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C Dubya 04

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Everything posted by C Dubya 04

  1. C Dubya 04

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Well, you can count me in on all of the love for this movie. I thought that it was brillant. Now in regards to the topic above if it ended on a happy or sad note, Potential SPOILER I left the theater feeling that it was a happy ending, along the lines of "it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all." I'm not really the type of person who projects the future after a movie ends. In other words, I don't particularly care if things ended up working out for the two lovers (I think that it would but that's neither here nor there). I think that the ending was Joel's way of saying that he didn't care if things didn't work out, that for how happy he had been it was worth any potential pain. The overall thing I took from the movie was that we'll all have painful moments and memories, but to have the pain, you must first have had overwhelming joy and that makes it worthwhile. Sorry, that got a little long winded.
  2. C Dubya 04

    Best sports movie?

    This is a tough one to pick a favorite in, but I think that it breaks down four ways... Hoosiers, The Natural, Rocky I and Field of Dreams. To paraphrase the Sports Guy, "there are two kinds of people in this world, People who love Field of Dreams and people who are cold heartless bastards."
  3. C Dubya 04

    Report: Kevin Garnett Wins M.V.P.

    No complaints with KG winning it this year, but still no doubt to me that I'd rather have Duncan if given the choice.
  4. C Dubya 04

    M. Night S's

    You know, I actually think that M Night's twist ending to Sixth Sense had a general bad effect on all movies for the next couple of years. It seemed that half of the movies that came out after SS was successful forced some kind of twist into them that were completely unnecessary. Signs didn't really have a twist though, did it? Maybe the Village will be a straight forwardish kind of movie. I look forward to it regardless.
  5. I know that Mideon isn't the best wrestler ever, but after reading his shoot interview recap here, I've got to say that he seems like a really cool guy. I'd root for a successful return.
  6. C Dubya 04

    IndyMedia and Pat Tillman

    The parts that were beyond belief were the ones where they called Tilman a "dumb jock". He carried a 3.8 gpa through college for christ sake. In regards to the argument above, I think that it's unfair to say that the left should have to distance themselves from these nutjobs. It should be understood that anyone with a sliver of a brain doesn't agree with these statements.
  7. C Dubya 04

    All-time "Around the Horn"-style panel

    So bad it's good: Hosted by Charles Barkley - Diekembe Mutombo, Ricky Henderson, Patrick Ewing and Oil Can Boyde (just because he criticized Cleveland for building a stadium on the ocean).
  8. C Dubya 04

    An angle Randy orton could try

    I think that it's time to move away from the legend killer thing, which they started to do the last two weeks. Have him feud with Benjamin or Edge, or both for awhile and see where it takes him.
  9. C Dubya 04

    Going to New York next weekend

    Go to the Met during the day. It is an incredible museum.
  10. C Dubya 04

    New 'The Village' trailer

    I saw a trailor last night when ABC was showing the Sixth Sense. This looks like it's going to be another solid movie from M Night. Does anyone know anymore about it?
  11. C Dubya 04

    Lots of wwe news...

    Don't give them any ideas before they start thinking that Lutherans are a demographic that they need to start increasing. <---------- Is a Lutheran and thinks that our demographic needs to be catered to.
  12. C Dubya 04

    If you died today, what song....

    "Amazing Grace" would be my first choice. "Soulshine" by the Allman Brothers would be next.
  13. C Dubya 04

    Will Fox Silence "The Simpsons"?

    I agree that it is a talent to do voice acting, but they can't be serious. It says that it takes them 2 half days to do one episode. So basically they want to make 8 million dollars for 22 days of work. That's fucking rediculous.
  14. C Dubya 04

    Need a QB? Kurt Warner's Available

    Both ring fingers have something on them. That is all.
  15. C Dubya 04

    WWE News & Notes

    Huh, I didn't know that Terri left. I always found her hot in an odd sort of way.
  16. C Dubya 04

    New Lance Storm Commentary

    Is Storm hurt? Or just not being used? Btw, I agree with him re Kill Bill.
  17. C Dubya 04

    Top 5 Favorite Movies Ever

    My top five in no particular order.... Memento Harold & Maude One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest Field of Dreams Shawshank Redemption
  18. C Dubya 04

    My Beefs with Bush

    I'm actually more disgusted with things like his "alternative energy" incentives, which include spraying kerosene on coal as an alternative energy and the repeal of parts of the Clean Air & Water Act, particularly the ones that deal with Mercury levels.
  19. C Dubya 04

    My Beefs with Bush

    I agree with you on all the negatives and would include Bush's environmental policies as another beef that I have with him.
  20. C Dubya 04

    Guilty Pleasure...

    Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart. Always has been and always will be my guilty pleasure.
  21. C Dubya 04

    TSM book discussions

    My idea would be to pick a book, whoever wants to can read it, and then have a discussion thread. Anyone have interest, or book suggestions.
  22. C Dubya 04


    Morrissey, Sonic Youth & the Flaming Lips headlining. What year is this?
  23. C Dubya 04

    Point Made

    Good points Hunger. Terrorists that were involved have been from all over, so you'd have a lot of countries that were "involved" in 9/11. That doesn't lead to a governmental link. I thought that the right had conceded that Iraq wasn't involved in 9/11. Bush really even avoided using the link as a reason for the invasion of Iraq.
  24. C Dubya 04

    NCAA Men's BBall Tourney DAY ONE!

    How can you possibly root for OSU? Don't you go to OU? That would be considered sacreligous a lot of places.
  25. C Dubya 04

    The OAO Law and Order Thread

    I watched the episode last night and thought that it was real good. SVU on Tuesday was a little weak. They left a couple of major plot issues wide open and seemed to hope the viewer forgot about them by the end.