarkable,” Cyclone Comet states, admiration for the Brit in his voice for once. “Just over four months ago this man was debuting on Storm, the first show after the Clusterfuck, a debut which saw him defeat the seasoned veteran Jacob Helmsley. His subsequent string of victories has matched such legends as Atlas and Charlie Matthews.” Toxxic takes a second to plant a kiss on the cheek of his girlfriend, but his mind isn’t on it. Jet knows exactly what he is going through and takes the England shirt that he thrusts into her hands without comment. The best way that she can help her boyfriend tonight is to watch, cross her fingers and hope. A moment’s error due to her presence could be disastrous - but she will not sit in the back and watch on a monitor. One way or the other, she wants to be at ringside when this ends. “He came out of nowhere, out of the British circuit, and EXPLODED into the SWF without stopping by the recently-closed SJL, the first man ever to do so. Tonight he has a chance to really make his mark with a high-profile Pay-Per-View win over a competitor who has become almost legendary in this sport...” Comet continues as Toxxic rolls into the ring and ascends a turnbuckle, “...but this man is also a bitter, twisted and thoroughly unpleasant human being, a man who shows no respect for others and who is so obsessed with success that he has embarked upon a hate campaign against Nathaniel Kibagami - simply for the crime of beating him.” Toxxic looks out at the crowd through dark-rimmed eyes. He spreads his arms wide, palms flat and facing downward, the musculature of his lithe frame moving beneath the skin. The skin itself is smooth and unbroken save for the thin red scars on his face and back from where Kibagami threw him through a plate glass door. There are no tattoos or piercings, no hint at the turmoil that churns beneath the surface save for the dead stare of the grey eyes. Tonight Toxxic feels a lot older than his 21 years. “Comet, I think you’re absolving Nathaniel Kibagami of his share of the blame here,” Riley argues. “He dropped Toxxic on his head with the Demonstar Driver! And then he not only mocked the Hot Commodity on national TV the show after he won the World Title - on the show after that he assaulted Toxxic and threw him through glass doors, causing injuries that meant Toxxic lost the ICTV Title to Janus later that night!” Toxxic drops back to the canvas and turns away from the nearest portion of the crowd. The people don’t mean anything right now. At one point they did; once he longed for their approval, to be greeted with cheers and respect. Now he simply wants to win, and win in such a way that no-one can ever doubt him again. The match is all that matters. “Robert, from all I heard of that incident Toxxic deserved whatever he got,” Comet tells his broadcast partner. “Besides which it is always unwise to provoke a Dragon; especially the River Dragon!” As if on cue, the lights start to drop inside the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre. A gentle, lilting guitar line starts to play, and as one the fans sit up and fall quiet. They know this song. They’ve heard a hundred times before. This is Nevermore. On the Smarktron Kibagami stumbles, falls, collapses in slow motion. The image of failure, so long associated with his career. As ‘The River Dragon Has Come’ plays, the Smarktron flickers. Words appear. They waver briefly. They solidify. And the fans start to chant. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Of old the skilled first made themselves invincible to await the enemy’s vincibility. Invincibility lies in oneself. Vincibility lies in the enemy. Thus the skilled can make themselves invincible. They cannot cause the enemy’s vincibility. Thus it is said, “Victory can be known. It cannot be made.” -the Sun-Tzu, Chapter Four.” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” *BAM!* The distortion hits, and the arena lights up – every available spotlight is trained on the entrance ramp. White blasts of pyrotechnics streak up, down, across the arena, back and forth along the ramp, sending sparks spiralling everywhere. The Smarktron flickers one final time and the image changes – the burning ankh, gigantic, red, consumed by flames, towers over the audience, three stories tall...and the first line of the song echoes out over the crowd. ‘Today, the warning came in the floooooooood...’ The ankh is gone, now – in its place is Kibagami, spiralling downward as he delivers the Year of the Dragon to a prone Danny Williams on the night that the Slaughterer finally reached the pinnacle of the SWF. ‘Architects and fools never cared for poor man’s bloooood...’ More clips flash by on the screen – a springboard gamengiri connects with Alex Zenon’s head, Kibagami plants an elbow in Janus’ heart with the Last Rites, and appropriately enough, a Demonstar Driver on Toxxic – and the ankh punctuates each of them, towering over the crowd... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ...and through the sparks that trail behind... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ...comes Nathaniel Kibagami. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “AND HIS OPPONENT!” Funyon booms over the deafening, repeated chants of the name. “From Phoenix, Arizona...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “...he weighs in tonight at 261lbs...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “...he is ‘The River Dragon’...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “...NA-THANIELLLLLL... KIBAGAAAAAAAA-MI!” “RRRAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!” Even though the fans knew perfectly well who the man in the red trenchcoat was long before Funyon said his name, the reaction is still IMMENSE. A faint smile plays over the lips of the River Dragon as he reaches the bottom of the ramp. He may not have the World Title any more, but he has the adoration of the crowd. And as he steps up to the apron and through the ropes, there is no question in anyone’s mind that he deserves it. Well. Maybe one mind. Toxxic is sat in the far corner, seated on the lowest turnbuckle with his arms stretched out along the ropes. His eyes don’t leave the Slaughterer for a second, but Kibagami ignores him as he shrugs off his trenchcoat and makes his crucifix symbol to the roaring crowd. Let the rookie wait. For now at least, Nathaniel Kibagami is the lord of all he surveys. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Citizens, it is a wonderful sight to see Nathaniel Kibagami in the ring again,” Comet states. “I will be the first to admit that Citizen Kibagami has not always been the pillar of JUSTICE~ that he had the capability to be, but now this man has found his moral footing once again it can be truthfully said that he has done it all.” Kibagami stares out at the crowd, and they rise in response as his gaze sweeps around the arena. The River Dragon is painfully aware that his time in the ring is drawing to a close; age is gradually starting to catch up with him. But he knows that he still has enough left to show the rest of the federation exactly why he has been so feared over the years. Some people - Toxxic notably among them - questioned his motivation for seeking the World Title, but Nathaniel Kibagami now knows exactly why he still seeks it. And it is not for the remembrance of an old enemy but for the sake of himself, here and now. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Nathaniel Kibagami will not be stopped any time soon. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” And certainly not by the man he faces tonight. Nathaniel turns to face his opponent, still seated in the corner, and fires off a couple of snap kicks into mid air. His reflexes are as good as ever, the driving force behind the blows still there. Zenon probably did him a (undoubtedly unintentional) favour by not booking him on Storm or Lockdown, allowing him to rest, and the six-man tag match on Smarkdown gave him a good warm-up in spite of his team’s loss. Tonight, Kibagami could take on the world. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic pulls himself up to his feet and cracks his head from side to side again. The grey eyes fix on Kibagami; cold, bleak and unreadable. The Brit hasn’t wrestled the same since his defeat to the River Dragon, the showboating crowd-baiting behaviour abandoned in favour of a detached, clinical style that usually ends with the opponent receiving the Dangerlust. All obstacles have been secondary to the straight-edger compared to getting Kibagami in the ring, one-on-one, and getting revenge. And tonight he has his opportunity. *DING-DING-DING!* “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Well Citizens, referee Sexton Hardcastle has called for the bell and we’re underway here,” Comet enthuses as Kibagami and Toxxic start to circle each other warily. “Remember; the only way to defeat your opponent in this match is to make them unable to answer the referee’s ten-count - there are no surprises pins, no submissions, no out-of-ring count-outs and no disqualifications. It’s all about how well each man’s body will stand up to the punishment meted out by his opponent. Citizen Kibagami is bigger, stronger and in all probability tougher than Citizen Toxxic... but the so-called Straight-Edge Sensation is younger and probably better conditioned.” “Translation; Kibagami’s a washed-up has-been who doesn’t even have his painkillers to save him now, whereas Toxxic is in the prime of his life and will run rings around him,” Riley replies derisively. “Kibagami won’t be able to hit Toxxic if he can’t catch him!” The two men spiral in towards each other, as if each were an opposing magnetic pole. Kibagami is without a doubt the better technical wrestler, but Toxxic is faster and more slippery. They raise their arms, ready to come together in the classic collar-and-elbow tie-up... and at the last moment Toxxic ducks beneath Kibagami’s right arm, slips around behind the River Dragon and clamps on a reverse waistlock! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “A surprising move here from Toxxic,” Comet comments in mild... well, surprise. “Surely he’s not going to try and outwrestle Nathaniel?” Kibagami’s hands instinctively dart to the black-nailed fingers clasped around his waist without wasting time seeing if Toxxic can even lift him effectively. He begins to prise the straight-edger’s grip loose, and as the Straight-Edge Sensation feels his hold weakening he tries to make his brief advantage tell by hoisting the River Dragon off his feet - but to no avail, as Kibagami manages to break his grip and then performs a standing switch with deceptive speed. In a moment he is behind Toxxic and with his own rear waistlock around the rookie’s midriff! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” A polite round of applause rises in Moline, Illinois in addition to the repeated chants, but these aren’t Japanese fans praising technical skill - the fans tonight want blood, and from one specific source. Kibagami considers his options for a moment; he could heave Toxxic overhead with a release German suplex, but he knows full well how agile the straight-edger is. Instead he simply uses his greater height and strength to lift Toxxic off the canvas and then swings him around, dumping the Brit down on his front with a basic rear takedown and scooting over to apply a textbook front facelock. “Citizen Kibagami in no hurry,” Comet affirms. “He knows that as long as he keeps Toxxic safely grounded he has control of this match, and he can wear the smaller man down at his leisure.” “Oh very nice, very safe,” Riley sneers. “‘Safe’ doesn’t sell T-shirts Comet! ‘Safe’ doesn’t make you a legend in this business! ‘Safe’ doesn’t get you a job on the commentary team after you end your distinguished in-ring career!” “Oh I know, Robert. God only knows how well I know...” On the mat, Kibagami tightens the pressure on Toxxic’s head with one massive arm. Toxxic isn’t an out-of-shape Alexander Zenon - it will in all probability take something more devastating than a punch to finish this contest, no matter what precedes it. And Kibagami knows one move that always ends a match, a move that has beaten Toxxic before - but it’s better to have a little head and neck work to set it up. So he tightens his grip still further, wrenching at the straight-edger’s vertebrae for good measure. