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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. I think it does all you can ask it to. I agree that the tagline is good.
  2. Toxxic

    Ashes 2 Ashes Comments

    You're a glutton for punishment if you plan on doing the EC as well IL. Good to (maybe) have you back though.
  3. They didn't show. Each wrote some but failed to link up, or something.
  4. I think it means Jay Hawke. But hey, Mike booked it. It could be anyone, with no reference to anything like common sense or logic.
  5. Toxxic

    A2A Word Count Thread

    Meh. I decided I couldn't be arsed to write it if it interfered with RL too much. Due to a late Halloween party and work shifts and a general lack of motivation, it nearly didn't get done. As it was I got into the swing of it over the weekend and turned it in. And you leave my donkey out of this.
  6. I can help you mark, Raynor. And is JJ back, or does he come in the same bracket as Grappler, Myers and Michael Cross of 'non-participating participant'?
  7. Opening promo is mine, unsurprisingly.
  8. Toxxic

    A2A Word Count Thread

    14,128, intros still to go. I nearly didn't write this.
  9. Toxxic

    SWF Ashes To Ashes Card

    But there's only two of them, so they'd be the Unholy Duality. But that might just be Janus on his own.
  10. Toxxic

    SWF Ashes To Ashes Card

    Damn you and your one 'l', furry fiend.
  11. Toxxic

    ECW Spoilers for 11/7/06 Tapings

    Suuure, give the belt back to the druggie. Nothing could go wrong there, huh? RVD was given his shot and he blew it (so to speak). Why you, as WWE owner not just as 'evil' Vince McMahon, would put the belt back on him just six months later after he so spectacularly fucked everything up in the first place is beyond me. Punk isn't ready for the belt, but RVD doesn't deserve it. You act like the dude was on a bender of Juvi-like proportions. Get off your high horse. The same people who spout crap like this always endorsed Kurt Angle despite being addicted to painkillers. I'm on the same high horse, and I certainly don't endorse Angle and his painkiller addiction. Angle was a great wrestler, but the guy needs a reality check and should not be in the ring with others if half of what we've heard about his physical condition is true, whether we're talking about his safety or theirs. However, whatever your opinion of drug taking, there's the public image to think of. Vince is running a company that fights a losing PR battle every day, simply because there's little respect for pro wrestling (and to be fair, the way he runs his company there's no reason for there to be). With one of your biggest stars being fired for being addicted to painkillers (I know, it depends who you believe, but whatever), who do you want to put one of your World Titles on? On the one hand we have Rob Van Dam, the man caught with cannabis on him last time he held the belt and who has done a stoner-related gimmick for what? Close on ten years now? On the other hand we have CM Punk, who is publicly straight-edge and never touches drugs, alcohol or anything like that. Ignore wrestling ability for the moment (although Punk wins on that, too). One of these candidates can potentially be made into PR spin to show your company being responsible, encouraging law-abiding behaviour and so forth. The other just confirms everybody's bad opinions.
  12. Toxxic

    SWF Ashes To Ashes Card

    The Collossi, aka Janus and Aecas. Dunno if they've ever used it in a fed capacity, but that's how they've referred to the team when I've chatted to them online.
  13. Toxxic

    SWF Ashes To Ashes Card

    I vote that on the Christmas PPV we have Weapons of Mass Destruction vs The Collossi, because I want to see a tag match where Bruce is the smallest man in the ring.
  14. Toxxic

    SWF Ashes To Ashes Card

    Landon's hardrive dying would explain why that promo I sent him never went through. Also, Elimination Chamberers take note: I was originally planning to have Joe Peters announce an 'enforcement team' to make sure that wrestlers left the Chamber when eliminated; this team would consist of Aecas and Janus. However due to various events, lack of time and internet access, that promo never went in either. So therefore, if you think it'll add to your match, feel free to use them in that capacity. If you don't want them involved, simply don't have them. Thank you.
  15. What do you mean? We got as many matches as for a normal show.
  16. And Happy Birthday to the Raynorite as well!
  17. I want the toupee of Chairman Mao.
  18. Toxxic

    The Official Ashes 2 Ashes "Stuff" Thread

    I have Muzz's support. All you bitches can now shut it.
  19. Toxxic

    The Official Ashes 2 Ashes "Stuff" Thread

    There was a guy called Jimi Hendrix. You should check him out. There's also a guy called Lenny Kravitz, but although he seems to believe he's Hendrix, he's not. However, I can recommend at least some stuff by Bloc Party. Anyway, I nominate 'Map Of The Problematique' by Muse, and I believe I can count on Muzz's support here.
  20. Toxxic

    Ancient History V

    Extract from Atlanta Journal Constitution, May 4th, 2002 Son of local pro-wrestler jailed for manslaughter Damien Gabriel Drake Jnr, the 21 year-old son of Damien Drake, was jailed for manslaughter today. Drake Jnr, who was planning on following his father into pro-wrestling and for the last few years has preferred to be known as Gabriel Drake, was out with friends in Atlanta in early March of this year when he became embroiled in a fight that resulted in the death of Ethan Towes, 23. Witnesses say that Towes and three friends, who had been drinking, started verbally abusing Elizabeth Masters (who was attending the same wrestling academy as Drake, and had recently wrestled her first bout under the name Livvy Luscious). Drake and Masters’ other friends and fellow wrestling students Michael Stephens, 19, and Karl Winter, 22, attempted to defuse the situation but reports indicate that Drake reacted aggressively. Towes and his friends apparently started the fight, but while Stephens, Winter and Masters managed to quickly subdue three of Towes’ companions, Drake apparently lost control after quickly knocking Towes to the floor, and continued to punch him long after Towes had stopped moving. Eventually Stephens and Winter dragged Drake off Towes, but Towes never regained consciousness and was pronounced clinically dead upon arrival at Atlanta General Hospital. The police investigation, which involved statements from all survivors of the incident, indicated that although Towes and his friends had started the fight Drake’s reaction was disproportionate. The statement of Stephens, who of all those involved was the only one not inebriated, stated that Drake’s relationship with Elizabeth Masters had recently broken down and this may have triggered his overly violent reaction when Towes and his friends made abusive comments. Drake himself repeated to police over and over again that he was only concerned for his friends, and what he did was in order to protect them from being attacked. However, Stephens’ statement backed up eyewitness reports that Drake seemed solely focused on Ethan Towes and paid no attention to his friends once the fight had started, to the point of trying to fight Stephens and Winter off when they pulled him off Towes. Justice William Hearford, sentencing, stated that although Drake had not instigated the violent incident his reaction had been entirely disproportionate and had led to the loss of a young man’s life. However, given that these actions seemed out of character and could be partially attributed to his recent relationship breakdown he would recommend consideration for early release based on good behaviour. A sentence of seven years was issued.
  21. Toxxic

    Ancient History V

    Like you were even born when the Pixies were a band. On the other hand, good taste.
  22. Toxxic

    Ancient History V

    Well, my next project is a feud with a guy who's convinced he's taking part in the Revolutionary War and that he has to kill Toxxic. So we can get lots and lots of REAL history in. IT'S EDUCATIONAL~! [/Pixies]