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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    PROMO: Happy Birthday Mr Maddix!

    Don't me me get An Octopus.
  2. Toxxic

    PROMO: Happy Birthday Mr Maddix!

    I did. So you were. Don't argue.
  3. Toxxic

    Promo - Time to Set Things Straight

    ...you know the Doomtopian Announce Table sounds like a good idea. We'd better let Drea name them though.
  4. Toxxic

    PROMO: Happy Birthday Mr Maddix!

    Pssht. You always look like the sensible one, and Maddix always looks like the goof. It's when it's the other way round that you have to start beating on him.
  5. Toxxic

    The AIM sn thread

    AIM: MikeofEvil If you want MSN then PM me and i'll tell you, if I like you. And if I can remember.
  6. Toxxic

    PROMO: Happy Birthday Mr Maddix!

    Doun't tempt me.
  7. Toxxic

    Promo - Time to Set Things Straight

  8. Toxxic

    PROMO: Happy Birthday Mr Maddix!

    I also put the dates of the Wrestling Panda in American order so people don't start going 'but there is no fourteenth month' and similar. Although since they're American, maybe it should be 'forteenth'. And 'shold'. Can't have those 'u's arond people, they're dangeros to health.
  9. Toxxic

    Storm predictions

    The Main Event (non-title) El Luchadore Magnifico © vs. "The Icon" Max King © ~ELM. Hands down. With a toaster. Lethal Lottery Match (Pool D) Todd Cortez and Allan Hadrian (0/0) vs. Jay Hawke © and Arch Griffon (0/0) ~Todd seems to be MIA and I know J3-as-was finds it difficult to write Cortez, so I may have to go against my instincts and say that Hawke and Griffon take this. Lethal Lottery Match (Cross-pool) The Crimson Skull and Jason von Dierch (0/1) vs. Christian Fury and Mistress Sarah (0/1) ~Fury and Sarah. Lethal Lottery Match (Pool B) "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins and Zyon © (1/0) vs. Ghost Machine 2.0 and Matt Myers (0/1) ~Hmm... I'm tempted to say Ghost and Myers, but Spike/Zyon may be more likely to write... I'll say Zollywood. Bruce Blank © vs. Insane Luchadore ~Since IL picked him, Blank Lethal Lottery Match (Cross-pool) The Asian Underground (Akira Kaibatsu and Michael Cross) (1/0) vs. Ced Ordonez and Laberinto (0/1) ~Asian Underground. Ya think? Opening Bout Amy Stepens vs. Kevin Coyote SPECIAL BONUS MATCH Jimmy the Doom vs. An Octopus ~60-minute broadway
  10. Toxxic

    PROMO: Happy Birthday Mr Maddix!

    Akira's Teacher: Well now [gives Akira's real name, since I doubt it's Akira], your grammar has certainly improved over the last few months. To what can we attribute this change? Akira: Well, there's this e-fed I'm involved in, and they're all pedantic grammar fascists... Also, Drea: The English 'u' will always hold you down. Accept it. However, I think the thing I like about Landon promos is that they always get me interested in the angle. I'm interested in this angle and want to see what happens next, and I know what happens next!
  11. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card 2-18-2006

    ...was there really any need to put a spoiler tag on THAT? But yay for Octo-stats.
  12. Toxxic

    PROMO: Happy Birthday Mr Maddix!

    Well, apart from the fact that JJ's just left the fed, this is an EXCELLENT promo.
  13. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card 2-18-2006

    With Von Dierch as your partner, I don't blame you. I probably wouldn't write them.
  14. Toxxic

    Smarkdown comments

    Make it a rare move.
  15. Toxxic

    PROMO: "Clever Shoplifting Tactics"

    Uh, if i recall Mak, Tom basically said that right up until your ending (Everybody Hates Rollups) your match was better than mine. So don't be too hard on yourself.
  16. Toxxic

    Smarkdown comments

    Fear Akira's rage anger thingy.
  17. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card 2-18-2006

    For future reference, Team BlAmy is now to be known as 'Drunk & Disorderly'. Tag stats will appear in our stats posts... ...sometime.
  18. Toxxic

    PROMO: "Clever Shoplifting Tactics"

    Well Laberinto ain't exactly Mak Francis so GO SPIKE!
  19. Toxxic

    Smarkdown comments

    I liked the show overall - a quick note for Bruce, Sarah came back in mid-late 2004 as Sean Davis and stayed until about this time last year, during which time she picked up the HGC belt a couple of times, three Tag Titles and (I think) the USJL. So actually, by my calculations, one more Tag Title run for any of Sarah's avatars and she'll have more tag titles than Raynor, WC or Johnny (albeit with different characters). But yeah, nice show although it's a shame that there was no appearence from Wes or ELM in any form (although I guess they might show up in J3's opening promo). EDIT TO ADD: Yeah, and Landon - don't worry about the edits i made to the promo. I wouldn't expect anyone who hasn't lived in Nottingham for a while to have a hope at managing the mangled language that passes for English amongst the kids up here.
  20. Toxxic

    PROMO: Turn Up The Volume

    OK, now I'm definitely intrigued. But I'd mark out hard if Coyote was actually talking to Tex Avery all this time.
  21. Toxxic

    Let's Create Terrible Gimmicks for WWE!

    Book it. Final Fantasy Diva's Match?
  22. Gents, I believe we have a volunteer. Form an orderly queue, one swing each.
  23. And I suppose Naughty-ham is much better than Long Island? Yes. Yes, it is. Why do you ask?
  24. No, God covered Long Island in snow in the hope you'd all take the hint and stop living in Long Island.