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Everything posted by Toxxic

  1. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments!

    Landon... didn't I PM you and tell you that I was doing that? I certainly seem to remember getting a reply from you saying that you thought it was a good plan... *goes off to hunt in PM box*
  2. Toxxic

    PROMO: Educating Landon

    These are gold. Pure gold.
  3. Toxxic

    No, I'm not back...

    Just look over the shows before Ashes 2 Ashes, so say from October onwards. It's in there somewhere. I don't think you come out TOO badly... you're also a regular timekeeper for the SWF, and occasionally a ref too.
  4. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card - 11/30/05

    Tell you what then Zed - when we both no-show, you make sure to write a 4500 match using our movesets and in keeping with our characters, but still adhering to your Family Friendly rules. I'll be intrigued to see it. Learn from the master so I know what to do next time, that sort of thing
  5. Toxxic

    SWF Lockdown Card - 11/30/05

    Ditto to Landon. My moveset works on top rope moves, low blows, strikes (to the same area of the body) and questionable tactics such as throwing someone over the top rope, with the occasional headdrop. I got nothing. I can get around Family Friendly rules by cheating out of sight of the referee, but in a match where all my rules are outlawed... unless Card distracts the ref the whole time, it's just not going to happen.
  6. Toxxic

    Storm Thread

    *holds up hands* For the first time in my nearly-two-year career, I no-showed. I apologise, but there was really nothing I could do. Shit went down and I didn't get to bed until 4am this morning (and no, I really WASN'T partying the night away). Congrats to whoever it was who cooked up the Bruce Blank angle and put it in there, that fitted well. And it's just really unfortunate that King had to no-show as well. So yeah. I should be OK from here on in. Congrats to all who won, especially J3 if I might say so, as he is teh rock.
  7. Toxxic

    No, I'm not back...

    I bet Blazenwing doesn't know that he recently played a pivotal role in the feud between Cucaracha Internacional and TKO, and was actually partially responsible for helping TKO win the belts.
  8. Toxxic

    PROMO: Adjustments

    He returned with promise and attitude, then forgot about it and no-showed since then. Come on, it's Kibagami - what did you think was going to happen?
  9. Toxxic

    PROMO: Adjustments

    I'm going to stick my nose in here and point out that anyone claiming that ignorance is an ugly thing would do well not to number his points '1, 2, 4'. Just a little observation, Spike. And Bruce, I appreciate that you and Spike have had a history of calling each other names, but I think this whole thing might have gone a little nicer if your first response to him hadn't been laden with enough sarcasm to sink the entire US fleet. Just sometimes, two people can disagree about something without trying to make the other person look like a moron. And finally, both of you can take this elsewhere -say, General Wrestling?- because this promo should be about LANDON, who has written yet another brilliant promo about his character's development. And seriously, the chemistry between the members of CI (even if Landon is writing them all) is great. The only problem I'd have is that J3 and Hawke seem awfully friendly for two guys who were fighting and betraying each other at the end of the Battle Royale.
  10. Toxxic

    PROMO: The Next Generation

    ...oh damn. This should be good. But hell, if Card could teach Toxxic to wrestle (sort of) then Hawke and Johnson should be able to do the same for Landon.
  11. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card 11-25-05

    I also have slight stats tweakage. Nothing major, but it's there. Plus I've finally officially stated TORU's nickname, and I've renamed one of his finishers to something less cheesy. And since I've never used it, that shouldn't be a problem.
  12. Toxxic

    Smarkdown losers

    This is, to be fair, a very good match. I think the only place it would fall down for me would be how likely Hawke is to last in a protacted brawl against TORU, although I supose he does have the advantage of that 'robe over the head and attack' tactic at the start. This was certainly instructive for me to read, because I wrote Hawke as a much more controlling, mat-based wrestler in mine rather than someone willing to participate in a wild brawl with muchos cheating. I'll bear that in mind for if we face off again.
  13. Toxxic

    Smarkdown Comments

    Hey c'mon, I said I didn't need a singles push, not that I didn't want one. Besides, if I have a Frog Splash in the stats it only made sense... ...I'm a bad man, I know. But hey, maybe that counts as cheating!
  14. Toxxic

    SWF Storm Card 11-25-05

    TORU vs Max King works for me, so since we're working a tight schedule unless I get notice otherwise I'm gonna start writing it. As in, notice of being taken off the card altogether. If I get a different opponent I'll be flying out to Salt Lake City to administer a Mormon-sized beatdown.* Whaddya say, Max? 4500 words, Hardcore rules? *no, I don't know the average size of a Mormon. I'll improvise.
  15. Toxxic

    PROMO: Two steps forward...

    Ha ha. Zed pwns j00.
  16. Toxxic

    Did you lie, cheat, and steal this week...

    No. But am I lying?
  17. Toxxic

    Tag Teams...

    OK, you two writing as a team should be illegal. I'd just like to clarify that right now. Although I THINK Tom was talking about the CW Title... at least, I hope he was.
  18. Toxxic

    PROMO: Two steps forward...

    No Family Friendly Rules means less rules for TKO to break. And that's a bad thing. And incidently, why the hell is there a Joseph Peters profile? What happened to good ol' fashioned Chuck Woolery?
  19. Toxxic

    Tag Teams...

    Damn n00bies.
  20. Toxxic

    Lockdown Comments!

    In order to make sure that my record remains intact, I'd like to point out that I DID show for this - i provided the first 3k of JJ's (so basically all the boring entrances and the first clusterfucky crap). I only realised after we'd planned it out that we'd given me Hawke in the first round... but to be fair, that's fun for me. As long as I'm in the tournament I'm happy - TORU doesn't need a singles push, and Johnson is the only guy who never really got some sort of boost after Rev-0 (apart from Sarah, but she just upped and died), so it seems fair to me...
  21. Toxxic

    SWF SMARKDOWN, 11/21/05

    Muzz and Landon face off again... with a different character, and Stryke in the mix! And I'm looking forward to kicking Hawke's ass Maybe...
  22. Toxxic

    Tag Teams...

    Card cannot access the forums at the moment, so he's not active for singles competition. When it comes to tags, only I need to access the forums.
  23. Toxxic

    SWF LOCKDOWN 11/16/05

    Ssh. It happened more than two months ago, we don't need to know about it. {the WWE are taking over!}
  24. Toxxic


    Well... I think this means he's ready for action again, which is all good. Not sure why the fake laugh and smile from the doc though. Still, Zyon back = teh g00dzor!
  25. Toxxic


    Christ. He's like the Honky Tonk Man of the SWF. Only good.