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic lies facedown on the mat with the crushing weight of Nathaniel Kibagami above him and the iron grip of the River Dragon clamped around his head, causing his temples to pound and making thought difficult. He reaches up with his right arm and tries to find a weakness in Kibagami’s hold, but the Slaughterer knows his basics too well. Toxxic is not a good enough mat wrestler to find a way to squirm out, he’s not strong enough to lift Nathaniel up and throw him off and there’s no point reaching the ropes because there’s no rope break in this no-DQ match. But then again, if it’s no-DQ... “BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” The Illinois crowd voice their displeasure as Toxxic’s questing right hand suddenly jabs forward, aiming at Kibagami’s face! The River Dragon tries to retain his grip but the clawing fingers scratch at his eyes, and with his only other option being to risk blindness Kibagami releases his hold and rolls sideways. Toxxic instantly scrambles up, not wanting to be recaptured, and in the moment before Nathaniel has his guard up he takes two quick steps forwards... *SMACK!!* ...and launches a basement dropkick that connects with the Slaughterer’s head! Kibagami half-falls sideways, slumping down from the kneeling position he was in, but as Toxxic tries to crawl away and put some distance between them one hand snakes out and grabs the straight-edger’s right ankle! Toxxic looks back and sees the problem, shifts onto his back and lashes out with his left foot at Kibagami’s head - but Kibagami is prepared, and grabs that foot too! With Toxxic struggling on the mat the River Dragon pushes himself slowly to his feet, taking care not to give his opponent an opening, then throws all his strength sideways. In spite of his best efforts, Toxxic’s upper body skids over the canvas until his head and neck are underneath the bottom rope and hanging out over the ring apron. Kibagami pauses for a second, then falls backwards... ...and catapults Toxxic upwards, guillotining the rookie’s windpipe on the bottom rope! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “A devastating manoeuvre from Citizen Kibagami in the early going here!” Comet cries as Toxxic rolls around on the mat, clutching at his throat. “The former World Champion is sending a message to this young upstart; do not underestimate Nathaniel Kibagami, especially not in a Last Man Standing match!” ‘ONE!’ “Jesus, Comet, you make it sound like Toxxic’s going to die,” Riley bitches. “Look, he’s getting up already!” ‘TW-’ Toxxic pulls himself up on the ropes before Hardcastle can reach the count of two, unwilling to let Kibagami get even a sight psychological advantage - but before the rookie can set himself properly Kibagami quickly closes in, grabbing Toxxic by the shoulder and driving a knee up into the straight-edger’s gut. “Sexton!” Riley calls in alarm. “Make him give the man some space!” “It’s all legal, Robert,” Comet informs his partner cheerfully. “There is nowhere in that ring - nowhere in this arena - where Toxxic is safe from the River Dragon!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami takes hold of the winded Brit and clamps another front facelock on, but doesn’t go down to the mat - instead he fires off a couple more knees into Toxxic’s chest, driving the air out of his opponent still further. Now satisfied that the straight-edger isn’t going to be pulling anything fancy out Kibagami readjusts his grip and wrenches upwards... ...taking Toxxic up and over with the Downshifter Suplex! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Downshifter!” Comet cries. “I heard Toxxic’s vertebrae grinding together from here - just imagine what it must be like for the arrogant Citizen in the ring with Kibagami!” “You know Comet, I can’t help but wonder why you keep referring to Toxxic as a ‘Citizen’,” Riley remarks, the desire to correct his fellow commentator proving stronger than the urge to cheer the Straight-Edge Sensation on, “I mean, he’s not a Citizen of this country, is he? Technically, he’s actually a subject of the Crown of the United Kingdom.” “...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “...Citizens, I advise you to take refuge,” Comet announces, face suddenly grim. “If you have a bomb or tornado shelter, make for it now: Robert Riley has corrected me, and I believe that his facts are actually accurate. We await the end of the world.” “Hey!” In the ring, Kibagami takes a step back to check his handiwork. Toxxic rises to his knees, rubbing his neck, the Slaughterer takes two brisk strides forward - and Toxxic simply rolls out of the ring, underneath the bottom rope. “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “Citizen Toxxic is running away!? Comet exclaims in wonder. “But... the hate this man has for Kibagami, the arrogance he displays... I don’t think we’ve ever seen him run from anyone, and now he’s running from the River Dragon?” “No,” Riley contradicts, still evidently annoyed about Comet’s previous remark, “he’s using his head. Why keep said head in the ring if someone’s about to kick you in it?” Toxxic stands outside the ring, staring up at Nathaniel Kibagami who leans over the top rope like some vengeful, tattooed god. Two pairs of eyes meet, a steely determination glinting in both... and then Toxxic moves, darting off to the right. Kibagami goes to intercept, but as Toxxic reaches the ringpost he reaches out and grabs it, swinging his weight off the floor and around the corner of the squared circle and sliding back under the bottom rope into the ring! The Straight-Edge Sensation finishes by smoothly rising to his feet as his slide ends, all before Kibagami has gone two steps. “Brilliant!” Riley applauds. “That’s where Toxxic’s advantage lies, Comet - speed; and he’s just demonstrated that eloquently to Kibagami. The so-called Slaughterer can’t keep him in the ring, and he can’t keep him out of it either!” Kibagami nods thoughtfully, never taking his eyes from his opponent. He’s caught the meaning of what has just transpired - give Toxxic room, and he will outmanoeuvre the veteran in a flash. But Kibagami knew how dangerous Toxxic was coming into this match, and he’s not about to underestimate him. Nor is he about to give him the room he needs. The River Dragon advances, spreading his arms wide. It should be possible to drive Toxxic back into the corner and cut him off from the rest of the ring. In a confined space Nathaniel knows that he has the striking and grappling advantage - the trick is keeping the quarry there. So the former Clansman moves steadily forwards, watching Toxxic’s eyes flicker as the rookie sees his avenues of escape narrowing but not wanting to move too soon... and then Toxxic does move, darting to the right again. Kibagami lunges, seeking to latch onto the fleeing cruiserweight... ...but Toxxic had merely feinted, and he abruptly changes direction and slides between Kibagami’s legs! Caught off-balance, Kibagami tries to turn, but Toxxic scrambles to his feet and launches a dropkick that catches the Slaughterer square in the small of the back and sends him stumbling forwards into the turnbuckles! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami turns, his temper starting to rise. The dropkick did little more than shove him away, but it stung his pride. Toxxic has risen to his feet again and backs off - cautiously, like a man watching a potentially dangerous dog. There is no mockery in Toxxic’s face to indicate that the dropkick was meant to annoy the River Dragon; there is no fear in the grey eyes either. There is simply the concentration of a man who has a job to do, who will not allow anything to prevent him from doing it, and who will stick at it for as long as it takes. “Toxxic appears to be learning from his early mistakes,” Comet comments. “He tried to outwrestle Kibagami just once and found himself taking a beating as a result - he knows that he has to keep his distance.” “Or pick the pace up!” Riley counters, as Toxxic suddenly dashes forwards, towards the advancing Kibagami. Nathaniel whips his right leg up and out, lashing at Toxxic’s head- *wwhhhffff!!* -but the blow passes over the Straight-Edge Sensation’s scalp as Toxxic ducks low, avoiding his adversary’s attack and hitting the far ropes. Kibagami turns once more, trying to track the Brit’s progress as Toxxic rebounds towards him... *WHAM!* ...but to no avail, as the straight-edger lands a running spinning heelkick on the River Dragon’s jaw, dropping him backfirst onto the mat! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic bounces back to his feet immediately and awaits Hardcastle’s count... ‘ON-’ ...but Kibagami rolls back up before the first syllable has even left the referee’s lips! With a snarl forming on his face the River Dragon breaks into a dead run from a three-point stance, springing forward even before he has fully returned to his feet. His right arm extends, looking for a Lariat... but Toxxic isn’t there, because the Straight-Edge Sensation ducks under the blow again! This time the Brit checks himself and turns, lying in wait... and as Kibagami’s momentum from the missed Lariat swings him around Toxxic jumps into the air, wraps his arm around Kibagami’s neck from the side and brings them both swinging down to the canvas! *CRASH!!* “Straight Edge! Straight Edge!” Riley yelps in delight. “How did your neck like that one, eh Kibagami?” “Just fine, apparently,” Comet answers for the indisposed River Dragon, who is already pushing himself back up again. “It’s true that Citizen Kibagami’s surgically-repaired neck is a recognised weak point, but it’s going to take more than one Straight Edge Neckbreaker to cause him serious pain.” “Listening to three hours of your ‘commentary’ might do it though,” Riley snipes. “It’s a pain in the neck as far as I’m concerned!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami rises back to a vertical base, but this time he has been unable to keep track of Toxxic’s movements. He shakes his head briefly to try and dispel the stinging sensation in his neck, and the rise in crowd noise warns him something is amiss. The River Dragon turns, attempting to draw a bead on his elusive opponent... *SMACK!!* ...and Toxxic superkicks him right in the jaw! The force of the blow puts Kibagami straight back down again, and this time the former Clansman does not roll back up immediately. ‘ONE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘TWO!’ Kibagami sits up, rubbing his chin and glaring at Toxxic. Keeping his eye on the straight-edger the River Dragon gets up to one knee... but with his opponent’s weight unstable Toxxic charges in anyway, launching another basement dropkick at the River Dragon’s head! *WHAM!!