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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby

    ECW 1.8.08

    and is over.
  2. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    WWE.com offically has added Batista and The Undertaker to the Rumble. It doesn't say why or how they made it into the Rumble, it pretty much just sounds like they were just added to the Rumble.
  3. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    yeah, I did mean we'll see a match between Regal and HHH at Wrestlemania. I didn't mean a title would be involved, just a regular match with some kind of speical stip. And a feud between the two can completely last until Wrestlemania. It's not that hard to book it. Regal will be the dick GM that will keep screwing with HHH until someone gets fed up and a match is made for Wrestlemania. The two don't need to keep wrestling each other, just keep interacting with one another until then. Say Regal is the reason why HHH can't get a title shot at Wrestlemania at all. Say Regal screws HHH out of a title shot at No Way Out. It's easy booking it really is. I'm sure we'll get a Regal vs HHH rematch at the Rumble with Regal getting the duke by cheating.
  4. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    I can kinda believe it. I think the main problem is that to many people put to much faith in a internet wrestling reporter. Yes some times they are right but majority of the time, a internet wrestling reporter is wrong. Just a lot of people refuse to believe it that way and want to think that a internet wrestling reporter is mainly right.
  5. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    There's only have 7 people for the Rumble so far, it's still very early and I would say Foley is going to help make the Rumble bigger. I know a lot of people won't agree with me about Foley but general fan wise, it's pretty cool that Foley is in it. That and if Foley does the 3 faces of Foley that would be awesome! I gotta a feeling we're going to get a Regal vs HHH rematch and Regal vs HHH will go to Wrestlemania.
  6. Scroby

    Raw 1.7.08

    So whats up with Kennedy and Regal with the fake tans? It looks like Kennedy was sweating orange.
  7. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    It hasn't been reported over at WWE.com yet. When it is, I'll update the list. Who WWE has in the rumble so far
  8. Scroby

    Raw 1.7.08

    I think Howard Finkel described the Cage match the best. He basically said the cage match is a end all feuds match. Which I agree with him. The cage match back in the days used to be a feud killer. Remember when two guys were feuding and whoever the head guy in charge was, was so fed up with the two wrestlers fighting or the heel always has someone run in or some kind of outside help to defeat the babyface? What was his answer for the two wrestlers to finally end their fighting and move on? A cage match. See the cage match, in my view, was always the match that the babyface wrestler would love to be in but the heel wrestler always hated to be in because finally the babyface will be able to get the heel without having to worry about outsider interferance but the heel wanted to get the hell out of the cage because he didn't want to get destoryed by the babyface and the cage. And back then it worked. The babyface would get a good amount of offensive in on the heel and really wouldn't try to leave the cage because he just wanted to beat the living hell out of the heel. Then the heel would turn the tide and try to escape at every chance he got or when he felt the babyface was done for and the heel would try to make his escape before the babyface would come to...of course the babyface would get up and cut the heel off, thus popping the crowd. But the babyface does eventually have to win the match, so he has to leave the cage in-order to win the match. It's simple psyscology when you really look at it, but now cage matches are really to common and other things have helped make cage matches look less meaningful. To be honest, I never got the reason why pinfall and submission was added to the cage match. I guess it helps make the match more dramatic because a third party is sitting at ringside and CAN'T get into the cage and has to watch their "friend" get submitted or whatever but I always liked the "the only way you can win is by escape." rule. I think to many people interfere when there's a cage match going on. The cage match was designed to keep outside interferance out, but now when there's a cage match, either someone is climbing the top of it and jumping off the top of the cage and into the ring or their right next to the door making sure a wrestler won't or can't come out or they'll just slam the door on the wrestlers head. I'll use tonight as an example. The cage is suppose to keep all outside objects out of cage but yet, we see Orton just throw two chairs over the top the of cage and right in the middle of the ring, then later we see Orton slam the cage into Jeff's head as he's trying to escape? I mean what's the point of having a cage match when a third party can still interfere? Speaking of other weapons being used in a cage. What happen to "the cage is the most dangerous weapon you can use in a cage match."? People throw weapons over the top or will fit a weapon though the fence or smuggle a weapon in a cage all the time now. Remember when cage matches were simple and two wrestlers just used the fencing to destory the other guy? Another thing I think that really hurt the cage match was Hell in the cell and WWE's verison of thunderdome (I forgot the actual name of it.). Whenever these two matches come around, these two matches are pushed like their the most dangerous matches EVER!!!! When their both just evolution from the cage match, but since Hell in the cell and WWE's Thunderdome (again, sorry forgot what it's called.), only happen every so often, the normal cage match is used more often to help hype up a cell or Thunderdome match. If the cage match was pretty much left alone and not used so commonly I don't think fans would see the cage match as it's portrayed now a days, but just because it is used so much now, I think it just kills off the whole mystique that is a cage match.
  9. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Whose Drew McIntyre?
  10. Scroby


    You know, with the whole gimmick is that the thing looks like a cloud, I'm kinda thinking the same thing. Though I'm pretty sure your being sarcastic.
  11. Scroby

