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C Dubya 04

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Everything posted by C Dubya 04

  1. C Dubya 04

    The official off season NFL thread

    Word on Philly talk radio today is that the Eagles are very close to completing a deal to bring in the Freak, Jevon Kearse. Would be a nice aquisition since they didn't really have any DE's that could play.
  2. C Dubya 04

    Teams hated on by the National Media.

    I'd say that's the same with every team the media projects as being good and then the team disappoints. The media does so many 180's it's hard to say their singling anyone out.
  3. C Dubya 04

    311's cover of "Lovesong"

    I really like this cover. It's a nice take of the original. 311 has kind of been up and down for me. The album Grassroots was great, one of my favorites. But they've put out some real shit.
  4. C Dubya 04

    Teams hated on by the National Media.

    Duke basketball. It seems like they have the 12 disciples playing for Jesus in most of the media's eyes. I think that you're a little sensitive on the Oklahoma thing because you're a fan. Anytime someone says something bad about them, you'll notice. But, for the majority of the year, the media was hyping them up as better than most NFL teams.
  5. C Dubya 04

    The ONE and Only College Basketball...

    My 1 seeds would be: St Joe's, Stanford, Duke & Mississippi St. 2 seeds: Gonzaga, Kentucky, Pittsburgh & UConn (maybe sub Providence in if they go far in the Big East & UConn stumbles early) 3 seed: Providence, OSU, Texas and the winner of the Wake/NC State game
  6. C Dubya 04

    What teams do you root for or follow?

    How? I was thinking the same thing. The devils are inherently evil. That's why they got their name. Bastards.
  7. C Dubya 04

    The ONE and Only College Basketball...

    OSU has a lower RPI (15) and the Big 12 was a pretty weak conference this year. A 3 seed seems right to me.
  8. C Dubya 04

    What teams do you root for or follow?

    I think that fans who aren't quite as passionate support more than one team. I see it that if any other team wins, my favorite didn't, so fuck all the rest. Just supporting good teams isn't satisfying for me at all either. You have to be there for the bad times to really enjoy the good ones. Being a Philly fan means you don't really know what it's like to enjoy the good times, but when they come, it'll be something else.
  9. C Dubya 04

    What teams do you root for or follow?

    Marks out hard for the Blue Hen love. Thought I was the only one in these parts. Everyone no sold my celebrations over the 1AA football playoffs. The real national champs.
  10. C Dubya 04

    Can you escape the room?

    Where is the metal stick? i can't open the damn box of mystery.
  11. C Dubya 04

    What teams do you root for or follow?

    I'm your basic Philly only sport's fan. Eagles, Phils, Flyers & Sixers. 25 years of pain and suffering (with one or two fun seasons thrown in). By the way, I know a lot of New Yorkers, and everyone of them is adament about one thing. You cannot support both the Yankees & the Mets and the Jets & the Giants. When people said during the Subway Series that it didn't matter to them who won, that it was a NY team anyways, you knew they weren't really fans.
  12. C Dubya 04

    Does anyone have this e-mail

    Did they say what you're supposed to do to get rid of this? I keep getting those same emails, but I'm not having any problems with my laptop and Symantec isn't showing any viruses in my computer. Is there a way to stop getting those emails?
  13. C Dubya 04

    What is your most hated song ever?

    I thought the Basketball Diaries was a good movie too. And I don't like any Celine Dion songs, but that one from Titanic was forced on you more than any of the others, thus I hate it the most.
  14. C Dubya 04

    Startsky & Hutch.......

    Damn. I thought this came out this Friday. I've been impatiently waiting since the first trailor I saw for it.
  15. C Dubya 04

    Ironic songs....

    Jann & Dean had a song called "Dead man's curve" about a car wreck that ended up happening to one of them.
  16. C Dubya 04

    Nike's What If Ad...

    Did anyone else catch this ad last night. I thought it was incredible. The Agassi playing for the RedSox & Vick/Urlacker playing for Colorado spots were great. Just a really well done commercial. Better than all of the Super bowl commercials combined.
  17. C Dubya 04

    Who would win in a fight...

    When did astronauts get lasers?
  18. C Dubya 04

    Want to be a collectible??

    http://www.bobbleme.com My girlfriend made one of me and gave it to me as a gift. It is the greatest present I have ever gotten. The thing really looks like me.
  19. C Dubya 04

    Just a Tale of Inconsistency

    I think that there's a difference between intervening and going to war. He's not proposing that we attack Haiti is he? (by the way, I resisted the obvious one-liner set-up in your post, but I doubt everyone will)
  20. C Dubya 04

    Who would win in a fight...

    I don't think that many cavement lived to reach old age. Their lifespans were fairly short. It would hard to keep the fight even.
  21. C Dubya 04

    Who would win in a fight...

    What about John Glenn? Didn't they just send him back to space? A caveman would kick his old ass.
  22. Huh. People have been calling Ted Kennedy "the conservative senator from Massachusetts" for a while now. Kerry doesn't get mentioned that much, that I notice (probably because he is, possibly, the most boring man on Earth not involved in the world of accounting). Heck, Edwards is #4 in the liberal list, so it's not like mainstream is an option. -=Mike As an accountant, this offended me. On topic, I've felt that Edwards was very moderate. Maybe I need to look at his voting record a bit more, but his stances on most issues are not that far left.
  23. C Dubya 04

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Oh, and another thing, you can't argue the slippery slope argument and also say that it's an arbitrary law. If you're willing to basically say tough shit on this, why could you not let gay people get married and then arbitrarily cut it off there?
  24. C Dubya 04

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    How are their lives harmed? They do not have the same protection of the law that is given to heterosexual married couples. There are also tax implications. And on top of this, you're telling them that because they are gay, they are not as important to this country as if they were straight.
  25. C Dubya 04

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    I know several very intelligent homosexuals. They do not want to push issues on other people. They fully understand that for their entire life they will most likely face some forms of hatred from a lot of different people. One of my best friends no longer speaks to his father who he was close with because he came out of the closet and his father could not accept it. I ask you if you think that being gay is a choice, why would these people chose it. It has not made their lives easier. I fully believe that some people are gay and most are straight. I don't think that because you happen to be gay, you should have your rights and protections from the government lessened. That is why I feel the way I do.