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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    Lockdown Commentskis

    Word to that, Divefire. I tried to hold on but succumbed at about 1am, stupidly early for me. I made up for it by getting up early(ish) to mark them instead.
  2. Toxxic

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Jericho's description of Steiner always amused me - "A jive-talking moron who thinks he's King Arthur!" And of course, the Nash/Shelley training videos. "...eerily similar to the last one."
  3. Toxxic

    Real Songs For New ECW Wrestlers

    Put Matt Hardy there and have him come out to 'Twist of Fate' by Pennywise. Punk should always come out to 'La Miseria Catara', there can be no arguments against that. Also, Kevin Thorn should come out to 'Vampira' by Devin Townsend.
  4. Toxxic

    Michael Hayes named Head Writer of Smackdown

    Yes Finlay has a leprechaun, but whenever I've seen it he seems to hate it as much as everyone else does. It looks like there's just this Irish midget who has a fixation on Finlay, much to his general bewilderment, and that works better than the route of "Finlay's master plan is a midget with green facepaint" which is where they could have gone.
  5. Toxxic

    Lockdown Commentskis

    Silly silly Mr Raynor - the 'Toxx is mad and wants Drake' promo was meant to go at the END of the show after he'd been attacked! That is why he was so mad! Ah well, i guess the fact that I put the © thing on the end of my other promo sent out mixed messages. Oh, and Akira - sorry for having you run in without asking, I was writing it and suddenly thought 'wait, Akira now tags with Zyon, he can help the savement!' and then forgot to clear it with you. Congrats to Johnny - it was difficult to choose, I came to my decision because although Johnny wrote Bruce's Straight-Jacket finisher horribly (i.e. he wrote it as a crab when it's a Goku-Raku Clutch, at least, that's my reading of it) his match seemed more 'face/heel' than Bruce's, which had Johnny attacking from behind before the bell and Bruce then tangling Johnny's head in a Mexican flag and laughing at him, which seemed to reverse their roles too much. Also, Johnny didn't get all that much offence, and most of what he did get was borderline illegal - since Bruce has been playing up Johnny's dark past it seemed to make sense that in the match between them everything possible should be done to show that Johnny IS a goody-goody guy again, and I felt Johnny did that better than Bruce (despite the belt shot), and also had a more balanced match in terms of offence. And yeah, Drea's officially mad, the new guy likes italics and Jake's getting a title shot, holy shit! Oh, and I won. Never mind Zyon, you'll get another shot soon!
  6. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    That guy with the vampire fangs pwns all of you. Arlovski, is that it?
  7. Toxxic

    A friendly reminder!

    If we take it as pretty much 'out of canon' and it's just a laugh with no title or other important things on the line (such as title shots), I'd be up for it. And as Landon says, it's better than SWF cosplay (although I still think TKO coming out as garden gnomes was inspired).
  8. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    Yeah, cos supporting Croatia makes it REALLY clear that you aren't Cross. And if Team Quest are all pussies, maybe that's why a gauntlet would work? At least he might get through a couple.
  9. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card - 10-12-06

    No no no, you have me confused with Tom.
  10. Toxxic

    A friendly reminder!

    I'd like it.
  11. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card - 10-12-06

    You're letting SPIKE mark? Sweet Zombie Jesus! That's as crazy as letting ME mark!
  12. Toxxic

    A friendly reminder!

    That's the show before A2A, right? Yeah, I was already hoping to get that one off...
  13. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    I would not sully the name of Attenborough so, heathen. *goes off to watch nature documentaries*
  14. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card - 10-12-06

    But Johnny, you're IN that match! Surely that'd be UNFAIR *gasp*
  15. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    How about Tokyo X?
  16. Toxxic

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Royal Rumble. You know the one (loosely remembered from seeing it that year, haven't seen it since): *Piper attacks someone about to throw Flair over the rope, Flair stays in* Heenan: *almost sobbing* Thank you Roddy, thank you! I was wrong, it's not a skirt, it's a kilt! *Piper punches Flair* Heenan: Wha- IT'S A SKIRT! IT'S A SKIRT! And of course, TAKA w/ dubbing, coming out to face the RTC (Goodfather and Bull Buchanan) TAKA: Hey! You, hoodlum! You, redneck! You say you have the Right To Censor! I say you have only the Right... To Die!! AHAHAHA! AHAHAHA! For we are Kaientai... and we are EEEEEEEE-VIL! Funaki: INDEED! And against Raven and Justin Credible: TAKA: You! Raven! You have great entrance music! I know... all the words! *makes 'cawing' noise*. And you! Justin Credible (if that is your real name!). You may represent the Alliance, but we are Kaientai, and we represent EEEEEEEE-VIL! Funaki: INDEED!
  17. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card - 10-12-06

