C Dubya 04
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Everything posted by C Dubya 04
As far as actresses go, I've really enjoyed Jena Mallone's work. Her part in Donnie Darko was good and she stole the show in Cheaters. I think that I'm going to check out "Saved" because of her too.
Wow, I mark out for the SubHumans mention, although their stuff is pretty hard to find now. As far as "punk" bands that I really like I'd go with the Descendents (especially Milo Goes to College), NOFX and Bad Religion.
Chris Kline... I hate the fucker too That's it. God damn does he suck.
Ugh. I like most of the actors and actresses listed above. Especially Spacey and Walken. The two actors I can't stand are Josh Harnet (sp?) and the Chris guy who's always a pussy character. Can't think of his name. He was in American Pie I & II, but not the third. Whatever his name is, I can't stand his acting.
Eh, still has nothing on the Philly Unions, who protested the freakin' Real World.
Fight Club The Usual Suspects Reservoir Dogs Rocky Dr. Strangelove Scarface Jaws Goodfellas Taxi Driver To Kill A Mockingbird Apocalypse Now Citizen Kane The Shashank Redemption Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The Godfather Part II
I think that this got blown out of proportion. Bird wasn't saying there is anything wrong with black players, or that white players are better. He simply said his opinion, which was that he felt the NBA's audience would be more interested if there were more white players. By the way, anyone else think that Jim Gray should be banned for Flame Baiting?
Well, you seem to want someone to take you to task over Jack Sikma, so I'll step up. He was a very good player, certainly one of the best Sonics ever, but he was not the 11th best player of the 80's. Every player you listed from 12 to 16 was much better as was Benard King, Karl Malone, and a few others down the list. Also, I've gotta back the Magic supporters. The man was the best player in the 80s. Larry Bird is a legend, Larry Bird is an incredible player, but Magic was better.
Re: Luke Walton. It's kind of funny to see him on the floor in crunch time of the finals as a second round pick, while the #2 pick overall sits on the bench unless there is a 20 point margin in the game.
All the talk today seems to be about Kobe's last second three, but I'd like to point out that if Sheed wasn't such a fucking bonehead, there wouldn't have been a Kobe 3. If you're fucking up 6 points with 40 seconds left, don't touch a guy near the basket. Let him have a fucking layup. It's not that hard of a concept. If LA is down 4 instead of 3, they have to foul Detroit and then all you have to do is make some free throws and you win. But Sheed has to be a fucking dipshit and soft foul Shaq. Angry rant over. I'm just pissed that I stayed up and watched that thing. Now I have to get through the workday.
Philies beating the Braves in the '93 NLCS. Delaware winning the National Championship last year. 2001 Eastern Conference Finals game 7. Actually that whole playoff run for the Sixers up to the finals. I was at every home game and just had a blast.
The first thing I was thinking turned out to be right, so I did not answer incorrectly at all. Does that mean I'm dumb according to this Dr.?
Unless there is some kind of freak occurance (ie, stumbling out of the gate, getting hurt, jockey falling off) I think that Smarty runs away with this one again. It's a combination that he's a great horse, and the competition just isn't there this year. He's about as much of a lock as any horse can be in my book. I'm going to end up throwing a couple of Superfecta's out there for the hell of it. Then I'll probably do two Exacta's (Smarty and Rock & Smarty & Eddington) as well as taking a dog for show and maybe a sawbuck on Smarty to win. I love the track.
I live in Philly, which of course has all four. Any team that is doing well gets a lot of support, but without question this town is the Eagles. People here live and die by that team. The Phillies everyonce and a while look like they could compete, but that usually fades. Flyers have their very loyal fans, but not nearly as many as the Eagles. And most people don't give two shits about the Sixers.
That was really a great year for movies. I've got to rank them in this order for me: Shawshank - Still watch parts of it every time I see it on tv (which is about every other weekend). Then a 3-way tie between The Hudsucker Proxy, Clerks and Pulp Fiction. I'm glad to see the Professional getting the love on here too. I've always felt that was an underrated movie.
Jesus and Mary Chain - Sometimes Maybe. Really good mellow song. I also like most of Travis's record "the boy who" for somber mellow times.
In regards to Kerry not being charismatic, I think that it just comes off poorly on tv. I went to a fund raiser where he spoke to maybe 300 young professionals and he was very good. It was easy to like him and get behind what he was saying. I can't figure out why that side doesn't come across on tv.
