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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments!

    Alan Clark's had his own bunch of characters anyway.
  2. Toxxic

    Losing matches thread

    Unless you look either like me or Alex Shelley, I don't think you'd have a chance sunshine. And I know you look neither like me nor Alex Shelley.
  3. Toxxic

    Losing matches thread

    Tom and Graps' match gets awesomeness points from me on the basis that it featured an adapted quote from Alex Shelley. However, I feel much more should have been done with the line about Flesher being more experienced at entering illegally.
  4. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments!

    Christ, yeah. I'd forgotten Rush "I sound like a gay pornstar" Hadrian. Now I wish I hadn't remembered.
  5. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card 8-18-2006

    Jimmy The Doom vs Amy Stephens. Book it.
  6. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments!

    He has? Who else has he used except Staunton?
  7. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments!

    *prays for sarcasm*
  8. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments!

    No-one would notice anyway if you just showed up and wrestled. Not because you wouldn't make an important contribution to the card, but because SWF continuity is only slightly better than the WWE. Besides, maybe we lost a couple of days in the changover from the Fictional Tour at the Gund to our own universe. That could explain it.
  9. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments!

    Well, Dub-Cee's obviously a slacker. He's gone on this kooky 50-day 'suspension' gig, which seems a daft thing to do with Genesis around the corner.
  10. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments!

    At the moment all I'm saying is OH MY FUCKING GOD BLOODY HELL. Plus Nemesis continues to bring awesomeness.
  11. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card 8-18-2006

    If anyone wants a match with Amy, hit me up. I've got Thursday off work so can probably get the little bitch doing something.
  12. Toxxic

    Your the Best Around!

    Correct away, Windy. Show us how well you've been doing. As for a Danny/TNT return, that'd be awesome. Even if... no, ESPECIALLY if it comes with motivational 80s power keyboards.
  13. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments

    Well, I liked the Angle of Doom anyway. And until Sly told me what was going down, I thought Drea had just invented some weirdo Doomstroyer thing. Cos I'm that dumb.
  14. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments

    Bruce - the fans aren't 'taunting' Toxx with the chant exactly, he sort of puts up with it coming from them. That said, it might start to niggle him at some point such as if he's confronted with something from that dark past at the same time. I thought it was a really good show - Nemesis brought the goodness, Flesher and Grappler are always good value, I liked what Landon did with our match (I only wrote the intros) and the double Landon Eye/Unfinished Business was a work of genius. JJ's promo was great too.
  15. Come on, we've had An Octopus and A Velociraptor - what's so weird about a giraffe?
  16. Toxxic

    The Wrestling Panda's SWF Results Section

    My problem with that? The momentum of the move would mean the victim would, instead of being driven straight down, be far more likely to take a devastating BACK BUMP~!
  17. Toxxic

    SWF Wrestler of the Month - July 2006

    Nah. We've got twenty, tops, and several of them hardly ever show.
  18. Toxxic

    Promo: Get Ready

    I have a Samoyed.
  19. I not denying that Douglas was undermined in the WWF. But he wasn't successful, on the basis that no-one likes a smartass.
  20. I'm dancin' for Mr Ordonez.
  21. The drawing power of Dean Douglas in the WWF.
  22. Toxxic

    Promo: Get Ready

    Jesus Bruce, either say what you want to say, or don't post the fucking thing in the first place.
  23. No-one likes a smartass, Tom.
  24. Toxxic

    Promo: Get Ready

    Nope. What?
  25. Toxxic

    PROMO: Might Makes Right

    Do not speak so of the First Minister of the Church of MANSONosity, Drea, lest the Almighty Power of Our Leader strike you down for your impertinence. BOW to the Bicyle of Power! FEAR the Googly Eyes of Doom! RUN from the Hair of Domination!