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    3. Living with a girl as your roommate and one night your out and about and she calls you to warn you to call her when your about 10 minutes away from the house because her and her boyfriend are on E and the video camera is out and in the living room.
  12. Scroby

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    Yup, forehead has a lot more "padding" if you will.
  13. Scroby

    What happened to the "pics I like" topic

    So apprently honestly equals being a smart ass.
  14. Scroby


    ...I'm not watching a almost 2 hour long movie about taxes. I protest!
  15. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    Should I call the cops?
  16. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    See, totally gay. Kelly Kelly, Layla, Michelle McCool, Melina, Mickie James are all hotter then Maria. Those sir, are fighting words.
  17. Scroby

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I was hoping they would bring out a Hell in the Cell comp, and I'm happy to see they are coming out with one.
  18. Scroby

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    Yet this week, in the letter to WO.com, he said: He must have forgot.
  19. Scroby

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    Ok, so I really don't follow MMA and don't know who Frank Mir is or what he's done in the sport of MMA, but from the sounds of it, Mir isn't some kind of push over, so to a point I kinda agree with you. I think Lesnar should have been paired up against a lesser known guy for his debut. I'm not saying Lesnar should fight a guy whose gonna be a push over, I just think Lesnar should fight someone with less cred than what it sounds like Mir has. Then again I kinda see what Dana is trying to promote here. Lesnar is a VERY accomplished person. Brock has pretty much dominated in everything he's put effort into...except football, I'm not counting football. Not only that, but Brock might the first person to go from Pro Wrestling to MMA fighting and succed at it. There's a lot of potential big buisness riding on Brock and if Dana just throws in some random guy to fight Lesnar and Lesnar just runs him over, is it gonna build anything? Not really, I mean it could, but by throwing some random fighter in there with Lesnar isn't going to build any hype. Now you have Frank Mir, whose apprently being hyped up as someone's whose making some sort of comback (but from the sound of it, he's really not.) and Mir has apprently won the UFC title (?) at some point(s) in his career. So you have two people here, who people can get really behind. On one hand, you have the Pro Wrestler who wants to enter the MMA world and he's hungry to show people what he can do in MMA and then on the other hand, you have the experiance UFC figher whose trying to work his way back up the UFC ranks. Both fighers are potential success money story. It's going to be really good hype. Espically when you counter in all the Pro Wrestling fans who are going to want to know if Brock can cut it in the UFC...and just beat the shit out of the UFC fighters (fingers crossed ). We're going to start seeing a lot of UFC ads during WWE and TNA programming pretty soon. If not, Dana is a fool for not running ads during those times. Yeah but isn't that how most UFC fights kinda go? Most of the time when I watch UFC (I watch only every once in awhile.), it seems one just tries to lay on top of the other fighter near the fence and pin him in that area. Oh and I'm going for Brock to win the fight...obvious reasons of course.
  20. Scroby

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    Ok I would like to point something out. I know concussions are now a bigger deal because it was proven that Beniot had multiple Concussions that where un-treated for that made his mind go all wacky, but what people need to realize is that, not all concussions can really fuck you up...well they can but there are different levls of concussions. There are minor and major concussions. Nigel may have a minor concussion and is most likely cleared to wrestle. Now since he has a minor concussion and is most likely medically cleared, as long as Nigel is save and knows how to protect himself when he takes a wrestling move. It sounds like the fan or many ROH fans bought the concussion gimmick hook, line, and sinker. Now to be completely honest, if it is a major concussion and he's wrestling on his own whim or against doctor's advice, then yeah he's a dumbass. Major concussions are not a good thing and I know when I had one back when I was a kid I was scared shitless of fucking myself up and stayed away from sports entirely for 3 months. Which sucked but I did it so the concussion had no long term affect on my brain. I don't know, concussions are now a touchy subject nowadays, but it all depends on how bad the concussion is really..and how dumb the fans are.
  21. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    I would say don't approach the wrestlers while their checking in. They're tired from their fight and most likely just wanna get to their room and rest. Maybe go to the hotel before or after a show, that would be the best time in my view.
  22. Scroby

    Future WWE Main Eventers

    How excatly? Smith is Davey Boy's son. Sure Bret Hart is his uncle but at the same time, WWE will focus more on him being Davey Boy's son more than anything else.
  23. Scroby

    How was your 2007?

    My 2007 was pretty great. I was able to finally move out, had a easy job that I got paid a lot for, and I did a whole hell of a lot pro wrestling wise. 2007 had it lows to though. I had a lot of money troubles and got I got laid off a few days before my birthday, making my money problems even worse. Other than the money stuff, 2007 was a great year.
  24. Scroby

    Future WWE Main Eventers

    1. CM Punk- As long as he stays on the same track he's on now, he'll be main eventing Wrestlemania soon enough..and by soon enough I mean in 4 years. 2. John Morrison- I got a feeling Morrison impressed a lot of people after he was hot shotted into the ECW title picture and had a great entertaining program with CM Punk. If he improves even more within a few years, he'll be a top heel. 3. MVP- MVP has been great, I'd be shocked if he's not main eventing pay per views in two years time.
  25. Scroby

    *Smackdown/ECW Spoilers*

    He's going to either be the modern day Barry Horowitz or 1-2-3 kid!