* Kibagami falls backwards, but Sexton Hardcastle is not given a chance to start his count this time as Toxxic piles on top of his opponent and begins laying in with right hands! The first couple find their marks on Kibagami’s cheek and forehead, but then the Slaughterer gets his massive tattooed arms up to block the blows, and snakes his legs up to lock around Toxxic’s midsection. With the straight-edger now the one at a disadvantage Kibagami grabs Toxxic’s right arm and starts to pull, perhaps seeking to shift his legs up to his opponent’s throat and lock in the Triangle Choke, but Toxxic quickly jabs his free left thumb into the River Dragon’s eye! “BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” The fans don’t like that tactic, and Toxxic wriggles away again as Kibagami’s legs automatically unlock (and the members of the SWF roster watching the match on monitors backstage resolve to try the same method on Megan Skye). The straight-edger is first to his feet again, and as Kibagami is still in the process of standing Toxxic hooks both of the River Dragon’s arms up behind his back and places him in a vertical headscissors! “Toxxic Shock Syndrome!” Comet cries in dismay. “Toxxic’s going for it already!” The British rookie tries to lift Kibagami off the mat, but before he can get any leverage behind it Kibagami simply drags his arms downwards, easily overpowering Toxxic and wrenching free. Moments later Kibagami grabs Toxxic behind the knees and lifts his opponent clean off the floor before dumping him backwards throat-first over the top rope with a Super Hotshot! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “What a brilliant counter by the River Dragon, holding onto Toxxic’s legs to make sure he got hung out to dry!” Comet approves. “That move has attacked Toxxic’s throat again - not only will that make it difficult for the rookie to breathe, but any whiplashing effect can only help Kibagami’s setup game for the Demonstar Driver!” This time it is Kibagami’s turn to prevent Sexton Hardcastle from making his count, as the veteran is quick to pull Toxxic back up to his feet. He effortlessly doubles the wheezing rookie over... then locks in a double underhook. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Comet, you had to go and say it didn’t you!?” Riley accuses as the fans in the arena start to buzz. They know what Kibagami is trying for. But of course, Toxxic does too. And as Kibagami starts to lift he desperately shuffles his feet and manages to hook them around the second rope, preventing the River Dragon from bringing him vertical. Blocked, Kibagami ceases his efforts, and Toxxic twines his legs more thoroughly into the ropes. With the attitude that it can’t hurt to try again Nathaniel makes another effort at hoisting Toxxic up for the Demonstar, but he is once more prevented by Toxxic’s desperate struggles. Kibagami lowers Toxxic again and seems at a loss for a moment - then he swiftly changes the double underhook for a front facelock and hammerlock combination, falls backwards... *BANG!!* ...and drops Toxxic on his head with a hammerlock DDT! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “And that’s just superb wrestling from the man they call the Silent One,” Comet applauds, “countering his opponent’s counters with elegant ease. Toxxic’s brief offensive flurry has been extinguished, and it’s becoming obvious that he has no hope of outwrestling Kibagami.” ‘ONE!’ “Unfortunately, I think you may be right,” Riley reluctantly agrees as Kibagami gets to his feet, waiting to see what sort of impact he has had. “Toxxic needs to stick to a hit-and-run strategy, at least until he’s worn the big lump out a bit.” ‘TWO!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “But Robert, Citizen Nathaniel’s gameplan has to be making sure that he dictates the pace; Toxxic may not get the chance hit and run!” Comet counters. “I find your lack of faith disturbing...” Riley mutters, wheezing into the microphone like James Earl Jones with asthma. ‘THREE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic starts to stir on the canvas, pushing himself up. ‘FO-’ And before Sexton Hardcastle can continue his count further Kibagami drops down, grabbing the straight-edger’s left arm and leaning back, trying to hyperextend the elbow with a Fujiwara armbar! Toxxic yells out in pain and grabs the ropes... but of course to no avail, as Hardcastle can do nothing except tell Kibagami to break the hold, and the River Dragon for some reason does not seem to feel inclined to heed the official. “Pointless,” Riley declares. “This match doesn’t feature submissions; Kibagami might as well just let go!” “Ah, but if he weakens Toxxic’s arm now then Citizen Kibagami removes some of his opponent’s arsenal, and with no-DQ in effect Toxxic cannot break the hold by reaching the ropes,” Comet replies superciliously. “It’s just a means to an end, Robert.” “Shut up, you’ll only encourage him!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic grimaces in pain as Kibagami wrenches back on his trapped limb, but there is no easy way out. Quickly the straight-edger runs over his options, and takes the only course of action open to him. He starts pulling with his right arm, trying to get further into the ropes, and swings his legs over the ring apron to give himself some more leverage. Kibagami is a heavy man and Toxxic’s left arm doesn’t want to follow his body, but gradually the man from Nottingham manages to get his legs down to touch the arena floor, the starts hauling his torso out as well. Kibagami fights to stop him, but after a few seconds of effort Toxxic is able to twist his upper body so that the River Dragon is no longer putting pressure on his elbow and- *WHAP!* -reaches through the ropes to punch Kibagami in the face! Kibagami releases his now-useless hold and rolls away, but Toxxic wastes no time in shaking his arm out. Instead the straight-edger jumps back up to the apron, takes hold of the top rope in both hands, vaults upwards and- *WHAM!!* -takes the rising Kibagami down with a springboard spinning heelkick! Toxxic rolls through the move, coming smoothly to his feet again, and pounces on Kibagami’s right arm in his turn. The Slaughterer tries to shake him off but is only on one knee and doesn’t have full manoeuvrability, and Toxxic twists the River Dragon’s limb over his head in an armwringer. Kibagami comes to his feet, trying to alleviate the pain, but Toxxic holds on. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Payback is a bitch, eh Comet?” Riley gloats as the straight-edger doggedly maintains his hold on the veteran. “Toxxic is going to pick Kibagami apart a piece at a time, starting with that arm!” “Fine, Robert,” Comet replies, “as long as you realise that the moment Toxxic makes a mistake he’ll drop faster than Amy Craven’s underwear.” Kibagami is trying to reach the ropes, more from force of habit that anything else although should he manage it he will be able to pull the same trick that Toxxic did. But the Brit is aware of the risk, and as the River Dragon makes another lunge he times his movements against his opponent’s shifting weight, then makes a run for the turnbuckle. Kibagami is forced to follow, and for a second Toxxic runs straight upwards. Then he dives back through the air, maintaining his grip... *WHAM!!* ...and CRUSHES Kibagami’s arm beneath a flying legdrop! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami grunts in pain as his bicep is mangled, but even after the impact Toxxic keeps hold of the River Dragon’s wrist. The straight-edger rises to his feet and makes sure to keep the pressure on his opponent’s shoulder and arm, then abruptly drops and spins, wrenching Kibagami’s arm still further! This time Kibagami’s strangled yell is audible as his shoulder protests against such treatment, but before he can capitalise on the release of his arm Toxxic straddles him in a standing back mount position and grabs the Slaughterer’s thick black ponytail, hauling upwards to get Kibagami to stand. “Is there any need for that?” Comet asks with distaste. “You have no idea...” Riley replies with relish. Kibagami can do little except come to his feet, but the moment he achieves a vertical base Toxxic wrenches back on his hair and slaps a reverse headlock on. It looks like the rookie may be about to go for the Detoxx, but it quickly becomes academic as Kibagami reaches up and back and claws at Toxxic’s eyes! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “CRIMINAL!” Riley bellows, so outraged that he inadvertently uses one of Comet’s phrases. “LEGAL!” Comet roars back, clearly enjoying himself. And as Toxxic staggers back, releasing his grip and wiping at his face, Kibagami straightens, turns, and approaches. *CRACK!!* A kick to the left arm, causing Toxxic to wince as the pain inflicted by the Fujiwara armbar flares up. *CRACK!!* Another, but this one glances off Toxxic’s knuckles as he shields the arm with his right hand. He tries to back away, but- *CRACK!!* -Kibagami fires off one to the stomach, doubling Toxxic over. And Kibagami underhooks both his opponent’s arms, and tries to lift once more. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” But Toxxic struggles, and Kibagami can’t quite get the grip he needs to complete the Demonstar. Annoyed, the River Dragon tries to readjust - and Toxxic’s left arm just manages to squirm away from the grip of Kibagami’s right one, the damage caused earlier lowering the Slaughterer’s control over the limb by the crucial amount. Before Kibagami can react Toxxic has twisted away, then the straight-edger grabs Kibagami’s right wrist and ducks behind him, bringing the arm up in a hammerlock! “A close call for Toxxic there,” Comet says, sounding disappointed at Kibagami’s lack of success. “That’s twice he has barely managed to escape the Demonstar Driver-” “-but excape he has!” Riley interjects. “Personally Comet, I think the fact that the Toxxic Shock Syndrome and the Demonstar Driver have such similar setups will mean that both men will be very aware of the possible counters to them, forcing them to rely on other moves!” “...since when did you become Mr Analyst?” Comet asks in surprise, looking at his partner. “Since I wanted to make it clear that Toxxic will win because, unlike Kibagami, he doesn’t rely on that one damn move!” Riley snorts. Kibagami tries reaching backwards with his left hand, but a man of his build was never going to be all that flexible and Toxxic takes great care to stay back. The straight-edger wrenches the right arm up once more - then releases it, and reaches forward to wrap both hands around Kibagami’s forehead from behind. Nathaniel raises his hands to his head to try and prevent it, but he is too late... *BANG!!* “Underkill!” Riley shouts as Toxxic sits out and the back of Kibagami’s head bounces off the canvas. “Come on Sexton, do your job!” ‘ONE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic gets back to his feet and backs away from Kibagami. ‘TWO!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The look on the straight-edger’s face hasn’t changed. He still radiates the same bleak concentration as he stares down at his opponent’s body. ‘THREE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami starts to stir on the mat, groggily shaking his head from side to side. If this had been a regular match and Toxxic had gone for a pin then the River Dragon’s instincts would probably have made him kick out, but in this situation a wrestler is slower to rise. For some reason, the body is unwilling to get back up to face more pain when it would be oh so easier to stay down... but Kibagami doesn’t think like that. ‘FOUR!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami likes pain no more than the next man; but he can deal with it, and he can work through it. And as Kibagami starts to push himself up off one knee, the death’s head smile splits his face. ‘FI-!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Each and every time he feels it, Kibagami knows that he is alive. *WHAM!* Darting in, Toxxic nails the River Dragon with a European Uppercut. *WHAM!