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C Dubya 04

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Everything posted by C Dubya 04

  1. C Dubya 04

    What are you listening to right now?

    I don't even consider the majority of Bela Fleck to be "bluegrass". It's excellent though. Well, I should say the Flecktones stuff. Bela Fleck on his own is pretty bluegrass. Leftover Salmon is by far my favorite Polyethnic Cajun Slamgrass band though.
  2. C Dubya 04

    BCS National Championship Game Thread

    Wow, that post and edit were full of accuracy teke!
  3. C Dubya 04

    My Name is Earl

    The random Timothy Stack cameos were a lot of fun. Also I loved Joy's dirty talk to Earl ending with Earl saying "Shhh, you had me at balls."
  4. C Dubya 04

    Box Office Report 1/05-07

    Has anyone seen Night at the Museum? I don't know a single person who has and I have not heard anything about it at all. It looked terrible, but sometimes those previews can be deceiving.
  5. C Dubya 04

    What are you listening to right now?

    Arguably the climax of Key Lime Pie. What a perfectly sequenced album. It is a pretty amazing album. I still play it all the time, which says something for an album that came out over 15 years ago (that's a weird time period for albums to age IMO). Not many albums from that era hold up as well.
  6. C Dubya 04

    What are you listening to right now?

    I'm listening to a combined Camper/Cracker acoustic show. It's excellent, as expected. I particularly love "All Her Favorite Fruit". Always have, always will I think.
  7. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    Once again, the deleted scenes rule all. The second one in particular.
  8. I think banned posters should be allowed back if they come up with a funny anagram of their old name.
  9. C Dubya 04

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    I think that the media needs to get over themselves with the whole Sabin thing. It happens all the time. The media is just pissy because Sabin told them all one thing during the season then changed his mind. BFD.
  10. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    I still liked the episode overall, but it was clearly not as good as others. Hey, they're allowed a Mulligan everyonce in a while. Two questions though: 1) Why did Dwight tie his coat around his waist? Was I missing something there? 2) What was up with Darrell and the Ipod? He walked in with it, said something I didn't quite catch and then it wasn't mentioned again.
  11. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    I think that the explanation for Jan being into Michael was all contained in her talking about her therapist. She seems to be in a weird place and is not completely with it, so she is turning to Michael ("settling" as she called it). I thought the opening was funny and then turned great with Andy's "Now I'm cutting off Phylis's head with a chainsaw" bit. Then him making chainsaw noises.
  12. C Dubya 04

    This Week in College Football 1/1 - 1/7

    The refs are trying to keep ND around, but it's just not working.
  13. C Dubya 04

    This Week in College Football 1/1 - 1/7

    I guess the only question is does Russell want to play for the Raiders or not.
  14. C Dubya 04

    This Week in College Football 1/1 - 1/7

    Quinn needs to throw to some other guys every now and again.
  15. C Dubya 04

    This Week in College Football 1/1 - 1/7

    Quinn is either 1 or 2 no matter what he does here.
  16. C Dubya 04

    the saddest song

    I agree with "Fred Jones Pt.2" and also that there should be more artist specific threads (particularly Ben). Another sad song for me is Ryan Adams' "Hard Way to Fall", basically about someone who is still in love but that person has moved on.
  17. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    Shit, my bad. I watched to many in a day and I guess they blended together.
  18. C Dubya 04

    The Office, Season 3

    It is Dwight's speech. I just watched that episode yesterday. Also includes the Michael taking Jim to Hooters part.
  19. C Dubya 04

    Suggestions from people

    The full post will be in the Director's Cut.
  20. C Dubya 04

    Suggestions from people

    That's a valid question.
  21. C Dubya 04

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The newish Mason Jennings album that I thought was going to be terrible is actually quite enjoyable.
  22. C Dubya 04

    Suggestions from people

    Wait, I thought Slayer was Clique B. Oh, I forgot the mindless drone part....Paul is teh Roxer.
  23. C Dubya 04

    How Many Dvd players do you have?

    The wife and I have three standard dvd players (two that never get used though), 2 in laptops, 1 in a desktop and my PS2. So 7 dvd players in total. One is used to watch dvd's.
  24. C Dubya 04

    WFAN in NY is reporting that

    Eskin is never bearable. Listen to 950. It's much better.
  25. C Dubya 04

    WFAN in NY is reporting that

    I have the same feelings on the trade as Al. With three first round picks in the draft the Sixers should be able to get really good in a couple of years. Especially if they continue to tank and manage to land Oden. I also like the deal for Denver. Iverson is an amazing player who is going to be in full vengence mode. He might go for 100 one of these games.