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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    6/16 Storm Comments

    Like that doesn't ring true for most of us.
  2. Toxxic

    Promo: Alpha Flight

    He was a villain Sly, don't confuse things.
  3. Toxxic

    Promo: Alpha Flight

    I honestly didn't know you'd been around that long, Muzz. There you go, Muzz, Raynor, Drea and IL all remember him.
  4. Toxxic

    Promo: Alpha Flight

    I'm not sure where Comet was from. However, we have had CIA, and he was pretty much the same. Well, his outfit looked like a superhero's anyway.
  5. Toxxic

    Promo: Alpha Flight

    You might want to talk to Drea (Angel Grace Blue) to make sure you're not straying too close to Cyclone Comet, a superhero from back in the days of the IGNWF who actually predated Hurricane Helms, and Drea's the only one who remembers him probably. MANSON might, I dunno. And yes, if you're flying, it'll be on wires. But I'm sure you knew that
  6. Toxxic

    Promo: Alpha Flight

    OK - the way the fed normally goes, all promos, matches and everything are written as if real. So in history, Chris Wilson really DID blow up FAO Scwartz (much as we wish he didn't), Janus really was unleashed on the world due to Chris Fury carving up Terrence Bailey with a knife under the guidance of Kibagami, Sacred's wife really did die, etc etc. (the jury's still out on whether Landon ever actually got Megan into bed) In terms of your character, whom I assume is pulling a superhero gimmick, it's fine to have him either genuinely believe that he's a superhero, or have him as a wrestler who pretends to be a superhero to get pops from the fans, or because the office is forcing him into it for merchandise purposes, or whatever... but the matches are all 'real'. Just don't give him actual superhero powers, and it's all good I suppose what I'm getting at is that we don't tend to have promos where someone goes to the back after a match and has Flesher there waiting there for them going 'you guys blew some spots out there, I want you to practice them before the PPV'. That said, this promo is awesome and you deserve props for it. I'm hoping you bring the same sort of quality to your matches - hurry up and post your stats, cos i'm intrigued.
  7. Toxxic

    6/16 Storm Comments

    I thought that was just, how you say in America, being schoolyard? So which are they, friends, or guys who don't like each other but have learned to respect each other? I might need to know that for a future promo, or something.
  8. Toxxic

    PROMO: "Kill One to Warn A Hundred"

    The idea of Flesher speechless is laughable, I'm afraid. As for Zyon's interaction, I can quite believe that he'd be mad with Spike. It's just a shame that this section of their... 'relationship', it's too extended to be a feud... won't be competitive.
  9. Melissa? Who the fuck's Melissa? Damn WC, he's taken your title, now he's taking your girl! And Sly, just use the stats I sent you. Kibs told me Sunday night he was working on new ones, but since we haven't seen anything yet we can probably assume this return went the way of the last one. And the one before that. And the one before that. And the one before that. And the one before that. Bottom line, he'll use the Demonstar as a finisher, will use a few lesser headdrops as signatures, and will kick you hard. Anything else is just fluff anyway.
  10. Toxxic

    6/16 Storm Comments

    Last I heard, they didn't like each other. And Toxxic speaks to Flesher all the fucking time, and they don't like each other at all.
  11. Toxxic

    Promo: Alpha Flight

    OK, no-one and I mean no-one is convincing me that this guy isn't a ringer. Either that or new guys have started reading that damn 'SWF 101' thread I came up with in real, real depth... Either way it sounds good to me. EDIT: It's only just occurred to me that this is done out-of-kayfabe, whereas everything in the SWF has always been done in kayfabe - well, apart from that return promo of Christian Fury's a year or so ago, but then we all went 'eh?' and he remembered that he had in real life carved his name on his girlfriend's chest, so... yeah. And the Wrestling Panda stuff I guess, and Grand Slam's old 'swinging for the fences' or whatever he called it. Fuck me, what level of reality are we in?
  12. Toxxic

    The eList

    I see what you mean, in a way. But there's no way to enforce it, and no-one has the authority to try. If you, or anyone else, were to state 'these are the only World Titles that matter in e-wrestling'... why? How can you decide that? In real wrestling it's different, if you've got enough money and the company is big enough you can call it a world title and it'll look fairly legitimate. If you don't and the company isn't, you'll look foolish. We can make our federation as big as we want, we can claim we're bigger than Jesus, we can pretend we're selling out shows in the Tokyo Dome, in Wembley, in the Astrodome... but we're not. We're a bunch of people making shit up around computers for fun, and having some sort of 'official list' of the groups who make the best shit up won't change that. E-fedding is meant to be fun. There are a certain amount of rules that are needed for there to be structure, such as who wins matches. In the SWF, it's done by competitive match-writing. In other feds, it's done by competitive RPing. In the OAOAST, they join hands and sing Kum-Ba-Ya and then agree amongst themselves who will win. Otherwise you'd just have a load of people going "I'm the winner!" "No, I'm the winner!" and so on. So some rules are needed, but these should only be intra-fed rules. Once someone starts going around trying to quantify, rate and, yes, 'legitimise' e-fedding you're missing the point of it. When the SWF started trying to get rated on X-Net, that was a bad idea. They rated things, and it quickly became clear that what we were doing was not what they were looking for. That didn't mean that what we were doing wasn't worthwhile, it just didn't appeal to them. As long as there's enough people here to keep the fed running, and keep it running because they're interested in doing it and they're having fun, I'll say this place is legitimate enough.
  13. Toxxic

