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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. I'm pretty sure Bruce actually is 33, and happy birthday anyway.
  2. Toxxic

    Storm Comments

    Mike Stephens isn't openly gay as such - it's not like he's going to be wandering around wearing Gay Pride badges. But word got out and Landon's made a few shoot comments on it, so Mike's happy enough to use it to piss Landon off. And technically he's not gay, just with a preference that way. He was going out with Jet for several months, remember. In other news Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened to all those matches?
  3. What are you talking about? I am forty-nine! I just claim to be 24 to fit in with you hip young things...
  4. Toxxic

    A Comic

  5. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card - May 8th!

    "Live" is a rather fluid term. Let's just assume it takes place early evening there.
  6. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    Yeah, more YAY! for the return of Va'aiga. Also, I think J3 has been corrupted by Drea. Who wants to do the reboot?
  7. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown Card - May 8th!

    I second this.
  8. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Predictions

    MAIN EVENT LUCHA LIBRE TRIOS MATCH JJ Johnson, Manson and "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs Zyon, Wildchild and "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu ~You all forget that J3 BEAT Dub-Cee on the last show and could carry HIS team just as easily. However, since I doubt he, Spike, or Wildchild want a shot at the CW title (at least not in the proposed situation), I don't know who's going to have the motivation to win this one. I'll say the Technicos. SINGLES BOUT Aecas vs Sean Davis ~I was under the impression Aecas was only doing a one-show-in-three rota to start with, but since he hasn't made noise I'll assume it's all kosher... I'd be intrigued to see who'd actually win this, but Aecas tends to be a little more reliable than Sarah in terms of turning matches in so I'll go with him. HOUSE RULES "6th ENGINEERS" SWEEP AND CLEAR MATCH Jimmy the Doom vs Austin Sly ~House Rules = win for Drea. SINGLES BOUT, NON-TITLE Grendel© vs Bloodshed ~Hmm, tricky-tricky. Grendel.
  9. Toxxic

    Lockdown comments

    "I look good with wood" ...and WC joins Rush Hadrian on the 'should be a pornstar' list from the SWF (come on, Rush Hadrian? That name screams pornstar to me. Gay pornstar, actually). Further comments when i don't have band practice to go to. But YAY! for Aecas returning, YAY! for J3 kicking shit, and YAY! for Landon beating the fuck out of me. ...wait, what?
  10. Toxxic

    WON News and Notes

    I'm with the "Rey's moveset sucks" crowd. It works fine for other cruisers, but in a company where no-one under 230lbs usually even gets a SNIFF of the World Title he looks out of his depth because while i could see someone the size of Angle get beaten with a pinning rana or a seated senton (although that one's still iffy), someone the size of JBL, Taker, Henry, Lashley, or most of the rest of the uppercard just doesn't work for me. Contrast this with someone like Paul London or Spanky - not THAT much bigger, but their movesets have enough 'snap' to make it believable that they could beat bigger guys. Rey's moves are basically designed to confuse and disorientate opponents to the point where he can pin the dizzy bastard, but when his opponents are hosses that sort of momentum-based attack doesn't work. You need to paste the buggers in the head a few times.
  11. Toxxic

    Polls are great!

    I'm actually Pete's other ringer.
  12. Toxxic

    Battleground Comments

    So I've fucking read it. I'll give you comments in a week or so.
  13. Toxxic

    PROMO: Aftershoxxxxx

    Not at all, Drea. It's just there's fuck all on the radio worth listening to, if we discount BBC Radio 4.
  14. Happy Birthday to Sarah! (does this count as attention? )
  15. Toxxic

    PROMO: Aftershoxxxxx

    a) I don't watch Big Brother, celebrity version or not (although I might watch the next one if my mate gets on it). b) I don't listen to the radio.
  16. Toxxic

    Lockdown Predictions!

    Main Event - Title vs Title Hardcore Rules Landon 'La Cucaracha' Maddix© vs Amy Stephens© -Me to banish Drea from the fed, mwahahaha. Sub Main Event - International Title Match JJ Johnson vs Wildchild© -Never bet against the power of TTTHHHRRREEEEEE!!! Non-Title Match Grendel© vs Zyon -I'm going with Grendel. Call me a traditionalist, but carniverous monsters from Scandinavian legend just seem more intimidating than a 200lb guy from Indiana. House Rules - Viktor's All You Can Drink Vodka Sean Davis vs Bloodshed Special Guest Referee: Viktor Tarakanov -Much as I'd like Sarah to pull this one off, I have a nasty feeling that Clark will take it. Cruiserweight Spotfest Wayne Blank vs "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu -Hmm. Akira lost to Bruce when writing as Bruce. I feel he'll probably lose to Bruce when writing as Wayne. Austin Sly vs "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins -Hmm. Spike shows up a week late and Sly wins by EXTREME countout. ??? vs Manson -Heresy as it is to predict against Manson, I'm going with QMM for reasons that I will keep to myself.
  17. Toxxic

    PROMO: Aftershoxxxxx

    Lesbian-resembling? Right, for that if nothing else, your arse is mine on Wednesday. ...in a manner of speaking. *ahem* Anyway, great heel promo, managing to insult as many people as possible. One question though - what the hell is 'Boys Will Be Boys'? Don't tell me it's something like the Arctic Monkeys or whatever shite we have these days.
  18. Toxxic


    I'm appalled my haiku didn't win. I worked long and hard on that haiku. In other news, w00t Johnson.
  19. WC vs J3! The battle of the abbreviations! I'm looking forward to this, oh yes sir.
  20. Toxxic

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    On the bright side, as TSM's official Velocity recapper, at least KC gets to recap ECW in the future. Bet he can't wait.
  21. Happy Birthday Spike! He'll be off smuding his eyeliner and listening to My Chemical Romance you know.
  22. Toxxic

    Polls are great!

    Bah. So we're mostly convinced that we don't want Pure Wrestling for the International Title? Yeah right, just you wait. In three months we'll have it. What? My ideas for the International Title get shat on at the time, and 3 months later come true. Such as, oh, merging the ICTV and USJL belts to create the damn thing...
  23. Toxxic

    Promo - "Back In The Saddle Again"

    I like it too. Janus' dual speaking habits are excellent, no matter whose promos he's used in. Plus Peters blackmailing people = teh win.
  24. Toxxic

    Polls are great!

    Well Judge had his own anti-hardcore run with the belt, didn't he? So it's happened a couple of times in the belt's history. Again, i think each belt meaning something might be good - we could even bring in Pure Wrestling rules for the International belt? That way each belt has it's own rules and they're all level pegging of a sort. As for someone like Bruce challenging for the belt, while he might struggle with the 'no punches' stip I'm sure he could nail nasty forearms or bionic elbows or something (c'mon, Bruce doing the Flip Flop & Fly = classic), and as for the rest it'd be about cheating and power. In this way up-and-comers could 'do the tour' and be booked in at least two divisions to get them on their way and used to different styles of wrestling before they hopefully move on to the World Title. Incidentally, and please don't think that I'm blowing my own trumpet here - I am the only post-SJL writer to win the World Title. Toxxic and Wes are the only post-SJL characters to win the World Title. J3's come within spitting distance twice, Hawke had a good chance but the misfortune to come up against a really good writer. But come on, is it really true that only one person who's joined the fed since the SJL folded is capable of winning the big one?