* It appears that Toxxic wants Kibagami to feel very alive, and Kibagami staggers back to the corner under the renewed onslaught. Toxxic grabs his opponent’s right wrist and goes for an Irish whip... but the impetus is fairly weak, and Kibagami has no trouble in reversing it and sending Toxxic towards the opposite turnbuckles instead. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” But this is exactly what Toxxic was counting on, and as he reaches the far corner he vaults up to the top rope, then comes flying back at Kibagami with the diving clothesline known as the Role Reversal... ...and Kibagami ducks! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The River Dragon drops to the deck and Toxxic goes sailing overhead, but even as he realises he has missed his target Toxxic is readjusting, and he lands rolling. The momentum carries him upright almost back in the corner they started from, and Toxxic vaults up and backwards again without pause, praying to the God he doesn’t believe in that this time Kibagami will oblige him and be where he’s supposed to be... *CRASH!!* ...and for once in his life, Kibagami co-operates. Unable to track his speedier opponent, Nathaniel had time to get back to his feet and turn around, but not to take evasive action. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” For a second the two men lie on their backs, adjacent on the canvas. Hardcastle starts the count... ‘ONE!’ ...and Toxxic’s legs curl up almost under his chin. They stay there for a moment, like a coiled spring - then abruptly, he kips up! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” “Yes!” Riley yells. “He’s back! The Straight-Edge Sensation is back, Comet!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘TWO!’ Toxxic stands in the centre of the ring, head down, arms by his sides. As Kibagami starts to move on the mat the straight-edger appears to be drinking in the atmosphere, hostile or not. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The steel-grey eyes snap open, and they’re not dead anymore. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘THREE!’ And the right side of Toxxic’s mouth quirks upwards in the well-remembered trademark cocky grin, the grin that hasn’t been seen since Toxxic fell victim to the Demonstar Driver. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic knows he can take this match now. ‘FOU-’ Turning, the Straight-Edge Sensation starts raining right hands down onto Kibagami as the River Dragon struggles up to his feet. The continuous hammering blows drive Kibagami back onto the ropes, and before the former Clansman can mount an effective comeback Toxxic has Irish-whipped him towards the far cables. This time Kibagami doesn’t reverse the move and hits the ropes, then rebounds back... and Toxxic sidesteps him and snares him in a reverse headlock as he passes. The straight-edger holds Kibagami there for a second, then drops to one knee and drives the other into the back of the River Dragon’s neck. Before that movement has even fully finished the rookie pops back up again, then twists around and completes the Detoxx, by driving Kibagami’s jaw into the mat with a Diamond Cutter! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The crowd continues its chanting, but Toxxic is on a roll and won’t let anything distract him. He ducks through the ring ropes and stands on the apron, then takes hold of the top cable and raises three fingers above his head. The Illinois Heel Section sit up and take notice as Toxxic vaults up to the top rope... ‘MONDO!’ ...to the top turnbuckle... ‘AKMBO!’ ...MOONSAULT! ‘A-GO-GO!’ *WHAM!!* “The Mondo Akimbo A-Go-Go moonsault!” Comet gasps. “Could that be enough to keep Kibagami down?” Toxxic rolls backwards off Kibagami’s body, clutching his ribs. His breath is coming short from the impact, but the grin is still in place as he watches Hardcastle raise his arms for the first count... ‘ONE!’ Toxxic pushes himself back to his feet, eyes still fixed on Kibagami. He knows the River Dragon well enough by now to suspect that it will take far more than this to achieve victory, but it will be worth seeing how long this keeps his opponent down for... ‘TWO!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘THREE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami’s breathing is laboured, the 218lb impact having jolted the air from his lungs. ‘FOUR!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” And Kibagami starts to stir. The River Dragon rolls onto his side, plants one hand on the mat, and begins to push. ‘FIVE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic’s eyes narrow as the volume of the chants increase, but Nathaniel is back up to one knee now, and although still breathing slightly heavily he is fully ready to continue. Toxxic slips out through the ropes again... ‘SI-’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami is up once more; the impact to the solar plexus, although hard, has not continued the headwork that Toxxic had been setting in motion and trying to take Nathaniel apart piecemeal is a venture doomed to failure. Kibagami slips into a fighting stance and turns, searching for his elusive opponent, but doesn’t see until too late the shape that springboards off the top rope at him, wrapping its legs around his head for the hurricanrana. Toxxic leans back, seeking to bring the Slaughterer over and send him skidding across the ring on that weak neck... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ...but Silent manages to halt the Straight-Edge Sensation’s momentum. And he reaches down and hooks both arms behind Toxxic’s back. “Demonstar!” Comet cries in exultation. “He’s got it hooked!” Toxxic has tasted this before however, arising from a similar situation, and this time he has a plan. Instead of vainly continuing his attempt to bring the River Dragon over, Toxxic simply kicks out with his legs and falls backwards, seeking to flip out of the move - but with almost inhuman strength Nathaniel blocks it! The River Dragon’s face turns a bright red, but he locks his arms and wrenches Toxxic’s body back up before the straight-edger’s feet can touch the ground, looking to reposition his opponent in the sheer-drop situation for the Demonstar... ...but when Toxxic’s feet come back up, they are no longer a head’s width apart but clenched together. And they smash straight into Kibagami’s face. *CRACK!!* The crowd emits a gasp as the River Dragon staggers backwards from the force of the blow... but amazingly doesn’t let go. Desperately, Toxxic lashes out once more- *CRACK!!* -and this time Kibagami is forced to release his hold, raising both hands to his face as the force of the kick flips Toxxic backwards and the rookie lands lightly on his feet. Kibagami is still reeling, the brief shot the camera gets of his face beneath the hands indicating what looks like a broken nose... and Toxxic attacks. BITCHSLAP! BITCHSLAP! Pelvic Thrust!? DISCUS CLOTHESLINE!! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” “COCKTAIL O’ SHAME, ON THE ROCKS!” Bobby Riley yells in disbelieving delight as both men hit the canvas. “You show him, Toxxic!” “Why, Robert, why!?” Comet splutters. “Why would Toxxic use Edwin’s move!?” “Two reasons,” Riley informs his partner. “One; because everyone knows the history between Silent and Edwin, and Toxxic knows that this will get in Kibagami’s head.” “...and the other reason?” Comet prompts. “Because he can.” Toxxic pushes himself back up as the jeers of the Illinois faithful ring down around his ears. His right arm hurts a bit from where it met the wall-like chest of Kibagami but the River Dragon is still on his back on the mat, a thin trickle of blood emerging from his right nostril. Grinning, the Straight-Edge Sensation scrambles over to the nearest turnbuckle and twirls his fingers over his head in the universal symbol for ‘High Risk’. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Toxxic’s heading for the top rope again, and he’s probably looking for the Hangover!” Riley says, presumably informing the viewers who aren’t paying attention. “You have to admit Comet, now that Toxxic has started picking the pace up and wrestling the match his way things are looking far better for him!” “I’ll admit that Citizen Toxxic has the upper hand for the moment,” Comet concedes, “but you shouldn’t count Kibagami out yet!” ‘ONE!’ Sexton Hardcastle is doing just that however, as Toxxic starts to climb to the top rope. The sold-out crowd refuses to give up hope, and continues supporting the River Dragon... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘TW-’ Whoops. Toxxic looks up as Hardcastle’s count cuts off just as he balances on the top buckle. To his horror the rookie sees Nathaniel Kibagami on his feet, staring up at him, more or less unfazed by the clothesline... but even as their eyes meet, Kibagami dashes sideways and hits the ropes- “OOOOHHHH!” -crotching Toxxic on the top buckle! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The Slaughterer stalks towards Toxxic as the rookie’s eyes bulge, desperately trying to prevent himself from toppling sideways after his unexpected testicular trauma. Kibagami studies him for a second, like a man examining a rare but unpleasant insect... then he reaches up with his right hand and- BITCHSLAP... BITCHSLAP... ...Kibagami doesn’t bother with the pelvic thrusts, but instead places both hands on the top rope and springboards up off the second, his powerful legs augmenting the boost from the cable and allowing him to rise up... ...Up... ...UP... [“What elevation!” Comet cries] *KERR-ACCKK!!* ...and deliver the MOTHER of all springboard gamengiri’s to the side of Toxxic’s head! Kibagami falls back and lands on his chest, but the force of the blow sends Toxxic toppling from his precarious perch, down to the mats on the arena floor! “RAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Riley screams at the figure of Nathaniel Kibagami in the ring. “Are you trying to kill him?” “Robert, don’t ask questions to which you may not wish to know the answer...” Comet advises his broadcast partner. ‘ONE!’ “Why are you counting, Hardcastle!?” Riley demands of the referee as he incurs the colour commentator’s ire in his turn. “Can’t you see the man is hurt!?” “Someday Robert, I may get around to explaining the concept of a Last Man Standing match to you,” Comet informs his colleague as a second viewpoint comes up on the screen, pushing the main picture to one side. “Until then, let’s check the replays to see exactly how Toxxic landed...”
  17. Well, I'd be intrigued to see how many of your posts in the last six months or more have been anything other than "I can mark" or "insert rant/snide comment against Toxxic in some form".
  18. You do realise that the fact you're obsessed with me (albeit in a negative way) isn't helping the size of my ego any, don't you? You appear to do nothing in the SWF these days except mark the occasional match and hang around to lay into any post I make, so I'm clearly fairly important to you. I just wish you'd come back and be active, since you're a great match writer and able to handle great yet subtle character dynamics in promos. Far better than me, I might add.
  19. ...to have a go at me? Yes, apparently so.
  20. Really? I'd have thought it seemed the obvious follow-up, given that Kibagami posted his to show how Last Man Standing became the 'marquee' match, and this was the second one he was involved in over two concescutive Pay-Per-Views.
  21. Toxxic

    PROMO: A long way to the top

    Don't call him Pope Flesher. The man already wants to be President, being Pope as well is surely pushing it. In other news, this is a good promo, and Fulminatus is certainly an interesting character. King Kong died for your sins, indeed.