    The eList

    ...OK, why did my name have to get dragged into this? And Rex, if you were 'rewarding us with a great honour' out of the goodness of your heart, then clearly your list is not unbiased. If your list IS unbiased, then you've got no right to get huffy because we would then have every right to be on that list, our attitude to you regardless. And Johnny is not our fedhead. Please, never ever think that Johnny is our fedhead. However, I think the attitude to you stems from a few things: a) you originally tried to pass this list off as something you stumbled upon, when in fact you created it yourself. This suggests that you already knew that saying you created it yourself would make it lose credibility. b) you joined the fed and left before your first match was even completed, citing 'not enough time', which begs the question why you joined in the first place unless it was to pimp the EMF that you claim not to have been involved in for ages (despite the fact that you talked about the fed as though you were active in it when you turned up here). c) you and your dumb buddy completely failed to read our rules, joining guidelines or in fact, anything else. d) your debut promo contained a racist slur which you failed to remove when Flesher called you on it, and only subsequently removed when I called you on it in public. e) your writing sucked. Personally that's something I feel we could have worked on, but not everyone's as forgiving as me. Now, if you'd have come back to the fed, joined, paid a little more attention to things, not claimed to have your wrestler come from a cake (the 'Nevada Dessert'? And yes, I'm stealing Drea's joke/observation here), avoided racist terminology, stuck around and written I'd have been glad to have you as a writer, whatever your quality of writing. As it is, I'm not that bothered. Go back to the real-life friends you abandoned e-wrestling for (although presumably they're not that interesting, since you're considering coming back to e-wrestling). Thanks. The 'Real' Toxxic Insert post from Muzz abusing me and swearing a lot here.
  14. Toxxic

    The origins of the Vince angle

    The trouble is, when it was trying to work out who ran down Austin, people cared. For Vince, no-one's going to be all that bothered, I don't think. I mean, is he going to try and turn face from this, or what?
  15. I hereby declare that Toxxic vs MANSON takes place before Sly/Kibagami, just so we all know where we are.
  16. Toxxic

    OAO RAW thread - June 18, 2007

    Sandman's gone to Raw? Wow... that'll work. Or not.
  17. Toxxic

    The eList

    I just followed that link and there's nothing on the other end. Was this created by someone but then deleted?
  18. For reference, since we're in Scotland and I'm English, the crowd probably won't like either of us.
  19. Toxxic

    First Match is in - any feedback?

    OK, I'll bite. It's kind of hard to take this seriously, because in all honesty you seem to have such a good grasp of the fed - the announcer's characters, manatee matches, all that sort of thing - that you have either done a hell of a lot of research or you're a damn ringer who's stringing us along, and I'm more inclined towards the latter. However, since the same accusation was levelled at me once... It's a good match. No, it's a damn good match. I have one problem, just one, with the entire thing, which is where Tod gets down off the turnbuckle and swings but Alexander counters into a release Dragon Suplex. My reading of it was that Alexander slipped behind Tod and suplexed him, which should see Tod hitting the turnbuckles rather than landing in the middle of the ring, but maybe I misread and the force of Tod's swing spun him around as Alexander ducked, allowing him to then hit the suplex. Apart from that the disdain Alexander has for his opponent, Tod's doomed attempts at offence, the repeated and relentless work on the leg to set up the finisher, all works for me. Alexander gets put over as a confident, competent and skilled technical wrestler with a nice streak in assholery who destroys a jobber. If you truly are new to this game, I can't wait to see what you're going to be pulling out once you've settled in.
  20. Toxxic

    Cavemen are stupid.

    Just so you know - 'Caveman' was a nickname for Chirs3's character, Chris Raynor, back when he was a happy-go-lucky face.
  21. Toxxic

    6/16 Storm Comments

    Because that would be lame.
  22. I'm up for a party if you are, MANSON. 4k limit?
  23. Toxxic

    6/16 Storm Comments

    There hasn't really been a reason to prank anyone else, although given your little feud with Jakey maybe we should look at that... basically, I like being in a stable and the dynamic that a stable can bring to the fed, but I didn't want to get into the uber-serious "Revolution Zero will kill you all" type feel. I just want us to have a bit of fun. I'll do a more in-depth commentary on Alexander's match later - for now let's just say that he's damn, damn good for a newbie, and my convictions of his ringer-ness are returning in more depth. You know what really concerns me about Spike's match? The exchange of King calling Francis a bigot, and Francis responding '...I'm black...' Did that seem REALLY odd to anyone else?
  24. And don't forget CIA, who's reached a quarter of a century, like me. Well, about five months later than me, but you get the idea.
  25. Toxxic

    Sherri Martel Passes Away

    What really annoyed me about Crash's death was not just how little WWE cared, but how full-blown TNA went with it because it almost made it seem like they were doing it to show WWE how they should have done it. Given that Sherri appeared as a prospective Bobby Roode manager not that long ago, I think TNA might well do the same for this if WWE don't say much, and will certainly mention about how crass it is to fake a death. Which I agree with to an extent, but they'd be doing it for political ends, not necessarily because they really think it. This is possibly more about TNA than WWE, but I'm damned if I'm going to start a thread about this in TNA, cos that WOULD get closed.