Well, if Townhall is used as a source, then I think it's fair. As a side, I don't see how anyone can ever argue that everyone convicted in our legal system was actually guilty. That's as absurd as arguing that everyone found innocent was actually innocent. (looking your way OJ)
On April 8, 2002, Ray Krone was released from prison in Arizona after DNA evidence proved that he was not responsible for the 1991 murder of a Phoenix bartender. Krone became the 100th person exonerated and released from death row since 1973. Convicted twice for a brutal murder, Krone spent ten years in prison, two of them on death row. The DNA evidence that ultimately proved his innocence also implicated the real murderer. Unfortunately, Ray Krone’s story is not unique. As of February 2004, 113 inmates had been found innocent and released from death row. More than half of these have been released in the last 10 years. That means one person has been exonerated for every eight people executed. A study by Columbia University professor James Liebman examined thousands of capital sentences that had been reviewed by courts in 34 states from 1973 to 1995. “An astonishing 82 percent of death row inmates did not deserve to receive the death penalty,” he said in his conclusion. “One in twenty death row inmates is later found not guilty.” The vast majority of those exonerated were found innocent because someone came forward to confess committing the crime; key witness testimony was found to be illegitimate; or new evidence was found to support innocence In many other cases, it was good fortune rather than the criminal justice system that established innocence. In several cases, college or law school students investigated cases and unearthed essential evidence. For example, students in an investigative journalism class at Webster University uncovered evidence of misconduct by prosecutors, who talked a witness into giving false testimony and withheld crucial trial evidence, and helped get a new trial for Louisiana death row inmate Richard Clay. If it had not been for the work of these students, an innocent person may have been put to death. Although there has been much attention surrounding the use of DNA testing, only 13 death row inmates of 113 have been exonerated by use of DNA. Many people falsely believe that DNA testing is a panacea that guarantees innocent people will not be put to death. However, it is important to note that DNA testing is not always able to determine the killer. In many cases, there is no physical evidence to test. DNA testing can be a critical tool for proving innocence, but it is still only available in a fraction of cases. For instance, five of the seventeen people released from death row were released because DNA evidence revealed their innocence. The potential risk of executing an innocent person is horrific and the ultimate indicator that America’s criminal justice system is broken. Even the most ardent proponent of capital punishment has no tolerance for the execution of innocent people. The exoneration of 113 death row inmates undoubtedly demonstrates that the capital punishment system is in desperate need of reform. http://www.aclu.org/DeathPenalty/DeathPena...fm?ID=9316&c=65 Edited to include source.
I feel that one does forfeit their Constitutional Rights when they commit an act of treachery, but this should be proven. What I mean is that this guy should have to go to trial and if he is found guilty, then there should be no appeals allowed when he is. I think that once you try to commit acts against the US, you are no longer a citizen and thus not protected by our Constitutional Rights. But this must be proven to prevent other Americans from having their rights restricted.
Re Sonic Youth: I love Daydream Nation, Experimental and Dirty. I'd start with those first and move on if you enjoy. Re Dinosaur Jr.: These guys used to be one of my favorite bands, particularly when Lou Barlow was in it. It's kind of sloppy rock (best way I could describe it), but J Mascis was one of the first "alternative" artists to really use solos in his songs, and should be considered influential. Albums to get are the self titled "Dinosaur", "Where you Been", "Whatevers Cool With Me", "Fossils" and "Green Mind". All of those are real solid albums. DO NOT GET "Without a Sound" though. It's puke. On a side, a band you might want to check out if you're interested in the list above is The John Spencer Blues Explosion. Very good stuff.
I couldn't disagree more. If you're going to just be going through the motions and taking peoples money, but not putting your heart into the music, then you should absolutely walk away. It sucks when bands still tour and charge 80 bucks a ticket when they're a shell of their former selves.
My first guitar was an Epiphone and I still have it to this day (about 15 years). So, I'd recommend that as a good cheap guitar brand.
Well, living in Philly, you still hear about Berg a lot in the news, but I assume it's not a national story that much anymore. There haven't been any major developments, so what exactly do you want the media to report? It's still a horrible, horrible thing that happened, but you can't just repeat the same story over and over again. The media does unfortunately have to worry about ratings, and if they told you the same thing every night, at some point you'd turn it off.
Primeau may end up PE #1 in Tampa, but he is our new god in Philly. And just two years ago everyone here hated him for running Barber out of town. No one has ever made a public image turnaround like that. Iverson should be taking notice.