  22. SWF REPLAY! The camera from out on the ring floor shows the events in slow motion - Kibagami springs slowly upwards, swinging his right foot around in the arc that will inevitably connect with Toxxic’s temple. The impact knocks the straight-edger’s head sideways, giving his body the appearance of a rag doll, and Toxxic starts to fall. Kibagami has landed on the mat before Toxxic has even fully fallen off the turnbuckle, but the rookie plummets down... *WHAM!!* ...and lands, fortunately for him, more or less back-first on the protective mats no more than five feet away from the obviously startled cameraman. SWF REPLAY! The replay frame pulls back and the main picture shows Toxxic virtually motionless on the floor with Jet beside him, anxiously patting his face and talking urgently to him. In the ring Nathaniel Kibagami finishes standing up... ‘THREE!’ Hardcastle bellows, having gone past ‘two’ whilst the replay was going on. ...and Kibagami stretches his arms out, making his crucifix pose to the fans. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Well Robert, with that one move Citizen Kibagami may have won the match,” Comet declares. “Toxxic is a persistent man, Zeus knows, but a fall of that nature may well have made Sexton Hardcastle’s count academic.” ‘FOUR!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “That’s all you know,” Riley protests, but an edge of worry is still present in his voice. “Toxxic is going to get back up from this and kick Kibagami’s backside all over Illinois!” ‘FIVE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Then I suggest he start doing it soon,” Comet tells his partner. ‘SIX!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The chant of that one name fills the arena, echoing back from the roof and being picked up by the ring mics, blasting out into millions of homes across the globe. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘SEVEN!’ Kibagami stares out at the crowd, his crowd. He was the World Champion recently and they loved him then, but now it is clear to him that the respect was not simply because he was recognised as the greatest wrestler in the SWF - it was because of who he is. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” He is Nathaniel Kibagami. He is the River Dragon. And whenever he steps into the ring he is home, in a way that most wrestlers can never be. ‘EI-’ Kibagami’s head snaps around. Sure enough, out on the arena floor, Toxxic has staggered to his feet. Hardcastle motions at Jet to move away, to make sure that the straight-edger is standing unaided... and he is. Head tilted to one side, breathing hard, Toxxic stares up at his opponent. In a motion that makes him stagger half a step forwards and to the right, Toxxic jabs his right hand up with the first two fingers extended in the classic British ‘V’ sign - and Kibagami has seen enough. The River Dragon ducks under the top rope and drops out to the floor, making straight for the unrepentant rookie. Toxxic shakily turns to face him and Kibagami draws back his right arm across his body, ready to unleash a knife-edge chop as he moves in... *CRACK!!* “WHOOO!” ...and succeeds, the blow staggering Toxxic back a couple of steps! Encouraged, Kibagami follows up, winding up for another one... *CRACK!!* “WHOOO!” ...and hits that one too! Toxxic stumbles onto the guard rail, and as the Illinois fans yell in approval Kibagami chops the Brit once- *CRACK!!* “WHOOO!” -then continues his spin to hit another! *CRACK!!* “WHOOO!” Kibagami hauls his opponent up, threads his arm behind Toxxic’s neck and hooks their legs together. A Russian leg sweep onto the guard rail would be good, but Kibagami’s own neck would be unlikely to take the impact without protesting, so the River Dragon adjusts his stance slightly- *WHAM!!* -and drops Toxxic backfirst onto the mats instead! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘ONE!’ Hardcastle yells from the ring as Kibagami pushes himself up again. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘TWO!’ “Well Robert, the Slaughterer is in complete control here,” Comet announces. “If I were a betting superhero, which I’m not, I’d put my money on Nathaniel Kibagami.” “If I was a malicious and vindictive colour commentator,” Riley replies, “I’d put money on Nathaniel Kibagami’s head.” ‘THREE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “But you’re not?” Comet hopefully asks his partner. “Don’t ask questions to which you may not want to know the answer...” Riley mutters darkly. ‘FOUR!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘FIVE!’ Kibagami looks about him. Hovering behind the ringpost at the other side of the squared circle is Jet, and the River Dragon makes a mental note to keep an eye on her. Toxxic may have this thing about doing stuff himself, but it is no-DQ after all, she may decide to take matters into her own hands and she certainly showed no hesitation in going for him the night Zenon suspended him, even if he did brush her off easily... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘SIX!’ Another movement catches Kibagami’s eye - and he looks back to see that Toxxic is struggling up. The rookie is on one knee, but he places one black-nailed hand on it and uses the boost to push himself upright... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘SEVE-’ *CRACK!!* ...and before he can even find his feet, Kibagami fires a snap kick into the rookie’s ribs and drops him back down to that knee again! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The River Dragon grabs the edge of the nearest protective mat and starts to peel it back while Toxxic struggles for breath beside him. The cold concrete of the arena floor is exposed, and Kibagami reaches inside his boot. Now, he knows he brought it with him... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The River Dragon pulls a cylindrical white object out, roughly the length of his hand. He bends down, takes the lid off the marker... and makes a black ‘X’ on the concrete. “RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “NO!” Riley screams as the implications of Nathaniel’s actions become apparent. “Comet, you’ve got those damn superpowers - surely you know this is wrong, surely you can do something!?” “Robert, even if I could... I’m not sure I’d want to,” Comet tells him. “I think we’re about to see JUSTICE IN ACTION~!” Kibagami throws the marker away and grabs Toxxic by the hair, hauling the straight-edger into position - but Toxxic’s dazed eyes focus on the ‘X’ and recognise it for what it is. With only moments until his spine is compressed by a Demonstar on concrete, Toxxic reacts in the only possible way, dropping to his knees in front of his opponent and... *CHING!!* “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The Illinois crowd don’t seem to be any more fond of lowblows than they are of thumbs in the eye, but at the moment Toxxic couldn’t care less. Kibagami bends double, and as he does so Toxxic staggers up again, grabs his head and- *CRUNCH!!* -slams it facefirst into his knee before- *WHAM!!* -delivering the DDT that finishes the Sobering Thought, with Nathaniel’s head bouncing off the concrete! “IRONY IN ACTION~!” Riley yells jubilantly, leaping to his feet. “Comet, the nefarious villain was hoisted with his own petard!” “I’ll hoist your petard if you don’t sit down,” Cyclone Comet mutters, uncomfortably aware that with Riley using long words and archaic phrases it’s now his job to carry the double-entendres. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami rolls onto his back, blood running down his forehead from where the impact on the concrete busted him open and serving as a gruesome counterpoint to the blood that has already come from his nose. Toxxic can’t seem to summon the effort to rise either, and Sexton Hardcastle dutifully begins his count. ‘ONE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘TWO!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘THREE!’ Toxxic takes a deep breath and starts to push himself up, grabbing the ring apron to help him. There’s no point escaping spinal damage if you’re going to just lie there... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘FOUR!’ Toxxic makes his feet, takes hold of the bottom rope to steady himself and looks around. Nathaniel Kibagami is still on the floor and- “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” -starting to get up. ‘FIVE!’ The camera giving the TV audience a close-up of the rookie’s face clearly depicts Toxxic saying “Shit” before he turns and staggers away towards the announcer’s desks. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘SIX!’ Hardcastle’s count continues, but Kibagami is nearly up now. The veteran wastes a second wiping his forehead and frowning at his bloody fingers in some confusion, then plants his right foot firmly and pushes, rising up once more like some denizen of the depths to terrify sailors. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘SEVE-’ With his own blood starting to trickle down his cheeks the River Dragon turns- *KERR-ACK!!* -into not one but two chairs, held one in each hand and swung by Toxxic to impact simultaneously on Kibagami’s temples! Toxxic yells out “You know when you’ve been Tango’d!” as Nathaniel staggers backwards, head ringing... but the veteran ends up backed up against the ring, and doesn’t quite fall. Toxxic slides both of his weapons in under the bottom rope, then grabs Kibagami and shoves him in after them. The River Dragon rolls into the ring and stops, nearly a deadweight, but as Toxxic scoots in after him he knows that the Slaughterer won’t stay down for the ten-count - yet. So the Straight-Edge Sensation ignores Hardcastle’s protests and starts to hoist Kibagami up. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” After a few seconds the River Dragon is upright, and Toxxic twists his right arm between the first and second ropes in a kind of bizarre, sadistic cat’s cradle. With one appendage trapped Toxxic quickly moves to the other, then when Kibagami is trussed to his satisfaction he moves away, pausing briefly to set up one of the chairs in the middle of the ring. “Comet, I hope that Kibagami had a light lunch,” Riley comments as Toxxic backs up against the far ropes and takes a couple of deep breaths. “Why?” Comet asks apprehensively. “Because British Airways is about to take off,” Riley answers, growing more excited with every word, “and it’s time” he continues as Toxxic starts to run across the ring “for the In-Flight Meal!” Toxxic vaults off the chair in the middle of the ring, brings his feet up and dropkicks the other chair forwards- [/b][/b]*CRACK!!*[/b][/b] -right into Kibagami’s face! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The impact of the In-Flight Meal snaps the River Dragon’s head back, unsupported as it is, and nearly jars him loose from his trap. The legs that had been half-supporting his weight crumple and Kibagami drops down until, with his hands still trapped above his head and the now-increased blood flow from his forehead, he looks like a prisoner in a strange set of manacles, on show in a public dungeon. Sexton Hardcastle instinctively rescues the River Dragon from his predicament, untwisting the ropes until Kibagami slumps down to the canvas - then remembers the stipulation that’s involved, and begins counting. ‘ONE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘TWO!’ “The question is now, how much does either man have left?” Comet asks a trifle shakily. “It’s true that Kibagami is in a bad way, but what energy did Toxxic have to expend to launch that devastating attack?” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘THREE!’ “However much it took, it’s been worthwhile,” Riley answers with satisfaction. “This match is OVER Comet. FINISHED.” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘FOUR!’ Toxxic starts to push himself up again. It’s been a long, long time since he’s felt this rough during a match - oh, when he regained consciousness after he’d taken the Demonstar Driver he felt bad alright; and the Gravedigger through the table at Battleground; and he wasn’t exactly in good shape for ladder the match with Janus either, but then again the blame for that can be laid at Kibagami’s door - in fact, you’d probably have to go back to the 200 Lightube match with Aecas at From The Fire to find the last time he felt this beat-up. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘FIVE!’ Shakily, Toxxic grabs a nearby ringrope and regains his feet. Kibagami hasn’t moved yet. For a moment the straight-edger wonders if he might have managed to knock the River Dragon unconscious. Probably too good to be true, but- “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘SIX!’ -Kibagami is moving. Slowly, with each spurt of action looking uncoordinated and as if it is causing great pain to its originator, Nathaniel’s arms begin to feel their way out at his sides. They brace, they push... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘SEVEN!’ ...they tremble, and the efforts ceases. Toxxic breathes again, letting out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” And the arms tense again. ‘EIGHT!’ And this time, they start to push. The torso starts to rise. One knee comes forward to take the weight, then the other foot is drawn up in preparation of standing. The camera feed cuts to a frontal shot - Kibagami’s long black hair is escaping the ponytail and hanging over his face, but a couple of drops of blood can be seen falling to the canvas. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘NIIIIIIIIIIINE...’ Toxxic watches with his heart in his mouth. For a moment he still has hope, but then the awful reality starts to sink in. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami is going to beat the count. ‘TEEEE-’ Kibagami is up. *CRACK!!* Not for long. “Merciful Zeus, what more do you want!?” Comet yells as Toxxic grabs a chair and waffles Kibagami over the back with it. “He wants him to not stand up,” Riley replies simply. “That’s all Kibagami has to do. Just stay down.” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” But it is far, far easier for Bobby Riley to say that than it is for Kibagami to do it. Virtually every piece of offence Toxxic has thrown at him has targeted the head, and Nathaniel is not thinking clearly. It is pure instinct and ring knowledge that keeps him aware of where he is and what the situation is. Kibagami isn’t thinking about winning at the moment, but he knows that unless he keeps getting up he is going to lose. ‘ONE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” And he can’t let that happen. ‘TWO!’ Toxxic looks down at Kibagami, and he knows that the River Dragon will get up again. It slowly starts to dawn on the Straight-Edge Sensation exactly what he has got himself into here. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘THREE!’ But Toxxic is just as stubborn as Kibagami, and is filled with a potent mixture of anger at his opponent, a burning desire to prove himself and a gut-wrenching fear of being shown up. So in a confrontation where the enemy has weathered all he has thrown at him so far, Toxxic knows it’s time to raise the stakes. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” He kicks the standing chair out of the way and drops the folded one behind him in the dead centre of the ring. ‘FOUR!’ Kibagami is starting to rise again, and Toxxic crouches slightly. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘FIVE!’ The Straight-Edge Sensation raises his right hand as if holding something, appears to pull a ring-pull with his left, then raises the imaginary can and takes a swig. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Caffeine Bomb!” Comet gasps. “Toxxic just signalled for the Caffeine Bomb, the move that beat Kibagami in their first meeting!” ‘SI-’ Nathaniel Kibagami is on his feet, albeit not by much. He wobbles around to face Toxxic, and the straight-edger doubles him over with a quick kick to the stomach before slapping on a front facelock. Determinedly, Toxxic takes a couple of steps backwards, pulling Kibagami after him until they are standing one of each side of the steel chair. He leans down, hooks Kibagami’s right leg from the inside and lifts... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ...but just as in the first match, Kibagami is just a little too heavy for the Brit to get up. Eyes bulging, Toxxic tries again... but he simply doesn’t have the physical strength to do it, especially after such a gruelling match. And as he stands there panting, Kibagami makes his move. *CHING!!* “RRRRAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!” “Is that any way for a so-called Emissary of Justice to behave!?” Riley yells at Comet as Toxxic’s knees buckle. “You’ve hired a thug, pure and simple!” “Robert, I don’t hire anyone,” Comet retorts. “People are drawn to the cause through their own hearts!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami stands woozily in the middle of the ring, trying to sort his brain out. The reaction was instinctive, but he seems to be drawing a blank on what to do next. Then he looks up and sees the rage mixed with pain in Toxxic’s eyes, and comprehension dawns. Ah yes... ...but the few seconds’ gap gave Toxxic just enough time to partially master his own intense pain, and the straight-edger swings a wild a right hand. Kibagami manages to duck the blow, the momentum carries the unbalanced rookie around in a half-circle- -and Kibagami grabs him, tucks his head under Toxxic arm and hoists his opponent into the air. “Rough Redemption!” Comet bellows. “This is it!” As Toxxic reaches the apex of his trajectory more of Kibagami’s instincts kick in, his muscles moving through long-remembered patterns to twist the rookie around and send him spinning down backfirst as Kibagami falls forwards. His head goes pointing away from Kibagami’s body, the legs swing around... ...and the legs abruptly lock around the River Dragon’s neck, and Toxxic jacknifes his body to bring Kibagami over in a hurricanrana! *BANG!!* “Yes!!” Riley yells in delight. “What a counter! Comet, no matter what you throw at Toxxic this man will always come out on top!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The chant rises again in the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre, but Kibagami does not rise so fast. The impact was not as bad as it could have been - on the back of the neck and the shoulders rather than the top of the head - but it’s more than enough to be going on with. ‘ONE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Both men are down, but both are stirring. Toxxic is recovering from the ballshot and has taken less punishment than his larger opponent, but every moment Kibagami has where he is not being hit in the head gives the River Dragon a chance to regroup. ‘TWO!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Illinois hasn’t got tired of chanting yet, and as long as they chant Nathaniel Kibagami seems to have the strength to keep getting up. The River Dragon pushes on the canvas and pulls at the ringropes that he has ended up next to, trying to rise back to his feet. Behind him and out of sight, Toxxic is doing the same in the middle of the ring. ‘THREE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Each man gets to one knee. The first one to get all the way up will have an undeniable advantage, but it’s just a case of who gets there first. ‘FO-’ Hardcastle stops his count as both men reach a vertical base and turn, looking for their opponent. Kibagami lunges forward... ...and Toxxic bends slightly at the knees before taking the onrushing River Dragon up onto his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry! “No...” Comet breathes. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The weight almost causes Toxxic’s knees to buckle, but the straight-edger manages to remain upright. Then he turns and takes one step towards the chair that waits in the centre of the ring. Another step. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The crowd are chanting for all they’re worth, but at the moment Kibagami can do nothing and Toxxic isn’t listening. He reaches up and hooks Kibagami’s right leg while his right arm takes a firm grip around the Slaughterer’s head. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic is going to teach Nathaniel Kibagami the lesson that Edwin MacPhisto should have taught him a long time ago. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” You don’t fuck with a Brit. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The Straight-Edge Sensation takes a deep breath, holds it... then bucks his knees slightly and whirls his shoulders, literally throwing Kibagami off and sitting out, bringing him down... ... ... ...Down... ... ... ...DOWN... ... ... *BAM!!* ...onto the steel chair. And the crowd, appropriately enough, fall Silent. ‘ONE!’ Toxxic slumps backwards from his sitting position, apparently totally exhausted by his last move. The two men lay on the canvas, each facing up as if caught making snow angels; only the blood flowing from the wound in Kibagami’s forehead gives the lie to the serene situation. ‘TWO!’ “Citizens, I think it’s just a matter of time now,” Comet says soberly, “and that time is as long as it’s going to take referee Hardcastle to reach ‘Ten’. I cannot see Nathaniel Kibagami getting up after the Caffeine Bomb onto a steel chair; not after he’s taken so much punishment.” ‘THREE!’ “Comet, I was never in any doubt,” Riley claims, lying through his teeth. “The Straight-Edge Sensation has slain the River Dragon, and maybe now he can take his rightful place in the main event!” ‘FOUR!’ Toxxic rolls over onto his side and begins to push himself up. His work here is done; all he needs to do is get to his feet and surely, surely he will have beaten Kibagami. ‘FIVE!’ The crowd are hushed inside the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre. There is a faint buzz of words exchanged, but no-one seems to want to break the quiet. There isn’t even a ‘Toxxic sucks!’ chant as the straight-edger reaches a vertical base, and Toxxic grins. He’s managed to silence them. ‘SIX!’ Sexton Hardcastle bellows out another number and looks down with regret at the form of Nathaniel Kibagami. The blood from the wound on his forehead has spread over his face and has left spatters over the ring floor. And as Hardcastle looks down, Kibagami’s eyes flutter open. The River Dragon blinks, seemingly unaware of his surroundings - then conviction returns to his expression. ‘SEVEN!’ Slowly, oh so slowly, Kibagami starts to sit up. He supports himself with his arms, forcing himself up. The crowd start to buzz a little louder, but no-one seems to want to start chanting again in case they distract the River Dragon from an activity that is evidently consuming all his energy. Across the ring, Toxxic’s face has gone white. ‘EIGHT!’ Kibagami is sitting up. Quite how, he’s not sure - but deep in the back of his brain is the notion that he should make Toxxic work harder than this for a victory over him. He is Nathaniel Kibagami. He is the River Dragon. And he is not staying down. “Comet... how is he doing this?” Riley whispers like a man in a vestry. “I thought he’d given up the painkillers! You said he was clean!” “Robert, as far as I know he is,” Comet confirms. “Citizen Kibagami is simply a living, breathing example of how far Justice can inspire one man.” ‘NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE...’ Even as the syllable leaves Hardcastle’s mouth, Kibagami is pushing himself up. The Illinois crowd are starting to cheer - there are no words, simply uncomplicated emotion and approval made audible. The fans watch Kibagami struggle upwards, willing him to beat the count- -and before he can, Toxxic barrels into the back of the River Dragon and drops him with a forearm shot to the back of the head, stopping the count but putting Kibagami back down again. “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” “Toxxic may have miscalculated!” Comet cries in surprise. “Citizen Kibagami might not have made it up before the ten-count, but in his desire to retain the psychological upper hand Toxxic felt he had to knock him down. The question now is; with the Caffeine Bomb having failed and the Toxxic Shock Syndrome too easily open to counters, what has the rookie got left?” “I don’t know,” Riley replies through the remnants of his fingernails. “I honestly don’t know...” The same question seems to have occurred to Toxxic. The British cruiserweight stands looking down at the prostrate Kibagami, apparently wondering what else he can do to the man. A couple of seconds pass... and in the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre a now-familiar chant starts to rise again. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic’s head snaps up, and the grey eyes focus on the Illinois crowd. ‘ONE!’ Toxxic reaches down and rolls Kibagami over onto his back, then heads for the nearest turnbuckle. Once more he twirls his fingers over his head to signify that he’s going High Risk, and the Straight-Edge Sensation starts to ascend. “Is this wise?” Comet asks. “The last time Toxxic went for the Hangover he ended up in a decidedly compromising situation - surely he’d be better off on the ground?” “Sometimes you have to take risks to win,” Riley states simply. “One more good move could finish Kibagami off!” ‘TWO!’ Hardcastle continues to count even though he knows what Toxxic’s intentions are. Kibagami still hasn’t moved. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘THREE!’ Toxxic reaches the top rope, facing into the ring. He cracks his neck from side-to-side, then raises his arms above his head prior to snapping them forward to give him more momentum on the rotation. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” There are only two moves in the SWF that have led to a pinfall on Toxxic. One of them is the Demonstar Driver. The other... ...Toxxic dives off the top rope, somersaulting forwards through the air. Instead of landing a leg across Kibagami’s throat with the Hangover however, he continues the rotation through 450 degrees, coming down HARD- *WHAM!!* -on Kibagami’s knees!? “RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Unbelievable!” Comet yells as the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre ERUPTS! “Toxxic went for Alan Clark’s ‘Encore’ splash, but Kibagami got his knees up!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Toxxic rolls away across the canvas, clutching his ribs, face screwed up in agony... and Kibagami turns over onto his front. ‘ONE!’ The arms brace against the canvas, and begin to push. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The muscles under the flame tattoos bulge, and the River Dragon slowly forces his body upwards. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘TWO!’ Sexton Hardcastle looks on in amazement as the Slaughterer begins his inexorable rise. Kibagami is on his knees now. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘THREE!’ One knee. Nathaniel shakes his head to disperse the fog, and small droplets of blood fly off to either side. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” He raises his right hand and wipes the sticky red fluid away from his eyes, then looks up and across the ring to where Toxxic is struggling to his feet in the corner. ‘FOUR!’ The River Dragon’s eyes narrow, and with a last surge he rises to his feet. Hardcastle stands back in awe, looks around at Toxxic and sees that the straight-edger is up too, seemingly slumped over the far turnbuckle and facing out from the ring. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami knows that he needs to close the distance, and there’s no reason why he can’t make an impact at the same time. The River Dragon starts to run, apparently seeking to crush the Straight-Edge Sensation with an avalanche in the corner. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami approaches the motionless Toxxic... but as he does so Jet yells a warning from ringside, and as Nathaniel launches himself into the air for the avalanche Toxxic suddenly moves to one side- *WHAM!!* -and Kibagami crashes chest-first into the exposed top turnbuckle as the pad that Toxxic had been secretly loosening falls out to the arena floor! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami staggers backwards, hands clutching at the burning pain in his solar plexus. He feels a hand grab him from behind and spin him around on the spot, and then Toxxic lashes out with a right hand and staggers the veteran back into the corner. “Toxxic is great!” Riley orgasms. “You simply can not get one over on this guy!” The Straight-Edge Sensation grabs Kibagami’s right wrist and hauls, seeking to send the River Dragon into the far turnbuckles, but the impetus is weak and it is no trouble to reverse the move for even a dazed Kibagami. This is exactly what Toxxic wanted though, and the straight-edger... “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ...is brought up short as Kibagami clamps his massive hand over Toxxic’s wrist, stopping him from going on to hit the Role Reversal again! Shocked, Toxxic turns back to his opponent- *WHAM!!* -and gets FLATTENED by a short-arm Burning Lariat! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “You were saying?” Comet snipes at Riley, who has adopted an expression halfway between nervous and sulky. The wind has been knocked out of Toxxic once more, and as the straight-edger gasps for air on the canvas Kibagami stands tall above him. Wincing, the River Dragon reaches out his arms in his crucifix pose, feeling the muscles complain and his neck burn. But the fans continue to chant. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” ‘ONE!’ Hardcastle starts to count, but Kibagami isn’t done and he reaches down and grabs Toxxic by the throat. Toxxic struggles, but he can do nothing to prevent himself from being dragged upright by his larger opponent. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami lashes out, burying his right boot in Toxxic’s gut. The straight-edger doubles over and Kibagami hauls him into a vertical headscissors, but doesn’t go for the double underhook. For all its match-ending capabilities, the Demonstar is too open to counters from the Straight-Edge Sensation, and Kibagami can’t afford the risk of losing control of the match again. Instead the Slaughterer reaches down and clasps his hands around Toxxic’s midsection, then wrenches upwards. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Nathaniel balances Toxxic over his back, supporting the straight-edger with one hand under each arm. The crowd in the Mark of the Quad Cities Centre rise to their feet - they know what’s coming. And Toxxic, staring up at the lights above him, knows what’s coming too. But for once in his career, he can do nothing about it. And Kibagami drops his opponent down... *WHAM!!* “Fall From Grace!” Comet shouts as the back of Toxxic’s neck impacts on the mat. “Kibagami finally hits the Fall From Grace on Toxxic! It’s over! It’s over!” ‘ONE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” “Kibagami has won!” the masked superhero continues joyfully. “After one of the most gruelling encounters I have ever seen Nathaniel Kibagami has finally put Toxxic away once and for all!” ‘TWO!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Kibagami starts to rise, looking down at his opponent’s broken body. If the River Dragon was inclined to think charitably about his opponent he would admit that Toxxic had fought well, that he’d pushed Nathaniel to his very limit. That, ultimately, he had made a tremendous impression for someone in only his fourth month with the federation. ‘THREE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” But Kibagami isn’t feeling particularly charitable this evening. It may be something to do with the killing pain in his neck, or the possibly-broken nose, or the caking blood that is slowly drying on his forehead and down his cheeks. ‘FOUR!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The chairshots probably didn’t help his mood any either. ‘FIVE!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” So Nathaniel turns away from Toxxic and looks out at the Illinois crowd seeing the people rise in response to his gaze as they did at the start of the match. Kibagami knows that he’s won a great victory here. ‘SIX!’ “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Now that he has finally beaten Toxxic for good he can move on to where he should be - back into the main event, to challenge whoever is the World Champion after the night is done. Danny Williams or Janus, he doesn’t mind - he is more than ready to face either man. He is aware that either Dace Night or Tom Flesher will be in front of him in the queue as well, and that doesn’t bother him either. Nathaniel knows that he will return. “SIIIIIIIII...” The chant trails off, and Kibagami twists around to look behind him, feeling the twinge in his neck as he does so. ‘SEVEN!’ Toxxic is moving. Not fast, but he is moving. And deep down in his gut, Kibagami feels a twinge that echoes the one in his neck. Toxxic shouldn’t be moving after that. But even as he watches Toxxic starts to sit up, propping himself up on his elbows before starting to shuffle his legs around. And Kibagami wonders what exactly he has to do to keep this man down. ‘EIGHT!’ The crowd are quiet again as they watch Toxxic’s attempts to rise. The straight-edger’s breath is coming fast, his eyes are slightly unfocused... but he still keeps moving, getting his legs underneath him to support his weight. Sexton Hardcastle’s eyes are wide as he looks on, but Toxxic keeps going and begins to push. He’s up to one knee now. ‘NIIIIIIIIIINE...’ The Illinois crowd holds its collective breath, willing Toxxic to fail, to give up, to slump back down at the last second and admit that this task is beyond him; to admit defeat. As the straight-edger rises up onto two legs and wobbles, it looks for a moment as if they will get their wish. ‘TE-’ And then Toxxic straightens, and looks over at Nathaniel Kibagami. The River Dragon’s shock is visible only for a second before his expression clears, but it was there. Of all the things that could have happened tonight, Kibagami was not expecting this one. “How...?” Riley whispers, and for once Cyclone Comet has no reply. With a suddenness that makes the entire arena jump, Kibagami lunges forwards off the ropes. His right arm reaches out, looking for the Burning Lariat again... but Toxxic ducks it! The River Dragon hits the far ropes and rebounds, ricocheting towards his opponent who turns woozily on the spot- *WHAM!!* -and gets WAFFLED in the face with a Yakuza Kick! “RRRRRAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!” ‘ONE!’ Kibagami comes to an unsteady stop, pulling up on the right leg that delivered the blow as he lands on it slightly awkwardly. Toxxic is on his back on the canvas once more, but doubts now assail the River Dragon. Did he get all of it, or was it just a glancing blow? Did Toxxic get his hands up to block, or did the straight-edger maybe fall backwards early and roll with it, lessening some of the impact? Where once there was only certainty, there is now uncertainty; where once there was invincibility, there is now vincibility. And as he examines himself, Kibagami knows that this must be expunged from his body. To do this he must defeat Toxxic, and to do that... ‘TWO!’ “Kibagami is heading for the ropes!” Comet calls. “After taking the Fall From Grace and the Yakuza Kick Toxxic must be on his last legs, if indeed he can stand at all! The Year of the Dragon, the move that Kibagami used to win the World Title - if he hits this then I would stake my mask on it being the finishing blow!” ‘THREE!’ Kibagami starts to climb, facing out from the ring and towards his fans. The River Dragon is not comfortable off the ground, and he is exhausted to boot. What would normally take a couple of seconds now seems to drag out as he forces his legs to obey. This is not the same man who sprang so effortlessly upwards to kick Toxxic in the head and send him tumbling to the arena floor like a boned fish. ‘FO-’ And it looks like his suspicions about that Yakuza Kick may have been borne out. Kibagami hears Hardcastle’s count cease, and he knows what is coming. He braces himself as best he can, perched on the second rope and facing away from his opponent... and sure enough, a forearm blow pummels him in the kidneys and drives the wind from his lungs. Nathaniel holds on to the ropes, preventing himself from falling backwards, but then another shot crashes home, then another. And a spiky-haired head inserts itself between his legs, and Nathaniel feels himself being lifted off the buckles. “DANGERLUST!” Comet cries in dismay. “Toxxic’s got him in position!” The straight-edger staggers backwards, trying desperately to keep his knees locked and Kibagami’s weight from overbalancing him. He tries to turn... ...and Kibagami locks his legs tight around Toxxic’s throat before falling sideways off the Brits shoulders, catching himself on the top rope and cinching in a modified Triangle Choke! “RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!” “NO!” Riley screams in horror. ”YES!” Comet yells back. “Citizens, I have rarely seen such a breathtaking display of countering, ingenuity and sheer determination to win than that displayed here tonight by these men!” Toxxic tries to pull Kibagami backwards, seeking to dump the River Dragon down onto the canvas, but Kibagami hooks both arms around the top rope and continues to squeeze. He watches Toxxic’s forehead start to go purple as the blood and oxygen passageways are constricted, and the straight-edger drops to his knees. Nathaniel starts to laugh. Then Toxxic’s right hand, scrabbling around on the canvas for something, anything, that can help him out, comes into contact with something cold. Instinctively the straight-edger grabs it and pulls it close, and although his eyes can only stare straight ahead the fingers recognise it for what it is. The steel chair that he kicked away, that has lain propped up against this set of ropes while he and Nathaniel have risen, fallen and watched each other in disbelief. The Straight-Edge Sensation pulls it to him, and with an almighty effort he manages to stand again. Kibagami still has the choke locked in, seeking to disable Toxxic long enough to put him down for the ten-count, but with his last effort Toxxic raises the chair in the air, grips it in both hands and brings it down, aimed square at Kibagami’s head. Nathaniel sees it coming of course, but his arms are locked under the top rope in order to prevent Toxxic from pulling him off. All he can do is shut his eyes. *CRACK!!