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C Dubya 04

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Everything posted by C Dubya 04

  1. C Dubya 04

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    I can hardly wait for the Lakers to go over the next two speed bumps on the way to 4 out of 5. Whoops, sorry about that.
  2. C Dubya 04

    Creepy sports predictions

    I called the end of the 93 World Series in between innings. I told everyone sitting around that if Joe Carter came up with a man on, "ballgame". And that Mutha Fuckin Son of a Bitch Asshole went out and did it. (still might be a bit bitter)
  3. C Dubya 04

    So what do YOU THINK......

    ^^ Watching Adelman try to coach last night was hilarious. The guy has no clue, and just stands there with his arms crossed and a dumb look on his face. I think that the Kings need to make some big changes to this team. Everyone is saying that C Webb needs to stay healthy and they'll be fine, but that just doesn't happen. They need another weapon.
  4. C Dubya 04

    US troops open fire on Iraq wedding

    As horrible it is anytime for innocent people to be killed, I've got to agree with Marney on this one. There is still combat everyday in Iraq, US troops cannot take the time to sort if gunfire is celebratory or not. They have to assume it is an attack, because 9 times out of 10 it is.
  5. C Dubya 04

    Karaoke suggestions needed

    Those would kind of kill the fun wouldn't they? One of my favorite bars has Karaoke every Friday night. The best part of it is that the audience definitely let's you know when you suck. Seeing someone trying to be all serious and getting booed off stage = entertainment.
  6. C Dubya 04

    Teams that were good and now suck.

    You have to really look at which sport it is I think. Teams like the 49ers will be good again because of the parity in football nowadays. But, a team like the Expos will never be good until something changes for them. The Atlanta Hawks have taken quite a fall in the NBA, and show no signs of improving.
  7. C Dubya 04

    Johnson tosses perfect game...

    I caught the last 3 innings of this one, flipping over when the Braves were batting. There wasn't even a good play made, Johnson was just dominating. And to clear things up a bit, ESPN could not switch over because the game was a FSN game. Plus, they mentioned it every ten seconds on the bottom line and if you have ESPN, you probably have TBS anyways.
  8. C Dubya 04

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    KG apparantly missed the backlash from when Winslow said that. And, btw KG, comparing a basketball GAME to war when we're envolved in one, not really appropriate.
  9. C Dubya 04

    Karaoke suggestions needed

    Sweet Caroline is always an easy karaoke song to do. Gets good audience participation. I would've gone with "Sweet Child" instead of Nov. Rain. Slow serious songs usually bomb in my opinion. No one wants to hear you trying to sing seriously. It's about having fun. And being drunk.
  10. C Dubya 04

    NBA Draft projections

    The way teams draft is such a crap shoot now anyways, it really makes it less interesting. Plus it takes a lot of the fun out of the draft when you only know half of the players that will be taken.
  11. C Dubya 04

    Your teams biggest heartbreaking moment

    I think that for the Sixers as a franchise the biggest heartbreak would've been losing the 77 finals to Portland after winning the first two games. I wasn't born quite yet for that, so my personnal biggest heartbreak for them was probably game 2 of the Finals against the Lakers where the Sixers killed themselves at the end by bricking a ton of free throws. If they could've won that one, it might have been a different series. Phillies - Joe Carter, nuff said. Still painful. Eagles - Take your pick. Any of the last 3 years, but the last two in particular. Flyers - Blowing the 3-1 lead against the Devils ranks above all the other disasters, magnified by the fact that it was against the Devils.
  12. C Dubya 04

    Hot Ticket gone?

    Just curious as to why he/she was banned.
  13. I second the request for a quick recap. I wanted to see the episode, but was out and thus missed it. Thanks in advance.
  14. C Dubya 04

    Will/should the Lakers revamp their roster?

    It's 2-3-2 in the finals because the Lakers and the Celtics were playing against each other every year and they didn't want to have as many trips across country. By the way, is everyone still so convinced that the Lakers are done? Yeah...I am. still convinced Ripper?
  15. C Dubya 04

    The Cicadas...

    Just a quick heads up, but I remember reading somewhere that the cicadas are very bad for animals to eat, so you might want to look into that for the health of your pooch.
  16. C Dubya 04

    ***** Albums in Your Collection

    You're lucky you said you liked Bonnie Tyler, or else *shakes fist in anger*
  17. C Dubya 04

    Will/should the Lakers revamp their roster?

    2 more games isn't really keeping up an effort for that long. I think that who wins tonights game, wins the series. The Spurs need to get some mo back on their side.
  18. C Dubya 04

    More --- from an f'tard

    True, but this guy's comic just sucks. They put it in the local city paper here and it has never once been funny. I hate when people are just trying to get negative publicity.
  19. C Dubya 04

    ***** Albums in Your Collection

    I think that some people here and I have extremely different standards for what makes a 5* album. But the ones from my collection that I would consider are: Allman Brothers Band - Live at Fillmore East Miles Davis - Kind of Blue Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska Pink Floyd - Animals, Wish You Were Here & Dark Side (I might be a bit generous with Floyd) And maybe the Pixies - Doolittle. To be 5*, every song must be great.
  20. C Dubya 04

    Hot Ticket gone?