    Currently it doesn't. This is a problem for the shows with lots of matches - Raynor struggles to find people to mark them all. However, I'd be prepared to bet that you'll need to send yours to chirs3. Also, I've offered my services to Raynor to mark one match. If he takes me up on it, whoever it is take note that THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSIONS as I'm running 5 hours behind you (at least, depending on timezones) and I won't be able to stay awake any longer.
  18. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    If he did, I can't see it. I mean sure, he talks as someone who's been here a lot longer than Ultimo Phantasmo has, but he doesn't say he's Cross. Is this the right time for me to openly voice my nagging suspicion that Bruce and Nemesis are actually one and the same? They write the same, they have the same slightly goofy sense of humour, and they both use that weird symbol that doesn't appear on any British or North American keyboard that my extensive research has been able to find (read: JJ mentioned this oddity, and I agreed with him). IT'S A CONSPIRACY~! We're going to find out that at least half the fed is actually Spike.
  19. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    Well, Akira's already blown Cross's cover so we might as well bugger it properly.
  20. Toxxic

    Weird Former ECW Alumni

    Austin always seemed weird to me, because I basically saw no wrestling between about '92-3 and 2000. So I saw him as Stunning Steve the TV Champion in WCW, and then came in during the decline of Stone Cold in WWF/E. When I found out he'd been in ECW for a bit I just went "...eh?"
  21. Toxxic

    ECW Spoilers for the 10/10 Airing

    I like the fact that from what I've seen of Thorn, he dresses like a vampire... and that's it. He's not meant to ACTUALLY be a vampire, or anything shit like that. It looks like they're just portraying him as someone who's really rather too into the whole gothic thing, and that's fine, cos it could easily have got VERY stupid. That said, i've only seen a couple of ECW shows and haven't been keeping up to date properly, so he could easily have flown down to the ring on one occasion, then lost a Last Man Standing match by being staked through the heart. I wouldn't necessarily rule it out (then again, if someone hammered a pointy wooden stick through MY heart, I suspect I'd stay down for a ten-count).
  22. Toxxic

    Announcers protecting kayfabe...

    I think there's a difference between idiotic kayfabing (such as no-one knows who Jimmy Yang is), company-line kayfabing (Mordecai and Kevin Thorn - same wrestler, looks rather different, Mordecai wasn't around long, I can forgive them for pretending he's someone completely different) and doing your best to cover for something. If someone botches a high-risk move - well, they ARE meant to be high-risk. You can slip and fall, that makes sense. I think the only time I have had respect for JR as an announcer since I started watching again in 2000 was Steiner's Superman Dive of Doom where he IMMEDIATELY called it as 'a chop block off the apron'. To be fair, Steiner, DID hit the back of Triple H's leg. Yes, it was obvious to most of us that Steiner had fucked up monumentally, but it was better for him to try and cover for Steiner rather than go "Gee, this World Title challenger's kinda old and crippled, huh King?" More idiotic kayfabing - Stone Cold's music hits (or some other recognisable music) and the announcer's going "who's this!?"
  23. Toxxic

    Characters that should NEVER be allied.

    Any tag team that ever broke up, ever. Pretty much. The only thing the WWE did right on that count was when Edge and Christian teamed up again for one night only and disliked each other as much as their opponents. I think the important thing is if there's a REASON for it. I mean, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' is fine for two guys who had a beef a few months back to be teaming up, in my opinion. Both their individual enemies have formed an alliance, so they team up to take them on and try and forget their personal differences. I can see that. But some stuff, Taker and Kane being most notable in my mind... sheesh. Jericho and Trish. If I'd been embarrassed and made to lose on the biggest Wrestlemania of all time (or something), I wouldn't be trusting her again. Not that either are likely to go back into wrestling, of course.
  24. What, and Drowning Pool does? Marilyn Manson I'll grant you, maybe. Only ever heard two Union Underground songs, so I can't really comment there.
  25. Yeah, but Thoth can eat a bag of dicks. (no, but seriously, I'm maintaining my position on this - it is useful for Toxxic to at least have the POTENTIAL to maybe sometimes kick out of a weak finisher now, because he's currently a face and therefore needs to take more of a shitkicking for most matches to work. When I faced you Toxx was very much built as the arrogant heel whom you just could NOT lay a telling blow on, rather than hitting a finisher and then him kicking out. Everyone's inability to nail him was one of the reasons he was so infuriating - I felt it would work better that when someone finally DID get it would be it; BANG!, 3 count, end of match - look, he's fallible after all!).