* The iron grip around Toxxic’s neck relaxes and the straight-edger slumps backwards to the canvas, gulping in air. The chair skitters away under the bottom rope as he releases his hold on it but for the moment he is unconcerned, seeking only to replace his oxygen supplies. Meanwhile Kibagami falls, landing facefirst on the canvas. ‘ONE!’ Toxxic tries to push himself up, but his arms aren’t working yet. ‘TWO!’ He tries again, and this time he has some success. Speed is the key - he needs to deliver the final, telling blow to Kibagami before the River Dragon has time to recover. ‘THR-!’ Toxxic rises unsteadily to his feet and bends down to grab his opponent. For a moment the blood rushing to his head threatens to make him topple, but he fights it off and starts to haul Kibagami towards the middle of the ring. “Comet, what have they got left?” Riley asks his broadcast partner in disbelief. “I’m exhausted just watching these guys!” “I don’t know, Robert,” Comet replies. “Whoever wins tonight, you have to respect the sheer effort that both men have put in. At the moment it looks like Toxxic is going to triumph over Justice and win the day, but how often have we thought that one or other has struck the telling blow? We will just have to wait.” Toxxic puts a front facelock on Kibagami and brings the River Dragon up. He doesn’t have the energy to signal for the move, but when he reaches down to hook Kibagami’s right leg behind the knee the entire Mark of the Quad Cities Centre knows what’s coming anyway. It’s time Nathaniel tasted a Caffeine Bomb again. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The chant starts up, shakier that before. Perhaps too late to save or inspire its target, if indeed he can still be reached. Toxxic ignores it. He knows what he needs to do. He lifts... ...he strains... ... ... ...he gives up, still unable to get Kibagami up for the move. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” And Nathaniel breaks his grip and shoves him away. Toxxic staggers back as Kibagami straightens, a new fire visible in the eyes that stare from the blood-streaked face. Kibagami draws his right arm back across his chest, and- *CRACK!* “WHOOO!” *CRACK!* “WHOOO!” Toxxic staggers again as the knife-edge chops hammer into his chest, but the Brit doesn’t go down. Kibagami takes a step forward, measure his opponent and lashes out with a head-height left-footed roundhouse kick... *WHUMP!* ...but Toxxic raises his right arm to block, then catches Kibagami’s leg by trapping it beneath his arm! “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” A glance passes between the two men. At this stage of the match it not only can still go either way... it will go one way or the other. This is the pivotal moment. For half a second that seems like an hour Toxxic and Kibagami stand facing each other; the old and the new, the big and the small... the victor and the defeated. With the Death’s Head smile on his lips Nathaniel Kibagami leaps into the air, looking to score a telling blow with the gamengiri that has saved him so many times before. But Toxxic knows it’s coming. *WHUMP!* And he catches that leg too. *WHAM!!* Kibagami crashes to the canvas, his momentum killed. The back of his skull bounces off the ring on impact, and the force of his landing blasts the breath from his lungs. For a moment, all is still... then Toxxic adjusts his grip on the River Dragon’s legs, locking them just behind the knee, and pulls Kibagami’s body almost vertical, head downwards. He holds it there for a second before dropping backwards, catapulting the River Dragon up and forwards, through the air... *WHAM!!* ...to collide headfirst with the top turnbuckle that has had its pad removed. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” Nathaniel staggers backwards, the wound on his forehead reopened and his head swimming. “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” The chants seem to come from a long way away now. “SIIIIIIIII...” He barely hears them stop, barely feels Toxxic place his shoulders underneath his knees and lift, barely registers the fact that his feet are no longer on the ground. Vaguely, Nathaniel Kibagami sees two black-nailed hands rising on either side of his head, and a faint pressure registers at the back of his neck - why does his neck hurt so much, anyway? - gradually bringing his head forwards and down... ...Down... ...DOWN... *BAM!!* Toxxic releases the useless pinning cradle on the Dangerlust and rolls sideways, allowing the lifeless body of Nathaniel Kibagami to slump. ‘ONE!’ At the commentary table, Cyclone Comet has his eyes closed. ‘TWO!’ The Mark of the Quad Cities Centre in Moline, Illinois, is virtually silent. ‘THREE!’ Toxxic gets to his feet and leans against a turnbuckle, although not the one that Nathaniel Kibagami’s head bounced off moments before. ‘FOUR!’ Bobby Riley opens his mouth to say something... then looks sideways at Comet, and hastily closes it again. ‘FIVE!’ Sexton Hardcastle knows that the faster he counts, the faster Kibagami can receive medical attention... but he still has a job to do, and he does it at the same speed as he’s been doing it all evening. ‘SIX!’ Funyon grabs a member of the tech crew and starts speaking slowly and softly, and the man relays instructions into his two-way radio. ‘SEVEN!’ Toxxic smiles slightly, although not at anything immediately obvious. The straight-edger has an oddly glassy look in his eyes, probably a result of the Fall From Grace. ‘EIGHT!’ A disturbance is visible behind the curtain leading to the backstage area at the top of the entrance ramp. In the ring, Kibagami hasn’t moved. ‘NIIIIIIIIIIINE...’ A wheeled stretcher comes out accompanied by EMTs. The most noticeable item on it is a neckbrace. ‘TEN!’ *DING-DING-DING!* Wearily, Hardcastle signals for the bell and the EMTs clamber into the ring, dragging the stretcher in after them. One of them reaches Nathaniel and starts talking to him urgently, looking for a response. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Funyon says without enthusiasm as ‘We Still Kill The Old Way’ by Lostprophets starts to play, “here is your winner - Toxxic.” The ring announcer doesn’t even bother to rise for his duty. The fans are quiet, watching the drama unfolding in the ring. Toxxic himself seems oddly puzzled by it, watching the EMTs as if slightly curious why they are there. Then Jet climbs into the ring with him and squeezes his arm, peering into his eyes and talking to him. Toxxic responds, and the two start to move towards the entrance ramp. He seems a little uncoordinated and nearly wobbles into the guard rail at one point, but the fans simply move back and Jet steadies her boyfriend before helping to guide his steps. “Citizens...” Comet begins, then stops. “I... well, I don’t know what to say. Toxxic has beaten Kibagami, and beaten him in such a way that... I would prefer to believe that the Fall From Grace knocked Toxxic silly; that his actions from there on were instinctive, not reasoned; that, essentially, he was not fully conscious of what he was doing to win this match.” “Unfortunately, I cannot make myself believe that.” The masked superhero pauses and wipes his eyes, then pinches the bridge of his nose and sits up straighter. “Citizens, these things happen in wrestling, just as they do in real life. All we can do is hope and pray that Nathaniel Kibagami is not seriously hurt and that he can go on to continue to entertain us all by doing what he loves best. Up next we have the Masked Man in action in a Five Wounds Gauntlet, and to give you a flavour of what this may entail, here is a video package...” The last image before the camera feed stops is of Toxxic at the top of the entrance ramp, staring back down at the ring with a glazed expression but a triumphant grin creasing the right-hand side of his face. He did it. He was the Last Man Standing.
  23. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    * - Unless the heel is Landon Maddix... You are of course correct. I'm not seeing Killa being booked against Landon at any point in the near future, but it's still a point worth making.
  24. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card - 6-27-07

    If this DOES get pushed back to Thursday for whatever reason, I can mark. I not, I can't.
  25. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    Killa’s match The good points: What we have here is an effective squash. Arne tries his usual power offence but finds Killa too big to try it on. A few power moves for Killa to establish his authority, goes for the big knee drop but Arne evades it. Teases a chokeslam, Arne counters out, then (if I’m reading this right) he manages to take Killa down and starts punching him, but Killa just grabs him by the throat and picks himself up again, then this time chokeslams Arne. The Martyr’s Drop to soften him up, then the Necro Links for the submission. All well and good, it gets the guy over as a powerhouse and there were a few momentum shifts to avoid it being a complete and utter arse-kicking. The bad points: The problem is delivery. Firstly, English. Capitalising The First Letter Of Each Word Is Not Necessary Or Effective. In fact it’s incredibly time-consuming to type (time that could be better used to write a longer match), a complete contradiction of good written English, and mildly annoying. Also, it’s really not necessary to start a new line for each sentence, or every other sentence, as you seem to be doing. Sticking to normal paragraphs is highly advisable. That’s not to say that shoving the occasional sentence out on it’s own isn’t a good technique for emphasis, because it can be, but it needs to be done sparingly for it to have any effect. Secondly, concentrate on the ‘he’ and ‘him’ in your writing: We have one name and four ‘his’ in that sentence, making it a little difficult to work out who is being talked about where. It might read better done like this: Thirdly, the commentators. I don’t like the script style anyway, which is why I write my matches in prose style, but if you want to see a good example of script-style then take a look at Fulminatus’s match in the Losing Matches Thread. However, you need to be more consistent with their characters - quite simply, Francis will call it pretty much down the line, King always always ALWAYS roots for the heel. They have much more developed characters of course, being ex-wrestlers, but that’ll do for now. For me, first priority is getting the layout sorted. Get things organised into paragraphs, keep a line’s gap between different paragraphs and between the action and the commentary, and keep capital letters for the first word of a sentence or for a name. Once we’ve got that side of things sorted we can start looking at a little fine-tuning in terms of the content of the match. However, for all this the MOST important thing is that you bothered to get a match in despite difficulties, which is more than some other people managed to do