    I guess I haven't been around here long enough to figure out why people want to continuously come back after being banned and what not. This internet thing is pretty damn big, you'd think that they could find some place they are welcome.
  21. C Dubya 04

    More --- from an f'tard

    Yeah, this guy's really not witty, funny, creative or from what I can tell intelligent. He just tries to be as much of an asshole as possible to get attention.
  22. C Dubya 04

    Konnan to the WWE

    I say just throw him on Smackdown. It can't get worse, and Konnan is at least interesting on the mic.
  23. C Dubya 04

    USA POW Beheaded

    Please, can we stop this kind of logic. Please. This is not the time for partisan bickering. Democrats are not rooting for terrorists. Both sides are trying to do what is best for this country. They just disagree with how it should be accomplished. This goes out to Hunger too. You always seem to think that Bush has alterior motives. He doesn't. He wants what is best for the world, just you (and I, I must admit) disagree with his methods of trying to achieve it. Maybe if both sides started working together to find solutions (pipe dream I know), solutions could be found. And another thing, I don't know what media your following sfx, but I could not escape these images and the outrage that followed. Every single news program I watched last night and this morning was covering this with great sadness and outrage. Why pretend that it's the media's fault?
  24. C Dubya 04

    Will/should the Lakers revamp their roster?

    It's 2-3-2 in the finals because the Lakers and the Celtics were playing against each other every year and they didn't want to have as many trips across country. By the way, is everyone still so convinced that the Lakers are done?
  25. http://mediamatters.org/items/200405070003 I know, it's a "liberal" website, but some of these quotes are just too priceless, and they are quotes. The buck stops where? Amid calls for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's removal over allegations of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. military personnel, some conservative pundits have their own ideas of who is responsible. Media Matters for America has identified at least four groups who have been blamed: women, feminists, Muslims, and the academic left. Women Ann Coulter, right-wing pundit and syndicated columnist, said: I think the other point that no one is making about the abuse photos is just the disproportionate number of women involved, including a girl general running the entire operation. I mean, this is lesson, you know, one million and 47 on why women shouldn't be in the military. In addition to not being able to carry even a medium-sized backpack, women are too vicious. [FOX News Channel, Hannity & Colmes, May 5] Linda Chavez, syndicated columnist and FOX News Channel political analyst, wrote: But one factor that may have contributed -- but which I doubt investigators will want to even consider -- is whether the presence of women in the unit actually encouraged more misbehavior, especially of the sexual nature that the pictures reveal. [The Heritage Foundation's website Townhall.com and The Baltimore Sun, May 5] Feminists George Neumayr, managing editor of The American Spectator, wrote: The image of that female guard, smoking away as she joins gleefully in the disgraceful melee like one of the guys, is a cultural outgrowth of a feminist culture which encourages female barbarians. GI Janes are kicking around patriarchal Muslims in Iraq? This is [Feminist Majority Foundation president] Eleanor Smeal's vision come to life. Had Thelma and Louise gone off to Iraq -- and sexually humiliated some of Saddam Hussein's soldiers as payback for abuse to Jessica Lynch a few cities back -- the radical feminists could make a sequel. ... Feminists are good at creating a culture that produces "equal-opportunity abusers," Donnelly says. What happened at Abu Ghraib is also happening in feminist America, she adds, pointing to an Associated Press article from last month on a "disturbing trend around the country. Girls are turning to violence more often and with terrifying intensity." ... Perhaps in the eyes of feminists this isn't a crisis but a potential social program and these girls deserve ROTC credits. [The American Spectator, May 5] Muslims Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist and host of FOX News Channel's After Hours with Cal Thomas, wrote: Some Arab commentators are repeating the myth that the West has, once again, humiliated Muslims. If there has been humiliation, it isn't the fault of the West. It is Muslims' fault. They took trillions of dollars in oil money, and instead of building a culture dedicated to elevating their people, including women, they have squandered it on agendas and adventures that had the opposite result. [Townhall.com and The Monterey County Herald, May 5] The Academic Left James Taranto, editor of The Wall Street Journal's OpinionJournal.com, [wrote: [T]he New York Times profiles some of the soldiers implicated in abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, and to be honest, they sound like a bunch of losers. ... ncreasing the quality of military recruits would probably help avoid future Abu Ghraibs. One constructive step toward that end would be for elite universities to drop antimilitary policies, so that the military would have an easier time signing up the best and brightest young Americans. Many academic institutions have barred ROTC or military recruiters from campus for left-wing political reasons--first as a protest against the Vietnam War, and later over the Clinton-era "don't ask, don't tell" law. Whatever the merits of these positions, it's time the academic left showed some patriotic responsibility and acknowledged that the defense of the country--which includes the defense of their own academic freedom--is more important than the issue du jour. [OpinionJournal.com's "Best of the Web", May 6] — S.M.