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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    SWF Smarkdown!

    Can I say a big 'fuck you' to TKO vs Maddixking for the tag titles next show? We have a schedule to work to, and that ain't it. I'll PM peeps with the details shortly.
  2. Toxxic

    PROMO: Jumped Ship

    This should be... interesting.
  3. Toxxic

    El Lockdowna Discussiona!

    J3 vs Mags is going to KICK~!
  4. I like it. There are two things that I'll pick up on - first, the way Coyote got out of the sleeper could have done with a little more explanation rather than just 'shrugging' Dillon off him. Elbows to the gut, a jawbreaker or something, that sort of thing. Second, the place where I think IL beat you out was on the finish. IL's featured him reversing your finisher into his, which is always good for a pop. Yours saw you get a nearfall off a dropkick (unlikely against someone with Vitality 8), then simply bring Dillon up and hit your own finisher. Basically after he missed the second-rope legdrop Dillon had no offence, and that just isn't that dramatic. In most wrestling matches that feature evenly-matched opponents one guy will get a nearfall or nearly hit a finisher before the other guy picks up the win, and that back-and-forth race to the finish is what builds the final momemtum. One guy dominating the match tends to be more for jobber squashes. But those two points aside (and really, the sleeper is a minor quibble), this was a fine piece of writing! I'm certainly going to be interested to see how you fare against your next opponent, whoever that might be.
  5. Toxxic

    PROMO: Running the Gauntlet

    I can confirm that IL showed. At least, unless he was lying to me. I'm liking the Coyote character too. Just don't come in with promise and fade away in a blaze of obscurity like too many others - stay the distance!
  6. Toxxic


    What they said. A Pretzler promo once every three months would be like rain to the desert. ...or something.
  7. Toxxic

    Promo: The Old Switcharoo

    Three things: First, I vote we bring in William Heartford III (inbetween doing Smark Enough) to be Peters' "deputy" and be the man who actually has knowledge of WRESTLING to counteract Peters' entertainment focus. Second, this sounds like it might be the end for Family Friendly Lockdown, which overall can probably only be a good thing. Thirdly... nice one Raynor
  8. Toxxic


    What do YOU think?
  9. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card - Janvier 4th!

    I'm still hoping that Kibagami will turn up and killify both Redmond and Myers. But the odds of that seem low.
  10. Toxxic


    You shouldn't have bothered. It's a crying shame that you stick around here and your brother can't come back yet.
  11. Toxxic

    Merry Christmas!

    Well, whether or not one of them is Pete, A Happy Medium was formerly known as Munich. Just for the Possibly Pete's information.
  12. Toxxic

    Total Days Holding an SWF Title as of 12/21/05

    *applauds J3* However, I'd like to make one addition. Bruce, don't even think of pulling out your "don't take anything this poster says seriously" garbage. It's just a feeble, weak excuse for you to say whatever you want to whoever you want whenever you want, then whine that everyone's being too serious. This IS a community, and sometimes you come over as nothing more than the giggling whiny kid who can't understand why his practical jokes have grown stale. Learn to take responsibility for what you say instead of trying to pass the buck onto everyone else. And we know you CAN do that, because most of your posts ARE reasonable, well thought-out and inoffensive. Alright, two additions: Spike, in case you were thinking of responding to J3 with something mentioning that you're older or have more time in the fed or something like that, save it; it doesn't matter, he's far more mature than you. Finally, if you two still want to slag each other off, for God's sake just use PMs instead of taking up board space.
  13. Toxxic

    PROMO: Gotta Lose Your Mind In Detroit...

    Johnson is getting just as good at these amusing-promos-with-a-point as Landon. And that's just damn scary.
  14. Toxxic

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    Manson is Law. Manson is Order. Manson is Birthday.
  15. Toxxic

    Merry Christmas!

    Who has nuts on their faces for you to take a baseball bat to? I mean I know Bruce Blank is a dirty inbred redneck, but I thought it'd take a few more generations than that for facial genetalia to develop. Personally I do like 'Toxxing Day' myself. In which it is customary for everyone to abstain from alcohol (not really difficult in many cases, given the Christmas hangovers).
  16. Toxxic

    PROMO: Lazy Day at the Office

    Is it possible to get a ***1/2 match out of Ghost Machine? I've heard the memory keeps crashing.
  17. Toxxic

    Total Days Holding an SWF Title as of 12/21/05

    *Watches as Bruce's UltraViolent Quilt tears him to shreds with barbed wire, leading to him being banned from Lockdown... again*
  18. Toxxic

    PROMO: ...and Telling Them Off

    Sounds good to me. Prepare for Kevin Coyote vs Cutthroat, Blazenwing, Danny Dagda and Bill Fillmaff!
  19. Toxxic

    PROMO: A Maddix Christmas Carol

    *bookmarks it for future Comedy Moment Of The Year Awards* Landon, this is supremely awesome.
  20. Toxxic


    You'd have been in good company with people like Kibgami and Duran in that case Maddix, not to mention Danny and Thoth.
  21. Toxxic

    Merry Christmas!

    Hi Sarah! Long live the Revolution! And happy holidays, etc.
  22. Toxxic


    I still say the Insane Luchador should no-sell his own death.
  23. Toxxic


    Might I take this opportunity to say that the return of Tim Dillion is a) welcome and b) long overdue. Knew you couldn't stay away for long, IL