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C Dubya 04

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Everything posted by C Dubya 04

  1. C Dubya 04

    Let's edit bloated double albums

    Live at Fillmore East has no filler and is a double album that should not be edited down at all. Continue bickering.
  2. C Dubya 04

    Van Roth or Van Hagar?

    Roth. Not even close IMO.
  3. C Dubya 04

    Box Office Report...

    Night at the Museum has now set a box office record. It has the highest gross of any movie that I do not know a single person who's seen it. Seriously, what demographic is that movie so appealing to?
  4. C Dubya 04

    TV deaths that pissed you off or upset you

    Mr. Hooper was when I learned about death I think. That was really sad. Nate dying on Six Feet Under and then the burial episode didn't piss me off really as it was a natural end to the show and set up the final episode to be amazing, but the episode where he got the death card at the end being 5 from the end was very surprising. And you didn't know for a week if he was actually dead.
  5. C Dubya 04

    TV deaths that pissed you off or upset you

    Well, I was sad when they killed off Coach on Cheers, but it couldn't piss me off since him getting killed off in real life made it tough to have him continue on the show.
  6. C Dubya 04

    Let's edit bloated double albums

    Here's what I would do to the Wall if I had to cut it down, but I don't feel it's necessary. I would not but on all three Another Bricks, but it would go something like this. 1) In The Flesh? 3:17 2) The Thin Ice 2:28 3) The Happiest Days of Our Lives 1:20 4) Another Brick Pt. II 3:56 5) Mother 5:32 6) Goodbye Blue Skies 2:48 7) Hey You 4:39 8) Nobody Home 3:25 9) Comfortable Numb 6:49 10) In The Flesh 1:36 11) The Trial 5:16 12) Outside the Wall 1:42
  7. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    I think my favorite jaded Ryan quote was: "If I had to, I could clean out my desk in 5 seconds and nobody would know I had ever been here. And I'd forget too."
  8. C Dubya 04

    American Idol

    That True Life was the truth. It's an unreal scene down the Shore in the summer as it is a pile of the trashiest people who aren't poor you'll ever see. But somehow still fun.
  9. C Dubya 04

    American Idol

    That's true. Trust me though, it's something that you wouldn't like! Jersey girls are a different breed.
  10. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    I like Ryan. He seems the most normal of anyone on the show and I can actually relate to him the most. Plus the sequence with him giving his excuses for not going to the restaurant with Michael and gang was one of my favorites of the year. Especially when he rattled off five more after Jim called him on it, then said "Use your head, man. I keep mine in here. Look alive, Halpert. Welcome back." It was a perfectly executed scene.
  11. C Dubya 04

    American Idol

    I agree that this was the most balanced well put together audition show yet. The first of the two friends I didn't like. She is the textbook definition of a Jersey Shore Whore who seemed way to high on herself. If you go to any shore bar in Jersey you'll meet 30 girls who look and talk exactly like her. Now, her friend was hot as shit, so I think I ignored her personality completely. She was also a much better singer.
  12. C Dubya 04

    Let's edit bloated double albums

    I don't quite get the hatred of Rocky Racoon either. I mean, it's not the greatest song ever by any stretch, but is it terrible? I think not.
  13. C Dubya 04

    Best Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five songs....

    Okay, so I listened to "Rockin' The Suburbs" last night on my drive home and now say I like the album as a whole. Maybe not quite as much as Whatever or Reinhold, but it's quite good. The songs that really stand out for me on it are "Gone", "Fred Jones pt. II" and "Annie Waits". Annie Waits IMO is one of his best written (lyrically speaking) songs. I like the whole theme of the song and especially think that the line "and so, he forgot, he forgot, maybe not. Maybe he was seriously hurt. Would that be worse?" is really good. Just my 2 cents.
  14. C Dubya 04


    I don't think so. It's been made clear that HRG has some pretty powerful bosses. I'd be interested to see who they are, who they work for and what their agenda is.
  15. C Dubya 04

    Simon & Garfunkel: A Discussion

    I'm probably in the minority, but I find Simon's solo work to be more fulfilling and enjoyable overall.
  16. C Dubya 04

    American Idol

    Black Lushus Princess Leena Starvenger naiwf Hawk34 C Dubya 04 Yuna Firerose That's like an all-star team. The two guys that befriended each other were on the Today show yesterday morning. I at first felt bad for them on the show, but after seeing them again, I wanted someone to smack them down again. Man were they annoying. The auditions have not been anywhere near as much fun. It's either people who know they suck and want to be shown, or people who are just pitiful and you feel bad when they get mocked. Not good so far. Bring on Hollywood.
  17. C Dubya 04


    It's okay Lushus. I didn't get it either. I am excited for the episode tonight though! I've missed Heroes.
  18. C Dubya 04


    Shows never work when the main focus leaves, especially if they try to find themselves for just one year (see That 70s Show among others). No Braff should mean no Scrubs IMO.
  19. C Dubya 04

    30 Rock

    I put 30 Rock and Scrubs on about the same level right now, but really enjoy them both. It took a couple of tries for me to start to like 30 Rock, but I think the show is finding its mark. I enjoy all Alec/Tracy interactions a lot. I could do without the Blond though. It seems like they haven't quite figured out her character yet either.
  20. C Dubya 04

    RayCo's Greatest Hits

  21. C Dubya 04

    RayCo's Greatest Hits

    I think that Oasis were the only ones who said that.
  22. C Dubya 04

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Festivals are the time when I like to see Jambands though. I know that they want to keep getting bigger, but for my tastes I'm less likely to go now.
  23. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    I think that a lot of the characters were writen with the specific actors in mind to fit their personalities. I like all of the sub-characters, especially Creed.
  24. C Dubya 04

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I've got to say that Bonnaroo has officially moved past its Jam Band origins.
  25. C Dubya 04

    The Beatles' Solo Work

    Shouldn't a mod just delete that post? Or the poster?